
ONE PIECE: Victor's Reign

In the vast expanse of the One Piece world, Victor Crowe emerges not as a pirate, but as a commander of the seas. Born with the ancient Hanma bloodline and a monstrous Kraken body, his thirst for power knows no bounds. With the addition of a rare Devil Fruit Extractor to his arsenal, his might becomes unrivaled. Rejecting the life of piracy, Victor sets his sights on a different path: becoming the supreme admiral of the seas. With his cunning intellect and ruthless demeanor, he rises through the ranks of the navy, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. As Victor ascends to the pinnacle of naval authority, his control over the seas becomes absolute. With each Devil Fruit he acquires, his fleet grows stronger, striking fear into the hearts of all who oppose him.

Ethan_Storm · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

1year later

As a year passed, Saint Saturn dialed Vegapunk to inquire about the progress on deciphering Victor Crowe's complex bloodline. However, Vegapunk's response was less than satisfactory.

"Sir, this guy's bloodline is too complex. I haven't been able to decode it at all," Vegapunk reported. "It's as if his blood is not from this world. I haven't even begun to understand a single aspect of it."

Saturn's frustration was palpable as he issued a decisive command. "Stop the work on his bloodline and focus on Seraphim. I want him ready as soon as possible," he ordered before abruptly ending the call.

Saint Warcury, eager for progress, inquired if there had been any developments. However, Saint Saturn's response was grim.

"No progress," he admitted, his tone tinged with frustration.

Saint Mars echoed the sentiment. "Damn it! What is this guy made of? A year has already passed!"

Saint Shepherd added to the dismay, "No results here either. I sent him some Devil Fruits, but he rejected them, claiming they were not to his liking."

Saint Nusjuro interjected with another troubling observation. "And furthermore, this guy doesn't even pay attention to women. During his training, they've just been sitting on an island for a year. One CP0 girl tried to get close to him, but he got annoyed and ripped her head off."

The room fell into a heavy silence as the gravity of the situation sank in. Victor Crowe's enigmatic nature and seemingly insurmountable obstacles posed a significant challenge to the plans of the World Government.

As the Five Elders listened intently to Fleet Admiral Sengoku's report, a sense of unease settled over them. Sengoku's words painted a dire picture of Victor Crowe's formidable abilities and his unchecked rise within the navy's ranks.

"His training is over now," Sengoku informed them. "He was already able to defeat both Garp and Kizaru half a year ago. Today, I also sent Gion, Aokiji, and Akainu to fight him. Victor defeated all of them alone, and the entire navy's secret training area has been destroyed. We haven't even been able to decode his martial arts."

The gravity of the situation was not lost on the Five Elders. Victor Crowe's unmatched strength and elusive nature presented a significant threat to the stability of the World Government's plans.

Saint Saturn spoke up with a sense of urgency. "He wanted to become an admiral, right? Announce his presence in the newspapers and publish that he is alone going to fight both the Kaido and Big Mom pirates."

As Saint Saturn's frustration boiled over, Saint Nusjuro proposed a daring plan to entice Victor Crowe into serving the World Government's interests. "How about we tell him that if he defeats both Kaido and Big Mom, we will make him a Celestial Dragon? I will even offer my daughter's hand in marriage to him."

Saint Mars quickly saw the potential in the plan. "This is good. The next generation of Celestial Dragons will undoubtedly be powerful."

Saint Shepherd chimed in with a hint of bitterness. "The plan is sound. Our descendants have become nothing but trash in recent years."

Saint Warcury, intrigued by the prospect of enhancing his lineage, eagerly expressed his agreement. "I also agree. I want my daughter to marry him."

Nusjuro couldn't help but detect the ulterior motives behind Warcury's enthusiasm. "Do you only want his genes flowing in your blood, Warcury? Don't think I haven't noticed your intentions after all these years."

Caught off guard, Saint Mars, Saint Shepherd, and Saint Warcury exchanged guilty glances. "You truly are Nusjuro," they conceded.

Realizing the potential of pooling their resources, they agreed to collectively offer their daughters' hands in marriage to Victor. "If he marries all five of them, he could become the next Five Elder and help us defeat Nika," they concluded.

Saturn, the voice of reason, cautioned against rushing into action. "First, let him defeat Big Mom and Kaido. Then we can inform our daughters and Imu about his matter."

With a plan in motion and their ambitions set in motion, the Five Elders resolved to leverage Victor Crowe's power for their own gain.

As the news of Victor Crowe's audacious challenge spread like wildfire across the world, it ignited a frenzy of speculation and apprehension among the most powerful figures in the seas.

Shanks, ever the astute observer, remarked on the significance of Victor's emergence. "Looks like he is the World Government's secret weapon," he mused, recognizing the potential threat Victor posed to the delicate balance of power.

Meanwhile, Whitebeard, unfazed by the news, chuckled confidently. "Gurararara! I am still the strongest in all the seas. There is nothing to fear," he declared with unwavering confidence, his legendary status unshaken by the emergence of a new challenger.

Kaido, known for his ruthless demeanor, responded to the news with characteristic aggression. "Wororororo! This unknown guy has such guts to challenge me. I will kill him," he vowed, his desire for domination fueling his determination to crush any opposition.

Even Big Mom, renowned for her insatiable appetite and formidable power, paused in her indulgence to acknowledge the gravity of Victor's challenge. "This guy really has guts, challenging me," she remarked incredulously, her usual composure momentarily shaken by the audacity of the navy's actions. "Has the navy lost their mind?" she wondered aloud, puzzled by the brazenness of their actions.

As Victor Crowe's name reverberated throughout the world, it became clear that his bold declaration had set the stage for a confrontation of epic proportions.

As Sengoku relayed the amended terms to Victor, the latter's response exuded an air of eagerness and confidence. "The more, the better. Even if you brought all four of them together, I won't complain. This only makes me happier," Victor declared, his determination unwavering in the face of increased challenges.

With the arrangements made, Sengoku instructed Vice Admiral Garp to escort Victor to the designated island for his next trial. Meanwhile, he contacted Admiral Kizaru and Admiral Aokiji with specific directives.

"Kizaru, kidnap Charlotte Cracker. He is currently on a mission in the West Blue. I won't tolerate failure," Sengoku ordered sternly.

Kizaru, though reluctant, acquiesced. "Ah, I just fought that monster guy. Now you want me to work more?" he grumbled.

"After this, I will give you a vacation," Sengoku promised before turning his attention to Aokiji. "Go capture Jack. He is on a mission away from Wano. I will give you the details."

Aokiji nodded in acknowledgment, prepared to carry out his orders without hesitation.

The following day, news of Charlotte Cracker and Jack's kidnappings spread like wildfire, their abduction strategically publicized to escalate tensions. The newspaper headlines announced Victor's ultimatum: if Kaido and Big Mom failed to arrive, Victor would chop off their heads.

Enraged by the audacity of Victor's challenge, Kaido wasted no time in responding. "How dare that bastard!" he bellowed, ordering the live execution of Jack and mobilizing his forces for retaliation. Big Mom, equally incensed, declared Victor's death to be inevitable, vowing to reclaim her honor.

In the face of escalating hostilities, the stage was set for a clash of titanic proportions. With the specter of war looming on the horizon, Victor Crowe stood poised to confront the mightiest adversaries the world had ever known.

As the decisive battle loomed on the vast desert island in the Grand Line, Fleet Admiral Sengoku had meticulously prepared contingencies, ensuring that even if Victor were unable to defeat the two Emperors, the navy's forces, including the admirals and vice admirals, stood ready to deliver a final blow.

Meanwhile, Kaido and Big Mom, recognizing the gravity of the situation, reached an agreement to personally lead their strongest forces into battle. Kaido, accompanied by his right-hand man King, and Big Mom, alongside her formidable son Katakuri, prepared to confront Victor and his allies head-on.

However, amidst the impending conflict, Shanks, ever the voice of reason, reached out to his father, Daint Garling, in a desperate bid to prevent further bloodshed. "Father, do me a favor. Stop the war. It will upset the balance of the seas," Shanks implored.

Saint Garling, though sympathetic to his son's plea, acknowledged the limitations of his influence. "I can't intervene in this matter. All five Elders have agreed to it, and it would be best if you also refrained from taking action. Otherwise, you will face the wrath of me and my God's Knights," he cautioned before abruptly ending the call.

With the fate of the seas hanging in the balance and the stage set for an epic confrontation, the forces of chaos and order prepared to clash in a battle that would shape the future of the world.

As Victor dialed the secure line to the Five Elders, his resolve was unwavering. "I need to visit Impel Down, alone. It will be better if no one accompanies me," he stated firmly.

The Five Elders, recognizing the gravity of Victor's request, conferred amongst themselves before unanimously agreeing to his terms. With their approval secured, Victor set out for Impel Down, the infamous prison that housed some of the world's most dangerous criminals.

As Victor arrived at Impel Down, even Magellan, the warden, couldn't help but acknowledge his formidable presence. "What a beast," Magellan remarked, instructing his subordinates to stand down and allow Victor to proceed.

Making his way to the sixth level of Impel Down, Victor unleashed his Conqueror's Haki, causing most of the pirates imprisoned there to fall unconscious in awe of his overwhelming aura. Only Bullet and Redfield remained conscious, their blood boiling at the prospect of facing such a fearsome opponent.

Approaching a particular cage, Victor laid eyes on the infamous pirate Byrnndi World, encased in ice. Without hesitation, Victor retrieved his Devil Fruit Extractor, a tool of his unique abilities, and extracted the Devil Fruit from Byrnndi World. With this Devil Fruit in hand, capable of multiplying his attacks and defenses several times over, Victor's power reached new heights.

After consuming the Devil Fruit, Victor made his exit from Impel Down, his mission accomplished, and his arsenal of abilities enhanced.

After returning to his ship, Victor retrieved the Manticore Fruit from his belongings. During his training, he had been given a total of five Devil Fruits by the Five Elders through CP0. Victor had taken a day to consider his options before making a decision. Upon receiving the Devil Fruits, Victor discreetly created a fake copy of one of them, the Mythical Beast Manticore Fruit.

Victor handed over the fake fruit along with the four real ones but CP0 insisted on taking at least one Devil Fruit back, then, he quickly retrieved the fake fruit back, he didn't want to go oppose the world government so soon.

With the Manticore Devil Fruit now before him, Victor felt a surge of power coursing through him. With an evil smile, he consumed the fruit, embracing the newfound strength it bestowed upon him. Determined to fulfill his ambitions, Victor contacted the Five Elders to inform them of his decision.

"I have eaten the Manticore Devil Fruit you sent," Victor informed them. Shepherd expressed his satisfaction, acknowledging that Victor had finally consumed one of the Devil Fruits. The others echoed their approval, recognizing that tomorrow would be a pivotal moment in determining Victor's fate.