
Other Player

Who'd have thought that the Shadow Monarch had descended to this world in the form of a human man? Did he have a malicious plan up his ghastly sleeve? He could dominate this world with his army of shadows. Who could rival a being such as him? If one wanted to rival that guy, then one needed power of the Monarchs. One needed the Monarch of Destruction. The King of Berserk Dragons 'Welcome, Player.' *DISCLAIMER* I DO NOT OWN SOLO LEVELLING

OneWinterFlame · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

The Dungeon

Riynsu then walked inside but, as he walked in, the room became cold and dark. He turned and saw that the door behind had frozen. A notification popped up.

[You can not leave the dungeon. To do so, you must defeat the boss or find the hearthstone.]

Riynsu read the message and then looked behind him, staring at the dark library. The books on the shelves all lost their text and had dark coloured covers. The lights were dim and, the computers had no power.

Somehow the library got bigger. It was four times bigger than it should have been.

"Does it expect me to beat this dungeon by myself?" Riynsu asked.

Riynsu then walked past a few isles of books, looking for the monsters. He wondered what type of monster he would be fighting. Suddenly, he felt a cold glare behind him. Riynsu turned and saw a cat-like creature with a raised back on all fours. It had an amber coat with splodges of black spots around it. It had long human-like legs at the back and long human-like arms at the front but, all four limbs had cat-like paws made of iron. Its nails were 20 cm long and, it had long, brighter hair coming from its head down to its back. It had a feline head and face with tiny whiskers. Its eyes were crimson glaring at him.

[Iron Clawed Ailuran.]

Riynsu read the text above its head. It was in red.

"So this must be one of the monsters."

Riynsu steadied himself. The Ailuran leapt towards him and, it was about to slash him with its iron claws. But Riynsu stepped to the side and crossed it in the stomach. Receiving the punch, the Ailuran hurled to the side, knocking over a shelf full of books.

Looking down at his hand, Riynsu was stunned at how much strength he had.

He questioned, 'Was it because I increased my strength stat?'

Emerging from the pile of books, the ailuran got to its feet. It prowled as it glared daggers at Riynsu. Riynsu then looked at the beast realising, that despite becoming a lot stronger, it was still a lot stronger than he was.

Riynsu then charged at the ailuran as it too charged at him. Swiftly, Riynsu threw a jab to its neck and leaned back to avoid its claws. He then punched its face a couple of times. The ailuran was hurt as its face was covered in a few scratches and bright red bruises.

Enraged, the ailuran let out a booming roar. It jumped towards Riynsu and attempted to lash him with its claws. Riynsu reacted by leaning and stepping out the way of both its claws. However, he did not see the ailuran going to crunch on him with its jaws. Luckily, Riynsu jumped and, unexpectedly he had landed on top of a bookshelf.

'I jumped this high?!' Riynsu realised.

Looking down at the ailuran down below, he thought he was safe; that was short-lived as the ailuran tried to climb the shelf, but because of its weight, the bookshelf started to fall.

Riynsu panicked, turned and jumped towards another bookshelf. He saw the ailuran looking for him as it was confused because the bookshelf had fallen. It didn't see him jump towards a different shelf.

After thinking for a bit, Riynsu crouched down and picked up four thick books from the shelf below him. He could feel the weight of the books.

He thought it was a stupid idea, but he still tried it anyway.

Riynsu lept above the ailuran and dropped the books down on it. The weight of the books times the height above he was would definitely hurt the ailuran. Not seeing it coming, four books crashed on top of the ailuran. It stumbled a bit signifying a concussion. Riynsu took this opportunity while he was falling by leaning back sticking his elbow out, pointing down towards the ailuran and landing on it with his elbow crushing the ailuran.


The neck of the ailuran had cracked. The fall and weight of Riynsu plus his improved strength and the damage the ailuran had accumulated was enough to deal the final blow.

Riynsu got up from the ailuran and started to leave he heard a growl.

Riynsu moaned, "Really? Another?"

He turned and saw not one but three ailuran. They had looked exactly like the last one, with their amber fur and iron legs. The three ailuran looked at him like a predator to their prey.

One of the ailuran charged at Riynsu, attempting to bite him. He dodged by stepping back and punched the feline-like creature, making it stumble to the side. Sensing danger, Riynsu jumped backwards. Fortunately for him, it was the correct choice as another ailuran was jumping to him. Assessing the situation, he realised that he was in danger. He needed some sort of weapon if he were to beat all three ailuran.


Riynsu remembered something. It was a battle axe that was used by Furukawa.

'I don't know I even have this but, who cares?' Riynsu thought ."Inventory!"

A blue screen popped next to him. It was titled Inventory and had forty boxes but, the top left box had an icon of an axe. Riynsu stook his arm inside of the screen. The screen around his arm was almost warping and had a bubble effect when he put his arm inside. Afterwards, he pulled his arm out and revealed that he was holding a battle axe.

His eyes widened a bit as he turned and saw an ailuran coming towards him. Taking the opportunity, Riynsu brought up his axe and hatched it down on the ailuran. The blade of the battle-axe pierced the skull of the ailuran, killing it.

However, another one of the beasts rushed to him while roaring. Sadly, Riynsu couldn't take the battle axe out of the ailuran's skull as it was quite heavy and deeply lodged in the skull.

After a few attempts, the battle-axe nudged and using his full force Riynsu got the axe out of the corpse. He tried to swing his axe towards the ailuran coming towards him. But the ailuran jumped and slammed its front paws on the axe.

Riynsu: "I guess this is why it's called 'Iron clawed'."

Riynsu dropped the axe and then kicked the ailuran full force and actually made it spin in the air before falling to the ground. Wasting no time, Riynsu picked up the axe and chopped off its head.

As the feline-like head dropped to the ground and ailuran's body fell over, leaving a trail of its blood from the front, he turned to the other ailuran glaring.

"You know? Compared to those things." He said.

"You're nothing."

[Name: Riynsu Kursu]

[Job: None]

[Title: None]

[HP: 275]

[Level: 2]


[MP: 302]


[Strength: 22]

[Agility: 11]

[Sense: 13]

[Vitality: 11]

[Intelligence: 13]


Remaining Points: 0



[(Unknown) MAX]

[Mascularity Lev.1]



[Sprint lv.1]