
One that lies within

Sylvia Foster, on day before her marriage found out that her fiance is in love with someone else, broken heart but she decided not to show and will never marry but one day she found herself between two CEO as they both took an interest in her. she however is focused on finding a partner for her childhood best friend Clara but even with such pure intentions life has different plans for her.

itz_Noor · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 09

Next day she woke up and Tim was nowhere to be seen.

And like this she thought of marrying Tim but Tim after that day started ignoring her and even stopped coming to her home and even stopped replying to his texts.

This once again broke her heart once more. She felt left alone.

A year spend like this and Caleb was now a year and half. Sylvia was sitting with with him on in the park. He was playing while Sylvia sat next to her but there was sadness in her eyes. Tears began to fall down her cheeks but soon she had to wipe them off as a familiar figure approached her and it was none other but Mr Lloyd Taylor.

"Sylvia is that really you!?", he said in a surprise but soon notice her crying.

"Hello Mr Lloyd! Long time no see!", she smiled forcefully.

"Were you crying?", said Lloyd with a concern look on his face.

"Crying no way! Why would I?", said Sylvia smiling nervously.

"How is this little buddy doing? Hey buddy how are you?", said Lloyd smiling and caressing Celab who began to play with his hands. Lloyd did that to change the subject and not to pry any further as he knew it was painful to discuss.

"Want to eat something? I brought snacks ", said Sylvia smiling gently.

"Of course why not?", said Lloyd smiling gently.

They both began to eat and Sylvia gave a soft biscuit to Celab who began to eat it.

Sylvia thought that if it stays like this she end up alone forever. She was in thoughts when an elderly passing couple passing by saw them and commented how good couple they make and what a sweet family they are.

She couldn't help but look down averting Lloyd's gaze who was a bit surprise to hear that.

Finally Lloyd broke the ice with a frustrated sigh.

"I can't take it anymore Sylvia, I can't see you in pain. I can't stand you being alone and it's not only of today but I am seeing you like this for a year now! Please don't do that to yourself! I love you!" He said frustrated and realized what he just blurted out in the end.

"You love me?", said Sylvia shocked.

He blushed and hesitated but the next sentence get him shocked even more.

"Marry me then!" , said Sylvia looking right at him.

"What!?, Are you sure? What about....", Lloyd said surprise and confused and Sylvia spoke quickly.

"I denied you before cause there was someone I had to take care of someone as I promised but now he's gone so marry me!", Sylvia said looking at him and then gently holding his hand.

She had now decided that the one she loves don't want him then let's be with one who loves her.

"Can I marry you like just now?", asked Lloyd seriously.

"It's up to you now when you want to marry me ", said Sylvia smiling gently.

"Then let's go now!", said Lloyd with a serious tone and determine face.

That's is how she ended up signing a marriage certificate in marriage registration and now they were both sitting again in park on a bench.

"So I am your wife and how does it feel?", said Sylvia chuckling.

I feel the luckiest man on planet ", said Lloyd smiling gently and blushing which made her blush too.

"My mom was happy when I told her everything on message and she wanted a public marriage but she is agreed to this too!", said Lloyd smiling brightly.

"Will you give me a week to move and shift and then I will come over to your house", said Sylvia smiling gently and he agreed to her.

She saw Lloyd playing with Celab and she got exhausted began to feel sleepy and soon her eyes gave up. Lloyd looked at her side as she felt a little thump on her shoulder and only to find her asleep with her head on her shoulder.

"Don't worry I'm going to take good care of you and him", said Lloyd smiling gently and caress her head.

After an she woke up and found out that she was asleep on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I was just tired", said Sylvia embarrassed.

"Come on!, no need to worry for that", said Lloyd smiling gently.

Soon she went to her parents house as she started living there two months ago and she even stopped calling Talia and her parents were so happy to have her back.

She was in her room with Celab and for the last time she left a message for Tim as a good bye.

"Dear Tim,

I'm now leaving this last message as a goodbye today cause after today I won't message you anymore. Thank you for taking care of me while I was sick and I also wanted to say that I started feeling for you but I guess you won't feel same for me. I know that you think that I shouldn't feel for a guy like you but I accepted you the way you were. But I think it's too late now. Well as a goodbye gift I send you the portrait l made a year ago. You can keep our even throw it away if don't like it or don't want it.

Sylvia.L .T.

In the end she gave him a hint that she is now belongs to someone else. She delivered the portrait of him to his house.

Then she decided that she will now be a good wife for Lloyd Taylor and a good daughter in law for his mother cause Lloyd loves her.

She then decided to spend a week making good memories with her parents and she won't regret cause she fulfill her bestie's promise.
