
One Piece: The eldest saiyan brother.

What if, on a dark starry sky, a little baby with monkey's caracteristics fell from the sky, was found and took in by a legendary hero who unknowingly raised a small troublemaker in a world where pirates seek a legendary treasure ? Follow the leisure life of a strange and calm Saiyan who was adopted by Monkey D. Garp. He will find brothers, friends, love and eventually discover the truth about his origins. //////////// here my discord, for whatever reason... https://discord.gg/kt9rAVC My grammar is not that much so I will make mistakes for sure, do correct me. (If you want to know, english's not my first language) For all those who already know it. Welcome back. For all those who doesn't know it yet. Welcome, I must warn you that it's boring sometimes... Hope you enjoy it, If not then...well what a pity... but still hope you find something good... (I don't own anything apart from my OCs) The cover too isn't mine, but someone else's.

VastoHeaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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163 Chs

Chapter 144: Slaying Immortals and Gods.

Edam with his Destruction Spear slashed horizontally as Zamasu's head flew off his body. 

The entire landscape of the mountains was also cleaved. An Indistinguishable phenomenon from the eyes also occurred as the heavens were separated.

The fabric of space and time too were halved and the void was violently torn apart. 

All the atoms and all the invisible strings of laws that make up this Multiverse and which had the misfortune to meet this unstoppable red-white strike were returned without a single exception returned to nothingness. 

However, this frightening event had no one to bear witness of it as the strike was too small and invisible to the naked eye.

As for the immortal whom this strike was especially directed at… 

"Since you're so full of your immortality, I will let you enjoy it for eternity…" Edam spoke with a cold and near-emotionless voice. The way he spoke seemed to have changed though, seemingly having an ancient touch to it.

Zamasu was scared for a moment before recovering and smiling back evilly. "Hmph! Just you wait till I-...?!"

As he spoke though, he felt something amiss.

He was actually waiting for his immortality to kick in and attach his body to his head but looking closely... his body wasn't reacting at all. He could feel it and yet it just didn't obey his orders.

"Wha-, what's happening?! My body! It's not moving! What have you done?!" Zamasu screamed in panic and anger.

"..." Edam only shot a glance at him briefly. "This strike can even harm Zalama himself… So don't even think about getting out without a side-effect..."

"Za-, Zalama…?" Zamasu repeated this name with a stunned expression. 'The Dragon God? What the hell is he talking about…?'

A frightened expression slowly took place as he realized the precarious situation he was in.

Dying was not possible for him anymore, but he was caught by the enemy and that was the most terrible thing for an immortal. And in that case, being an immortal was literally both a blessing and a curse.

However, Edam didn't give him any time to speak further and told him. "Don't you worry, I will make your life an eternal living hell…" before throwing him in a confined spatial dimension.

Edam then looked at Black who had already put some kilometers of distance between them.

He only stood there with a dumbfounded and startled expression. He had witnessed this phenomenal strike being unleashed on Zamasu from beginning to end and still couldn't comprehend it.

A strike beyond the perception of mortals and gods…


Black then smiled and sent his voice with his ki through the kilometers that were separating them. 

"This strike took a lot from you, it seems, your aura isn't like how it used to be… and..." Black looked at the corner of Edam's mouth.

A small amount of blood was trickling down his mouth as he carelessly spits out the rest of the blood. But the iron taste of the blood still remained up there in his throat 

"..." Edam didn't reply but his statement was true. Even his near unlimited amount of energy had drastically decreased after this attack, nearly reaching zero...

But that wasn't really a problem since it was being filled up by the seconds, the one true problem was the aftermath of this attack, his transformation was on the verge of fading out, and his body was on the brink of collapsing. 

His veins and his muscles were hurting so bad that they looked like they were torn or shredded to pieces, on the verge of snapping.

And from deep within his soul, he felt a door abruptly closing itself to hurriedly cut off the connection to this power, like a sort of defense emergency.

Even though he didn't use much and only used it once, it was enough to put a huge toll on him.

"Anger…" Black's voice suddenly sounded.

"I was reflecting about how you could become so powerful…" Black said with a smile. "And I concluded… it's anger, right…?" 

"..." Edam didn't reply.

"Anger is a source of power itself…" Black smiled and then said. "That was so elementary and logical that I completely overlooked it…!"

A malevolent rosé aura suddenly coated him as formed his ki blade and went on "Let me show you, my anger toward the insolent mortals who play with the Universal laws, my anger for losing against those puny mortals!"

Saying that he slowly pierced his hand with his ki blade while laughing maniacally. 

"Hahaha…!" After that, he grabbed it and with a last shout pulled something out. 

"Hah…!" The thing he pulled was actually a long violet-colored scythe covered in his Evil Godly ki.

"Hahaha!" Black laughed out loud before speaking. "If anger is a source of power, then my divine rage has no equal and so it makes me the most powerful being in the world!" 

"Look!" Saying that Black spun around and swung his scythe as a sharp wave of ki went forward to cut open the sky and spacetime itself.

A gash was formed showing an incomprehensible void releasing a huge amount of evil energy. 

"Heh, I have forged a new instrument with which to destroy you. You must realize the consequence of my learning rage is a source of power. My fury runs deeper than any mortal mind can ever comprehend which means my might will be unrivaled too. And this scythe will carve a reminder into your mortal flesh with the strength of my divine wrath!"

Edam only glanced at silently and said nothing.

It was Yamote on the ground who spoke on his own with a stunned expression. "He's not all talk, his slashes are tearing through spacetime and creating dimensional rifts…"

"Hahaha! See?! This is my true divine power!" Black laughed crazily out loud before eyeing Edam with a smile. "Be honored you will be the first to have a taste of my new power…"

However, Edam who was standing there didn't seem to hear him at all as he looked at his own hand while mumbling to himself.

"Even this body can't bear it for too long…" Saying that he finally lifted his eyes to see Black rushing at him with his scythe in his hands.

"Now die….!!!" Black shouted excitedly as he instantly crossed the entire distance in the blink of an eye.

"Very well… this will be the last..." Edam released a pained breath out as his yellow eyes turned into a blood-red color. His sclera went black for an instant before returning to normal.

And with a slight wave of his hand, the magnificent red-purple spear of highly condensed ki from before reappeared again in his hand as he dashed forward.

Both warriors' power had reached the absolute peak of their state for this face-off and were now moving who knows how many times beyond the speed of light and only themselves could clearly see what was going on. 

Seeing this Immortal God Slaying Spear reappearing, Black's heart froze on the spot for an instant before he gritted his teeth together and continued. 

(A/N: I know, such a Chinese-like naming sense, right? But I don't know how to name it else way…)

The first to move was Black and he was also the first to attack. With a tight grab on his scythe, he lifted his weapon with both hands as he slashed it from top to bottom.

His Godly weapon released a furious amount of evil energy as he slashed down with all his might. "Die….!!!!!!!"

Following the slashing movement of his weapon, a gash followed right after to cut through Edam and all the space behind in half.


In contrast and opposite to him, Edam slashed his spear from bottom to top.

While silently gritting his teeth, Edam mumbled in pain. 

"Again…" Saying so, his eyes silently glowed a red light.

His spear first burst out with a powerful and overwhelming purple-red colored energy…


In the next instant…

The world, the galaxy, the universe, spacetime itself forcefully entered a monochrome state. 

The highly condensed spear of ki suddenly looked like it was receding on itself, as if converting this massive amount of ki into something else, rapidly fading to a soundless, senseless, and nearly invisible white-red spear…

And everything that this white-red spear came in contact with was simply erased…

All energy, be it positive, negative, or neutral, all matters be it physical or ethereal, and all the laws, be it mortals, worldly, divine, or primordial which made up the Cosmos were with no exception returned to the absolute Nothingness.


And so… 

In front of this silent but frightening Void Returning strike…

Goku Black's Divine Scythe didn't make an exception out of this… 

The Eraser Spear had slashed right in between Black's hands that were holding the Scythe. 

The Evil Godly ki that composed his divine weapon and which had touched this spear was completely wiped out as it totally snapped in two parts while Edam's strike still went on nonetheless to Black's shocked and horrified expression. 

"F*ck, no-...!" Black didn't even get to finish his line as...


A clean and precise cut was, in the span of a moment and at a speed beyond light itself, instantly made on Black's left arm, severing his whole arm from his body.

However, it didn't end just after that since Edam's attack went on in a straight red-white slash in a seemingly infinite and unstoppable line.

This unstoppable strike was unleashed for a second time… 


Spurt….! His blood was spilled out like a fountain from his severed arm.

"Gaaaaaaaargh….!" A terrible scream of agony was released by Black as he fell from the sky and crashed down on the ground.

"My arm…!"

Edam then slowly flew down and silently walked toward Black.

Seeing him approaching, Black saw the end of his dream and a dark future ahead of him.

"No! Stay back! Don't you dare touch me anymore!" 

By now, a frightened and even truly terrified expression was visible on his face…

"No, I can't die yet…!"

But Edam couldn't care less as he continued despite the other party's screams of pain and unwillingness.

When Edam reached his side and was about a meter away from Black…

"...?!" He suddenly and abruptly grabbed Black's face while his eyes once again changed into a profound crimson red again.

"...I won't kill you… but you are far too dangerous to let your Will live on…" Edam said and tightened his grasp on Black's face while his hand glowed with blood-red ki and he closed his eyes.

"...?" At first, Black was relieved but as he thought about his words, his expression immediately changed. "N- No! Not my Soul-...?!"


The sound of a glass shattering rang out in both Edam and Black's head, but only the latter's expression changed, as it turned into a blank state…

His eyes were now completely empty and his body was barely moving…

His Soul has been shattered to pieces… and most of it was wiped out, only keeping the necessary amount to keep alive and breathing.

"...huff..." Watching this, Edam breathed out in pain while gathering his last force to also put Goku Black in a confined spatial dimension.

His blond hair returned to pure black along with his yellow eyes…

He couldn't hide the painful expression at all. If before it only looked like his veins were about to burst then now there was no doubt at all that they had burst and snapped.

And with one last look at the sky, the young Saiyan finally couldn't endure it anymore as he collapsed on the ground.

