

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

CHAPTER FIVE - My intoxicated wife

While starting the car, Alex caught a glimpse of his wife, who was dozing off with her head on his shoulder.

"You are terrible. Why did it take you so long? Lily squealed sweetly, her lips pursed. Before starting his car, Alex shook his head and grinned a little. Do you like someone else? Please respond. Alex's eyes widened when Lily voiced a sudden question. Yaaaah, let me. She gave him a light shake. "You are consistently rude, heartless, and annoying." Lily sat with her arms crossed over her chest with a gloomy expression. The cuteness of Lily made Alex chuckle a little. You're aware of Alex? He gently hummed. I missed both of us: you and I. Alex's brows furrowed as he turned to look at Lily before returning to the road. "You understand that I waited for your visit to soothe me when my father passed away. I was so upset by your frigid behavior that you didn't even give me a glance. I'll never forget how you abandoned me just when I needed a friend the most. A tear came to her eyes as she chuckled in agony. "Y-you know, I really miss my dad. He was the one in whom I had the most trust.

You were the second guy in my life, after my father, and I loved you more than James. I caused him such great pain that I literally broke his heart. What a horrible person I am. Nothing I try to do turns out well. Due to my error, I lost the case today. I am such a lousy lawyer.

Lily cried while gazing out the window. "Dad, why did you leave me all alone myself in this harsh world? Please return. You must stand by my side. She put her head down on the window ledge. I no longer want to live. Lily spoke while averting her gaze. After some while, she slept out.

Lily, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you needed me the most. Alex patted her on the head and grinned. "I won't do it once again. I'll do everything in my power to keep you content as a best friend.

He heard faint snores and curled his lips into a slight smile. "You are still a baby, Lily." He shook his head and turned to face the highway. As Alex carried Lily into the room while holding her in his arms, Lily moaned. "Mr. Bunny, where are you taking me?" He laughed as he entered the room. Lily was positioned on the bed after Alex removed her jacket and heels. He went to the restroom and got a towel and a bowl of water. Alex knelt down to her level and used the damp towel to clean her face. He also cleaned her neck and hands.

Lily, you've had too much to drink. After cleaning her, he grumbled and sighed.

The uncomfortable figure of Lily caught his attention.

Since her head wasn't on the pillow, Alex moaned and adjusted herself.

"You're making me flimsy once more, and I don't want to have a weak heart once more. This world is harsh. Alex stroked her hair and grinned.

"You remain the same as before. Cute." He entered his room while speaking in a low voice.

Lily altered her posture in the morning when the sun rays kissed her face. Suddenly, a slight knock caught her attention. I said, "Come in." After sitting properly on the bed, she consented in a low, sleepy voice and looked at the door. Mr. Smith," You're being called for breakfast by Mr. Smith. Before leaving the bed, Lily nodded. She grabbed her clothing and went to the restroom to get ready.

She quickly showered before heading to the living room. Before entering the dining room, Alex stole a glimpse at Soo-Yun. "Good morning, Lily." He greeted her and sat down. I said, "G-good Morning." As Lily sat down, she stumbled a little. Give her some soup for a hangover, Mrs. Rim. Alex informed Mrs. Rim, the home's elderly caretaker.

Mrs. Rim gave a nod before entering the kitchen. After exhaling, Lily looked at Alex. He interrupted her in the middle of "I'm sorry." "Put it away for later. You should eat some soup because, as you are aware, last night you drank too much. She made a small nod while pouting her lips. Alex nodded while grinning.

"So, where are you going?" She jerked when Alex abruptly questioned. "W--what?" Lily enquired. Yes, you are wearing a dressy outfit. So, I suppose you have somewhere to go.Before responding to him, she nodded.

Actually, I'm heading over to see my client. My case went south yesterday. As she explained the matter, Lily averted her look. "Things happened, but that's okay." Lily grinned slightly as a result of Alex's reply to her.

They ate breakfast before heading to work.

Lily cranked up her car and sped off. Although she was driving calmly, her thoughts were elsewhere. As she parked her car, she sighed. The question "What happened to him today?" Lily muttered as she exited the vehicle.

After the accident, Lily went to the hospital where her father had gone. Her eyes widened as soon as she recognized the figure. The address "Mr. Smith?" She approached the doctor as the father of Jun-Sang spoke with him. The question "Mr. Smith, what are you doing here?" He recoiled in response to Lily's query. "Lily?" He gave her a perplexed expression. Yes, are things okay here? What are you doing here? Is Mrs. Smith doing okay? As she searched everywhere for Alex's mother, she questioned.

Yes, everything is in order. Umm In reality, I was here for a routine checkup. Anything else is nil. He concealed something that Lily was unaware of.

She grinned and nodded. "All right, look after yourself" Mr. Smith nodded before hurriedly walking away. The question "What happened to him?" She shook her shoulders and turned to leave when her eyes landed on the piece of paper lying on the ground. She took the paper while squatting down on the ground. Lily's eyes grew wide. The "Dad's death report?" She took a deep breath and headed for Dr. Davis' office.

"I'm not aware of it, Lily." Dr. Davis commented as she looked over the report. You said all records have been cleared, but how is that possible? Lily combed her hair with her hand. Lily, look over here. There is a Dr. Harris sign. She scowled as she examined the page.

Who is he? She was curious. He is a junior doctor. Sometimes he does the evening shift here. She gave a head nod.

As his labor was completed, Alex sighed. I had to give her a call. He picked up his phone and called Lily.

A few rings later, she ended the phone. "Huh? Obviously, she's busy. He muttered before grabbing his car keys and leaving the office.

When Alex entered the house, he immediately sat down on the couch. He let out a long sigh and turned to look at the wall clock. "It's too late, where is she?" As Lily's frail figure walked inside the house with a bottle of wine, he considered phoning her but decided against it. She sat down next him, and Alex's eyes grew wide. She said with a smile, "You home." Why are you acting this way. "Are you drunk again?"

Sighing, he made an attempt to bring the bottle to her hand.

She screamed "NOoo" at him before gulping down the entire bottle. You lose Mr. Husband, I scream. His spine tingled as she whispered in his ear. As her words sank in, his heartbeat quickened. "Husband?" He spoke quietly to himself. She gave a quick nod.

Yes, my handsome spouse. Lily encircled his neck with her twisted arms as she drew him in. While struggling to escape her hold, Alex gasped. "Wae," "Wae?" She moaned while tightening her hold on Alex's neck.

"Leave me, Lily. You are not acting sanely. He deliberately avoided making eye contact. Alex, look into my eyes. Am I ugly? Alex halted his movement as her voice grew strained. Sighing, Alex looked into her eyes. Upon witnessing her tears, his expression softened. She closed her eyes as Alex gently stroked her and wiped Lily's tears away while he leaned his hand closer her cheek. When she opened her eyes, Alex gently touched her cheek.