
OnePiece! Ninja Gacha System

Genre shifting : Novel ⇉ Fanfic Author here : i'm so sory to the readers, this works has been moved from Novel to Fanfic section (new here so quite foreign with all of this) 〜〜〜〜〜 Synopsis : Rei was an ordinary 25 years old shut in due to his albinism. Electricity shortcut from his VR module made him isekai-ed to the world of OnePiece! He got golden finger called, "Ninja Gacha System". how would Rei fare inside the onepiece world while assisting strawhats group reaching their goals? find out inside! ーーーーー Note : author here, thanks for reading, if there's any grammatical or vocabulary error, please kindly notice me i'll try to fix the error one. DISCLAIMER : all copyrights of Naruto and Onepiece belongs to their respective original author, Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto) and Eichiro Oda (OnePiece) this project is nonprofit and you are able to read it for free.

Ashwinder · Anime et bandes dessinées
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51 Chs

Ninja Gacha System



 Rei stopped on his track gasping for air as he heard all of the sudden the bell sounds out of nowhere!

 「Congratualation for succesfully binding (NINJA GACHA SYSTEM)」

Rei heard something once again, but this time strangely it all came from his head!

 "ninja gacha system? what's that? and how could theres sounds coming from my head? am i crazy....?" before he finished his thought, Rei heard the sound coming once again, now ever so clearly.

 「as new host, you get 1x lucky bag, please accept」

 Rei loves to read, due to his inability to step outside like normal people, he read almost every novel and book on the internet to relieve boredom inside his dark room, now Rei suspicion almost been verified by the system sound.

" hahahaha! so, i'm really transmigrated and now i got a golden finger out of nowhere?" Rei was jubilant! only a moment later his expression turned serious, "....ninja gacha system? ninja...."

Rei realized the horrifying truth, he thought he was transmigrated to the world of ninja, and the only ninja world he knew was only naruto series, which he played its game before.

 "...this is bad! if this is truly Naruto world then i'm screwed!"

Naruto world was never a kind one, the ninja in that world was trained since childhood, trained to kill!

 what power do Rei had against those ninjas since he was always cooped up inside the small room in almost his entirety of life? its true that he was somewhat healthy 25 years man other than his skin condition, but this place was quite possibly a Naruto world! any ninja be it adult one or kid he encounters would spell doom for him!

Rei took a deep breath trying to calm his nerve, now he could only move forward, danger will always exist in any world, but the fact that he could walk under the sunlight once again prevails all of his worries and concerns.

"....so be it! come on then! i could walk under the sun once again! i will not give up this new life for anything! come on, be it ninja or bijū, if anything tries to hinder me from walking under the sun, i'll fight them all!!!..." Rei shouted as loud as he could burrying his worries deep. and new determination shone through his eyes.

" now, how can i summon that gacha system or whatever again?" Rei tried to figured out how to open the system, inside his heart he hopes all of those system sound was not his imagination.

"....um, system open?" feeling doubtful Rei tried the most common one used to calls out the system,



AGE : 25, Male


STR : 9

AGI : 7

MIND : 15



TECHNIQUE MASTERY : none (taijutsu, ninjutsu, genjutsu, sage. etc)

INVENTORY : lucky pack x1」

in his vision, Rei saw a system panel just like common game he usualy got using VR, because of it Rei felt had some doubts if this was only VR or real life? Rei shook his head and looking towards his surrounding and finaly his lower body.

after he saw all of his surrounding and body was real without any pixelated image one saw inside the game, he sighed in relief and turned toward the system screen once more.

tilting his head slightly he said, "as expected from newbie?"

Rei felt his stats were quite low but understandable, then he focused back toward the lucky pack, Rei stretched his arm out trying to click the lucky pack icon, yet he feels nothing as his hand passed through the panel!

at first he was stunned as he thought everything was just an imagination, yet he calmed down once again.

 "....if it can't be clicked, then maybe using voice command?"

 as soon as he thought that, Rei said slowly, "....Lucky pack open.."

 「DING! would you like to open your lucky pack?」

 "yes!" Rei smiled brightly as he answered.


on the screen Rei saw several boxes appeared and lined up perfectly, he saw 3 black boxes with grey aura, 3 wooden boxes with green aura, 1 iron box with purplish aura, 2 silver boxes with golden aura and lastly 1 golden platinum box with seven colored aura!

the last box made Rei's heart palpitate as he knew he got something out of the ordinary from this lucky pack.


after he took his breath several times, Rei ordered the system, "...open 3 black box!"

the system immediately open the first 3 black boxes at once.

 「congratulations, you get ninja supplies (shuriken x15, kunai x6, bandage x6, wound ointment x3, ration x12)」

"....open 3 wooden boxes..." Rei continued.

 「congratulations, you get genin grade standard jutsu x2 (kawarimi no jutsu, nawanuke no jutsu). chuunin grade close combat battle proficency x1 would you like to learn?」

"body replacement technique and binding escaping technique? not bad!" his eyes shone while being excited.

this time Rei got experiences bundle from the system, remembering how absorbing knowledge was often accompanied by headache from all system genre novel he read, he walk back toward the tree in front of him and sat down, closing his eyes, Rei was ready.


 as he chose, Rei felt quite lightheaded as massive amount of information were being absorbed inside his head, surprisingly all he got was only slight confusion before he felt that he had already mastered the knowledge about 2 basic jutsus and close combat battle be it form or what weapon to use. prior to this, note that it could be said that Rei was a NEET and never ever holding a weapon all of his life!

but now his close combat experience was like those of chūnin!

 "how magical! now continue! open the iron box!"

 「congratulations, you got chūnin grade shinobi battle exp x1. would you like to learn?」

 tilting his head, Rei was quite confused. he just got chūnin close combat exp before, now whats the difference between the two? yet he just chose yes.

suddenly, more massive information and experience than before entered Rei's mind! Rei was thunderstruck! because what had he experienced was actually chūnin grade ninja named Hasimoto Hiruma memories and what had he experienced in battle as a chūnin!

Rei didn't know about this character in Naruto series before, but Hashimoto Hiruma was a chūnin from Amegakure and most importantly he lived in shinobi 2nd world war era!

Rei read Hasimoto Hiruma memories as if it was his own, Rei also experienced how brutal and cruel the ninjas world are, it shows how's the war started and it climaxed as Hanzo the Salamander from Amegakure manhandled three shinobis from Konohagakure. and the trio actualy managed to impress him! he gave the trio the title of "Sannin" of Konohagakure at the end of battle.

  however later, Hanzo got killed by Nagato using his new power "Rinnegan". and the leaderless Amegakure was devastated because of this and Hiruma only feels resentment towards its enemies and now claimed as Amegakure savior, the "Six Path of Pain" !

and finaly, the memories ended when Hasimoto Hiruma was killed by Konan or known in Amegakure as "Angel", Rei felt as if he lives as Hashimoto Hiruma himself until his death!

Rei opens his eyes, and vomiting violently, he felt horrified, all of the experiences and memories he saw was so clear as if it was just yesterday he went through all of those madness! and the feeling of getting killed, Rei sure didn't want to experience it for second time.

but everything has it own silver lining, Hiruma was shinobi who specialized in taijutsu and some ninjutsu, all of those precious experience now had been accepted completely by Rei. now Rei was experienced as chūnin with vast battle knowledge because of Hiruma!

 Rei closed his eyes and pay respect toward Hashimoto Hiruma. even though he felt bad about it, but now he has chūnin battle experience and he accepts everything with grateful attitude.

 "continue, open 2 silver boxes!"
