

Dare Adebayo and Lexi Daniels,best buddies and CIA operatives. Both special and gifted Metahumans who have always been successful in their encounters with their team. Dare being the main character,gets a new job as a bodyguard to the president's granddaughter who was threatened on her arrival in Nigeria. As he grudgingly does his job as a bodyguard,he realizes the enemies aren't after her but are actually after him and Lexi for a reason,a reason which its answer may be why they were gifted or...cursed. Chelsea,the president's granddaughter on the other hand struggles to fight her feelings of love for Dare while her life is in constant danger. Dare and Lexi have to race against time as there is little left,with Lexi trying to discover who he is and Dare struggling to balance his feelings and duties. Theyb both encounter danger, Mysteries and surprises as the they try to find answers and stop the enemies. Will they succeed? Will Dare and Chelsea fall in love? Or will they lose it all and be conquered? Fund out in this intriguing thriller...OPPOSITES.

GA10 · Romance
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7 Chs

The Job

Dare walked through the hallway, infuriated with the orders. He stopped before a huge, black door which DIRECTOR was written boldly on it.

Taking a cool breath, he opened it, walking before the desk a huge, well-built man sat behind.

"Morning sir. You sent for me" he said, bowing.

"Dare. I know you're angry" the older man, replied,unfolding a grin.

"Yes sir" the former replied, unable to cap his anger.

"And why is that?"

"She's the president's granddaughter. I find it absurd protecting her with my unorthodox methods" he stated, looking up to face the director.

The older man just smiled, grabbing a pack of chocolate, he tore the wrapper off, devouring the sweet, brown bar.

"The only reason I chose you is because you're special. I always saw that potential in you, and I wouldn't want self-doubt to destroy you. I could have chosen Lexi, but Dare, I see you as my son and I wouldn't want you to disappoint me." It was evident he could no longer hide his disappointment.

He smashed his palm against the desk, causing it to slightly bend.

"But still, sir, we haven't even investigated the issue relating to her being threatened. The IT guys are saying the only lead they're getting is in Venus." He replied, feeling stupid uttering the last sentence.

"Forget that. We just have to do this. It's for the best interest of the country" he grumbled and faced Dare, who was now intimidated.

"I promise sir… I'll do it" he replied.

"Good. Now… Let me feed you the details.




The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria sat on a specially made, anti-shock leather chair. He panicked, his teeth jittering with every second that passed.

The threat he received from the anonymous individual earlier had a devastating effect on him and now, he was just anticipating another glimpse of hope.

Though he knew help was near, he still bothered, asking questions about the bodyguard he hired for his daughter.

"Mr. President, calm down" the vice President assured, gesturing that he relaxed.

The President had that look that told otherwise.

"Why should I relax? My granddaughter's life is at risk, and you expect me to be calm?" He yelled, frustrated and agitated.

"Don't worry, the Agent would soon be here" the vice president reassured, stroking his chest.

"Let's quickly take a bio scan on him" the President stated, turning it up. He tapped some buttons and Dare's picture applied in it.

"Name: Dare Adebayo

Code name: Agent 10

Intelligence: 80%

Combat skills: 90%

Survival skills:90%

Speed: Hypersonic speed(Maximum)

Strength: 50%

Category: Metahuman

Class: B ranked" he read, still worried.

"Oh no, I need an A ranked Agent with abilities, not some 20-year-old," he yelled, gripping the top of his laptop.

"Just calm down, Mr. President. He's perfect for her. They'll move along" the vice assured.

Just immediately, his security aide knocked, announcing Dare's arrival.

"Just calm down, it's going to be alright" the Vice assured, ordering he should be let in.

Shortly after, the door handle rolled, and it pushed open. Walking in was Dare dinner in a black latex suit. His hair, combed to manly perfection, rhymed a colorful pattern with his skin and he made his way into the office.

"Your Honors" he greeted, slightly bowing.

Both men were dumbstruck, he used the wrong accolades. Not even the Royal leaders had such effrontery.

"Young Man. Do you know who you are talking to?" The vice asked, infuriated.

The President kept a calm yet perplexed face, surprised by Dare's confidence.

"I'm sorry for being rude sir, but it's disrespectful to call you excellencies. Only the Almighty is Excellent. You both are humans like me and err, so you're not excellent" he replied confident yet politely.

The President looked at him and smiled. This was the kind of person he needed to be with Chelsea. He got up and walked towards Dare, who stood, unflinched by his advancement.

"Confidence and a good sense of judgement… I like it. You must ensure my daughter gets these attributes from you" he said, half embracing the boy who only nodded.

Just then, Chelsea walked into the office, happy to see her grandfather and his vice but Dare, she was furious.

"Chelsea. Meet Dare, your new bodyguard and Dare, meet my granddaughter, Chelsea." He introduced and both reluctantly shook hands.

Dare, unnoticed, winked at Chelsea, who built up a frown in her face.

The President noticed this and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing" Chelsea replied, leaving for her room.

As she left, the President faced Dare squarely and said

"See son, ensure you protect my granddaughter, she's the only one I can relate to as family" he whispered and dismissed him.

As Dare got out, the President faced his vice and sighed.

"He's really bold and intelligent, I hope he doesn't expose it"

"You mean it?" The Vice asked.

"Yes. It." The President voice with a voice of authority.




Scorpio sat on the edge of a billboard, sucking in the smoke that emitted from his weed. He looked at the city of Lagos and smiled, he knew the city, as glorious it seemed, would soon be in ruins.

A thud on the billboard made him turn abruptly, and he smiled as he saw who he expected.

"Kabala" he said, smiling.

The latter, whose face was concealed with a mask, unsheathed his sword.

"Why did you send for me?" The latter asked, gripping his sword tight.

"You heard of the new update on the President and his granddaughter?" The former asked, walking towards him.

"Yes I also know you're responsible, and this new Meta is her bodyguard" Kabala replied, unsurprised

"Who told you?"

"Dad" Cabala replied.

"Well… I need you to do something for me" he stated.

"And what is that?" Kabala asked, knowing his brother was going to get him to do dirty business.

"Your Sword. It has a special ability of draining considerable amount of Chi." Scorpio said, grinning mischievously.

"No, I'm not" Kabala resisted.

"Do it. If you don't, I'll kill your girlfriend" Scorpio threatened, gripping his neck.

"Okay bro but if things go south, I'm out of here" Kabala agreed, resigning to his fate.

"Good, now go and sleep. I'll tell you when to attack" he instructed and with that, Kabala was gone.

Scorpio stood facing the city again, he furrowed his eyebrows, anticipating his revenge. Just then, his phone beeped and he received the call.

"Hello boss" he greeted.

"Scorpio, has your brother agreed?" The dark, undecipherable voice asked over the call.

"Yes he has. Listen… If anything happens to my brother, I won't hesitate before killing you" he replied and with that, the line went dead.

"Now to attend to some other business" he said and jumped down from the 100 feet tall Billboard.

To be continued...…