
OP: Injustice (Side Story)

Guys! I fucked up! I didn't know that Side Stories were only for Originals! So I can only put the Side story here! Um... Hmm... If you're new, You'd have to go and read 'One Piece: Injustice Corrected' to understand what's going on.... but for the rest of you! All those little dreams in your heads of wholesomeness and happy endings will be fulfilled in this side story! Banzai Daniel-san! Banzai!

AgentMonke · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

Springtime for Class-1A?!

[Izuku Midoriya: I-BLEHH!]

[Ochako Uraraka: I-BLEHH!]

[Aizawa: … My whole class just threw up…]

[All-Might: Haha! Never fear! I… have a mop!]

[Nezu: Correction! The entire student body have thrown up!]

[Reed Richards: Wow! Hello, everyone! I'm a Scientist, pleasure to discuss with you all!]

[Naruto: Damn! So cool! But my head hurts, Universe? I didn't even know what a planet was until today!]

[Sasuke: Mr. Galan, how did you get so strong? Can I get as strong as you? If so, can you teach me?]

[Nico Olvia: You poor little baby, of course… You come to our world and we'll teach you.]

[Uchiha Itachi: Don't touch Sasuke…]

[Mirko: Hmm… You are very strong, Galan. Mate with me.]

[Clark Kent: ???]

[Mirko: You aren't human.]

[Ochako: M-M-M-Mate?! >.<]

[All-Might: Ahem! Children shouldn't think about such things!]

[Izuku: Ah! It seems that the comic books are true, there are multiple realities that exist alongside our own with all sorts of heroes, this means that we could theoretically establish a Universal Hero agency to help all worlds. This video system might just give me enough information to improve my strength and show the strengths and weaknesses of other heroes to study… This could be an enlightening experience with too many benefits, disregarding the fact that you can receive prizes, answering rashly may have catastrophic consequences, therefore we should be very cautious in…]

[Bruce Wayne: …]


[Nico Olvia: Oh my!]

[Mitsuki: Katsuki!]


[Shoto: He's lost it.]

[Bruce Wayne: Killing people is no good.]

[Izuku: Ah! Mr. Wayne, he's just saying that…]

[Tsuyu: Yes, he says that all the time.]

[Denki: Everyday.]

[Jiro: Every moment.]

[Momo Yaoyorozu: It gets him fired up, I think.]

[Toru Hagakure: I think it's pretty cute…]

[Toru: ?!!?!? I DIDN'T KNOW THIS PROJECTED MY THOUGHTS! AHH! SOCIAL DEATH! Mr. Aizawa, I would like to drop out please.]

[Aizawa: …]

Everyone looked at the invisible girl, that was a mass of floating pink at the moment. Mina giggled, "You're crushing on Bakugo!" Toru cried, "Shut up!" Ochako held her hand, smiling "It's okay, I have a crush too."

Everyone rolled their eyes.

Katsuki was stunned and stared at the Invisible girl with his mouth wide open. Mina said angrily "Ochako! You idiot! Everyone knows that you like Izuku!"

Izuku froze and looked up in shock, Ochako held her face and said "Mr. Aizawa, I would like to drop out please." Izuku was still frozen as someone waved their hand in his face. Shoji turned around and said seriously, "Izuku didn't know."

Mina covered her mouth before anything else slipped out, but she couldn't help it, blabbing "Momo Yao likes Todoroki! Jiro likes Denki! I like Eijiro!" Mina's pink skin turned white and she fainted.

Everyone was stunned and Aizawa rubbed his head in annoyance "Ugh… Kids…" All-Might walked into the room, laughing "It's spring!"

Ochako, Momo, Jiro, and Toru were sluggish, turning to All-Might and waking over like zombies, "All-Might, we would like to drop out please…" All-Might laughed and patted their heads one by one, saying heroically "No!"

Before raising a finger, "The path to a top hero is filled with thorns! If you don't have the courage to confess, how can you confront villains! This is a good opportunity! Confess your feelings little ones! I also have a love in my heart!"

All the kids turned to him stiffly.

All-Might held his hips, saying "She's in the US!"

[Izuku Midoriya: All-Might is in love with Stars and Stripes?!]

Izuku covered his mouth and turned pale.


He stood up, "I would like to drop out please." All-Might froze and coughed embarrassingly "Ahem…"

[Cathleen Bates: !!!]

[Nico Olvia: Ahh… Love is in the air!]

[Might Guy: Yes! Children, let your youth burn brightly!]

[Lee: YOUTH!]

[Stain: This is a real hero… Galan and All-Might are real heroes! The rest of you are fake!]

[Tony Stark: Real Heroes?]

[Stain: In our world, these bastards are only heroes for fame and money. They don't care about people at all! If they can't handle a villain they just watch until someone else handles it!]

[Bruce Wayne: Hm?]

[Steve Rogers: That's not good.]

[Peter Parker: There's such a thing?!]

[Mt. Lady: Don't listen to this clown. We all have Quirks, sometimes our Quirks aren't suited to the task! I can turn into a giant, if I go into an alleyway, I'm doing more damage than the villain!]

[Stain: HAHAHAHAH! You hypocrite! You haven't stopped for damage control before! Only when it suits your image do you move! You're a joke! I'll kill all you fake heroes, I swear it!]

[Stain: A real hero sacrifices whatever it takes to take down the enemy and save the day! Although I find that living the villain alive is childish but… Beggars can't be choosers…]

[Ingenium: So you would have Heroes kill villains?! Mind you, you're a villain yourself!]

[Stain: Hahaha! The only person who can kill me is All-Might! You fake heroes will never get the chance!]

[Shigaraki: League of Villains, now recruiting… Come join…]

[Hound Dog: This isn't an advertisement board! BARK WOOF! BARK GROWL!]

[Ectoplasm: Hound Dog forgets how to speak when he's angry… But those words are not suitable for children…]

[Video will resume!]

Everyone shut up and turned to the screen, they got a recap, but this was new! They were excited…

But not everyone was happy…

[Inko Midoriya: This isn't suitable for children at all…]

[All-Might: Mrs. Midoriya, have no fear! We cannot stop such a thing!]

[Mitsuki Bakugo: That… doesn't help…]

[Inko: Mitsuki! How are you! We should get together soon!]

[Mitsuki: Okay! I'll come over right now!]

[Izuku: …]

[Katsuki: …]

The video started again!

Vegapunk showed off his presentation at Marineford before the scene changed.

Galan was sitting at his chair, writing with one hand as Vegapunk's hands were inside his chest. There was a huge open hole but Galan didn't seem to mind. Vegapunk was shocked and terrified, this guy didn't flinch at all!

You know, Galan didn't take anesthetics for this! He was completely sober!

Everyone watching felt a cold shiver from head to toe, was this guy even human?!

When Vegapunk was done, he held a cannister full of blood and closed Galan's chest back up. Galan simply got up and walked away, Vegapunk finally asked him if he even felt anything! Galan replied that corpses don't feel pain, telling him to hurry up.

Vegapunk followed him sluggishly.

When they got to his house, Vegapunk froze and ran over to the cracked and sunken in Seastone block, asking with a trembling tone if Galan used Haki to which Galan replied that he didn't.

Vegapunk was shocked and held the canister like a treasure, Galan threw Sugar out at Vegapunk, taking the bracelets, anklets, and earrings from him. He tore off the previous shackles like paper before putting the new accessories on her and leaving.

Vegapunk did some tests before Olvia told him he was too rough on the children, Galan said 'Oh.' before ignoring her. Vegapunk left after some tests and the night came.

Galan was sitting on the beach and drinking when Olvia walked over saying that he needed to be gentler to which he told her to simply leave if she didn't like it. Olvia accused him of trying to push her away because it wasn't about Sugar or anything, he just wanted her out of his life because he felt himself changing for the better and he didn't like it.

Galan seemed to be agitated and pressed his Conqueror's Haki on her telling her that she should shut her mouth, she didn't know anything about him! Olvia commented fearlessly that since she's been here, he's been calming down quickly, telling him that she was here for him and he wasn't alone.

Galan almost shouted at her asking who did she think she was? She wanted him to confide in her? Tell her all his secrets? He continued by telling her that they weren't friends, they weren't lovers, he wasn't her dead husband and that she should leave because one day he was going to die in a war he made for himself so that nobody else would be affected by his pathetic life.

She smiled at him and he added that she should leave while she could, for her own sake. She replied that he didn't need to be scared of her because she wasn't scared of him.

Galan smashed the Whiskey bottle in his grip and the glass shot everywhere, but he grabbed a piece going for her eye in an instant, moving so fast it was invisible! She smiled at him and said that he was deceiving himself.

But that was okay because she would stay right by his side, adding 'Even if the whole world abandons you, I will stay by your side.' then she kissed his cheek, adding 'I'll wait as long as I have to, right here. Because I fell in love with you.' before walking away happily, continuing 'You might not need me, but I need you. So no, I won't leave. Not now, not ever.'

Galan turned to the sea, staring at it without moving until the sun came up before getting dressed and going to work.

[Starlight: OH GOD! SO ROMANTIC! I- Fuck! Where's my prince charming?!]

[David Lieberman: I knew it! Great! Go Olvia Go! I'm rooting for you!]

[Kakashi: Amazing… This is better than Make Out Paradise!]

[Jiraya: Huh?! Impossible! But… I had a sudden inspiration! Hahaha!]

[Kakashi: !!!]

[Asuma: !!!]

[Shizune: !!!]

[Jiraya's fans: Jiraya-sama! Please write quickly!]

Ochako clenched her fists, staring at the screen.

Kirishima looked at the screen before marching to Mina and saying fiercely "I like you! Go on a date with me, please!" before smashing his head through her desk while bowing.

Mina was terrified and looked like a deer in headlights, everyone turned to them quickly, staring at the romance drama in real life! Mina's eyes were spirals and she said "I-I-I-I-I!" her face turning pinker by the second before finally shouting "OKAY!"

Kirishima was stunned silly and Aizawa's eyes twitched watching this…

[Ms Joke: Aizawa… Hehe… Marry me!]

[Aizawa: …]