
Origin System : Cultivating With No Limits

“ Hope is the greatest motivator , never loose hope. “ Amar continue to repeat to himself . Amar was born with an unknown incurable disease , whose symptoms were body will start to deteriorate continuously causing body to stop working. As the orphan boy who was meant to die , survived with everything he had , pushed his hardest each day to live. Parents left him at his birth leaving him all alone in darkest of time. But he kept surviving on his own. As he struggled every day , every month , every decade , at the end was meant to fail , so he decided to go with a bang. In the end of Amar's life he decided to go with a bang leaving behind a mark of existence on this universe. In the fleeting end of his life , he finally realized his dream, breaking the limit he had on him. Reaching the zenith he wanted to reach . As he had never believed the phenomenon people referred to as “ Light at the end of tunnel “. Those rare phenomenon's where people , after waking from near-death experiences would claim “ I saw the light !” . As he was in the same scenario after his death he can see the light right now.” Is this my chance?” Amar thought to himself . [ Yes , Host ], Origin System replied. So, the new journey of Amar began in a new world full of fantasy. :) To see his new journey continue reading.

Chaoscopy · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1- Birth on Earth

On a rainy night , In the hospital of Human Union a child was born. A child whose life was meant to end soon like a flower meant to wither after blooming ,but he was not even fated to bloom.

A child born with an unknown disease , whose symptoms were the body will start to deteriorate continuously causing the organs to fail and causing death. A disease without a cure.

With the continuous deterioration , the growth of the child to adolescence was impossible. After the diagnosis his parents abandoned him in the hospital. Making him orphan after his birth.

Being abandoned by his parents caused the issue with the hospital's procedure , and it caused the scenario in which it was upon the hospital to decide what to do with him. To keep the life support or let him die.

The Doctor Karan who diagnosed his disease earlier decided to keep him alive and take care of him to study the disease he was born with. So, the disease which has meant to take his life became one of the reasons which was keeping him alive.

As for the first week after his birth , his body show sign of slowly getting worse and worse , he started become thin and this, On the day 15 he was bag of bones nothing like a baby would look, the nurse who was in charge of taking care of the child was horrified of the sight of the pitiful sight .

The Dr. Karan was recording and checking his conditions said " From the looks of it, its hard for him to make out of for more than two days "the nurse in charge looked at the boy with pity in her eyes .

The body is starting to loose its functions ,muscles are getting used for nutrients slowly even with the life support its hard to support this body to live.

As Dr. Karan started writhing on the file to record all the data . As he wrote " PROJECT :- EPHEMERAL, NO HOPE OF MAKING PAST 2 DAYS ",as he closed the file and went for further rounds.

On day 16 as team of doctors of watching the child . Watching the all the data live, as his body was loosing functions . A miracle happened the slowly but surely dying child opened his eyes.

With this, his heartbeat which was slowing down , also start to become normal again as from the looks of it the child body function also started to become better.

All the doctor were in disbelief with the current events. To all the shocked doctors surprise Dr. Karan said " The body is making his final struggle before death " as he went away and left room.

As after the comment of Dr. Karen all doctor agreed and came to conclusion as the body is struggling for the last time.

But it continued for next three days state as the boy vitals fall down and as they came back to normal again. This caused turmoil in between as they realized the child's condition are taking different turn.

As a Intern doctor informed Dr. Karan in his office about this turn of events . Dr. Karan ran towards to ICU to check on the boys condition. As he watched the reports he realized the boy is fighting to survive.

With the change of events the stoic doctor was happy with the changes as he knew there is at least there is chance for him to survive.

On a rainy night , In the hospital of Human Union a child was born. A child whose life was meant to end soon like a flower meant to wither after blooming ,but he was not even fated to bloom.

A child born with an unknown disease , whose symptoms were the body will start to deteriorate continuously causing the organs to fail and causing death. A disease without a cure.

With the continuous deterioration , the growth of the child to adolescence was impossible. After the diagnosis his parents abandoned him in the hospital. Making him orphan after his birth.

Being abandoned by his parents caused the issue with the hospital's procedure , and it caused the scenario in which it was upon the hospital to decide what to do with him. To keep the life support or let him die.

The Doctor Karan who diagnosed his disease earlier decided to keep him alive and take care of him to study the disease he was born with. So, the disease which has meant to take his life became one of the reasons which was keeping him alive.

As for the first week after his birth , his body show sign of slowly getting worse and worse , he started become thin and this, On the day 15 he was bag of bones nothing like a baby would look, the nurse who was in charge of taking care of the child was horrified of the sight of the pitiful sight .

The Dr. Karan was recording and checking his conditions said " From the looks of it, its hard for him to make out for more than two days ``the nurse in charge looked at the boy with pity in her eyes .

The body is starting to lose its functions ,muscles are getting used for nutrients slowly even with the life support it's hard to support this body to live.

As Dr. Karan started writing on the file to record all the data . As he wrote " PROJECT :- EPHEMERAL, NO HOPE OF MAKING PAST 2 DAYS ",as he closed the file and went for further rounds.

On day 16 a team of doctors watched the child . Watching all the data live, as his body was losing functions . A miracle happened when the slowly but surely dying child opened his eyes.

With this, his heartbeat which was slowing down , also started to become normal again as from the looks of it the child body function also started to become better.

All the doctors were in disbelief with the current events. To all the shocked doctors surprise Dr. Karan said " The body is making his final struggle before death " as he went away and left the room.

After the comment of Dr. Karen all doctors agreed and came to conclusion as the body is struggling for the last time.

But it continued for the next three days as the boy's vitals fell down and as they came back to normal again. This caused turmoil in between as they realized the child's condition was taking a different turn.

An Intern doctor informed Dr. Karan in his office about this turn of events . Dr. Karan ran towards the ICU to check on the boy's condition. As he watched the reports he realized the boy was fighting to survive.

With the change of events the stoic doctor was happy with the changes as he knew there was at least a chance for him to survive.

As he realized the boy now is conscious and is fighting they started to make plans as much as they can to survive as now they were not hopeless as before . As Dr. Karan told them to start all the possible procedures that can make the Child's situation better.

As Dr. Karen left the room and the nurse asked the intern working with him to record Child's medical reports, Mike why the Cold doctor was paying so much attention now.

Mike replied " Mrs. Kim you Know DR Karan is not heartless. As he is working in this field for a long time he has seen many deaths and trauma. He is a kind person who tries to help everyone without clouding his judgment with emotion."

Mrs. Kim said " Maybe that's true ,but I have never seen him smile or have a normal conversation with others . That's why I made the error "Sorry Dr. Mike."

Dr. Mike said again " We Doctors are not Gods. We try our best to save each and everyone, but sometimes we are helpless too, just like this child's condition as we can do nothing about him. But now he is conscious we will give our best ".

In the months with the continued struggle of the little soul and hard efforts of doctors the child paid off. As the child is not as skin-bones as before . As the treatment continued , they tried every way to fight the destruction in Child's body to make him grow.

With each passing day , the child struggled for one more day to continuously fight the curse of his body .

At 6 months of age, the child started to understand the doctors language as they helped him treat every day to exercise to give him medicine, the doctor also started to notice the bright eyes on his frail body.

As Dr Mike was talking everyday he realized the child understood as he was helping him move his body to exercise . He began to talk to him with small words like " Want food , Want ball etc. ". With each day's interactions the child's understanding grew better and better as he started to react to more complex sentences.

At 9 months of age the child was capable of understanding English , as Dr Mike noticed it he began to teach him how to speak and started teaching him English.

As each day the child breathed conscious breath he continued to grow, capable of removing the Life support equipment slowly one by one as the time went by.

With the medicines and treatment the balance between the growth and deterioration of his body changed as he started to grow like a normal baby .As time passed by the child started to become more and more mature at the age of 1 year and 3 months he learned to speak English and stopped crying due to constant pain in his body.

With the continuous pain with each movement of his body and syringes of medicines within intervals of every hour each day he successfully grew to the age of 2 years old.

Dr. Mike who has been with him for the longest also realized the genius of the child. As he started teaching him new knowledge every day since he learned English. He started teaching him from elementary school level which he covered quickly in 2 days all the subjects and started asking more complex questions of high school level . With the current achievement of boy dr Mike informed DR Karan " He is a Genius , the greatest i have seen".

With slight surprise in his eyes Dr Karan Said " Junior Mike as you are working in hospital for 3 years now , don't you realize that this is not an ordinary child he survived the time when he is sure to die and constantly fighting the disease every day to survive. He is a child with strong will. There is something in him that's how he is alive now".

As Dr Mike realized after hearing after Dr Karan's reply he is a child who is fighting with the unknown disease for so long, how can he be an ordinary child , " But still Dr Karan still he is Genius shouldn't we inform the higher authorities about this" .

As the word left his mouth, Dr Karan shouted " Mike I know You have no malicious intentions , but the child is suffering so much already , I don't want to make more problems for the child now, So I hope you don't tell others to cause more trouble".

Dr Mike realized the excitement of earlier just caused a serious accident, as the news of a child surviving an incurable disease previously caused huge uproar before . As even some mad scientist came to ask for child for experiments

With cold sweat on his back he said " Dr Karan thanks for your guidance , I will seal mouth shut and will teach him myself".

"Do as you see fit, just don't put pressure on the child " as DR Karan picked up a file and started reading without looking at Mike .

Mike said bye and left Dr Karan's office . As he was leaving the office he thought to himself " I can teach a genius by myself".

Its gonna sad and boring in the beginning, but thats life .

Hope you read until mc can reach the fantasy world.

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