
One Piece:The Tale Of Noak Kent

Read Kent's journey through the World of One Piece. Many adventures await him as the vast sea calls out to his name...this is merely the beginning...

normal_name · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Breakout! The Crew Attempts To Free Kent

"We won't know how long until the other marines realise thatvthese guys are missing... We'll have to move fast." - Juloa

"Let's see if they have maps on them, the base isn't that small..." - Ford looks through the knocked out bodies. He seems to find something. He helds it up above his head.

"Okay! Now we have something to go by." - Ford lays the map on the ground.

He points to the cabins.

"It seems we are in the west side of the base... Whilst the holding cells are east... There's no straight hallway to it... We can cut through the kitchen but that may be dangerous..." - Ford

"Hey, we could use the marine outfits... Maybe they won't notice... We will only have to go by for a few seconds." - Julia

Ford nods, Nowan remains silent. Seemingly thinking.

"You guys can get changed I'll try and go through the vents." - Nowan

"What? How can you be sure there's a vent in the room with cells?" - Ford

"Because if they have a window, the prisoner's could easily leave if they somehow got out of the cell, whilst vents may hinder that as they could be found out." - Nowan

"...Well, if you're sure. We'll meet you there." - Ford gets changed, Julia puts the marine clothes over her regular clothes.

"Oh right- well, let's get going." - Ford said as he carefully opened the door. With noone in sight they began walking, trying to seem natural. They eventually arrived at the kitchen's door. Thsy opened it slowly to see a brute looking female cook. She began yelling.

"The food's not ready yet! Get lost!" - The woman pushes Ford and Julia out without letting them speak.

"Shit! She didn't even allow a chance for us to speak." - Julia

"I don't think we'll get through without them getting suspicous about it, we'll need to go around." - Ford

Julia and Ford began walking around the kitchen fast. The kitchen was quite large, and having to go around it could potentially be dangerous. As they went through the hallway they saw an open door from which they heard a voice yell out.

"Wahahaha! That's that for the Noak's! Finally it's done Soe... You won't be bothering me anymore... Quite a formidiable opponent you were..." - Pork

The two heard from the hallway, he seemed to be in a lounge. The two couldn't quite tell as they feared to peak in. They needed to go past without alerting him. The two pulled down their caps to hide their faces and whilst looking at the ground they went pass the door. But by the time they went over Ford managed to get a peek in and saw that Pork was sleeping... The two knew he wasn't sleep talking just now...so he must have fell asleep quick. They didn't bother thinking too much about it as they began approaching the holding cells. They entered the room which had a dim light... The two could barely see but they made out a guard sitting by the cells. They slowly approached to try and knock him out. Then the guard looked up and flicked his cap up revealing that it was Nowan.

"Damn it Nowan! You scared us!" - Julia

"Calm down... What took you so long? I've been waiting..." - Nowan

"We couldn't go through the kitchen! A woman blocked our path." - Julia

"Alright, well it doesn't matter...I knocked out the guard that was here...problem is that he didn't have the keys. I can't quite cut through the bars so you see.... Someone will have to get them." - Nowan

"Where could they be?" - Ford

"...Let me think." - Julia unraveled the map that was in her pocket.

Kent crawled over to the bars. He saw his crewmates plotting.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?!?" - Kent

"We're breaking you out! We can't just stop here!" - Nowan

"...You're right... Not all is lost... Okay! You! Talk!" - Kent points to one of his cellmates, whilst the crew was unfamilliar with him Kent seemed to know him.

"...About what?" - Robert

"About where the key could be!" - Kent

"Oh, they take all the keys to the staff lounge... They thin-" - Robert

"All right! The staff lounge it is...wait..is that the room that Pork was in?" - Ford

"Hey! Don't just cut me o-" - Robert

"I- think so... We'll have to go though... We need that key." - Julia

Robert gives up on trying to speak.

"Okay... Everyone be careful... Please.." - Kent

"Stop worrying! We'll get you out nice and safe!" - Julia

"Yes Captain, we promise." - Nowan

"Thank you... Now go! Who knows how long this guard will stay asleep!" - Kent

The crew decides on leaving Ford behind to keep watch on the knocked out guy while Julia and Nowan get the keys from the staff lounge. They carefully make their way to the lounge to see that Pork was not there. They quickly looked into the room and saw it was empty, they looked to the keys but the cell keys seemed to be missing. The two hear the staff door close behind them, then they hear the spinning of what seems to be metal clicking together.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here" -???

Nowan and Julia turn around. They see an unfamilliar face to them. Nowan pulls his sword out and the man holds his hands up.

"Woah! Wait! I'm giving these to you!" -???

"Now, why would you do that?" - Julia

"You don't know me, but Kent does. He did something for me so here." -???

The man throws the key to Nowan who catches it, still a bit confused.

"Now, I'll go and act like I didn't see you." -???

The man just leaves... Leaving the two confused. They didn't linger around too long though as they quickly began going back. Finally they arrived at the holding cells. Ford was sitting on top of the knocked out man. He was awaiting their arrival. Nowan qucikly inserted the key and opened Kent's cell. They tried closing it right after but Robert stopped them.

"Please! Take me with you! I want to get out of here!" - Robert

His pathetic whinnings got through Kent and he signaled him to follow as they quickly closed the door. They began running out from the holding cells. Marines began giving chase from one side. The crew panicked as marines appeared from another side. They got ready to battle and quickly wiped one of the sides but decided to run rather then fight the other... Robert seemed to be too slow for them. Kent didn't pay attention to him then suddenly... A knife stabs into Kent's back.

"It seems you forgot Mr.Nobody, that I had beaten you once..." - Jol Robert

After stabbing Kent he began sprinting to the exit. The crew couldn't keep up, and didn't want to leave Kent behind... The marines were closing in... They needed to get away quick.

(To Be Continued)

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