
One that lies within

Sylvia Foster, on day before her marriage found out that her fiance is in love with someone else, broken heart but she decided not to show and will never marry but one day she found herself between two CEO as they both took an interest in her. she however is focused on finding a partner for her childhood best friend Clara but even with such pure intentions life has different plans for her.

itz_Noor · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 08

Tim now aware of everything lay on hospital bed. Waiting for this woman everyone talk about. Everyone in hospital says that she is an angel. Kids call her Amazing big sister.

Nurses call her a ray of hope and elderly patients call her a well raised daughter.

When she finally arrives, whole hospital is happy and excited. Tim could hear hustle and bustle outside.Soon door opens revealing a lady holding a baby.

"Miss Sylvia!?, it's you?", Tim said in surprise.

"Good morning! Mr. Tim!", said Sylvia smiling brightly.

"How are you feeling today!, Oh and I brought you flowers today!"she said smiling gently and revealing a bouquet of tulips.

"Good morning Miss Sylvia ", said Tim smiling gently.

"And thank you for the flowers ",he added smiling gently.

"Are you married now?", said Tim looking at the baby in her hands.

"No I'm not married Mr. Tim, said Sylvia smiling gently.

"Then who's kid is that said Tim a bit confused.

"He is my high school friend Liza's child , she died after two months giving birth to him. I named him Celab", said Sylvia smiling brightly and proudly.

"That's a good name", said Tim smiling gently.

Soon Sylvia began to take care of him. She not only fed him but also took him outside in wheelchair for walk in hospital garden and a week later he began to walk and was discharged.

During that time Tim who never felt for anyone began to Fall for her but he remain quiet thinking that Boss likes him and even if he doesn't she deserves better.

Finally the day came when Tim rejoined the office and Sylvia was there to cheer for him and Mr. Victor who saw all this felt a little jealous.

Soon She left to her Gallery and and Tim Ranolds who thought to began his duty as a sectary was told that he will work as Vice CEO of the company now. This left him in surprise but he decided to work on his new post.

At lunch time CEO and Tim sat together for lunch when Victor finally spoke what he was keeping in heart all along.

"You are lucky Tim! You got all of her attention, I tried hard to get", said Victor smirking teasingly.

"You know I'm not the Only one, Lloyd also failed, she refused both of our marriage proposals only because she won't be able to take care of you if she marries someone", said Victor with a defeated sigh.

"She made a promise to Clara", said Victor.

After Victor's statement Clara remembered how Clara always presuade him to marry her and it was Victor who force him to go on date with her. He however never felt the same. Spending time with Sylvia was quite different.

With her he felt something, he never felt before. An urge to always keep her with him. An urge to see her smile and an urge to make her mine forever.

And with these thoughts blush rises to his cheeks.

Seeing him blush Victor smirked.

"I have an idea if you act upon it she'll definitely realize her love for you, also how deeply she loves you"said Victor with a smirk.

Tim was so embarrassed to say something in reply but Victor continued.

"Ignore her for a day or two and her desperation will tell how much she loves you and how much you mean to her", said Victor with a knowing smile.

"Alright I'll get going ", said Victor and Left.

This left Tim to his thoughts. He loves Sylvia now and it was hard for him thinking of ignoring her.

Meanwhile Sylvia who was thinking about what might Tim be doing creates Tim's painting without realizing.

But after realizing what she is doing hides it away as she heard Talia's footsteps approaching who is Caleb's nanny.

"I was so lost in thoughts that I forgot what I was drawing", she said to herself in her mind and a blush creeps on his cheeks.

"It's time to visit graveyard", said Sylvia to Talia. Talia picks up sleeping Caleb and Soon they reach Clara's grave after buying two different kinds of flowers. It began to rain.

She put lillies on Clara's grave and sat bending her knees without caring for rain.

"I miss you so much my bestie and I'll always will. I know you why you fell for Tim! He's a very kind and gentle person who value others feelings and I am afraid that I have fallen in love with him", she said while tears fall down her cheeks.

Talia was worried and was seeing her crying from a distance with an umbrella.

"I didn't know I'll fall for him with a promise we made, I don't know if he felt the same ", said Sylvia still crying.

"Now it's hard to live a day without his presence, I know you will hate me for this now ", she said while crying.

She stood up with daisies in her hands and put them on Liza's grave.

"I promised you that I will take good care of Celab and I will ", she said and returned home dried up and started making dinner but she can't help but feel warmer than usual.

Her head felt heavy but she brushed it off by thinking it must be cause of crying.

But few minutes later she fell due to dizziness. Talia rushed towards her and found her burning up with high fever and she took her phone and wondered who to call when she heard Sylvia mumble Tim's name and she called him.

While Tim who was busy with work, a call interrupted him and it was Sylvia, he confused pick up the phone as he was in a meeting.

" Hello!?Sylvia !? You called? Is everything ok?"he said confused.

"It's me, Talia sir! Miss Sylvia suddenly have a high fever and I thought informing someone would be better! Please come quickly ", said Talia in extremely worried.

This made him quickly stood up, making others surprise.

"Don't worry I'll be there" , he said and cutting the call.

"Is everything ok?", asked Victor.

"Sylvia fainted and have a high fever and I would like to leave ", said Tim in serious tone and Victor nodded and he left in a flash.

He reached her home after ten minutes and found Sylvia burning up in high fever and is lying on her bed.

He went to Sylvia and called her name.

"Sylvia? You okay?", said Tim looking worried.

"Tim? Is that you?", She mumble his name opening her eyes difficultly.

"Don't worry I'm here so let's make you soup and then take some medicine but before that let's lighten your fever first!", he said smiling gently.

While Talia took care of Celab. He used wet cloth on her forehead to reduce her fever. After her fever reduced she sat up and he made her drink the soup she made and made her eat medicine.

Talia left after feeding Celab and putting him to sleep.

Tim was now sitting next to Sylvia's bed when Sylvia mumbled his name.

"Tim!?"please don't go! , she mumbled.

"I'm right here and I won't go, said Tim while holding her hand.

Something was sad in his eyes and looked at sleeping Sylvia. I have to go away before I am unable to resist any more. It's true that I love you but I can't let you love me.

You deserve more than this. You deserve more than an orphan like me. I'm sorry I have to go away.
