
One Piece: The Unbreakable Bond

Under the crimson sunset, the silhouette of the Thousand Sunny could be seen on the horizon. On its deck, Pirate King Luffy, and his first mate, the strongest swordsman in the world Roronoa Zoro stood side by side, looking at the endless sea. "Zoro," Luffy said, breaking the silence. His voice echoed in the wind, carrying an unusual seriousness. "Do you remember when we first met?" Zoro turned his gaze towards his captain, his friend, his king. His eyes reflected the clash of emotions within him. "How can I forget, Luffy? You were the one who saved me from that Marine base." A nostalgic smile curved Luffy's lips. "And you were the first one who joined my crew. You believed in my dreams." "Because your dreams were as absurd as mine." Zoro responded, his tone a mix of amusement and reverence. He remembered the days when they were just rookie pirates, their dreams as vast as the sea that lay before them. "But now we're here, having achieved our dreams," Luffy declared, his laughter echoing into the night. "Yeah, It really is nostalgic," Corners of zoro's lips curled up to a smile, observing ever cheerful luffy. The quest for the One Piece transformed the lives of numerous pirates. But the greatest shift in the tale of the pirate world had been when the bond that once held two friends together splintered, turning them into the fiercest of enemies.

Ease_Life · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs


The island stood alone in the sea, a fortress against the water. Sharp cliffs rose from the water, their tops hidden in mist. The sea crashed against the rocks, sending spray high into the air.

In the center, a castle, old and weathered, held its ground. Its stone walls, cracked and moss-covered, had seen many seasons. High towers reached for the sky, their tops lost in the low clouds. From a distance, the castle seemed empty, a ghost of its past, but a faint light flickered in one tower, a sign of life.

Around the castle, stone houses clustered, like children around a mother. Their roofs were thatched, dark against the gray sky. Small windows stared out, like eyes watching for danger. The doors were sturdy, made to keep out more than the cold.

Narrow paths wound through the village, their cobblestones worn smooth by countless feet. They led to the castle, to the sea, to the fields. They were never empty, always filled with pirates, their heads bowed against the wind, their hands busy.

Beyond the clutter of village, the land was wild. Trees grew thick and close, their branches heavy with leaves. The ground was rough, covered with rocks and roots. It was a land untouched, a land that refused to be tamed.

This was the island, a place of stone and sea, of wind and mist. It was a hard place, a place that demanded much and gave little. But to those who called it home, it was more than just an island. It was their fortress, their refuge, their world. It was the safezone of pirates.

It was a place where pirates and marines coexisted, a place where the lines between friend and foe were blurred by the power who ruled over it.

Atop the weathered castle, a flag billowed in the wind. It was not just any flag. It bore the symbol of the Straw Hat Pirates, the mark of the Pirate King Luffy.

Basil Hawkins, the guard dog of this place, held absolute power. His forearm carried the Straw Hat Pirates' mark, a clear testament of his allegiance.

Smoker had already predicted the course of Doflamingo and Douglas. He and his sizable Marine force were already in a safe zone. The guests they waited for were now here.

With Doflamingo, the army of pirates entered the safezone. The island was left with nearly twelve thousand pirates, two thousand Marines, and two thousand Straw Hat Pirates. These weren't ordinary pirates. Each pirate crew captain, had a bounty exceeding two hundred million, marking them as notorious figures on the Grand Line and even in the new world.

The Straw Hats' presence was a deterrent in itself. Their force was equipped with lightsabers and strength-enhancing suits, making each pirate as formidable as a Zoan Devil Fruit user.

Hana, in shackles, was brought out. She took cautious steps, her eyes taking in the dark city. The pirate army, dressed in dark sci-fi suits and armed with lightsabers, waited. "We have been ordered by Commander Hawkins that you would arrive," one stated, the words echoing through the silent city.

Doflamingo laughed, a sound full of triumph. A large truck arrived and Hana, bound and bruised, was tossed into the back. The truck started and moved away, taking her off into the dark.

A large chariot was brought for Doflamingo and Bullet. It was an impressive sight, the wheels as tall as a man. They climbed aboard, Doflamingo settling into the cushions with a satisfied smirk, Bullet with a serious look on his face. As the chariot started to move, Doflamingo closed his eyes and relaxed, while Bullet stayed alert, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

The city was a remarkable sight, a blend of the old and the new, where technology and tradition met in a unique fusion. It was a city that bristled with an arsenal of advanced weaponry, where straw-hat pirates armed with light sabres roamed the streets, and watchtowers armed with machine guns kept a vigilant watch.

At street level, straw-hat pirates clad in dark suits moved with a predatory grace. They were a formidable presence, their light sabres glowing ominously in the dim city lights. Their suits were not just for show; they were equipped with advanced tech, making them a force to be reckoned with. They were the new-age crew of straw-hat pirates. 

The city streets were not just patrolled by these pirates. There were hundreds of tanks, their formidable size. They were a marvel of engineering, their hulls crafted from an alloy that was both light and unyieldingly strong. Their barrels, capable of launching projectiles over vast distances, and able to kill even most powerful of pirates.

The city's defenses were not just limited to the ground. Watchtowers, equipped with missiles, were scattered throughout the city. These towers were a blend of stone and steel. The machine guns, however, were automatic, their barrels rotating with a mechanical hum, ready to rain down bullets on any who threatened the city.

The city's skies were not left undefended. Drones, sleek and silent, patrolled the air. They moved with a precision that spoke of advanced programming, their movements fluid and calculated. Equipped with high-tech sensors and armed with miniature rockets, they were the city's eyes and ears, their presence a symbol of the city's readiness.

A kilometer away from the castle, standing tall and imposing against the backdrop of the sky, was a massive observatory. Its dome, a perfect hemisphere of gleaming metal, housed not only a powerful telescope but also the Neutron-launcher, the ultimate weapon of precision and destruction.

The Neutron-launcher, a marvel of modern technology, was an automatic hunter of enemies. It was a testament to the ingenuity of its creators, a weapon designed for maximum efficiency and minimum collateral damage. Its core principle was simple yet terrifyingly effective - one shot, one kill. It was capable of destroying an island in a blink of an eye.

This was a city prepared for any threat, a safe-zone of pirates. Safezone-4, strongest of the seven safe-zone existing throughout the world.

All pirates who gathered, never fought. And marines bases existed in the island, but they dare not cause trouble but just observe. As pirate king forbid and battles in the safe-zone, in the pirate code.


In a dimly lit room in the castle, Hawkins sat at an antique wooden table, his eyes fixed intently on the deck of cards spread out before him. 

Hawkins drew a card from the deck and placed it on the table, his gaze never leaving the card. It was The Tower, a card often associated with sudden upheaval and chaos. His brow furrowed slightly as he considered the implications.

Next, he drew another card and placed it next to The Tower. It was The Fool, a card of new beginnings but also of potential pitfalls. 

Finally, he drew a third card. It was The Tempest, a card unique to his deck and one that signified a storm, both literal and metaphorical. Hawkins' eyes widened slightly, a rare indication of surprise.

He leaned back in his chair, his eyes thoughtful as he looked at the spread of cards before him. After a long moment, he finally spoke, his voice low and filled with a weighty seriousness.

"A storm is coming," he said, his gaze never leaving the cards.


In the quiet of the graveyard, Zoro worked. The rhythm of his digging was steady, the sound of his shovel biting into the earth a constant companion. Sweat dripped from his brow, but he didn't pause, his focus intent on the task at hand. Then, his shovel struck something with a sharp, ringing 'ting'.

He reached into the hole and pulled out a long, metallic box. It was weathered from time, but sturdy. He flicked open the latch and lifted the lid.

Inside lay his three swords: Wado Ichimonji, Sandai Kitetsu, and Enma. He reverently tucked them into his belt, their familiar weight grounding him.

He reached back into the box and pulled out a dark object adorned with a 'Z' insignia. "Activate!" he commanded.

A swirl of darkness engulfed him, and when it cleared, he was clad in a futuristic suit. It was dark as the night sky, adorned with a dragon pattern that seemed to move with a life of its own. The suit was completed with a pair of dark jet wings extending from his back.

Zoro reached into his pocket and pulled out a vivre card. He slid it into a glass pocket on his pant, and a screen materialized before him, a line showing the direction the card was tracking. He followed it, his eyes focused on the path ahead.

He took a moment to check his blades, running a thumb along their edges. They were as sharp as ever. Then, he withdrew Enma.

Enma was no longer the same sword. It was now dark, almost black from the constant use of haki. The blade seemed to have a will of its own, vibrating with an eager anticipation. Zoro smirked, a spark of excitement lighting his eyes.

"I lied to myself. No more!" he declared, his voice echoing through the deserted graveyard.