
Ouroboros Record: The Infinite Circle

In the shadows deep, Amphisbaena Black, An ambitious man, his spirit intact. Journeys he embarks, seeking the divine, Omnipotent, omniscient, a goal so fine. With fervent zeal, he treads a daring path, Unyielding, determined, to surmount the wrath. No matter the means, be it good or ill, He’ll conquer all odds, his purpose to fulfill. Evil or virtuous, it matters not to him, For his determination burns, fierce and grim. With sacrifices made, he persists without rest, Until his last breath, he’ll strive for the best. An unwavering spirit, unyielding and strong, In pursuit of greatness, he’ll fight the throng. Amphisbaena Black, his name whispered in awe, A testament to the will, an eternal soul’s flaw. Through darkness he marches, guided by light, A man of ambition, a beacon burning bright. Omnipotent, omniscient, his quest underway, Amphisbaena Black, forging his own way.

SapniI · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter 11: The Solitary Performance

Amphisbaena confidently pushed open the door to the Room of Requirements, finally wearing the mysterious Amphisbaena's Enigmatic Bracelet. As he entered, he gazed blankly at the Ravenclaw crown he had stored there and placed it upon his head.

Suddenly, the scene before him vanished, replaced by the familiar setting of a Hogwarts classroom.

Professor McGonagall praised the handsome Tom for his exemplary performance in the transformation class, having just completed an intermediate-level transformation. Tom proceeded to share his tips and tricks with the students, earning rounds of applause.

Admittedly, Voldemort's intelligence was still intact. Simply witnessing this scene could make 90% of Hogwarts students drop their guard.

Amphisbaena looked upon the scene with a hint of envy.

"You are also a Hogwarts student," a voice, magnetic and gentle, sounded, and another "Tom" appeared before Amphisbaena.

"Hey, your acting in the demonstration was impressive," Amphisbaena remarked, observing Tom's confident and upright posture, though secretly lamenting Voldemort's prominent presence.

But before I arrived here, I diligently studied the book "The Art of Acting." This is a book that delves into the Meisner technique and provides detailed instructions, exercises, and insights into the Meisner technique. It explores various aspects of acting, including emotional preparation, improvisation, scene work, and developing truthful performances.

"Who are you?" Amphisbaena asked, alertness in his eyes.

Smiling bitterly, Tom replied, "I can be considered your senior, but now I am a lonely wandering spirit."

"Like Nearly Headless Nick?" In Hogwarts, the existence of ghosts like Nearly Headless Nick was not feared, as they were quite common.

"Yes, but I have been trapped within this crown for a long time."

Seeing Amphisbaena's guard loosen, Tom immediately began to talk incessantly. "By the way, how is Hogwarts faring now?"

"Professor Dumbledore is the headmaster, and Professor McGonagall is the Gryffindor head."

Amphisbaena refrained from immediately questioning dark magic, as that would seem too hasty and abrupt.

Similar to Voldemort, he wanted to lower Amphisbaena's guard through small talk. This was also Amphisbaena's intention.

Even without Amphisbaena taking the initiative, Voldemort, who sought to resurrect through blood sacrifice, would gradually teach him the relevant magical knowledge.

Listening to Amphisbaena speak about the current state of Hogwarts, Voldemort suddenly interrupted, "Is Professor Snape still as strict as ever?"

This is where it matters, Amphisbaena thought.

"Yes, Professor Snape's Potions class remains the most challenging course. We are all concerned about failing at the end of the term."

Voldemort pretended to ponder for a moment and said, "Perhaps I can assist you."

"Help me?"

"Indeed, I ranked first in my year." Voldemort spoke proudly, pointing to the scene that still unfolded before them. Everywhere he went, people would greet him, and he had even started his own study group. His popularity within the academy continued to grow.

The most potent lie is one that rings true, and Voldemort understood this well.

Witnessing the scene of becoming a prefect, Amphisbaena responded with a fascinated look at just the right time and asked skeptically, "Can I achieve something similar?"

"The condition is that you follow my guidance," Voldemort stated confidently.

After an hour and a half, Voldemort regarded Amphisbaena with suspicion. The questions the young wizard asked were too profound, not that Voldemort couldn't answer them, but even third and fourth-year wizards rarely delved into such complex magical inquiries.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. Voldemort couldn't afford to be without doubt.

Amphisbaena felt helpless as well. The revelation of such questions would be inevitable sooner or later. He couldn't spend a year or two asking questions suited for lower-level students. It would render the Ravenclaw diadem Horcrux pointless.

Thankfully, he had prepared his excuses in advance.

"Do they really teach such challenging topics to lower-level students now?"

Facing Voldemort's inquiries, Amphisbaena responded matter-of-factly, "Since the mysterious man incident, a powerful minister has risen in the Ministry of Magic. He believes that wizards educated under Hogwarts' lighthearted teaching philosophy are ill-prepared to face the future challenges of the magical world. Consequently, he reformed Hogwarts' curriculum, aiming to cultivate a group of exceptional wizards."

Then Amphisbaena mysteriously added, "Rumor has it that the true reason was the incompetence of the Ministry of Magic's Aurors. They were utterly powerless against the mysterious man, akin to chickens before him. Thus, the Ministry of Magic was compelled to reform."

Ultimately, you have no way to ascertain the truth. If the information is unequal, naturally you will hear what I say.

"The mysterious man?" Tom asked curiously.

"That's the one whose name cannot be uttered. He was the most formidable dark wizard of the 20th century, only defeated by Dumbledore." Amphisbaena's admiration for power shone through, and Tom couldn't help but notice.

After bidding farewell to Tom, Amphisbaena removed Ravenclaw's crown with a contented smile.

This diadem, possessing potent magical abilities and guided by the skilled teacher Voldemort, enhanced the wearer's intellect and wisdom. With the three wisdom beads, Amphisbaena's thoughts became sharp and clear, perceiving the world around him with remarkable speed.

Amphisbaena believed that his current half-semester of learning progress equated to several years for ordinary individuals, surpassing even Voldemort himself.

Under Tom's guidance, Amphisbaena's time flew by, with half a semester feeling like a whirlwind.

In the guise of "previewing in advance," Amphisbaena had already begun systematically studying the magic of sixth and seventh years.

Name: Amphisbaena Black

Strength: 19

Endurance: 24

Vitality: 29

Agility: 18

Intelligence: 35 (+7)

Charm: 31

Mana: 40

Luck: 10

Innate Talent: Comprehension LV7

Skills: Conjuration LV3, Potions LV3, Alchemy LV2, Occlumency LV5, Legilimency LV3, Runemancy LV2, Formation LV2, Transfiguration LV3

After half a year of dedicated study, Amphisbaena's spellcasting, potion-making, and alchemy skills had all improved by one level. His intelligence attribute had also increased by one point. Additionally, he had acquired proficiency in Runemancy and Formation, both reaching LV2.

Under Voldemort's instruction, Amphisbaena had honed various spells to LV3.

It must be said that Voldemort was an exceptional teacher during this period. Amphisbaena even doubted if Dumbledore should step aside from his position as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Someone willing to work themselves to death for the role of headmaster.

If Voldemort were to become the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, his accumulated popularity might even lead to Dumbledore retiring a decade earlier.

That day, after Voldemort finished teaching Amphisbaena magic, he said, intentionally or not, "Amphisbaena, I have been trapped within this crown for far too long. I wish to go out and witness Hogwarts again."

Truthfully, Voldemort was feeling quite despondent. If a young wizard of this age possessed the Horcrux, their life and death would be entirely in his hands. However, the parents of this particular wizard obtained a peculiar alchemical item, which the child had been wearing since infancy.

Whether deliberate or unconscious, Voldemort understood that the artifact Amphisbaena wore, the Amphisbaena's Enigmatic Bracelet, was his natural nemesis.

Regrettably, he had no way to convince the young wizard to willingly remove the alchemical item.

After half a semester of interaction, Voldemort realized that the young wizard possessed an exceptionally mature mind, perhaps even surpassing individuals his own age.

For this, Voldemort held deep admiration. After all, being an advocate of Half-blood lineage like himself, he naturally felt drawn to geniuses with high Cognitive, Emotional and Social Intelligence.

However, given the circumstances, he wished that the other party were a complete imbecile.

Upon hearing Voldemort's words, Amphisbaena, who had been engrossed in his studies, changed his expression. With a sullen face, he deliberately said, "Tom, it's best for you to stay here."

"Why?" Voldemort was taken aback by Amphisbaena's response. "We are friends, and I helped you become the top student in our year. Surely you won't deny me this small favor?"

"Of course, we are friends," Amphisbaena replied, putting down his book and displaying a determined gaze. "But I hope to be your only friend. I want to be the sole person you consider a close friend!"

Amphisbaena emphasized the word "only."

Voldemort immediately grasped Amphisbaena's intentions, considering the situation from another perspective. If he were in Amphisbaena's shoes, he would make the same decision. A magical item capable of imparting secret knowledge was meant to be possessed solely, not shared with others.

"Don't worry, I won't discuss this with anyone else. I simply desire to witness Hogwarts again," Voldemort pleaded.

Having unveiled his "true nature" to Amphisbaena, Voldemort's concerns diminished. He was skilled in manipulating others' emotions and had numerous ways to corrupt an ambitious individual like Amphisbaena, turning him into a mere puppet. There were numerous dark magic practices to enhance his strength and exploit major vulnerabilities.

"Tom, I need time to think," Amphisbaena stated without hesitation, removing the crown and returning it to its secret cabinet.

Leaving the Room of Requirements, Amphisbaena rubbed his cheeks, realizing how challenging it was to manipulate Voldemort.

Tom, you are a remarkable actor, and so am I. However, there can only be one lead actor.