

'The Speed Force.

Basically the sentient concept of speed in the universe. A primal force with limitless energy encompassing time, space and even reality.

Using this primal force the flash can even run at the faster than the speed of light. From there he has infinite mass and is capable of creating a Big Bang.

Am I capable of doing that? No. My fastest speed is Mach 27. Not good enough by flash standards. It isn't that bad, if you consider the fact that I'm not a speed force conduit but instead channel the speed force through magic.

Why do I do this? Cause when you become a speed force conduit, the speed force changes you to suit ITS requirements. Same thing with the strength force or the sage force.

You basically come under them as a sort of minister. Why would I choose to enslave myself to these primal forces of the universe?

A year ago I received the calling of the sage force...

And I declined.

It isn't just a thing of pride. During my time researching the various primal forces of the universe I created a few theories and four have become laws or principles.

One, the lean law. Once you become a conduit for a particular energy, the energy evolves you, forcing your body to adapt to it. Once you do so you've forever leaned onto that primal force's side.

It becomes harder for you to manipulate energy from other primal forces. Your body, your mind, your soul will be tailored for that primal force. Becoming the conduit for another? Possible. But you'll never reach its full capabilities.

Two, the conflict law. Some forces are eternally at odds. Life and death, will and fear, speed force and still force, the green and the white are a few examples. Becoming the conduit of one makes it impossible to channel the other. Once you try, it's anything from loss of power to madness to death.

Three, the overload law. Even if you become conduits of forces that don't have a negative relationship, your body, mind and soul start to become unstable. You can't have those different kinds of energy in you without repercussions.

Four, the chosen law. Some people are just destined to become wielders of a particular primal force. And when they do come in contact with it, they are the best. No question.

Think Barry Allen and Wally West. Barry Allen gets hit by lightning in a room filled with chemicals and gets superpowers. Anyone else? Dead, or worse living a life filled with negatives. Barry Allen then becomes the fastest man alive. The fastest flash with the purest connection to the speed force, no doubt.

Wally West studies hard, works hard and recreates the experiment that made Barry Allen the flash. What does he get? Superpowers sure but far weaker than the flash. The difference between both is incomparable.

Why choose to be the conduit of a power knowing you'll never be better than someone else?

Those are the four laws I've come up with after months of intense research.

Why am I going through all this?

Well I'm going through the reasons why I shouldn't have challenged the flash in a battle of speed'.


There's a huge dust cloud that slowly disperses and after you can find Daniel embedded into a cliff.

"Mach thirty huh, impressive. Faster than someone I know" Barry Allen says as he creates a cyclone with his two hands clearing the dust.

'Comparing me to that idiot that's still struggling to break the speed of sound. Tch, almost annoyed me to the point of playing one of my cards'.

Wonder Woman lands from the skies. She's just arriving after Daniel hit her with a laser beam.

Wondering why she took so long? She didn't. It's only been about three minutes after all. High speed battles don't exactly last long. Besides they've run pretty far during their fight.

"It seems I'm a bit late" Wonder Woman says with a frown.

"Sorry, I wish you had fought him. His body is so hard and can take hits better than even superman. He isn't even bleeding" Flash says with a frown. Wonder Woman turns to hollow who's still embedded in the cliff, his body spread out.

"Now boy, tell us where our comrade is" Wonder Woman says with a grim look placing her sword on her hip and pulling out the lasso of truth. Suddenly she turns around and blocks an axe flying towards her neck with her bracelets. Stenyxor bounces back after the attack, not leaving a scratch on her bracelets. The axe then swerves and returns to Daniel who comes out of the human shaped impression in the cliff, the blue lightning on his body gone. Daniel stretches out his right hand expecting the axe when-

"I won't let you!" Flash shouts speeding to the hammer and holding it. As soon as he does so however Daniel grins.

"Fool" Daniel says watching as the axe drops to the ground heavily, breaking a few bones and pinning the flash to the ground.

"Aaaaahhh!!!" Barry screams in agony.

"Flash!" Diana shouts in worry and turns angrily to Daniel who now has two chakrams floating behind him.

Barry tries to lift the axe to no avail. Then he tries to use his powers, then his eyes are full of horror.

"M-my powers. They're gone" Barry says with pain and agony.

"What did you do?" Wonder Woman shouts her face showing cold fury. Daniel decides to indulge her with the villains monologue.

"It was easy really".


"I get pretty fast myself" Daniel says, becoming a black blur with a blue lightning trail. He moves to hit the flash with a punch but the flash dodges the hit. Both of them always accelerating begin to chase each other.

'First you have to judge their limit' Flash thinks to himself. By now already experienced in speed battles. Hollow chases the flash as both of them climb mountains, phase through rocks and even run on air. Then Flash notices that Hollow has reached his limit.

'Got ya' Barry thinks to himself with a grin and creates a speed force mirage. He ups his speed from mach thirty five to mach sixty in an instant and goes around hollow. Hollow meanwhile keeps chasing the mirage.

As the mirage is about to vanish Barry appears beside him and kicks his right hand. Hollow then loses his weapon and Barry smirks a bit. He then gives hollow a beat down, destroying the landscape as a result.

What Barry doesn't know is that Hollow dropped his weapon on purpose.

Flashback End.

"No one can carry Stenyxor without my permission. I made sure of that. I also placed a spell on it just for you. Your powers come from the speed force, and this spell channels it's direct opposite, the still force. Therefore your powers are negated forever" Daniel says in a haughty evil tone.

'Stenyxor, I have to say is my greatest creation. With it I can channel and use two opposing forces at the same time. The amount of energy that'll force a normal being to lean to a particular primal force can be held with the axe.

The axe itself is a conflict. It has a blade of magic and a blade of anti magic, both working together. Incredible isn't it.

Besides as long as I choose to not drop my weapon, no one can disarm me. I can just mold my fist around the handle and that's it'.

"How did - you - know I'll - take it?' Flash asks through the pain he's feeling.

"Easy answer, it's justice league protocol. Separating a weapon from its wielder and making sure he/she doesn't get it back is part of your routine especially. Most of your villains use tech or weaponry of some kind. You didn't expect that my axe could return to me and princess Diana is unlikely to catch a weapon that isn't hers" Daniel says.

"Why are you doing this? Aren't you a hero?" Diana asks while gritting her teeth.

"Like I said before. All who intrude on the tower of fate must die. No exceptions" Daniel says as he raises his open left hand to the flash.


"Apolithó" he says speaking the greek word for petrify. Instantly Barry's body becomes cold stone, he then closes his hand into a fist and the statue of the Flash cracks and becomes dust.

"Baaarrrryyyyy!!!!!" Diana screams the flash's real name and speeds over to his remains.

"Two down, one to go" Daniel says in an evilly proud tone. He watches as Wonder Woman squeezes the sand in her fist and looks at him, her eyes glowing blue.

"You'll pay for this!"

Location: Tower Of Fate.

Barry Allen wakes up with aches that make him feel like he got hit by a freight train. Whatever he's lying on feels soft on his body. He slowly opens his eyes which take a few seconds to adjust to the light. A living room?

"Seems you're awake". Barry's ears perk up at the sound of J'onn J'onzz.

"John!" Barry shouts forcing himself to stand up and look around him. He finds John sitting on a wooden chair looking at a screen of Hollow about to fight Diana. Flash tries to speed up and meet his friend when his powers still don't work.

Flash looks at his hands in despair but notices that his hand is now healed. John noticed what he tried to do and sighs.

"You have a lightweight bracelet on your leg, same as me. You can't use your powers". Flash then looks at the bracelet going from ankle to mid calf on his leg. Barry frowns.

"It's honestly great you're here. We thought you were in the middle of a volcano or something" Barry says.

"So that's what got you and Diana so mad. I'm honored to be the object of your care and worry" J'onn says.

"So we're in the tower?" Flash says looking at the screen, watching Diana punch the Hollow through a mountain.

'Go Di!!' Flash smiles giving her some mental support.

"A woman told me that we're in the tower of fate, but since we're intruders, so we must wait in this room". Flash looks around.

"So everything about intruders must die was a lie?" Flash says putting his right hand to his face, feeling a headache coming.

"I didn't hear what you people were talking about, but I came in here after we stepped through the doorway". Flash sighs heavily.

"A woman?" Barry asks. Martian Manhunter points to an intercom on the wall. Flash frowns.

"Prettiest holding cell ever I guess".

"How does someone even nullify your powers?" Flash asks his face now full of wonder.

"The bracelet gives off waves that don't allow mental energy to pass through the air. Therefore all my psi abilities are nullified".

"And your density shifting?".

"I'm currently surrounded by a translocation forcefield. The moment I try to density shift past it, it'll move me directly to a flame realm. If I show any signs of aggression, I'll be teleported to a flame realm". Flash's eyes widen in surprise wondering how that even works.

"So Bats was right, this kid does have a good handle on our powers" Flash says looking at starts shooting lasers from his eyes.

"It seems so".

"I guess the comms don't work?" Flash's asks making Martian Manhunter look at him like he's an idiot.

Location: Rocky World.

The ground cracks underneath Wonder Woman as she launches herself towards Hollow. Hollow creates a blade with his arm blocking her swing from her now released sword. Her sword cracks a bit but her strength is far superior and Daniel is pushed back a few steps.

She raises up her sword with a downward strike and slices down on Hollow. Hollow creates another blade with his left hand and merge both hands together in a perfect cross block. He is unaffected but the heavy blow sinks his two feet into the ground.

With both of them still clashing, Diana raises up her right leg and smashes her foot into Daniel's midsection sending him flying. She uses her lasso as he's in mid air and ties it round his foot, she then swirls around and slams him into a mountain. The mountain shatters creating a huge dust cloud as the lasso returns to her left hand.

'!!!!' Diana is about to take a step forward when she flips sideways, dodging two chakrams attacking from both sides. The two chakrams sail above and below her as she's airborne. She lands at the same spot and puts her sword to her right deflecting Stenyxor.

In front of her a hand wraps around the axe's handle and slices toward's her as her sword is out of the way. She raises up her left hand and uses her bracelet to block the hit. The bracelet once more doesn't scratch or crack and Wonder Woman flips the sword with her fingers.

'As I guessed. Earth Prime Wonder Woman has bracelets made from the Eighth metal'.

She slashes at Hollow, her sword gleaming blue with lightning arcs all over. Hollow jumps back making her sword hit the ground as the sound of thunder sounds out.


'My strength isn't enough, seems I need a boost' Daniel says as he taps the center of his hoodie for the arc reactor underneath. Presently his strength is about fifteen tons. Compared to Wonder Woman who seems to be getting stronger every time they clash, it's poor.

Luckily he has a way. Using the Arc reactor to support a specially made physique enhancement spell of his, he can begin to up his strength. The spell simulates energy from the strength, speed and sage force. The downside is that the stronger he wants to be, the more energy from the Arc reactor he must consume.

'I should've worn my best vest' Daniel frowns, thinking to himself. He then feels a surge of energy flowing through his body. He dodges an upward left to right slash by stepping back again and Diana tries to use her lasso to catch him, but he wraps the other end round his right fist. The lasso glows gold as if trying to compel him but he shrugs it off.

He then pulls the un-expecting Diana and makes his fist, meet her face. Now she's the one flying, but she stabilizes her self mid air about fifty metres away. When she does she sees two laser beams coming her way. She dodges both but to her shock both turn around and come after her again.

'My favorite DC universe power. Of course I'll recreate it' Daniel thinks to himself watching Wonder Woman perform dodge after dodge.

'Exactly why Superman is a pussy. He would've been hit by now, loser'. Daniel begins to do hand signs and magical symbols stretch from his hands to all over his body like tattoos. The symbols then glow white. It takes about six seconds to complete.

Diana then realises she isn't getting rid of the lasers with a frown. She hasn't met Darkseid yet actually, he's still to come. She charges her sword with her magical lightning and uses it to destroy both lasers.

A stare down ensues as Wonder Woman and Hollow look at each other from their positions. Wonder Woman flying and him on the ground. The lightning arcs spanning her body increase for a moment and she charges down at super speed.

Hollow flies up to clash with her, spinning his axe allowing it to gain momentum. He times the hit exactly as their weapons clash and Diana's sword shatters from the hit. As the resulting force destabilizes her, Daniel enlarges his left hand into a claw and grabs her face.

His shoulder area morphs to form something similar to a jet engine and blue energy shoots out the exhausts like nitrous.


Daniel smashes her head into the ground and grinds her body for about five hundred meters before Wonder Woman manages to get the lasso wrapped around his leg interrupting his magic for a moment. She digs her feet into the ground halting and knees him in the midsection and begins wailing on him, trying to force him to release her.

It doesn't work though as Hollow is now strong enough to resist the force behind her hits. The claw around her face stops her from breathing and slowly she's getting weaker and weaker till she's unconscious. Daniel removes his hand and transforms it back to normal, letting Wonder Woman drop to the ground.

'Is this it? But what can I expect when I'm one of the most invulnerable beings in the universe' Daniel sighs and carries her on his left shoulder after strapping a power nullifying band onto her right leg.

'Magic nullification and kinetic energy absorption if she shows any sign of aggression'. Daniel looks at the now destroyed landscape. Flat ground where there should be hills and sighs.

"Guess this is what happens when people with super speed and over hundred ton strength fight" He then looks at Wonder Woman on his shoulder, the blessing of Aphrodite making her look beautiful even now that she's beat up.

'The justice league should be stronger than this. Especially Earth Prime. But I guess I've read far into the comics when they've faced world destroying threats. Now? The strongest person she's faced is stupid Ares. Another person who gets stronger in the future.

Honestly, A lot of people have to die before they become real threats'.

He then looks at the power remaining in his arc reactor and frowns.


'Seems I have to go back to one of my previous projects again'.

Location: LexCorp Building. Luthor's Office.

Lex Luthor's frown hasn't left his face since before this morning's emergency meeting began. He sips his coffee looking through the one way glass on his window, staring at the protesters filling the road below. His left fist clenches in anger.

'A fucking Corp' Lex thinks to himself knowing that Sportsmaster isn't capable of hacking his systems. He's been trying to buy their company for a while now. That plan failed. There are zero shares on the market with all stock owned by Victor Ajao.

'Victor Ajao, a man I've heavily investigated since his debut. His family owned large amounts of land in Africa, South America and Europe. These lands are now found to be blessed with diamonds and various other precious resources. That is where his funding is from'.

Then he tried to hack them and find some dirt. That plan failed also, finding zero dirt on them. He successfully hacked them then, but now he knows that must've been a ploy by the hand behind A Corp.

Thinking of hacking makes him look to his super computer. Rebooted six times and still plays that video at startup. All LexCorp appliances with audiovisuals and internet connection doing the same. There's already been over seven hundred thousand people applying to return their devices and asking for refunds.

The Lex in the video even makes him unsure of whether he's the person in the video. Down to the little birthmark he has on the back of his ass.

'Clone?' Lex thinks to himself. Something he's been trying to do with CADMUS Labs for a few months now and someone has seen success in it before him. This also means something else.

'Preparation. Whoever did this has been planning to bring me down this way'.

He then looks at the girl now sucking his cock in the video. Just a few hours ago, she was identified as Sarah Finn. A girl aged sixteen. Now he may be brought up on federal charges for having sex with a minor.

Lex Luthor turns away and walks to his main desk and sits down picking up his heavily encrypted phone and dialing a number. The phone rings and the receiver picks up.

"Luthor, I never knew you as one to indulge in such carnal pleasures. Guess you're still a man after all" the voice says.

"Do not patronize me Ra's Al Ghul" Lex says his voice tinged with anger.

'I'm going to call in every connection I have and place a bounty on their heads. Victor Ajao and his family must die'.

Location: The Ark, Base of the Hellblazer Society.

Pamela Isley slowly wakes up from the best sleep she's ever had. She looks around the garden she's decided to call her home. The garden in the building is large and filled with various unique plants that Ivy has never even seen before.

Pamela rises and shifts over to rest her back on the largest tree in the place. The tree to her feels strong and powerful and she can feel a mental connection forming between them as with all plants. Though a pang of hunger hits her and her stomach makes a little noise.

'What's for breakfast in this place?' Pamela wonders. She's amazed though as vines pluck fruit from various trees and drop them in front of her.

"Thanks guys" she says watching as the vines and trees all wave as if doing a dance.

'Unlike the plants which I tell what to do, the autonomy of these ones are brilliant. Are they natural or lab created?' She thinks to herself, then from the corner of her eye notices the Hellblazer locket sitting in the grass.

'These things are supposed to give us information about this place'.

Thirty minutes later a fully fed Poison Ivy walks into her own personal laboratory. She's removed her prison clothes and now wears leaves and vines which to her surprise are strong enough to be bulletproof.

The way to get here was pretty easy. All doors in the ark act as portals and their destinations can be changed.

'Brilliant isn't it' Pamela says, not just marveling at the magical door but at the state of the art laboratory in front of her. Filled with holographic projections and equipment she hasn't even seen before.

"Guess this is an upgrade" Pamela says to herself. From being an underpaid, under equipped botanist to this is really amazing.

"Yes it is Miss Isley, would you prefer if I call you Miss Pamela or Miss Ivy?". Pamela sees a hologram face form as a very soothing female voice sounds out.

"Who are you?" Pamela raises an eyebrow.

"I am Trick. The AI built by Master Daniel to manage the Ark. I maintain all the systems and I'm ready to assist you however you may need".

"An AI huh, very impressive" Pamela says to herself thinking of the dark skinned boy in the hoodie.

"Master Daniel is nothing if not impressive" Trick replies.

"Huh. So any orders or information to pass on?" Pamela asks.

"Master Daniel's main plan is for you to rest, while he tries to see what he can do to get your name cleared".

"That's gonna be hard".

"It is considering that you're now designated as an eco terrorist. When he arrives here he plans to admonish you for that and your idiocy for not realising you could be the richest woman in the world". Poison ivy frowns at that.


"He also understands that they were a lot of factors involving your entrance into becoming a criminal. So while he believes you could've done better, he also knows the difficulty in doing so".

"Tch" Pamela forms a cute pout still feeling a bit annoyed.

"You've been given full access to this Laboratory and some of Daniel's research into fixing the harm done to the world. If you're in need of anything, as long as it's within your permissions, I'll grant your request. If not you'll have to lodge that request with Daniel".

"And how high do these permissions go?".

"You presently have B rank clearance. The highest being A".

"Guess that'll do. Could you show me how the plants of the garden were created?". Trick begins to show her videos of the trees in the garden wall walking about and various information springs up.

"All plant life of the garden aboard the Ark aren't mere plants but are classified as Treants. They are all intelligent and sentient plants as smart as humans. Although they spend most of their time sleeping or half asleep". Pamela's mouth opens in shock.

"Fucking awesome".

Location: Unknown. Cult Of Trigon HQ.

"So you're telling me there's now a bounty on that family's head?" A thirty year old dark haired man with glowing red eyes and wearing a suit is sitting on a red couch asks.

"Yes Lord Trigon. A twenty million dollar bounty has been placed on that family" a man in his fifties with grey hair says. Trigon smiles evilly, thinking of the harm that'll fall onto that boy's enemies. After all even he has suffered a bit from that boy's hands.

Two months Ago.

Trigon, incarnation of the purest evil in human hearts, sits bored on his throne with nothing to do. The red skin, three sets of eyes, horns and can stand at twelve feet god rests his hand on his chin.

Usually he'll be 'playing' with his daughter but over a year ago all telepathic messages he tries to send her yields no results. He can't even find her in the astral plane.

"Must be that damned Hollow child. Those useless followers foiled by a boy" he says grinding his teeth. Then he hears footsteps entering his throne room.

"You shouldn't speak so bad about someone you don't know. It's a bad habit I'm sure". Trigon's eyes narrow as a boy covered in silver enters his throne room. For a moment Trigon wonders where are his guards.

'They're useless anyway, same as those foolish humans'.

The boy has his black hood down and from his facial features you can recognize Daniel. Trigon connects the dots from images he has seen of Hollow and the boy in front of him.

"You are the foolish child who protects my daughter. Did you think you'll come here and leave alive?" Trigon says, the devilish grin on his face betraying his thoughts.

'I have to kill this kid in the most brutal way possible'.

"Yes I do. You're the source of a lot of problems for Raven and I've decided to end this silly game" Hollow says with a snicker. Trigon stands in anger at Hollow's mockery of him.

"Human, I'll admit you've impressed me. When I rule the earth I'll have your head at my side".

"If you like the earth so much, you can come visit" Daniel says with a smile. Trigon taken aback by his positivity and welcome frowns.

"You-" Thats when he feels everything goes wrong. First he begins to reduce in size to about six foot six. Then his body changes to human form, with red irises, black hair and white skin. Then he feels all his powers disappear.

"How?!" Trigon shouts. His clothes now too large for him and his chair way too big. Trigon then looks to Hollow standing there.

"You!" Trigon shouts and jumps to Hollow who waves his hand stopping him mid air.

"Honestly, if I wasn't feeling pressure from you I won't have used this state yet. So much power, it feels boring. But I had to do this so I came" Hollow says giving a sigh. His has transformed his whole body to Element X, the metal of pure creation and can now bend reality to his whim.

"The best punishment for a god is mortality". Trigon's eyes widen with shock.

"You're now mortal. I have taken away most of your powers leaving you a few to survive with. I know what you're thinking, your enemies blah blah blah. I'll keep your secret from them.

Have fun on Earth, try not to cause a ruckus so someone doesn't kill you by mistake. In a few months we'll meet again" Daniel is about to teleport him near one of the cult of Trigon's bases he knows when he sees Trigon try to say something. He removes the mute spell he placed on him.

"Why keep me alive?" Trigon asks.

"Who knows you may learn something from this" Daniel says giving a shrug.

"You'll regret this I swear to -!" Trigon shouts as Daniel sends him flying to earth through a portal.

'Sure' Daniel thinks to himself rolling his eyes. He has already made plans for Trigon if the demon decides to be an idiot. Not even minding the little change he has done to Trigon's soul.

"Now to appoint someone to manage this place" Daniel says and transforms his body to Trigon's.

Flashback End.

Since then Trigon has been living under the protection of his cult.

'Under their protection' Trigon thinks almost breaking the wine cup in his hand. He calms himself and smiles.

"Inform Victor Ajao of this, they are now our allies". Right now he knows when he's beat, and until he gets his powers back the boy is right.

He better not cause too much trouble, he has seen videos of the Superman after all.

Location: Tower of Fate.

"Hey Di, wake up" Flash says nudging the now healed and cleaned up Diana who's resting on a couch in the room. Her brows scrunch before she opens her eyes and fully comes to.

"Flash? Are we in the Elysian Fields?" Diana asks.

"No Diana. If we were I don't think green man would be here with us" Flash says using his thumb to point at Martian Manhunter. His eyes widen for a moment and he turns to J'onn.

"Do Martians have heaven?".



Before you begin the new chapter I want to address a few things.

First is that the Overvoid isn't some ROB, he's the strongest being in the DC universe. He's literally the white pages that comic books are printed on. From him comic books are brought to life. He's a real DC character.

Secondly for those who asked for better wishes, I don't know what to tell ya. I mean if all wishes were the same no one would enjoy the story. The guy isn't an idiot for making those wishes, he's based on someone who just got into the SI genre and just went with stuff at the top of his head. Even still, he still turned out super OP.

Thirdly, Raina Di Bella is a real character of the DC universe. We'll see more of her soon after during and after this arc. She's from the Dr Fate comics and her story is pretty similar to what I've done here. She's meant to usher a new age of humanity apparently and we never saw her again.

Then I got a comment that the story is getting a bit vulgar lately. I really don't know what to say though. I grew up reading the dark parts of DC, from the Sandman (who's now a part of the Hellblazer society, he's name is dream) to John Constantine to Justice League Dark etc What i term the real version of the DC universe is what I'm love with and what I base my writing on. Things aren't all fun and roses. A lot of bad shit will happen.

Oh and some of y'all need to grasp English more. Daniel wished for their intelligence, not their knowledge. So while he is super smart, he has had to study a lot. He basically learnt magic by himself without a teacher which is pretty amazing.

He's basically been working on magi technology as a child.

He's the smartest person in the DC universe in this story and soon I'll be showing more of his intelligence feats bit by bit.

I think I've addressed a few of the messages, reviews and comments I've gotten.

Thanks guys for reading.

Y'all are awesome.

Comment, drop your questions and arguments you have. I'm expecting a few people who're gonna be arguing for Wally being the fastest speedster.

Trigon lives in a different dimension but he's even stronger than a lot of gods. Sooner or later even without Raven's help he'll find a way to earth which has happened in the comics. So Daniel decided to find a solution and has a lot of plans for him.

Next chapter