
One Piece: White Hunter

Smoker… an unfortunate fellow who is beaten up for most of the time in the series. And now, I am him. *I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this. *The source of the title cover: [https://wall.alphacoders.com/tag/smoker-%28one-piece%29-wallpapers]. If the rightful owner wishes me to take this image down, I will do so right away.

BravoBuds · Anime et bandes dessinées
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178 Chs

Chapter 117

[One Week ago]

<Our plan is to maximize our gains from Smoker's decision to... give Koala a chance meet her family.> Though reluctant, Dragon stated, <Smoker has a history of coming victorious against the past CP0 Chief Pierro. With that in mind, it is likely at least two Admirals will be sent right response to his appearance, and this time around, he won't state escape, unlike other situations past.>

Dragon slammed his hand on top of a round table. Around the table sat Ivankov, Kuma, Sengoku, Tsuru, Smoker, and last but not least, Garp who was holding a rice cracker party with Kuzan by the side. Smoker didn't speak out in particular, but continued listening as Dragon opened his mouth once more,

<Two Admirals at the very minimum, and potentially, distribution of Cipher Pols from World Government. It won't be an easy task to care for Koala while facing a hoard, but this same time means that frontline will loosen—enough us accelerate our progress even further.>

<If you are able to reach such a conclusion, don't think that Five Elders would also be aware of it?> Questioned Tsuru. Dragon, as if having expected a question, replied,

<Of 4 course they'd know. However, their reactions in the past years response to Smoker's actions have been strange—frantic almost—which I speculated be related that strange awakening of Smoke fruit.>

Sengoku murmured, <Possessing the awakened traits of Zoan and Logia simultaneously...>

Dragon held a baton and pointed it at a rough map by the side. As everyone's eyes were locked onto the map, he said,

<When Smoker begins his operation, the Marine and World Government are likely to pull back from Lulusia, Bensarad, Sabaody Archipelago momentarily accommodate translocation of forces. And this is our chance to—>

Dragon's eyes narrowed as he stared at the drawing of Sabaody Archipelago in particular,

< —cut the major food supplies that are being transported to Mariejois.>

<Two Admirals out, one left, Cipher Pols, additional Marines and agents...> Whispering to himself, Smoker then asked, <...When I was down this time around, eavesdropped a confidential information from CP8 agent that came across. It contained regarding the approved plan to screw up shipwright Tom's showcase of his Sea Train under development. The reason for them doing this... is check if Tom does possess rumoured blueprint ancient weapon, Pluton.>

He gazed at Water Seven on the map,

<If we are to distribute additional forces the Water Seven prevent potential of rumoured Pluton falling into hands World Government, while I garner attention and our force cuts their food supply lines, what's chance us successfully preventing scheme capturing one agents for interrogation?>

Dragon closed his eyes to think. Then, he answered in sync with Sengoku and Tsuru,

<<<Highly likely.>>>

<However, we cannot send someone regarded as a high threat to them. At the same time, need just capable,> Said Sengoku.

<If the World Government isn't aware that you overheard them, this plan will work—as long as process goes swiftly.>

<What if they don't act in accordance with our predictions?> Asked Kuma, softly, <Everything that's being spoken here is merely an extension based on our assumptions. If one thing goes wrong, everything will fall like a domino.>

<As long as the Five Elders don't dare to move, we hold advantage, and I am quite certain that they won't.> Said Dragon, <However... I cannot predict how Sakazuki will act in response to this.>

In response to that, Kuzan, who was busy chugging down a load of rice crackers, spoke up all of a sudden, <Worst case scenario, Sakazuki goes to Water Seven, no?> He, with a confident grin, then exclaimed loudly, <Then send me there!>

<The plan won't succeed if someone like you shows up there, Kuzan.> Refuted Sengoku, to which Kuzan shrugged in return,

<Then I'll go in secret, Sengoku-san.>



Aramaki and Senor Pink watched in shock as Sakazuki's fist which was boiling in a hot magma sat in front of them. Between said fist and them lied a familiar man letting out a cold breath.

"You haven't changed at all since then, Sakazuki."

Kuzan, whose left hand was holding onto an evidently confused Robin, who wondered why she was back at the site all of a sudden, was countering Sakazuki's magma-enhanced fist with his ice-covered hand.

"Admi—" One marine soldier was about to let out a shock-filled shout, but quickly covered his mouth.

"Kuzan..." Vice Admiral Bonga, a tall man with thick nose hairs that protruded out of his nostrils, grimaced.


The loads of steam flew off as the constant supplies of magma and ice endlessly collided against one another. From the heat alone, Robin, Aramaki, and Senor Pink had to shield their faces, and unknown to them, the unconscious Spandam nearby was slowly being cooked.

"Traitor...!" Sakazuki growled coldly, and Kuzan returned with an equally cold expression of his own.

"Not going to lie, that was a close call," Said Kuzan, dryly, "I stayed far away from here to ensure that no Observation Haki detects me, and then I see the magma-made meteors raining down from the distant sky—like holy fuck."

"...Do you think your presence will make a difference?"

"We've never tested who's the better one among the two of us, have we," Snorted Kuzan, "Sakazuki 'senpai?'"

Two individuals were skidded back from each other as they simultaneously expelled a greater burst of their respective elements. Staring Kuzan in a mix of anger and cautiousness, Sakazuki's entire body began to bubble in magma. Letting go of Robin, Kuzan's surroundings became extremely cold, causing his breath to become visible to the eye.

Quickly manifesting his ability, Aramaki covered Robin, Senor Pink, and Spandam with vines that grew out from his body. Then, he evacuated to a distance away while shielding them against the gunfires of the surrounding Marines.

"Don't let them escape—especially the 'Green Bull' Aramaki!!" Shouted Vice Admiral Doberman, knowing that the battle between the suddenly-appeared Kuzan and Sakazuki was out of their control.

"Hold your position, and fire!"


"Tch!" Aramaki, who was in a state of exhaustion, frowned as he quickly formed a hard wood-made dome around them.


The wooden dome shook as it received blows, but nonetheless sustained—although Aramaki was clearly drenched in a sweat inside.

Watching those acts of Marines from the outside, Kuzan scratched the back of his head. Then, he mumbled to himself, "...It should be about time, no?"

Sakazuki caught onto that, "What do you mean by—"

<<Purururu, Purururu,>>

All Marines froze as Sakazuki's mini Den Den Mushi. The Den Den Mushi that directly connects to the Fleet Admiral of Marines... the only ones capable of such a feat were—

"...Elders," Spoke Sakazuki with a deep frown.

<<Sakazuki, what are you doing at the current moment?!>>

"I beg your pardon—"

<<The food supply lines are under attack, and where you, pretending as if you haven't received this information yet?!>>

"Let's see," Kuzan opened his hand and began counting, "While we are here, wasting our time, in the nearby sea of Sabaody Archipelago, the ones who targeting the supply ships are... Garp-san, Dragon, Ivankov, Kuma, and... hm," Shifting his eyes at Sakazuki, Kuzan made a cocky smile,

"Should we let you folks leave, Sakazuki?"

Sakazuki's eyes trembled unknown to himself, as he came to realize that it was him who was trapped in Water Seven now.



'Hina and Bastille, in addition to Kuzan's watch on Water Seven. Those in Sabaody Archipelago should be fine even if they are to encounter the Five Elders. Though the deaths of Cipher Pol agents by Bullet's abrupt appearance were unaccounted for, it technically led to yet another advantage for us to take.'

An abrupt yet huge and simultaneous attack by the Revolutionary Army and former Marines was what they ultimately planned out from the start. It was in the middle of this situation that Smoker decided to travel underwater and engage in a fight against Douglas Bullet, and he knew that he had to return fast.

As Smoker returned his attention back to reality and focused on Shanks's words, Maynard was busy trying to process his confusion.

'Devil fruit? One that World Government fears?'

"Gum Gum fruit is peculiar," Spoke Shanks, "It was recorded in the devil fruit encyclopedia since approximately 800 years ago, as one of the weakest and the most basic fruits to ever exist. In other words, it was and is a fruit so weak that its users died without managing to awaken it."


"...Devil fruits are said to have souls of own—or Zoan ones at the very least."

"But we're talking about Paramecia here!" Exclaimed Maynard.

'Souls of their own, huh.'

Smoker, on the other hand, recalled how Hina attained her devil fruit. In addition, if he were to think of how he came to attain Smoke Smoke fruit... he did believe that the chance of devil fruits having wills of their own was definitely possible.

Shanks, staring at Maynard in seriousness, said in a low voice, "Unknown to the public, the true name of this fruit is... Human Human fruit, model: Nika."

"Human—Zoan—wait what, Nika...?" Maynard, out of a sense of familiarity, squinted his eyes, "You mean that belief about the warrior of freedom who'll save the slaves and all that?"

Without answering Maynard, Shanks shifted his eyes at Smoker,

"Isn't it strange? The mysteriousness of devil fruits—where did they come from? In what process does the acquisition of power happen following the consumption? Why does it taste awful? Why is it that a person can't eat more than one fruit?"


Smoker was already aware of Gum Gum fruit's identity; he read it in the manga after all. However, he could tell that what Shanks was going to speak from here on, was something that even he was unaware of.

"In the past, I was an apprentice in Pirate King Gol D. Roger's crew. At one point, we traveled the world deciphering all the Poneglyphs that we could find to reach the final island in the Grand Line, Laugh Tale. And they recorded, the shocking information about how advanced the Ancient Kingdom was in terms of scientific technologies... to an extent where they were able to conduct the artificial synthesis of so-called 'God Fruits.'"

Smoker's eyes narrowed, 'Artificial? SMILE...?'

Not knowing what is in Smoker's mind, Shanks held three fingers out,

"In this world, there only existed three fruits termed 'God Fruits' in the long past. They were said to be found only by the ones worthy of them, and upon consumption, grant them the mystical powers unlike any other. Based on the abilities that those chosen individuals received, the ancient civilization personified the images of 'gods' that embodied the following ideals: freedom, peace, and order. And the most recently discovered from among the three of them is none other than Gum Gum fruit, which was eaten during the Void Century by one man called Joy Boy. From what was mentioned by the Poneglyphs, he, through his rubber-like power and seemingly limitless stamina, developed numerous followers who considered him the god of freedom and the sun. The true name of Joy Boy was none other than..."

"Nika? Pfff, yeah, as if," Snorted Maynard, before he paused upon noticing Shanks's seriousness, "...Eh,"

"...Nika. The first to ever awaken the full potential of the fruit that no one ever knew was possible. It was only after the creation of Devil Fruits that they managed to learn that something called the 'awakening' existed." Shanks said to Smoker, "And why do you think I'm telling this to you."

Smoker raised an eyebrow, "You said that CP0 is transporting Gum Gum fruit."

"Yes, and the truth is, I haven't told you the full story."

Nodded Shanks as he took a deep breath, before saying,

"The CP0-guarded transportation of Gum Gum fruit... was hijacked by the Beast pirates of Kaidou of the 'Beast,' around a week ago."


Upon hearing that, Smoker found himself losing his calm for the first time.