
One Step at a Time.

A death, a wish, two perks, no system, and a really weird mission. Off you go. This is the story of Azuma Fūrinji, a boy that wasn`t supposed to exist. Life is a series of steps, let`s see where Azuma´s story will take us. ~~~~~~~ As you see in the tags this will be a harem and multiverse story. Some of the worlds I know, others I have a couple of ideas. The first world is quite obvious if you know the MC’s last name. Let me warn you, this will be slow, no jumping worlds five chapters into the story, or popping in get the girl and out. If this is not for you, I’m sorry, and hope you find something for your taste, I know the pain, that’s why I’m writing. Thanks for checking my story

FluffiestEmperor · Anime et bandes dessinées
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65 Chs


Azuma and Mikumo seem to be playing -who can ignore five grandmasters the best- Once his mom had given him the directions, he went straight to find Chikage. Meanwhile, Mikumo got back on her seat, telling the others with her face, -I have infinitely more important things to do now that my son is here, hurry up.-

It seems Senzui finally told the guards about their…visitor, he could have faked not being able to tell them at first, but if the guard kept attacking Azuma, Mikumo would get angry, and then Azuma would get angry, and fighting two advanced grandmasters, at the same time, no matter the numbers, it would be counterproductive.

Therefore, as Azuma walked through the corridors, the guards only walked past him, the cannon fodder, having replaced the previous cannon fodder.

Finding the room his mom pointed, Azuma wanted to give his little sister a scare, Azuma snaked in. Yomi appears to be sparring, so they didn't even notice the door opened.

Chikage is sparring against, Rachel Stanley, a young fairly tall girl with long wavy blond hair down to her back wearing a wrestling outfit.

Seeing her sparring, Azuma lowered his presence, leaning on a wall with his arms crossed, he watched. As Chikage launched Rachel in the air, the older girl simply maneuvered in the air, landing firmly on her feet.

Azuma sighed, yelling at Chikage, "Chikage-chan, how could you throw a person that practices lucha libre, they are some of the best at knowing how to land safely."

Chikage did not turn around, tilting her head confusedly, was she hallucinating? She could swear she just heard Azuma-nii in the room, but that can't be possible, right?

The rest of Yomi most definitely did hear him, and definitely looked at him, there he was, shouting at Chikage, like an overexcited parent at their child's game.

Boris Ivanov, Gaidar's disciple was the first to spring into action, being a member of the military Boris understood the need to attack first, least his enemy gains an advantage.

Chikage finally getting out of her surprise, finally noticed Azuma leaning on the wall, seeing Boris rushing at him, she shouted at Boris, "Wait!…"

Shō Kanō and Tirawit Kōkin, Agaard's disciple followed behind Boris, Azuma looking at the kids running at him only looked towards one of the cameras in the room, fully knowing that their masters would be watching, "Do you not teach your disciples common sense? Attacking first, without an understanding of your opponent is suicidal."

As he talked with the camera, Boris arrived in front of him, sending the most obvious distraction Azuma had ever seen in his life, Boris punched and started trying to get on his back.

By this point Azuma really did not care, allowing Boris to jump at his back, the boy trying to choke him, Azuma started walking towards Chikage, not caring about the teen on his back, trying to asphyxiate him.

Shō and Tirawit also started to attack Azuma, the first with Karate and the second Muay Thai, tired of fighting children, Azuma only easily dodged every attack, until finally reaching Chikage, with a serious look on his face he looked at the short girl, who gulped seeing his look.

Seriousness quickly replaced by a smile, Azuma, still with Boris on his back, grabbed Chikage and carried her like a doll, making the girl yelp in astonishment and blush.

Seeing the expressionless Chikage blush and make such an expression flabbergasted the Yomi members, Boris falling off Azuma's back, falling face first in the ground, Shō and Tirawit, stopping mid-attack with surprised faces. The rest had their mouths opened, rubbing their eyes to make sure this wasn't an illusion.

They finally realized this was not an illusion when Chikage, with a squeaky voice filled with embarrassment, yelled, "Azuma-nii stop, put me down, you are embarrassing me."

With a cute pout, Chikage tried, really, really hard to get out of Azuma's grip, after a couple of tries Chikage only pouted harder, accepting her fate, dropping her arms, allowing Azuma to treat her like a doll for a while.

While playing with Chikage as if a doll, Azuma told her, "Awww, Chikage-chan does not like to play with her big brother."

His words only made Chikage red with even more embarrassment, wishing to hide her face on the ground.

While Azuma was playing with his new doll, the rest of Yomi, encircled Azuma, blocking, or what they thought would be blocking Azuma's escape path.

Shō, ordered, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

But for a moment Azuma looked at Shō, he scoffed at the boy, and ignored him, preferring to keep playing with Chikage, who tried to make herself look smaller by the millisecond.

Finally done playing with Chikage, Azuma put her on his shoulders, looked at Rachel, smiled, and said, "Ahh, sorry girl, I'll be kidnapping your sparring partner for a moment, if you'll excuse me."

Before the rest could even process how would Azuma leave if he was surrounded, Chikage world started spinning, the kids noticing Azuma disappeared quickly looked around the room.

Noticing Azuma already on the door, a mocking smile on his face, Chikage had a face that screamed, nausea, Azuma laughed at the kids, "Well children, it was a pleasure, but... ciao."

Before any of them could follow, the relieved voice of Hongō sounded from the speakers, "Stop, do not follow. He was just playing with you."

Shō shouted, "Who was he?"

Hongō only replied, telling all of them, "Your masters will explain, for the moment keep practicing."


Boris Ivanov was talking with his master Alexander Gaidar, all the disciples that were in the base were present, except Chikage, all the master except Mikumo also present.

Gaidar asked Boris, "You were the one that got closer to him, what are your thoughts?"

The masters tried to use the previous event as a way to teach and check on their disciples, it's rare for them to get a chance to….try to attack an advanced grandmaster, especially one that didn't instantly knock them out or injured them.

Boris had a thinking face, recalling the fight if you could call that a fight, "He was strong…."

Hearing this Shō scoffed, but the rest of the masters angrily glanced at him.

With the interruption over, Boris continued, "He was strong, the choke I had him in would have broken someone's larynx, but he just kept walking, not bothered at all by me, even then he continuously dodged Shō's and Tirawit's attacks. At the end when we had him surrounded he simply disappeared from our view."

Shō tried to speak, but before he could even utter a word, Gaidar along with the rest of the masters nodded, Hongō started speaking, "Good, advanced grandmasters usually have a lot of pride, if a group of disciples attacked him, he would mostly injure them for their disrespect, you were lucky he just played with you, not bothering to retaliate, even considering you were attacking with the intention to kill."

All of the disciples were shocked, advanced grandmaster, realizing their stupidity, they all gave a sigh of relief at the fact Azuma didn't do anything.

Satomi Kajima, a muscular boy, wearing bandages wrapped around his forearms, with tanned skin, dark scraggly hair, covered in scars and wearing an eyepatch over his left eye, calmly asked the masters, "Who was he?"

Senzui or Saiga disguised as him answered behind the curtain, "He is your other master's half-brother and Kushinada-san's son."

After talking Saiga started thinking how weird was referring to Azuma as someone else's brother, all this disguising started to confuse him.