
One Piece: Transmigrated as Rob Lucci

A random soul from Earth is transmigrated in to the body of Rob Lucci after his defeat in Enies Lobby. Armed with a new Devil Fruit and knowledge about what is to come, he is determined to make his way to the top! Watch him as he ascends from a discarded and disgraced agent of W.G. to the seat of an emperor of the sea! Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit - Human Human Fruit Model:Absalom ``the Life God`` (A.K.A. Vampire God) An evolved version of the non-cannon vampire fruit, similar to how magma fruit is for the fire fruit.

Kaydo_XD · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Revolutionary army, Ivankov

After a while, Magellan finally calmed down a bit, retracting his venom back to his body as it was affecting his staff by now, and started to plan for the battle that's to come.

Due to Lucci's schemes the whole Impel Down was now in high alert and unlike the series none of this was known by the world outside.

As time passed and the investigation advanced, they found out about the similar incidents in with prisoners were going missing have been happening since quite some time, so they concluded there was some nefarious plot going on.

... Meanwhile, with the raid group...

  Inazuma, has brought everyone to Ivankov secret layer also named the level 5.5, where a bunch of people were currently holding an extravagant party that should not have been possible in prison.

As they got inside they were quite shocked to see a sight unlike any other they have seen since coming into this place, the room was full of people dressed in all kinds of colorful clothes with smiles as big as one could have after escaping the hell outside this room having found asylum and to some extent even freedom to be themselves.

"What is this place, how could such a place exist in this hellhole?" Asked Jabra stunned by the sight.

"More importantly, what is wrong with those people, why are they dressed in those dubious outfits?" Asked Sanji as he lit up a cigarette, taking his eyes from those people.

A conversation soon started debating how could such a place appear here and who those people were, but suddenly the discussion was cut short by the appearance of a man who made Sanji almost faint of fright due to having his dreams crushed as he turned from a normal looking woman to a man with a head almost the size of his whole body. He introduced himself as King of the Kamabakka Kingdom, Ivankov and also a member of Revolutionary Army. Then started to introduce the Revolutionary Army, obviously thinking they were some new recruits brought here by Inazuma.

Which in turn made Luffy reveal himself as the son of Dragon, getting quite an exaggerated reaction from the people surrounding them, especially after Ivankov asked a few questions for confirmation.

The Straw Hats also explained their purpose to save Ace, Luffy's brother, from level six before he'll be taken to Marineford from execution, not knowing that it already happened. Ivankov hearing this ordered her people to get ready to get out of this place as he promised to help them since their cover was probably blown already, most likely thinking that Ace was also Dragon son but none of them bothered to explain further. They were ready to depart almost immediately, as their plan was always to escape from here one day. She and Inazuma lead them to the entrance to level six soon after through the use of Inazuma Devil Fruit.

As they descend the stairs, Magellan and the outer wardens were already notified as they now were approaching level five with all their forces to try to stop them from doing even more chaos than they have already. Their forces include all the high level personal fallowed by the beasts controlled by Sadi and even some of the Blugori were brought down.

In level six, all the locked prisoners were currently looking staring at them with pricing gazes, some even asking the girls some inappropriate questions angering the white knight, Sanji, who jumped to the rescue treading insult for insult with them like some drunk sailor in a bar.

"ACEEE!!! i'M HERE TO SAVE YOU, WHERE ARE YOU!? Answer me!" Luffy was already running through the cells looking in each one of them only to be told by a giant fishman that they have already come and taken him not long ago. The fishman introduce himself as Jimbei and started to tell the Straw Hats about Ace and his reasons for being detained here due to his debt to Whitebeard pirates.

As this was going on, the Blood Moons gathered behind Lucci ignoring the others. Lucci looked around using his sonar ability and then started to head straight to a certain prison cell, inside of which there was the woman named Catarina Devon, a future member of Blackbeard pirates and without wasting any time his hand turned red and went straight through her chest without even allowing her to interact with them. Soon, a devil fruit was roughly pulled out of her dead body as Lucci decide to end her life, not allowing Teach the possibility to find out about his powers, even making sure no other prisoner was able to see by covering them with a crimson mist.

Everyone looked at the Devil Fruit in his hand as he signaled Kalifa to come closer and finally allowing her to get a new, much more fitting Devil Fruit for her the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Nine Tailed Fox a very powerful fruit that will strengthen her body to the level of others crew members or even beyond them and even offering her the ability to use illusions and charm people similar to the Nine-Tailed fox from legends.

"Oy, Lucci, what about me, I've been waiting for the new Devil Fruit for so long, how come I'm the last to get it!?" Asked Jabra.

"Don't worry, yours is right there!" As he pointed with his chin towards a huge block of ice in the corner of this room.

"That is... Byrnndi World, the ``World Destroyer``!!" Exclaimed him again as he remembered the identity of the prisoner.

"Yes, I've promised you a Devil Fruit with a potential equivalent to Kaku's so here it is, happy?" Asked Lucci watching the ever-changing face of Jabra.

"YES, with this I will be able to beat that long nosed bastard and finally be the second in strength again!" Said Jabra in a very excited manner.

"Ohh? You, the second? Looks like this princess needs to remind you of your place again!" Said Perona from beside Lucci reminding him of his horrible lost against her, making him shudder with fear at the thought.

Soon enough, the process was repeated by Lucci as his hand like a red snake priced right through the ice and in to the weak body of the former legend, extracting the Devil Fruit and leaving Byrnndi World to continue sleeping in his ice coffin that now has a big hole in the middle.

With More-More Devil Fruit in hand approached Jabra who was already looking at it with strong determination in his as Lucci extracted his Devil Fruit making their current trash Devil Fruit collection reach to four together with the ones from Kaku, Kalifa and the Candy pirates captain.

"Hahahaha, finally I have it!" Said Jabra as he moved around erratically.

"Now what should we do, captain, stick with them or just leave?" Asked Galdino from the side with great respect coming out of his voice after witnessing the deeds done by his new captain, not even acknowledging his former boss who was currently talking with the Straw Hats from the confines of his cell. 

But before answering, Lucci, noticed with the corners of his eyes in the cells close to them two figure he knows quite a lot about they as they were one well known figure all over the seas, they are Douglas Bullet and Patrick Redfield. The latter being a relic from long before the current times and the former a mad man seeking a great battle in which he could prove he is the strongest. Looking at those two Lucci thought of an idea, he knows there is no controlling them or making them join his crew they were too proud to join someone way younger than them, but he knows how he could still form an alliance with them copying a certain clown currently present in the room who was trying to make himself more forgettable due the overwhelming presences in level six. And so he decided to approach them and try, knowing it could go either way. The first person he walked to is Bullet, who was now staring straight at the newcomer.

"What do you want, boy?" Said the giant man still chained to the wall.

"I have an offer to make to a remnant of Roger pirate crew, you see I happen to have some information that might interest you, you've heard about the boy they talked about right?" Asked Lucci pointing to the Straw Hats.

"Ye, and?" Replied Bullet.

"The boy, Ace, he in not only a member of Whitebeard but also happens to be the son of your former captain the old man Whitebeard only recruiting him to protect him from his father enemies." Said Lucci watching his expression closely.

"What did you say!? That Roger had a son!?" Reacted him strongly as Roger is one of the few people he respected and even considered the strongest, his biggest regret in his life is not fighting him one least time.

"You see, he is even more talented than his father, but unfortunately he's still young now I know you don't really care about that, but he has the potential to suppress even his father and next there will be a big war and a lot of powerful people will be involved that want his head but lucky for you, I'm willing to let you out and even heal you to your best state, but you will own me two things, a pirate debt if you will. So what do you think?" Said Lucci not taking his eyes off him.