
One Piece:The Tale Of Noak Kent

Read Kent's journey through the World of One Piece. Many adventures await him as the vast sea calls out to his name...this is merely the beginning...

normal_name · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

The reason for the food. Mr.Kama's battle!

"What the hell?!?!" Kent yelled out as he saw the woman cook on the floor depressed, with the face of a ghost.

Kama:"You may need to sit back down for this one. I'll show you something..." Kama pulls out a shelf from his desk. Countless documents were in it. He browses through and brings out a letter...

"Mr.Kama, for your employees sake. Close down The Starry Night. You don't want them getting hurt, do you?" The letter had no name on it. 

K:"So uh...care to explain more?"

Kama:"Yes, of course... You see, when my receptionist Gavin saw that your ship was approaching, we decided to give you a call... Normally we don't advertise ourselves through Den Den Mushi to pirates...but the marines didn't care enough to help us out here- We called countless pirates here also... They all rejected... We want to ask for your help... Please..."

K:"...I don't really see a reason to why... Sorry, we're pirates not some vigilantes..."

Kama:"...I understand..." sigh "Gavin...give them back the money, and let them leave... I'm sure there'll be others..."

Kent and Nowan got back up...they went around the girl who was still on the floor crying...

N:"...Captain... Isn't this a bit-"

K:"We're pirates!"

Kent yelled to Nowan as the two were going to leave the room. Then suddenly the girl grabbed the leg of Kent and with tears in her eyes said "Please...help..." Kent seemed to notice that the ghost were a bit further then the girl, it quickly followed after and the girl went back onto weeping on the floor. Kent felt as the sheer air itself slapped him in the face. Then he remembered a time... 10 years ago

[Flashback Start]

(Soe)S:"Kent, you see... One time when I was out at sea, there was this girl... Weeping on the floor. She asked us for help, as pirates what did you think we did?"


Soe punched Kent hard on the top of his head and a bump formed...

S:"Kent, we may be Pirates but we're not monsters... If a helpless lady cries for your help... Leaving shouldn't be considered as an option... And if you ever do that. I'll personally beat your ass!"

[Flashback end]

K:"What am I doing?" Kent said as he looked down onto the girl. He went back to Kama, who was already looking outside for any other potential helpers...

K:"Oi! Kama, if we do this... We get treated to a free meal right?" Kent smiled.

Kama looked back. "Y-Yes! Of course! Please, sir! Help us!"

K:"Alright, alright... Do you have any information on the guy...?"

Kama:"...Well- no...but first- let me explain what's been happening... It all started two weeks ago... That's when those ghost things began haunting my cooks... Only the cooking staff... The letter came around... 5 days before that... I thought it was nothing but empty threats... Now- We've lost all our customers...some cooks couldn't handle this and left... The only time when these ghost come for them is here... The thing is... I have told all my chef's that they are free to leave... Even so they decided to keep coming here... Some lost will as I said earlier... The ghosts wait for them each day at the front door... We suspect it's a rivaling establishment but you see... That doesn't really narrow it down..."

K:"...So we've got nothing to work with? Who could be your biggest potential rival?"

Kama:"...I never payed attention to that... My grandfather... He opened this place up a long time ago... Back when Cusinieia was still small... My dad followed in his foot steps...now me... I'm doing this because I love doing it...not because of the money... When I heard that my chefs wanted to stick around... It made me... Worried, but happy... Closing this place down just... Doesn't seem right..."

K:"Uh, yeah... Could we get back to the point?"

Kama:"Oh...right sorry... We believe it to be the works of a devil fruit... Of course there would be no other explination to it... Or maybe this place is actually haunted, heh... Anyways due to that... We think that the enemy is on this half of the island..." 

K:"Hm, okay that's something to work with... Alright Nowan... Let's get going..."

Kama:"Wait!" Kama wuickly stopped the two before they left. He handed each of them a transportable Den Den Mushi.

K:"Huh, thanks..."

The two then left.

N:"I knew you'd come around..."

K:"Huh? Talking like you've known me for years!"

N:"You didn't seem like the type to say no... Hell, you helped me and that family back on my island..." 

K:"Yeah, yeah let's go. You'll go Northern part of the island, I'll go Southern. Call me if you'll find something fishy... Of course, keep in mind that we're exploring only this half, if you see that you're on the other half. Get back, and continue looking. Now we go!"

The two split up. Kent was going fast between restraunts. He wanted to finish this fast, so they could finally get some good food. He also noticed some weird names for restraunt such as the Slimy Fish, Steel Seal, and one that he made a mental note of which seemed funny to him Dick's Diner. He used the Den Den Mushi to inform Nowan of all the restraunts he's been to. Nowan did the same. Eventually Kent stood before the half library, half bakery Bookery.

K:"Entering Bookery..."

D(Will mean Den Den Mushi whenever on phone) N:"Okay...entering Milky Way..."

Kent opened the door to Bookery and looked around the place, he asked for permission before hand... But would have done so if they would have declined nonetheless... Finally Kent opened the door to the owner's office... He carefully opened the door to find....nothing but a sweet old lady...

???:"...Hm? Yes, dear...? Is there something that you want?"

K:"Oh uh- nothing miss... Sorry to bother you..." Kent closed the door and sighed. He has been tirelessly running around the restraunts. He went outside and sat on one of the benches... He elevated the DDM (Den Den Mushi) to his mouth

K:"Bookery is clear..."

Kent stood back up and was going towards the next place...he was about to enter when.

DN:"...Capta-" The DDM began making static noises... It must have disconnected... Kent looked around panicked. 

"Shit, what did he say? Where was he? Milky Way! Milky Way... Alright..." Kent began rushing towards Nowan's side of the island to explore, he looked left and right trying to find the Milky Way restraunt. 

"Where the hell is it?!?!" 

He ran around for about five minutes finally he found it. He stood before the restraunt. He opened the door, the place was brimming with customers... Kent tried to blend in. After getting past the reception and security Kent began looking around for Nowan. He guessed he must have went to the Owner's office. It was quite the big place... Everything seemed galaxy themed... Finally Kent got to the door and opened it quick. There he was... A man in a suit that resembled the galaxy itself. His yellow eyes shined bright in the dark room. Sitting on a throne of those weird looking ghost... With the body of a bloodied up Nowan who was on the floor. Barely conscious...

???:"Ah, yes... Sir Nowan informed me you'll be coming he told me you were his... Captain, Kent right? A pleasure to meet you... I'm Almajara... Alma, is what you may call me... "

Nowan seemed to be mumbling something but Kent couldn't really make it out... "N.. ..al".

Kent was furious... He began approaching the man slowly. He clenched his fist and when he was close enough he elevated his fist to punch.

K:"...What the hell... DID YOU DO?!?!?"

 [To Be Continued]

I will change how some fruits work, and may add fan made one's for this the Hollow-Hollow fruit can pick multiple targets where the little hollows will try and keep inside that body until told not to. The ghost's effects stop immideatly after the ghost leaves the body even for a second.

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