
Origin System : Cultivating With No Limits

“ Hope is the greatest motivator , never loose hope. “ Amar continue to repeat to himself . Amar was born with an unknown incurable disease , whose symptoms were body will start to deteriorate continuously causing body to stop working. As the orphan boy who was meant to die , survived with everything he had , pushed his hardest each day to live. Parents left him at his birth leaving him all alone in darkest of time. But he kept surviving on his own. As he struggled every day , every month , every decade , at the end was meant to fail , so he decided to go with a bang. In the end of Amar's life he decided to go with a bang leaving behind a mark of existence on this universe. In the fleeting end of his life , he finally realized his dream, breaking the limit he had on him. Reaching the zenith he wanted to reach . As he had never believed the phenomenon people referred to as “ Light at the end of tunnel “. Those rare phenomenon's where people , after waking from near-death experiences would claim “ I saw the light !” . As he was in the same scenario after his death he can see the light right now.” Is this my chance?” Amar thought to himself . [ Yes , Host ], Origin System replied. So, the new journey of Amar began in a new world full of fantasy. :) To see his new journey continue reading.

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Chapter 2 :Bonding with Mike

As the time passed by Dr. Mike continued to teach the child , with each day of him teaching he became surprised and excited. The kid was learning faster and faster every day.

At the age of 3 years , the situation is no longer similar as the kid started to exercise himself regularly. He also began to study himself as Dr. Mike has nothing to teach him after just 1 month of teaching after that he just provided his resources to read himself.

As Amar was able to use the computer , he started learning from all the downloaded encyclopedias . As he can remember the things just by seeing them once , he started learning all the available language from past to present each day for one hour and switching between literature and technical knowledge every day as he asked the mike to download and get the study material.

Mike thought to himself " The boy who was skin and bones before now is 3 and half years old and healthy a little bit worse than the children of his age but he has grown so much since then" Mike was proud of his growth like a father as he watched his children grow.

Time slowly passed. He came to the age of 4 years old and already learnt all the modern existing world languages. Still learning some ancient languages which he has left to read . His current knowledge is top class in every field whose knowledge Mike provided him .

Mike called him encyclopedia after asking him questions and getting answers of literally everything he asked him.

The boy asked Mike " Can I ask you something ".

Mike replied Jokingly " I have taught you everything you know , now you want to make fun of me , ask away what you want ".

As Amar spoke to him in a childish but hoarse voice " Why I am in pain every day , Why I cannot be like others, Why it always hurts to move , why the bitter medicines everyday, Why I have this disease , I searched on the internet in every language but there was no answer ".

After listening his Mike froze away in shock , as he thought to himself ,'as he was always treating and teaching and taking care of the boy , he realized he never asked the child how was he feeling , he realized nobody treated him as a child as the day he was due to the calm and mature way he behaved.

Tears started flowing from Mike's eyes as he choked up when trying to answer him " My child you will be fine" as he hugged the child. After calming down his emotions he said again " You Know child I don't know the answer of your questions , but I know you will find the answer of them as you are smarter than me ".

He kept repeating everything will be fine , everything will be fine as he finally stopped hugging the child.

Mike left the room as he went through his day in the hospital. He continued to think himself from the day he survived nobody really asked the child how he felt, with the initial miracle of him surviving , from each day onward doctors were all focused on the day how much the treatment improved the growth and how the data was going against the deterioration.

Nobody consoled the child , the pain he suffered , how he felt each and every day living alone in the room . Nobody told the child what was going on. Even he himself was only focusing on his learning and all routine check ups . He blamed himself for not noticing earlier.

The next morning as he arrived in his room for daily checkup he realized the kid doesn't seem that much mature anymore , as the style of his talking which seemed calm before now seemed like a copy of how the doctors talked in the hospital. He again realized this child really has a high iq but still is a small child .

Dr. Mike decided that he will take care of his child as much as he possibly can. From that day onward . During his time of routine checkups he taught him how children play and did fun things like watching movies and playing games everyday.

Dr. Mike kept the child company as much as he could and tried to let him live his childhood. He decided to play games with the kid but he always lost, and got beat up daily in video games . So he chose to play tag in the hospital room as the Kid was able to walk but not much better than the children of his age.

Mike always won in the game of tag and he felt proud of himself and it was only the time the four year old behaved like a child. When Dr. got willingly caught by the child, the child giggled and laughed unlike his usual quiet and aloof self.

As he was nearing his 5th birthday , Dr. Mike decided to give him a surprise on his birthday. Which was not much, just a special birthday cake made for the child so he can eat it unlike his boring medical diet.

Just as Dr. Mike entered the child's room in the hospital. As he opened the door he saw Amar lying on the floor twitching from time to time. The cake fell from his hand. As he ran to pick Amar up and went to the ICU .

As he entered the ICU ward various doctors came up and started working as they saw the child and recognized the situation. As they attached his all the machines and life support did the initial treatment .

After some time ,In the same room as Dr. Karan holding the reports in his hand stated " Looks like the child's body was in a state of shock due to all the piled up stress, fighting continuously with deterioration caused it. And the recovery will take time".

Dr. Mike was devastated as just as he was thinking to celebrate Amar's birthday this happened. He thought to himself " life is so unfair , what a pitiful child ".

With constant supervision and Aftertreatment in ICU for 2 weeks Amar's health stabilized. On the third week he was shifted to his room.

(the room i am talking about is Amar's room ,like private in the hospital as he never left the hospital)

While recovering and walking as Amar and Mike were discussing . Mike told Amar that "it is due to the stress of his body the previous condition happened and everything will be fine as they will prepare beforehand."

Amar gave an intelligent answer," Uncle Mike I know my condition well , it is hard to predict when this will happen again as for preparing beforehand , I don't think we have enough stats to do something".

Mike gave a self-deprecating laugh and said " I know you know everything kid but there must be hope, statistics aren't everything ".

"Hope" , Amar, as he thought ' will hope will help me too'.

As Mike continued saying " Hope and Need are the main things that put mankind where it is today. As we needed something , we hoped for a solution and here we are from fire and stone to planes and cars ".

"So kiddo never stop hoping. As you grow maybe you will find a solution yourself you little genius." said mike to Amar.

Mike said " Child, do you know why I named you Amar." Amar shacked his head and shrugged his shoulders.

When you were born there was no hope of you surviving. So doctor Karan named your medical file " ephemeral" as you didn't have any name, so from then on onward everyone started calling you short lived.

But the day you opened yours eyes and survived from that day onward I changed your name to Amar meaning eternal hoping you have a happy and long life .

" So kid never lose hope and strive toward your goals, I will give you all the love and care in place of your mother and father so stop worrying so much "Said Dr. Mike .

Listening to Dr. Mike's sentence, tears started falling from Amar's eyes as he started crying for the first time after he started speaking.

Dr. Mike hugged Amar who was weeping like a child for the first time and kept crying for half-hour and fell asleep in Mike's arms.

Days passed by as Amar continued growing and Mike gave him all the love and care throughout the year. The bond between them became stronger and stronger .

Next Year came by in a flash as They celebrated Amar's birthday with a cake and other doctors in the hospital. Mike made this the happiest year Amar ever had .

As the time passed it became hard for Mike to get everything on the computer pre-downloaded . So he decided to let Amar access the internet .

As Amar got access to the internet . He starts absorbing information like a sponge as the data provided are Dr. Mike was limited and small for Amar. AS he started absorbing the knowledge he realized he knew many things but was still lacking in using them.

While browsing the internet he realized the main thing he needs right now is money .So Amar's conquest of money started.