

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR - Another Mystery, Another Day

As the sun's rays touched Lily in the face, she moved positions. When Alex entered her room to take a file, she was deeply asleep. A "sleepy head." claiming that he went to her closet because he was aware that Lily frequently took essential items there. He unlocked her Almera door and started looking through the files when his eyes caught the picture frame. His brows furrowed, and his hand unconsciously snapped the picture. She and James were depicted in a photo. Even though it was only in the past, he still felt anger inside him upon seeing his wife with another man.

From the picture frame, Alex removed the image and spread it into two parts. He took the file after satisfying himself and emerged from the closet. Lily was still sound asleep because she was exhausted. "I won't let any man set eyes on you; you are now my wife." After heaving a heavy sigh, Alex left her room.

Because of Alex, Lily pretended to be asleep before opening her eyes. She didn't feel like speaking to him right then. Lily sat up upright and softly touched her face. She rose from the bed and entered the closet. While searching for her towel, Lily's attention was drawn to the bare picture frame.

"Alex, how dare you." Lily closed her eyes in annoyance. "Let go Lily, you have a long day to face that jerk." Lily shook her head and went to the bathroom. After taking a warm shower, she headed out of the bathroom and went straight to the closet. Lily took out a black suit, which was so elegant. She rolled her sleeves up and made a ponytail. A little strand of hair was falling on her face, making her look more attractive. She glanced at her last time before taking a file and her bag with her.

Emily glared at Lily, who was heading downstairs. Lily's eyes met with Emily, Lily rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen. "Mrs. Rim, please don't make me breakfast. I'm heading out for work. As Lily finished her sentence, Mrs Rim nodded and went back to work. When Lily's attention was drawn to someone in the backyard, she decided against getting into the automobile after leaving the house. When she noticed a strange and new person inside the house in the morning, she scowled a little. Lily slammed the car door and walked out to the garden to confront the individual who was clad in a black leather jacket. The individual vanished as Lily started to follow them to the backyard. For him, there was no hint. It caused Lily to wonder where the hell he was as well. "What? Have I truly seen someone here, or am I just daydreaming? Lily sighed in self-doubt, looked at her watch, and let out a sigh. Thirty minutes had passed eight. Is it best to wait and look? Or simply head to work? Miss Smith? Why are you in this place? Lily shook her head as she cast a glance towards the bodyguard. Nothing, I simply noticed someone here. Lily regarded the bodyguard cautiously as his eyes expanded. What is wrong with you, I ask? Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith didn't permit anyone to enter. "N-nothing.

Please use caution in the future. Lily rolled her eyes at his sudden chill.

Lily put her chin in her hands and her elbows on the table. Why would he not allow me to see? She sighed and sat back down on the chair. Why is the Alex family riddled with so many mysteries? Every day, I learn something new about them. To what is he upholding a cover? Lily gave the laptop screen a quick peek before lowering her eyes. "How could I have missed this?" After saying that, she hurried out of the office while grabbing her phone and coat.

"How could you get so dim? She will now undoubtedly believe that I am keeping something from her. You completed the one task I assigned you improperly.

Alex irritably raked his hand through his hair. "Stupid people live in my house in droves." His eyes caught on Lily as she was running into the hallway as he threw his phone on the couch and he became inquisitive. The question "Where is she going?" He chose to follow her after taking a quick look at the wall clock.

After hopping inside, Lily turned the key. She had a mental flashback of the accident, but she shook it off and continued to drive. Alex turned on his car and drove behind Lily's. Lily stopped the vehicle at the scene of Dr. Davis' collision and got out. She looked all around. Nobody was present. The investigation resulted in the location being sealed.

She lingered there for some time, scanning every area for any hints. Alex was observing her every move from a distance. Lily turned around after heaving a dejected sigh. When she turned to see Alex, her eyes grew wider. I asked, "What are you doing here?" "That's what I'm asking. Why are you in this place? Alex questioned. No concern of yours. "Lily, halt that," His rage was sparked by Alex. "Why?" She said something pointless that she quickly regretted. She was dragged forward Alex by Alex, who grabbed her arms. How many times must I urge you to quit being so foolish? You are aware of my short fuse. Her spine tingled at the sound of his thick, raspy voice.

Saying, "Alex, let me go." Lily was attempting to break out of his hold while struggling. "But why? Chat with me. Your tongue is really long.

Stop, you're hurting me, I say. Alex drew her a bit nearer.

Their noses came into contact. Lily fixed her gaze on Alex's angry-looking eyes. As his eyes met Lily's fearful ones, Alex's expression softened. He let go of her and gave her a light push. You are not deserving of me. After saying that, he walked away from her. Lily cried out more. For so long, she had been holding her breath. "He seems so hazardous." She put her palm on her heart and gently massaged it." My heart rate accelerated. Breathe, Lily. The wine glass broke into fragments when James pushed it. "How could she learn? I must come up with another strategy to divert her. James ended the call, grabbed his coat, and left the house. He got in his car and started to drive when he noticed Mrs. Jones in the sideview mirror. His eyebrows furrowed. In the middle of the night, "What is she doing here?" He exited the vehicle and took a few steps before following Mrs. Jones.

"Don't discuss it with my daughter. I'm giving you everything you've asked for. Avoid involving her.

Mrs. Jones begged the individual whose face was hidden by the black mask. He was the same person Lily had seen earlier that day. I requested that you bring the dreadful file. I don't possess it. My husband didn't inform me of any business-related matters. Mrs. Jones responded while stuttering a lot. Hey, who's there? "You are such a useless old lady," someone said. James was being spoken to when the man said, "You brought him here, right?" "No, I'm not sure. He shoved Mrs Jones and fled. James grabbed Mrs Jones right away. "Are you alright?" "No, no, no, he'll hurt my son," she cried. James scowls.