

Dare Adebayo and Lexi Daniels,best buddies and CIA operatives. Both special and gifted Metahumans who have always been successful in their encounters with their team. Dare being the main character,gets a new job as a bodyguard to the president's granddaughter who was threatened on her arrival in Nigeria. As he grudgingly does his job as a bodyguard,he realizes the enemies aren't after her but are actually after him and Lexi for a reason,a reason which its answer may be why they were gifted or...cursed. Chelsea,the president's granddaughter on the other hand struggles to fight her feelings of love for Dare while her life is in constant danger. Dare and Lexi have to race against time as there is little left,with Lexi trying to discover who he is and Dare struggling to balance his feelings and duties. Theyb both encounter danger, Mysteries and surprises as the they try to find answers and stop the enemies. Will they succeed? Will Dare and Chelsea fall in love? Or will they lose it all and be conquered? Fund out in this intriguing thriller...OPPOSITES.

GA10 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Messed up

Scorpio sat with a relaxed mood in the stuffy, smoke-filled room. Before him was a middle-aged, black and bald man who had a tattoo running down his body.

"Do you know why I called you snipe?" He asked.

"Nope, I was surprised when you decided to call me" Snipe replied

"Okay. You see, I sent my brother on a mission to kill Agent 10, but I'm sure he ain't. He's a good kid. I want you to follow him and finish the job if he doesn't" Scorpio instructed.

"See man and he stopped that shit. I promised my Nephew that I wasn't going to kill anymore." Snipe refused.

Scorpio chuckled and dropped the Weed on the floor.

"If you don't, be assured I can end your cousin. Oh, isn't he part of Dare's team and also his friend?" Scorpio threatened. Snipe had no other option, he had to accept.

"Sure, it's a done deal" he replied and turned to face Scorpio again.

"I don't know what beef you've got with that kid, but I think it's unwise attempting to take him down while he's on a hot roll" Snipe instructed.

"Just do it" Scorpio yelled.

"Okay, but I've advised you" Snipe said and with that, he left the room.

Thereafter, Scorpio unwrapped a thick roll of plain white paper that was filled with a white substance.

He inhaled, slowly taking everything in.

"No. I have to end Dare. He ruined my life" he said, banging his arm in the floor. He got up but fell on the floor, then he passed out.




"So, Chelsea, how's your boyfriend?" Dare ask, hanging on to her wardrobe.

"Would you stop bothering me?" She scoffed, her phone in hands.

"I'm bored" Dare replied, squinting his eyebrows.

"Then go find something and STOP DISTURBING ME" She replied, infuriated.

"But… Okay, so what're you doing?" He asked, laying right beside her in the bed.

She looked over her shoulder, angered by his audacity to do such.

"Are you mad?" She yelled, pushing him off the bed.

"You're just my bodyguard. What gives you the audacity to come so close to me?" She asked.

"Oh boy" Dare rolled his eyes. He knew his childish attitude was pissing her off. He only wanted to be really close to her, so he'll know a lot and endeavor to fish out why she was being targeted.

Furthermore, he smiled and texted her via WhatsApp.


Dare: Hey

Chelsea: What's it?

Dare: I'm sorry, I just wanted to chit-chat just like old times,, but it just turned out I was being immature.

Chelsea: I'm sorry for being rude,, but I don't really wanna talk to you after your Playboy reputation has spread.

Dare: I've changed. Okay, you know what? Why don't we hang out today?

Chelsea: Sure but don't let your guards down, Gramps is really trying to protect me from all harm.

Dare: No problem (Smiling emoji).

She looked up at him from her bed, smiling. Her well plaited braids slightly covering her right eyeball.

"You've got yourself a date" she joked and got up.

"Are you leaving like this?" He asked, looking at her in a large, flower patterned gown.

"Definitely not. I have to change" she replied.

"Okay. I'm waiting" he said, his gaze fixed on his phone.

She stood arms akimbo, vexed.

"What?" He asked, darting his eyes towards her.

"I'm not going to risk getting naked in front of you? Never!" She replied, folding her arms.

Defeated, he raised his arms in the air and walked out, shutting the door as he left.

"He's still problematic" she scoffed, stripping off her gown.




The President walked into his office, a mug of coffee in his hand. He settled behind his desk, sipping the rich, brown taste of coffee.

He set his cup down, powering his HP laptop on. Furthermore, he slipped his hand into his breast pocket and removed a black, long drive.

Furthermore, he slotted it into the USB port and an application immediately popped on the screen.

Without wasting a minute, he clicked on the file, and it loaded, displaying a motional circle that spun like the tip of a tornado.

A minute and a half later, the file opened, requesting a retina scan, which the president gave. Then a fingerprint scan and finally a password which he successfully submitted.

The file popped open, showing the database of several criminal organizations. He scrolled down and saw what he was looking for.

He clicked, and a new icon opened up, showing a quick guide on the Organization's activities. Without thinking twice, he copied every information about the organization.

"Women trafficking bah? I'm ending this today." With that being said, he exited their application and ticked it via light pen.

He took the landline phone on his desk and punched in some numbers. After seconds of ringing, the call was received.

"Your Excellency" a voice spoke out from the other end of the phone.

"Peter, I need you to infiltrate another organization" he ordered.

"Send me the details, and it's a job considered done" Peter or BossP replied.

"Good, I'm sending you the info now. Beware, this will be risky. Kids and women are involved" he instructed.

"Don't worry Me President, it's a done job" Boss reassured.

"Done. I hope your Agent 10 isn't that Snoopy. He's bold"

"Your Excellency, it's alright. That's why I chose him for the job. Your granddaughter's in safe hands."

"Good. I have to leave now" he said and hung up.

He relaxed back on the chair and closed his eyes. He breathed in and exhaled heavily.

"Is this how we're going to live forever?" He asked, then resumed to his coffee.




Chelsea walked through a construction site on an industrial street of Abuja. It was a newly instated area and there weren't much people around. Beside her was Dare, who had a black Oraimo ear pod stuck to his right ear.

He nodded his head, feeling the best of the song he was listening to.

With his free here, he listened to Chelsea's talk about K-pop, which he found rather annoying than amusing,, but he couldn't complain. They had just reconciled,, and it would be an awful thing if he criticized her.

"You know, I feel BTS are just too good" she stated. He glanced at her, his eyebrows knotted.

"Yeah, those group of fa…" he stopped on his tracks.

"Yeah, they're good" he replied.

"Yeah, I'm in love with their songs. I can't just believe they're Number 1 on the Billboard's hot 100" she squealed.

"So much for K-pop," he scoffed. She knew he was being sarcastic, but he didn't show his displeasure, so she decided to tease him.

"So, Mr., what do you think we should listen to?" She asked.

"Rap and Trap or, better still, African music" he replied.

"Wow. I believe African Music is whack" she countered, stopping abruptly. Dare stare and her then shrugged his shoulders.

"I used to believe that but 2020 changed my view on African, especially Nigerian music" he replied calmly.

By then, they had gotten to a completed but to be painted building that had a crane adjacent to it.

Right above the building, hiding behind the bricks, was Snipe who had already loaded his sniper. He aimed it in a direction, awaiting Dare's arrival.

Meanwhile, Dare and Chelsea were still arguing when Dare received a transmission from Lexi

"What's it man?" He asked, frustrated.

"Dude, is Polo working on your devices?" Lexi asked.

"Yeah, why are you asking?" Dare reply.

"First, I'm detecting a person with high amount of Chi approaching and is within 300 feet (91.44 m) from you and BJ also found something" he sounded. Dare squint his eyebrows then turned abruptly, but he didn't see anybody.

He knew the person was going to get them very soon, so they had to move.

"Dare. Someone's overriding Polo's bandwidth over there. I think the person's a"

"Sniper" Lexi, Dare and BJ all stated.

Just then, Snipe pulled the trigger.

Right in slow motion, the bullet sailed like a thrown stone. He immediately grabbed Chelsea, hurling himself to the ground with her.

She landed on him, their breaths showering each other's faces.

Their gazes locked for a few seconds, and Dare immediately pushed her off him.

He got up, dropped his gun with her and smiled.

"Hope you know how to use one?" He asked and super sped up the building.

He saw Snipe, who unmounted his Sniper. Just as he made to attack him, he felt a thud on the building and looked back.

Behind him was a Ninja, one he recognized.

"Kabala" he called, shocked.

He glanced back at snipe, who had now mounted his Sniper into an assault rifle.

One wrong move and he was gone. He looked back at them, unable to decide whom to attack first.

Suddenly, Kabala swerved his sword, cutting off a bullet shot at him.

Immediately, Dare swept him off his feet and quickly hit Snipe, disarming him. He dissembled the weapon fast and drove a punch into Snipe's face.

He drove a kick into Snipe's abdomen, sending him backwards.

He got up and turned around, driving a punch towards Kabala who expertly caught it.

With a twist, his shoulder popped, and his arm was behind his back. Using his empty hand, he grabbed his pocket knife and drive it into Kabala's back and pushed him off.

Another shot sounded, and he saw snipe down on the floor.

He looked down and saw Chelsea with the gun in her grip.

"So you could handle a gun?" He yelled.

"Yeah, I'm not that soft" she replied, then realization dawned on him.

"Chelsea run" he shouted,, but it was too late. Kabala grabbed her and dropped a smoke grenade, disappearing with her.

He looked behind him and also saw Snipe was gone.

"Shit" he cursed, getting off the building.

"Guys, Chelsea has been taken." He said,running towards the CIA agency in Lagos…

To be continued....…

Yeah,I'm feeling the groove.

Chelsea and Dare have met before,Kabala and Snipe did a good job and the agency have a mission in hand.

Do you think Dare can save Chelsea?

Your thoughts????

# The_Mercuverse 2021