
The Joker (1) - The Preamble.

Location: Roth Family Home, Danvers MA.

Time: 7:21am.

"Rachel! Raina! Time for breakfast" Arella Roth calls down her two daughters from the bottom of a beautiful wooden spiral staircase. She places her hand on the wooden railing and sighs in bliss.

Most of the wooden furnishings in the house are made from Lignum vitae, also known as the tree of life. It's the most expensive wood in the world. It grows very slowly, but that's nothing to Daniel of course.

'I was skeptical about becoming rich at first, but I have to say, I've gotten pretty used to this life of luxury' Arella thinks to herself. It's about seventeen months ago that she first bought this house.

She started to feel safe around that time also. The Cult realized that their efforts in getting her or Raven were futile. Daniel killed everyone they sent and even blew up a few of their buildings as a threat. What really shook them to their core was when they met Dr Fate. Earth's Sorcerer Supreme is basically every evil cult's nightmare.

"Coming Mom!" Raina shouts from her room.

"I'll be downstairs soon!" Rachel gives her own reply from hers. Arella nods and turns away from the expensive staircase and walks into her large kitchen.

The Roths now live in an old Victorian home which was fully refurbished by Daniel. The house is very large and spacious, same for the yard and pool outside.

"Miss Arella, I've set the food on the dining table" says Mary, the android cook. Made by Daniel, she's one of the various protections in place round the home. There are currently five androids living in the home as house helps and guards.

'Not that we can't protect ourselves, but Daniel is nothing if not careful'.

"Thank you Mary, I don't know what I'll do without you" Arella means her words. She grew up in the system and foster care, jumping from one uncaring parent to the next. After running away, she turned to religion and Christianity didn't work out for her.

She grew up feeling apathy towards everything and the need to feel something drew her to Satanism. From there things escalated very quickly.

Having sex with a demon disguised as angel, the demon destroys her cult, trying to commit suicide to meeting the Azarathians. Remembering the Azarathians though always makes Arella feel a bit sad. She presently feels confused on what to feel about them.

For one, should she hate them since they birthed Trigon? Though it was unknowingly, them pushing out all the evil in their hearts into the void led to the birth of Trigon. How does she know? Well Daniel told her when he was explaining a lot of things to her.

Should she hate them because they wanted to take her daughter from her? They didn't want Arella to raise her so they would have minimal emotional ties in case they had to kill Rachel. She can't blame them for being scared honestly, but once she saw her daughter's face, she changed her mind. She didn't want Rachel growing up without a real mother figure.

Arella walked into the dining area and sees Raina already seated. Mary is currently serving her some pancakes from the array of dishes on the table.

Arella takes a moment to view the recent addition to her family. When Raina originally joined them at the Tower of Fate, Arella did her best to soothe the girl's pain along with Rachel. The girl in return looked to both of them as mother and big sister figures.

It did come as a surprise when Daniel urged her to adopt the girl. Even more so when Daniel explained to her the girl's origins. Raina Di Bella, daughter of the Di Bella Family of Gotham. They might not be the biggest of names in Gotham, but their name is still worth a lot.

Sadly for them, they fell in with the secret society known as the Court of Owls. Apparently they wanted Raina for something and when the Di Bella's refused, they got a cold shoulder.

Knowing that the Court isn't so merciful and is planning something in the background, they decided to pack up and leave Gotham. Their car was sabotaged and luckily Daniel was there to save Raina from being kidnapped.

After a crushing victory in court, Arella got custody of Raina. The Court of Owls tried to gain custody of her using a few relatives but it almost worked.

What truly won the case was when the Di Bella's family lawyer came in with Raina's parents last will and testament. Arella almost lost her jaw when she heard her name in the will.

The will basically declared her as Raina's guardian and gave her twenty million dollars to raise Raina. The will also auctioned all assets in Gotham, from the shares in Wayne Enterprises and Ace Chemicals to the houses on Gotham Bay. All the money was to be handed to Raina according to the will and it was.

That's how Raina instantly had a net worth of about fourty million dollars. Raina took all that money and put it into an investment bank created by Victor and Daniel.

Arella walks to her daughter and runs her hand through her damp hair.

"Morning sleepy head, how was your night".

"It was good mom. Are you going to DreamWorks today?" Raina asks. She usually heads to the entertainment company Daniel's mom, Anya, and she created. The company named DreamWorks Entertainment creates live action and animation movies and tv shows using state of the art technologies.

Most of the movies are created by Daniel under the the pen name LightBulb. Every time a movie created by him starts, a stick figure is shown thinking in front of a piece of paper. Suddenly the figure gains an idea and a lightbulb appears on his head.

Using incredible scripts, brilliant production equipment and a lot of money, they roped in big names in the movie industry. From there everything was easy. Within the span of one year, DreamWorks became a movie giant with each movie released grossing at least half a billion dollars.

"Yeah, honey. I need to sign a few documents and meet some people. Do you want to come over after school?". Unlike Daniel, Rachel and Raina both attend school.

"Yeah I will teleport over after" Raina replies. Arella sits down at the table and begins to eat.

"Damn I'm hungry" Rachel says as she enters the kitchen.

Location: Tower of Fate.

Holding Room.

Time: 9:46am.

Princess Diana of Amazonia sits with her head in hands grumbling.

'Decades of training, and I lost to a boy. Honestly I'd prefer to be in the Elysian Fields right now' Diana sighs heavily, the feeling of the bracelet on her leg constantly reminding of her failure. She decides to focus on something else and decides to listen in on J'onn lecturing Barry on Martian Beliefs.

"H'ronmeer is the god of fire, art and death. In some texts he's also seen as a god of light and life but mainly it's accepted that he's the one who oversees the Martian af-" J'onn is interrupted by the sound of a door opening.

An old man in a suit and holding a walking stick enters the room.

"I'm sorry I'm late, it's hard to get around these days" Kent Nelson says with a smile. Wonder Woman stands with a bit ticked off.

"Kent, I would say it's good to see you, but I would like to know why we're currently being detained here" Wonder Woman says in a strong tone. Flash and Martian Manhunter look at the man who Diana says is this world's Dr Fate.

"I'm sorry about that Diana, but you and your team really did trespass" Kent says with a sigh. Diana frowns and shows some signs of anger.

"The JLA was given a key, by you. To come here any time we need anything" Wonder Woman says.

"Well yes, I did give you a key. But that was when I was the owner of the tower of fate" Kent says with a mysterious smile.

"What do you mean? Aren't y-" Diana stops and her eyes widen. She finds her next thought unbelievable.

"Yes Diana, I'm no longer Dr Fate. The tower of fate is under new management" Kent gives a grin.

"While I'm happy the world has a new sorcerer supreme, I have to say our welcome was too hostile" Diana replies, her face still has a frown.

"Sorry about that. Could I sit first? You aren't gonna let an old man stand now?". Kent doesn't wait for an answer as a white couch appears behind him. He sits down on the chair giving a smile.

"It's very comfy, would any of you like one?" Kent asks. Diana still mad, doesn't answer. Flash however.

"Yes please" Flash says. Instantly the wooden chair he's sitting on transfigures into a red couch and he instantly feels the difference.

'It's too comfortable' Barry thinks to himself. His entire body was presently lying in bliss. All the stress, frustration and insecurities plaguing his mind began to ease away. Flash begins to think out loud.

"I feel free. What was I thinking bout before? No need to stress on it. I should jus-" Diana pulls flash from the chair and Barry feels everything return instantly. Waves of emotions, thoughts on his mind return and leave him reeling.

"What- was that?" Barry stutters out, his mind still adjusting. Diana looks at Kent with some anger.

"Im sorry about that, it's magic. Ordinarily it's a basic comfort and relaxation spell. Even simple spells could be very dangerous to the inexperienced. It seems you're burdened with a lot Flash" Kent says apologetically.

"You know that and offered the chair. Why?" J'onn asks.

"Teaching a life lesson".

"And what's that?".

"If a magician offers you a seat, make sure to triple check it and decline".

"Jay was right. magic is a bitch" Flash says, mistakenly calling the old flash's name.

"Well Jay was always a man of science. He didn't take some of our magical adventures too well" Kent replies with a smile, reminiscing about how many times the first Flash complained during missions involving magic. Flash groans and puts his hand to his temple.

"I need a drink" Flash says.

"There's the bar" Kent points at a bar which wasn't there a few seconds ago.

"What is this place?" J'onn asks.

"Whatever you want it to be. You view it as a prison, but it's more than that" Kent relaxes into his chair and gives an 'aah' while closing his eyes.

Flash walks to the bar and sits on the bar stool after making sure it's not going to mess with his mind. He pours himself some whiskey and begins to drink.

"Your protégé, did he attack Amazonia?" Diana asks the question that has been on her mind since she woke up. She didn't believe Batman when he told her of his suspicions, but now? Kent sighs.

"I apologize, the attacks on Amazonia and Atlantis were born due to urgency" Kent now has a sad smile on his face as he thinks of the young boy still in a coma till today.

"Urgency?" Martian Manhunter asks.

"Yes, I'm sure you heard of the Bad Luck Night and the Demon Killings that took place two years ago".

"Of course Nelson" Wonder Woman nods.

"There was a boy who was affected by that situation. Hollow had to save him but he needed the right information to do it" Kent says. Originally he didn't understand why Daniel didn't build a lab himself but after talking to Alan he got why.

Building a Lab takes time, the perfect personal laboratory would be a lifetime goal for scientists. The Lab would always need to be improved constantly with technological advancements being made and such.

Also putting together the Lab alone is difficult, money isn't the issue. Ordering equipment to use that someone as intelligent as Daniel would always find imperfect or flawed would hinder his progress.

'Exactly why he focused on magic rather than technology' Now Daniel has a lab that could be deemed perfect and will evolve to his requirements.

"You place your trust in a teenager? You could've come to the League Nelson, we have connections with various organisations making groundbreaking research in science and technology everyday" Diana asks, her tone with some annoyance. Kent just grins.

"You totally believe in him don't you? I'm guessing whatever he did to save that boy worked" J'onn says. He's been reading Kent's body reactions since he hasn't been able to use his telepathy or empathy.

'Of course I do, I've watched him stun Nabu into silence in varying topics. Daniel basically rewrote the helmet of fate, his brilliance is without question'. Flash then burps from the bar.

"Diana don't act like we're dealing with a normal child, we lost to him remember. I'm gonna take a guess that he made these powers restraining cuffs, cause I've drank too much forgetting that I've lost my powers" Flash rests his head on the table, his movements make them realise that he's probably tipsy.

"Indeed Martian, he saved that boy's life". For a while there's a bit of silence.

"We're adding new members into the league, since there's a new Dr Fate having him join would be a boon" Diana decides to ask for Dr Fate to join the Justice League.

"I honestly don't wish to get your hopes up Diana, I do not think this new Dr Fate will join the league. They have doubts over a few of the leagues rules".

"Doubts?" Diana asks raising her eyebrow.

"What of the kid? Hollow" Flash asks from his seat.

"He is totally disinterested" Kent replies.

"Over those same rules?" J'onn asks.

"That's one of the reasons".

"And what rules are those?" Diana asks.

"Mainly one. Your strict no killing rule"

Location: Conference Room, The Ark.

Time: 8:49pm

"Today, we welcome a new member of the Hellblazer Society, Lord Andrew Bennett. He was supposed to be with us during our first meeting, but couldn't make it" Daniel says to the group. The white man in his forties with black and white hair smiles and nods. He gets a few nods in return.

"I'm happy to be here." he says.

"We also welcome Lady Mazikeen Smith, who Mr Morningstar has designated as his representative". The dark skinned woman who is covering the left side of her face with a mask, also gets a nods and welcome. She nods and flashes a beautiful smile.

"Thank you, I see a few familiar faces" Maze says looking at Constantine and Dream especially. The first one had sold his soul a few times before. The second is the Sandman himself, one of the Endless.

The Endless are multiversal beings of great power who can bend reality to their whim. Dream though has left his domain, the Dreaming, and has weakened abilities but yet still powerful. Mazikeen looks at the boy Lucifer told her about.

'Daniel right? He doesn't look so strong. What does he have that can make one of the Endless, even a weakened one, come to this meeting'.

"So, unto business then" Daniel says. Golden holograms appear in front of each member.

"Originally we're to meet bi-monthly, but there's some urgent business to attend to" Daniel says.

"I see, the lockets did give such information" Amaya Jiwe, the Vixen says. Daniel nods at him.

"Yes Miss Amaya. I decided to use this as an opportunity to introduce our new members, and also inform the society of a plan, a few of us have been working on. So we should discuss on this before we get into the urgent matter".

"And what is this plan?" Mera asks warily.

"During my time searching for members for this group, I was left disappointed with the state of the magical society of the world. It's basically just isolated clans of people staying together due to race. Anyone that is an outsider is seen as dirt and left to survive as vagabonds" Daniel says with a lot of sadness in his tone.

"It is to be expected. Trust is hard to come by when dealing with Magi" John Constantine says.

"Men, the horrors they still unleash upon the world caused this" Queen Antiope clenches her fist with some anger.

"I think just blaming a gender is misandry Lady Antiope" Amaya replies the woman.

"Yes you're right Miss Jiwe. It is the fault of humans. They hate everything that isn't themselves and what they can't understand" Mera says.

"I think blaming it just on humans alone is wrong also" Radueriel says trying to ease the growing tension in the room. Mazikeen snorts and smiles at him.

"Well of course you'll say that. You and your brood have a huge part to play in all this" Mazikeen watches as Radueriel frowns.

"What do you mean?" Radueriel asks her.

"I mean you, the rest of the angels and your God watched as the humans killed, raped and pillaged in your names. You aren't the righteous one here, standing by and doing nothing is the same as evil" Mazikeen explains as she picks up a cup of whiskey from the table and takes a sip. Radueriel's face as of now is red with anger.

'You're a respectable angel of heaven's choir. Don't argue with a lowly demon li-'.

{Is that what you tell yourself? You're nothing but an idiot} Mazikeen says to Rad by sending him a telepathic message.

Rad stands and a sword appears from nothing. He slashes at Maze. Mazikeen gladly replies by creating her own blade and slashing back. Before their swords could meet however, their momentum is halted and now both of them can't move.

"What- is -this" Mazikeen says feeling as if she's caught in thick syrup.

"Ark defense systems, Lady Mazikeen. If you've read some of the rules you'll know that the Ark's artificial intelligence doesn't permit fighting" Pamela Isley says with a smile.

"Thank you Miss Isley. Honestly, I get the whole devil hate angel and vice versa thing, but I won't permit any of that here or on Earth. If you guys have some beef, fight somewhere else. Earth is no one's battleground" Daniel's no nonsense tone is felt by everyone.

"Trick release them" Daniel says.

"Of course Master Daniel" A female voice sounds out and instantly both angel and demon can move again. Rad grumbles before he sits and a Mazikeen gives a cute smile before doing the same.

"So your plan for better magical society, what does it entail?" I-Ching sips on some green tea after he speaks. It's probably the best tea he's ever had.

"Thank you for getting us back on track. All magical factions had a part to play in this division that weakens the Earth compared to other worlds. I've been working with Mr Zatara, Dr Fate, Rachel and Lord Bennet to try to remedy this".

"Yes I must say we have already seen results" Lord Bennett, King of Vampires says.

"I wanted to create a world where vampires and humanity could live in peace". Constantine, Etrigan and a few others snort at that. Etrigan even snorts flames.

"The biggest problem was of course the blood craving. Animal blood simply doesn't do it for us. Daniel and I after working together for a few weeks have created a solution" Lord Bennett brings out a small glass bottle containing a glowing red liquid. The hologram in the middle of the table now shows a large tree.

"It is the sap from a specially grown blood tree created in a laboratory. These trees will be grown and vampires will no longer have need for human blood. I have tested it myself and I have to say, the human blood I've drank pales in comparison" Lord Bennett says. Poison Ivy stares at that tree in wonder, she then looks at Daniel.

"It seems your achievements in botany have far surpassed mine" Pamela says. Daniel just smiles at her.

"And what does this sap do to other races" Alice Winters, the nightmare nurse asks, now looking interested.

"To immortals it just rejuvenates them. If a mortal drinks it, it'll heal any wounds or scars of the sort. They might also notice that they aren't hungry for a few days" Daniel explains.

"So you see Daniel Ajao is right, why fight when we can work together. An issue that has plagued vampires for millennia has been solved in months" Lord Bennett says.

"That is incredible" Mera admits.

"Lord Bennett is right. Instead of infighting and holding grudges we should look to the future. Dream has spoken to me of various threats incoming. We should all band together in protecting this world".

"Might I ask what is the Sandman's stake in this?" Antiope asks, she's still wary of Dream. After their first meeting, Hera came to both her and Mera in a dream. They're to play her cards right. Therefore, Hera explained to them notable people within this group.

The Representative of SHAZAM who channels six gods.

I-Ching, servant of Siming.

Victor Ajao, Dr Fate and Sorcerer Supreme

Rachel Roth, Daughter of Trigon

John Constantine, The man full of plots strong enough to fell any god.

Mazikeen Smith, Queen of the Lilim.

Lucifer Samael Morningstar, King of all hell, the lightbringer.

Daniel Ajao, the one who the fates fear his string.

And Dream, the Sandman. One of the endless. Protectors of all creation. From the moment the first sentient being was born, the Endless came into existence.

'It shook me to hear Hera's voice shake with some fear as she spoke of the Endless' Antiope thinks to herself.

"Yes Dream, you could be anywhere right now. Why are you here?" Mazikeen asks.

"The destruction of Earth would lead to the destruction of this Universe. I saw an opportunity, so I decided to support Daniel in his efforts". The room goes quiet at that.

"Doesn't that seem a bit far fetched?" Billy asks.

"No young Batson, one thing you should know of the Endless, they seek to protect all creation. If Dream is here, that means he's saying the truth" Antiope says. John sighs and lights a cigarette. He specially orders tobacco from Daniel now.

"So, what's next?" John asks.

"Well, the new magical states would need land to develop. The humans would never cede land to us. They'll either seek to control us and if they can't, they'll try to kill us all in a new crusade" Mazikeen says.

"I have made plans for land area as well. I have bought islands of the coast of all the eight continents. Three each, I've heavily protected and space expanded them all. Now each island has the land area of Alaska, also supported with many natural resources. An underwater city in the pacific is also within my plans" Daniel says.

"Incredible, what are your plans for demons who call this world their home?" The nightmare nurse asks.

"All aliens seeking refuge on earth will be allowed to stay, as long as they remain peaceful of course. If those aliens, whatever species they are from wish to stay in our magical society, they're allowed to. The land size of one island is almost two million miles. I promise you, everyone is welcome in my plans".

Alicia nods and smiles. Demons is just a name humans gave to all denizens of hell. Not all of which are evil. They are just a race like any other. Some of them wish to get out of that bad place and now there's a possibility that those lands could hold them.

'I'll have to speak more with the boy on this' Alicia thinks to herself.

"For this to work we have to throw away all previous grudges. Even my vampires would have to throw away our prejudice against all were creatures" Lord Bennett says. Millions of vampires are all ready to move into those islands.

"Lady Mazikeen, Lady Antiope, Lady Mera, you all are all respective Queens of your kingdoms. What do you think about sending some of your population to these lands to join in the building efforts. I plan for all races to build these countries together, call it a team bonding exercise" Daniel says with a smile. The other two Queens seem to think but Mazikeen just smiles and answers.

"Of course, the Lilim number in the millions, I'm sure I can find a few not only to build but stay on there" Mazikeen says. Mazikeen is actually the Queen of Lilim, children of Lilith. Her kingdom is a matriarchy and she is Queen. Mera decides to give her answer.

"I'm willing to do the same, I'll speak to my husband on this. He is king and has final decision". Daniel smiles and nods at her then looks to Antiope.

"We may not be able to send any people to live, but I can release some of our best builders to assist in the creation of these cities" Antiope says with a smile.

'We number just over five hundred thousand, and this population doesn't increase or decrease unless an Amazon chooses to leave'.

"I do promise that if an amazon chooses to stay on in your countries, they'll be allowed to leave". Daniel nods at Antiope.

"Thank you all. In addition to the Vampires, Lilim, Amazons and Atlanteans, we have others who'll soon be en route to these islands. I'll allow Mr Zatara to give us this info". They all look to Giovanni Zatara who clears his throat and gives his report.

"Using the information provided by the book, I've managed to enlist about four hundred thousand magicals" Zatara says.

"The book?" Mazikeen asks. A hologram appears showing a book covered in white light with a white done covering it.

"I call it the book of names. It has the name and location of all magicals that call the Earth their home" Daniel explains and the Hellblazers shock is apparent on their faces. Raven, Daniel's dad, Lord Bennett and Zatara are exempt from this.

"What?!" Constantine asks.

"I said-". Mazikeen cuts Daniel off.

"We all heard what you said Daniel. The idea that such a thing exis-"


A huge book with a leather binding appears and slams onto the table in front on Daniel. Daniel calmly opens the book to a random page.

"Hmmm, Ah Here we go. Mazikeen, daughter of Lilith, Queen of Witches and Ophur, the serpent demon. Born 153,000 B.C., birthplace Syria. Present address Club Lux, 7, ******* Street, LA. Present location " Mazikeen has a look of shock on her face. She then pouts and narrows her eyes.

"You know it's rude to say a woman's age" she says.

"Wow, you're really that old?!" Billy says making the men on the table put their hands to their heads. Mazikeen though doesn't take offense and instead snickers out loud.

"Really though, how does such a thing exist? The magic coming off it feels ancient" Mazikeen says and the magicians on this table look at the book in wonder.

"It was a gift from the Earth Mother Gaia, she gave me this book to show her support for this council and plans for the future" Daniel explains.

"So she keeps tabs on us?" Constantine asks, always wary of people who track him. He's already thinking of various ways to trick the book.

"Well no. The Earth is her body as I'm sure you know. All leylines whether in the air or dragon veins in the ground are hers. She's omniscient on this world no question" Antiope says looking at the book with respect. When she gets back to Amazonia she now plans to visit the temple of the Earth Mother.

"So how does she handle other worlders who come to the earth looking for refuge" The Nightmare Nurse asks.

"I'm sure you know how the belief system works Ms Masters. As long as you believe this world is your home, you become an indirect follower of Lady Gaia. She views all as her children, no discrimination whether you were born here or not" Daniel says. Alicia nods and smiles.

"I feel a lot better knowing that the Earth is supporting us" Amaya says with a smile.

"I as well" Poison Ivy concurs with her.

"So how many magicals are in that book presently?" Mera asks.

"About three hundred million worldwide" Daniel replies and Constantine whistles.

"Why hasn't there been a war or something. I mean they should at least be in the news?" Amaya says.

"Well most of them don't know of their magical heritage and are likely to not display any powers or abilities throughout their entire life. The ones that do know and are human or look human enough either hide properly or use their powers as a source of income.

Like Mr Zatara here, I'm sure some of you have seen him on the news or gone to one of his magic shows. Also think of the amount of magic shops and stalls offering card readings and such.

The ones that are more exotic physically are killed as if they aren't human, locked up, tortured, used as circus freaks etcetera. The rest of the numbers stick together by race and have managed to hide themselves by keeping to secrecy".

"That's awful, any more ways we could help?" Amaya asks.

"Well it's progress, once we get those islands up and running, we can truly migrate those people out. For now what we're doing is inviting them, offering protection and safety" Zatara says making Amaya nod.

"So now that I've given you all that update, we can get to the main business of the evening. Dr Fate, if you will". Victor Ajao stands up, as he does a gold light runs through his body and he instantly becomes Dr Fate. The holograms on the table now show photos of the Joker and Klarion.

"We have evidence to believe that Klarion the Witchboy is making his move and he's using Gotham criminal mastermind Joker to do it".

Location: The Watchtower.

Time: 8:35pm.

"Report" Batman says looking to Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Lantern. Flash removes the lightning symbol on his suit, removes a chip and slides it to Batman.

"Just watch" Flash says grumpily and sips on the alcohol in a soda cup. His powers have returned but surprisingly the alcohol still gives him a buzz.

"That bad huh" Oliver asks with Green lantern patting Flash's back. Batman looks to Wonder Woman, they both signal Martian Manhunter to telepathically connect them all except Barry.

"What happened?" Batman asks.

{Barry sat on a magic chair spelled with relaxation effects. My guess is that it unburdened him of all his issues and then dumped them back once he stood up} J'onn answers. Batman nods.

{Ouch} Hal says. Batman signals and the connection is cut. Batman plugs the chip in and they all watch a hologram video of Barry's experience through the tower of fate. After the video, Batman's face seems to have been created with a perpetual frown.

"So we have someone powerful enough to take on the entire League and that person also lacks proper morals. Juuussssttt great" Hal Jordan refers to Daniel and his stance on killing a few criminals.

"At least we know he's the reason for those attacks" Oliver says.

"We need to make him pay for his actions" Aquaman growls.

"Not yet, we can handle him later. From the video you got no information about his interest in the Joker" Batman says and Wonder Woman nods.

"I'll apprehend the Joker then, see if I can find out what he's planning before dropping him off at Arkham" Batman says.

"No Batman, whatever is going on is bigger than us claiming cities. We'll all join you in capturing the Joker. Also in case the boy shows up" Superman says and the others agree. Batman knows he won't be able to convince them so he reluctantly agrees.

"Fine". They all stand up as they prepare to be teleported by Zeta beam.

Location: Docks.

The entire Justice League coming down on the docks really ruined the day for Joker but instead of the huge amount of Jokerz Gang present before, the people the Justice League gave to the police were paltry in number. The Highlight of the Night?.

"The lasso compels you!" Diana grips the lasso of truth even harder trying to get the green haired man to speak, instead all she gets is laughter.

"Hahahahahahaha". Insane mad laughter.

'How does he resist the lasso?' Diana thinks you herself. Batman just shakes his head and walks over to Joker.

{I've had no luck penetrating his mind Bruce. All I hear is laughter} J'onn presently floating invisibly sends Batman a telepathic message.

"Joker, what are you planning?".

"You know I don't kiss and tell Bats, it's against my rules".

"You play by no rules".

"Hmm true. I'm a bit intrigued by your lady friend's sex whip". Wonder Woman holds ger rage in and swallows the insult to her god given gift. She releases the man who we can now see to be in large cuffs, from wrist to elbow.

"I do not know how he's resisting your lasso, since it didn't work one im thing is sure. Even beaten half to death, Joker won't snitch"

"You really know how to show me a good time Batsy. This time you even brought friends to play" Joker gives the Flash a wink.

"How does he keep such white teeth?" Hal asks Barry.

"I know right, most mad people I've met are more dirty or unkempt. Guess Gotham is a different city" Flash replies.

A few minutes later, the Joker is handed over to the Arkham guards by Superman who flew him by his collar shirt. Only both of them cane to drop off the Joker and are currently standing on the sole bridge connecting the Arkham island to Gotham.

"Thank you Batman and Superman. We'll make sure his stay is more lengthy" the guards say before walking into the compound and closing the gate. The guards enter a bus along with a few other guards and they make it safe back to the main Arkham building. Batman sees all this and frowns, something has been itching at him.

"What's wrong?" Superman looks at him and asks.

"I need to check something" Batman turns.


Batman does a flip and enters the Batmobile just as the car does a 180 spin.

"Now get out of my city Superman". The hood of the car comes down and Batman blasts off. Superman just rolls his eyes.

"Sure Moneybags" Clark takes into the air heading back to Metropolis.

Location: Arkham Asylum.

Time: 9:42pm.

'There's always been a different kind of air to this place' Joker thinks to himself as he's pushed into the elevator. The Arkham Asylum is made up of three tall buildings. That's of course for their more normal residents. The truly unsavory ones are kept deep underground. Though Joker would say he was completely surprised when this happened. Joker is pushed into the elevator with both guards following him. The doors close and the guards have entirely different dispositions from earlier.

"Welcome my Lord, we apologize for any and all disrespect shown" The prison guards quickly uncuff the Joker. Joker notices their eyes glow green.

'How?! I didn't convert any of them'. The Joker recently discovered his ability that by touching people they become his slaves. He just needs to hold them and will it so.

"What's going on here?" The Joker asks just as the elevator doors slide open reviewing the view of Arkham Asylum's main hall. Pristine white tiled floors and walls all around, makes you wonder how it's all maintained. That's not the shocking part though.

The shocking part is all Arkham inmates, guards and staff all kneeling down and bowing in the direction of the elevator.

'Killer Croc, Victor Friez, Scarecrow, Firefly, Victor Zsasz' Just a few the Joker notices in the lineup.

"Our King, Welcome Home" they all say at the same time, their eyes glowing green. From here the revolution begins.

Chapter End.


Next chap will be up soon.

So recap the chap? Roths are rich now, the parents of Raina are rich so I decided to link her with the court of owls. Something for the future, you def know I'm gonna do something with that. They started their own movie company and Daniel is obviously giving them scripts from his previous world. Although some movies and still exist not all will, especially Disney works. Sure you can guess why.

Then the talk with Kent. Flash although pretty smart has always been a person of action rather than thought. Also without his powers he doesn't have the time he usually does to stop himself and think things through. H'ronmeer will make an appearance in future, I promise that.

Magical society will be coming soon. I don't plan to make Daniel the king. Though everyone will know that he built the land they live on. The Hellblazer Society has kinda learned not to question his smarts, he built the ark after all and they know this. Now there are currently sixteen members of the Hellblazer society.

Daniel Ajao, Hollow

Victor Ajao, Present Dr Fate

Rachel Roth, Raven

Kent Nelson

Nabu, Lord of Order


Jason Blood


John Constantine

Alicia Masters, the Nightmare Nurse( you may prolly know her from Constantine City of Demons).

Giovanni Zatara

Queen Antiope of Amazonia

Queen Mera of Atlantis

Dream, God of the dreamworld. One of the endless. The Sandman. A sandman series is coming soon, can't wait! Neil Gaiman is one of the greats and most if not all of his shit that's been turned to movies or tv have been successes. Good Omens, American Gods, Beowulf, Constantine etc.

Lord Andrew Bennett is king of vampires in some DC universes. He tries his best to keep them off humans and not start anything.

Amaya Jiwe is the Vixen.

Billy Batson who's obviously Shazam. Should I go with Shazam or Captain Marvel? Which do you prefer?

So the Justice League and Joker huh, Next chap will have Joker's reason for sending Harley and most of his gang away early. I'm prolly gonna be doing chap recaps now for those who aren't that into the DC universe and are familiar with more mainstream characters.

What else do I wanna say???

Oh yeah, Daniel didn't use nth metal to fight demons then cause while he's nth he can't use magic. Considering that he's part homo magi and magic is one of his greatest assets, he most likely never will in a fight. But circumstances change things. We'll see.

Why is my character so young? I didn't want to pretend shit doesn't happen in the DC universe. You can't be passive you know. That's why I started with a young Mc you dig? But after this arc is a time skip so he'll get older. After this arc I'm gonna be doing origin and side stories, so yay for character development.

Thanks guys for supporting Osmosian.

Any questions or mistakes lemme know.

P.S. still sick, but I'm doing a lot better. Thanks for all the support.