

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

CHAPTER FOUR - Ex-Lover of Lily

Before leaving the room, Lily checked her final appearance in the mirror. She walked by the living room on her way downstairs. Alex was enjoying his hot coffee while reading the newspaper. He sneakily cast a quick glimpse at Lily as she spoke on the phone with the Client. Yes, Mrs. Kim, I will be there. Not to worry.

You'll triumph in this battle. She tried to cheer herself up by offering Mr. Kim some encouragement and encouraging words. Lily saw a strong stare on her and cast a quick peek at Alex. They locked eyes for a moment, then he glanced away. Lily sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I want to succeed in this case. There is no way to demonstrate the innocence of Mrs. Kim's son. As Alex beckoned her, she hoped and turned to leave but halted at her track. If you want to be productive at work, you must first eat breakfast. She raised an eyebrow as he uttered something unexpected. She laughed at his unexpected display of concern. Without saying anything, Lily was going to leave when Alex grabbed her hand and stopped her. "I spoke to you, Lily," I said. His hold on her wrist became firmer. She jerked Alex's hand away out of irritation. Keep your business in mind, Mr. Smith Alex. She yelled loudly before leaving.

Sighing, they both departed the house without eating. In front of their house, an automobile shimmed. Alex focused his vision by squinting his eyes. His eyes widened as he witnessed Moon James exit the vehicle and unlock the door for Lily. He clenched his teeth, clenched his palm into a fist, and sped off. As Alex's automobile sped by them in real time, Lily whirled a bit. What is ailing him, you ask? She snuck into the car while whispering to her. James then started his car and sped off.

As Alex entered his office, he was furious and panting hard. In an attempt to breathe, Alex untied his tie, but it proved ineffective. He placed his palm on the table as his mind was filled with old memories. From the desk, Alex grabbed a vase and threw it to the ground. He sat down and put his head on the seat. While massaging his temple, Alex closed his eyes.

Alex and Lily were seated. They were conversing about other topics as they frequently do after class. Hey, did you know that I met a guy a few days ago when I was running late for class? Alex nodded as she questioned. He is older than us. I feel a crush coming on him. Alex was disgusted when Lily grew reserved. "Lily, you have no taste." He spoke as he prepared to leave. She stopped him by holding his hand. She caught his eye as he extended his hand to release her hold. "What transpired? Why do you act that way all the time? Alex left her after she questioned him.

As the previous memory came to an end, Lily opened her eyes. She had a sorrowful grin on her lips, but you could see she was in anguish. James observed an oddity in her smile. The wedding band on her finger, which indicated that she no longer belonged to him, caused him to quit trying to touch her hand. James grinned while keeping his eyes on the road. They finally arrived to the court after a little while. She sighed as she got out of the car.

Looking at Lily and his previous photo, which they had taken in high school, Alex grinned.

He ran his thumb across her face. "You believe I lack compassion? Lily, you are someone I care about and will always care about. You come first to me always.

Alex claimed that as a tear began to fall, he heaved a painful sigh.

Alex's eyes grew wide. He looked at his phone, and Emily had left only a few messages. "Why is she texting me right now?" He sighed after reviewing her messages.Why are you torturing me like this, Emily? Alex left the office after taking his automobile keys.

Lily, who was leaving the court at the same time, had a dejected expression on her face. She groaned. Lily was aware of how terribly she screwed up. Due to her carelessness, she lost her case. Mr. Kim approached her and gave her a back pat. It's alright, Lily, at least you battled until the end. Regarding her husband's condition, Mrs. Kim grinned.

They were left alone after Lily gave them a nod.

"Why do you want to meet with me?" Alex stated icily.

She grinned while holding his hand. Emily stroked his hand and detected a sensation. She focused on his wedding band. Alex was looking at Emily emotionlessly when Emily grinned and turned to face him. "Alex, I missed you. That is why I desired to speak with you. Emily stated while crying. She received a tissue box from Alex. She pulled out a Kleenex and gave him another look. "I'm now married. Lily is now my wife. Without feeling guilty, he reminded her directly in Emily's face. She was the only one, then. She smiled and turned her head away. Alex glanced at his phone to see the time. Already twenty minutes after eight. He got up and walked away from her.

Lily was discussing what occurred in court with the bartender. He groaned in irritation as she continued to talk garbage. James rushed over to look her out from head to toe. Finding her in good health, he sighed with relief. "What's wrong with you, Lily?" He gently prodded her while kissing her cheeks. She yelled out while pouting. Lily was sobbing a lot. James tried to make her feel better by giving her a back pat. She began sobbing more forcefully, drawing everyone's attention to her. James kindly said, "It's alright, darling, you can tell me what happened to you.

Alex pulled into the garage and parked his car.

Once inside and inside his house, he exhaled a sigh of relief.

The question, "Where is she?" Alex whispered. To determine whether Lily was alright, he went to her room. Since he couldn't see her there, Alex scowled. To the kitchen he dashed. The question, "Where is she?" Who was cooking, he inquired of the maid. "Mr. Smith, who?" She asked impulsively, which infuriated Alex. Alex shouted, "LILY, M, WIFE," causing the maid to flinch slightly.

"She's not back yet," I said. She spoke. He gave a brief nod before departing.

"Lily, where are you? Why do you always put me in danger? Alex began to be concerned about her. Despite numerous calls, Lily's phone was off when he tried to reach her. He received a note from his assistant out of the blue, which he instantly read. Alex scowled as he noticed Lily drinking. He shook his head and retrieved his car keys from his pocket before pursuing her. "Lily, why are you treating me like this?" He rolled his eyes as he drove, and a little while later, he arrived at the club. Alex walked into the club. As Alex saw James consoling his wife, he clinched his teeth.

James had one hand on his cheek, and she had the other on her waist. James touching his wife made Alex feel disgusted. James was shoved away from Lily by Alex as she sprinted to them. Keep away from MY WIFE, I said. To ensure that Lily was now his, he yelled the final command. "Don't approach her. I can look after my wife now that I am here. Alex gritted his teeth and said. Lily, who was seated nearby, was giving him a tender look. He focused his attention on his thoroughly inebriated wife as she hiccuped. As he and Lily's eyes locked, Alex's eyes grew softer. Her childlike giggle made both of their hearts race. At her stage, James grinned. After a while, he adored seeing her as she truly was. He had previously noticed her in such manner.

As he grinned. He was staring at her since he had never seen her in that light before. You know how adorable you are when you're angry? She commented while rubbing his cheeks. James glanced at them as his heart tightened. He realized he was the third individual present.

James grinned before leaving the bar. Alex was engrossed in Lily when Lily gave him a charming smile. She hiccuped and exclaimed, "You hiccup look hiccup SO Cute.." which made him chuckle. Let's return home. You're too inebriated. He gave her a head pat. Lilly scowled. "No, I WANNA to stay here." As the booze took effect, she resisted. He gave a head shake before embracing her. "I will force you to go if you don't want to." While shifting her position, he spoke.

"Nooooo." Lily complained and struggled to escape his hold. "You must continue to try." She gasped as Alex remarked in his deep voice.

As he left, James sighed. Do you really love me, Lily? He had a thought that in some way made him feel depressed. "The way you regarded him and the smile on your face. in which you spoke to him. Can I adopt him? James grinned while he closed his eyes. "Why me?

Why not mine, then? He grabbed the wheel of the automobile and banged it. He cranked up his automobile and sped off.

"Sit quietly here and don't move." Alex forewarned her. Lily agreed with that right away by nodding her head. As she took her belongings inside, she sighed.

Lily cast a wide-eyed glance and sighed. He is awful.

Why did he abandon me here by myself? She burst into tears.