
One Piece: The Navy Traitor

In the dark depths of Impel Down, Alaric, an enigmatic twenty-nine-year-old former vice admiral, has been locked away for over a decade. With a history shrouded in mystery and a will that defies time, he has endured confinement in the world's most feared prison, waiting for the perfect moment to claim his freedom. When opportunity presents itself in the form of a daring infiltration led by the infamous Monkey D. Luffy, Alaric is faced with a crucial choice. Alaric must seize every moment to escape and defy his fate. In a rapidly changing world, his release could be the spark that ignites a new era. I am not a native English speaker, it is my third language, this is a Spanish story written by me in my spare time. The characters do not belong to me except my Mc. All rights belong to the creator of the work Oda

RainHR · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The Prelude to Battle

The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of red and orange, as the entire world held its breath for what was about to happen. Across the seas, from East Blue to the Grand Line, news of the imminent execution of Portgas D. Ace, the commander of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, spread like wildfire from an uncontrollable storm.

Marineford, the most powerful bastion of the Marines, had become the focal point of attention. Throughout the seas, islands, and kingdoms, people gathered around the few Den Den Mushi connected to the worldwide transmission. In taverns and markets, in the palaces of nobles and the humble homes of peasants, everyone was aware. It didn't matter if they were civilians, nobles, or pirates; the tension was palpable. A war of unimaginable proportions was about to break out, and everyone knew that history would change irrevocably that day.

The Whitebeard Pirates, the most feared crew on the seas, were heading to Marineford to rescue their captured commander. The legendary Edward Newgate, known as "Whitebeard," was not only the strongest man in the world but also a living symbol of the pirate era. His crew was made up of some of the most powerful and dangerous individuals that existed, and the mere fact that they were facing the Marines made the seas tremble with anticipation.

However, on the other side of the equation, the Marines were not willing to yield. Under the command of Fleet Admiral Sengoku, the most formidable military power of the World Government had been summoned to ensure that Ace's execution proceeded without interruption. All the resources of the Marines, all their most powerful warriors, were in position, ready to face the coming storm.

In a small village in East Blue, an elderly woman, her hands trembling, lit a Den Den Mushi as a group of young people gathered around her, expectant.

"Do you think Whitebeard will really fight?" one of the boys asked, his voice filled with uncertainty.

The old woman looked up at the sky, her expression grave.

"Whitebeard… that man won't let them kill one of his own without a fight," she whispered, filled with respect and fear. "I know him. He's a man from another time, but his strength and determination have not yet been surpassed."

The young people exchanged glances. The news had arrived swiftly, and although they were far from the battlefield, they couldn't help but feel the weight of the approaching event. The Age of Pirates was at its peak, and everyone knew that the outcome of this battle would determine the future of the seas.

On a distant island in the Grand Line, a king, surrounded by his advisors, watched the same Den Den Mushi broadcasting the scene at Marineford. The tension was unbearable. Most kingdoms and nations were under the control of the World Government, and although many wished to maintain peace, they knew that a victory for the Whitebeard Pirates could upset that balance of power.

"This is the battle that will define everything," one of the advisors said, his voice trembling with nervousness. "If Whitebeard falls, the pirates will lose their greatest pillar, and the World Government will consolidate its power even more. But if he triumphs..."

The king did not respond. The possibility of Whitebeard winning was too terrifying to contemplate. He knew that the Marines had to win, not only to protect his kingdom but to preserve the delicate balance that existed in the world.

In Water Seven, the carpenter Iceburg also watched the transmission. The weight of what was about to happen made him feel powerless. Memories of past conflicts with the pirates and the Marines mingled in his mind. He knew the world would not be the same after this battle.

Marineford, the fortress of justice, had become a hive of activity. Every corner of the island was occupied by soldiers, officers, and Marines from all divisions. The high walls surrounding the central plaza were reinforced with steel, and flags of the World Government waved overhead, symbols of order and control.

The port of Marineford was completely clear, a vast expanse of water that would serve as the first battlefield. The defenses were ready, with cannons aimed at the sea and troops prepared to intercept any attack. The sunlight reflected off the calm waters, but everyone knew that soon those same waters would be stained with blood.

The execution platform, located in the center of the plaza, rose high above, visible to all present. Ace, chained with Kairoseki, sat with his head down, his dark hair partially covering his face. Though his body was weak from days of captivity, his spirit still burned with the same intensity as the fire he controlled.

Around him, the three Admirals of the Marines stood ready. To the far right, Aokiji, the ice man, coldly surveyed the scene. His eyes, like the ice he could create, were impenetrable, and though he didn't show it, he knew this would be a decisive confrontation.

On the left, Kizaru, with his typical nonchalant expression, leaned against the wall. His ability to move at the speed of light made him an unstoppable threat. Though his demeanor was relaxed, everyone who knew him understood he was one of the deadliest warriors in the Marines.

In the center, Akainu, the magma man, stood still. His face was a mask of seriousness and determination. For him, this battle was not only an opportunity to execute Ace but also to eradicate once and for all the most dangerous pirates in the world. Akainu had no mercy. His hatred for pirates fueled his desire for complete victory, leaving none of the enemies alive.

In the tallest towers, the vice admirals awaited orders from Sengoku. Momonga, Onigumo, Doberman, and many other experienced warriors were ready to confront any threat. The orders were clear: do not let the pirates reach Ace. There would be no mercy or truce.

Deep within Marineford, the enlisted soldiers stood in formation, lined up with military precision. They carried firearms and swords, ready to defend their stronghold at any cost. They all understood what was at stake. If Marineford fell, the entire world would witness their failure.

Admiral Sengoku, the figure representing the undisputed leadership of the Marines, stood atop the execution platform. His imposing figure symbolized power and wisdom. From his elevated position, he could see the entire plaza, the execution platform, and the wide bay stretching beyond. He knew this battle was not just a matter of military might, but also of morality. The World Government had staked everything on Ace's execution, not only to eliminate a dangerous pirate commander but to send a clear message to the world: piracy would no longer be tolerated.

Beside him, Monkey D. Garp, the hero of the Marines, remained silent. Although his face was impassive, his eyes could not hide the internal conflict gnawing at him. Ace, the young man about to be executed, was like a son to him. But his loyalty to the Marines and the justice he had defended all his life kept him bound to his post. He knew he could not interfere, but that did not ease the pain in his heart.

"I'm sorry, Ace," Garp whispered to himself, clenching his fists.

The elite soldiers, the best of the Marines, stood in perfect rows, ready to defend headquarters at any cost. Each one was aware of the magnitude of the enemy they faced. This would not be a simple battle but a war that would define the future of the Marines and the world.

Alongside them stood the Shichibukai, the powerful pirates serving the World Government, dispersed in formation. Some were imposing figures, others unpredictable enigmas. Dracule Mihawk, the world's strongest swordsman, observed silently, his imposing black sword resting on his back.

Bartholomew Kuma, the human weapon, remained unyielding, like an impenetrable guardian. Donquixote Doflamingo wore a sadistic smile, relishing the anticipation of the chaos to come. Gecko Moria, dark and sinister, lingered in the shadows, ready to seize any opportunity.

And among them was Boa Hancock, the pirate empress. However, her gaze was not fixed on the future battlefield but rather in a dark corner of her mind. Despite facing the Whitebeard Pirates, her heart and thoughts were solely on one name: Alaric. She didn't know if he had successfully escaped from Impel Down; all her hopes rested on that straw hat boy, who could free him from prison.

For her, this war meant nothing. All she could think about was that handsome young man with his characteristic pure gaze, who always visited her secretly and looked after her when she was a slave in Mariejois—the young man who had sacrificed his entire career and youth for her well-being over a decade ago.

In the towers overlooking the bay, the vice admirals formed the second line of defense. Momonga, Onigumo, Strawberry, Doberman, and John Giant, among others, were ready for any eventuality. These men and women were not mere soldiers; each was a veteran with years of battle experience, having faced some of the most dangerous pirates in the world.

At the harbor, the Marine Fleet was anchored, with cannons aimed at the entrance of the bay. The largest ships, imposing and well-armed, were prepared to thwart any advance from the Whitebeard Pirates. The cannon-fodder Marines stood in their positions, ready to defend Marineford to the last man.

In the New World, pirates and large crews gathered in secret, discussing the implications of the battle. They knew the outcome would not only affect the Whitebeard Pirates but also have repercussions throughout the pirate era. If the Marines won, it would be a declaration of power that could crush the spirit of pirates. If Whitebeard triumphed, it would prove that the age of pirates still had much to offer.

Even the remaining Yonkou, Kaido and Big Mom, watched from a distance. Their ambitions were undimmed, and they knew that the outcome of this war would alter the balance of power in the seas. Some were plotting how they could benefit from the chaos, while others waited patiently, ready to make decisions at the opportune moment.

In cities around the world, citizens crowded around posters and Den Den Mushi broadcasts. Some, supporters of justice, wished for a Marine victory, hoping that Ace's execution would dissuade other pirates from following in his footsteps. Others, sympathetic to the pirates, prayed for Whitebeard to save his adopted son and prove that the spirit of pirates was indomitable.

But in every corner of the world, one thing was certain: everyone was on the edge of their seats, knowing that the days to come would be filled with chaos and destruction. The Great War of Marineford would be the catalyst for a new era.

As the day slowly faded, a strange calm descended over Marineford. The Marine soldiers and the allied pirates of Whitebeard awaited the inevitable arrival of chaos. The seas surrounding headquarters appeared tranquil, yet the water concealed a latent tension. They knew that Whitebeard would not come with a mere offensive but with the power of a devastating tsunami.

Sengoku, firm and solemn on the execution platform, gripped the Den Den Mushi tightly in his hand, drawing the attention of everyone in Marineford and the entire world. The audience on the other end of the Den Den Mushi felt a growing tension. The words he was about to utter would change the perception of the seas forever.

With a severe and penetrating gaze, Sengoku began his speech. "Today, we are not just executing any pirate!" —the Fleet Admiral's voice thundered—. "Today, we execute the son of a man whose cursed blood has haunted these seas for generations!"

Ace, still chained, lifted his gaze. Despite his apparent exhaustion, there was a burning fire in his eyes. He knew what Sengoku was about to reveal, but he didn't care. For him, there was only one truth.

"I only have one father!" —Ace shouted, interrupting Sengoku's speech, his voice charged with anger and determination—. "That man is Whitebeard!"

His cry reverberated through the plaza, echoing in the hearts of the Marines, pirates, and civilians watching the broadcast. But Sengoku remained unmoved, continuing relentlessly.

"Whitebeard is not your true father!" —he replied firmly—. "Your true father is the man who shook the entire world, the King of the Pirates, Gold Roger!"

A murmur shook Marineford. The revelation fell like a bomb, rippling outwards like a shockwave across the seas. In every corner of the world, from nobles to the humblest peasants, the news resonated with indescribable force. The son of the King of the Pirates was still alive! The Marines in the plaza were left speechless, unable to process what they had just heard. Even the feared Shichibukai, who typically maintained a cool indifference, were perplexed.

Boa Hancock's eyes widened, a flash of surprise crossing her usually serene expression. Dracule Mihawk, who rarely displayed emotions, raised an eyebrow, silently assessing what this revelation would mean for the balance of power on the seas. Doflamingo let out a nervous laugh, fascinated by the chaos that would ensue.

In the center of it all, Ace remained still, his heavy breathing and tightly clenched fists betraying his inner turmoil.

"That doesn't matter…" —he murmured, his eyes focused on the ground—. "Only Whitebeard is my father!"

But Sengoku was not finished.

"The most cursed blood runs through your veins, Ace. You are the son of the man who defied everything, and your mother, Portgas D. Rouge, risked her life to protect you!"

Silence fell over Marineford once more, but this time it was heavier, more oppressive. Garp, from his position, clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white, a mix of helplessness and sorrow reflected on his face. He had known what would come, ever since Ace was a child. But that didn't make it any easier to accept.

"It's not your fault, Garp," Tsuru murmured beside him in an attempt to console him.

Garp responded with a weary smile, one that seemed to carry decades of responsibility, love, and pain. The man who had been a hero to many, who had fought against pirates his whole life, was watching as his own adopted grandson was condemned not just for his own life, but for that of a man who had died long ago.

"I know," Garp replied with a bitter laugh, but his smile remained, even though his eyes reflected profound suffering. "But that doesn't make it any easier…"

The revelation continued to resonate in the hearts of all present. The entire world was in shock. The son of Gold Roger, the man whose legend still terrorized the seas, was alive. And not only that, but he was about to be executed. The Pirate Era, which Roger had begun with his last words, seemed poised to find its end.

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