Our MC dies and is transmigrate in the world of One Piece, in the body of an old man with the appearance of Yamamoto from Bleach, and receives his template, the bad thing is that he appears at the time of the Ohara Incident surrounded by 10 marine ships about to destroy the island. How can he survive in the face of this catastrophe?
In the office, Kong was absorbed in his thoughts, and after a few seconds, a call began.
"Did they kill the Ohara archaeologists?" A hoarse voice was heard from the other side of the den den mushi. This was the same voice that spoke to Clover when he told him about the whole investigation, meaning he is one of the five elders.
Kong took a breath and after a few seconds, proceeded to tell this person that the attack by Zephyr and the two vice admirals was a failure and that even Graydle died at the hands of Yamamoto.
Once he finished telling everything that happened, the call went silent, finally after a while, the hoarse voice spoke again, "Since that incident, Zephyr is not up to the position of admiral, you better find a replacement for his position."
To the old man the decision Zephyr made seemed wrong, as it seemed much more important to him to assassinate all the archaeologists who knew too much, so if he had to die Kizaru to succeed in assassinating all the Ohara archaeologists was the best option.
"As you command, I already have a person in mind to be the new Admiral of the Navy. As for the archaeologists ¿How do you want to proceed?" asked Kong knew that this topic was very sensitive, so to make a move he first consulted with the five elders.
"Start a search we must eliminate them as soon as possible, also make their heads have bounties so that they do not have so much freedom, and make a news item that catalogs them as evil people who want to control the ancestral weapons for evil purposes" Replied the elder.
Keeping it secret was counterproductive and he saw that it was a better option to label these archaeologists as criminals.
"Yes sir, should the reward be for all archaeologists?" Kong asked.
"Apart from the old man who defeated the buster call by himself, they should have a reward Clover and the woman who managed to escape from the marine ship and also the traitor Saul" Replied the old man as he ended the call.
After finishing the call Kong got down to work and passed the old man's orders efficiently so that they would be completed as quickly as possible.
It was morning and it was a cloudy day, Yamamoto slowly opened his eyes and headed to the ship's galley, to eat something, his old body could not afford to skip a meal, so he gave it priority.
According to what Olvia said, they should reach the island today in a few hours, although first, they would see the fog surrounding the entire island, so getting to step on the island would be very difficult.
Olvia also said that she managed to get through the fog and reach the island only by a stroke of luck. This island according to her is close to the Calm Belt. The Calm Belts are two areas that are just north and south of the Grand Line, *This will be problematic...* Yamamoto thought.
The Calm Belt is an area that never has ocean currents, much less wind to propel the ships, luckily this island is only close, but the trip will become slower the closer it is to the island and the worst thing is that it is an area where many Sea Kings are concentrated.
*Luckily Saul is with us, otherwise I would use up all my cards...* thought Yamamoto, glad to have the giant in his crew. Although being near a Calm Belt and surrounded by fog is more beneficial, as it will be harder for them to be found.
"Good morning, Yamamoto-sensei, sit down soon I'll have breakfast ready" Olvia said noticing Yamamoto's entrance to the kitchen.
"Good morning, thank you" Yamamoto replied as he sat down at one of the tables.
As he watched Olvia cook, he noticed that this woman was multifaceted, she knew how to sail, cook, and read poneglyphs, *She just needs to be a carpenter and play an instrument and she is already a full crew...* thought Yamamoto as he thought if he should ask her if she knew some of these things.
Yamamoto noticed a glance at him and noticed that at the same table he was sitting at, sat Robin, because of her small figure he hadn't noticed her, "What's up girl? Do you have any questions to ask me?" said Yamamoto noticing Robin's curiosity in her eyes.
Robin hesitated a bit to speak, but took courage and asked, "How did you make that chain of light? I can also achieve something like that?". At such a question, Yamamoto was surprised that the first one to bring up the subject of the Kidō was this girl since no one had asked him until now and he knew that everyone saw the chain of light, and was curious as to how I can use such a power.
From Robin's question he could tell that she already knew, that the power Yamamoto used was not through devil fruit, *Well an 8-year-old girl who can learn the ancient language is clear that she will be smart...* Yamamoto thought.
"Yes you can use it, but you need a lot of training" Yamamoto replied, at the affirmative answer Robin sketched a happy smile. Thinking about it for a while, Yamamoto concluded that if he teaches her he could learn how to use Kidō in this world, she just needed to have spiritual energy which was called haki in this world.
Olvia who was listening to the conversation, served breakfast on the table and asked, "What is that power? From what I understand if you have one devil fruit you can't have another."
"The chain of light is not a devil fruit, it's a spell of Kidō" Yamamoto replied.
"Kidō what is that?" asked Olvia curiously as Robin listened intently.
"The Kidō is a form of combat created by me based on spells that are produced through strong Spiritual Power" Yamamoto replied as it was the first time these spells were used in this world, why not give himself the credits as if he was there creator, although it was somewhat embarrassing that in his current state, he couldn't cast any spells as he only had 1 point in Spiritual Power.
Seeing Olvia's confused face he decided to explain it another way, "Have you heard of Haki?".
"Yes, the basics" Answered Olvia who had a lot of experience from all the travels and all the history she researched.
"Well, Spiritual Power is the same as Haki, that is to say, it is the ability to sense and use spiritual energy. Only I have given it a different use than the one used by most people" Yamamoto explained.
Olvia nodded now understanding Yamamoto's explanation about the Kidō, "Can you teach me? ¡Please!" Robin said enthusiastically and with stars in her eyes.
As a child, she saw Yamamoto's ability as if it was some kind of magic, so it caught her attention a lot. "Please I would like to learn too" said Olvia joining in the request to learn Kidō.
Olvia on her journey noticed her weakness and wanted to become stronger to protect her research and be able to continue researching poneglyphs, but most of all to protect her daughter, Robin. So she saw the opportunity to become stronger.
Yamamoto looked at the mother and daughter and noticed their incredible kinship, the only difference was the color of their hair, "Okay, we'll talk about it better once we get to the island" Yamamoto replied as he started to eat his breakfast.
Robin and Olvia looked at each other happily at Yamamoto's affirmation and also started eating their breakfast with a smile.
As he finished his breakfast, the kitchen door abruptly opened, "Grandpa, this is bad! Look at this!" exclaimed Hocha as she passed Yamamoto some reward posters. Robin and Olvia were surprised by Hocha's nervousness and looked at the posters. Behind Hocha also entered Clover and several other archaeologists.
Yamamoto glanced at the posters with some excitement as he knew what they were about, they were the characteristic One Piece reward posters, and from Hocha's nerves, he knew right away that he would get his first reward here.
*Oh that old man got a reward too* Yamamoto thought a little amused seeing a reward poster with Clover's face with a figure of 50,000,000 million bellys.
Turning to the next poster, he saw Olvia's face with a bounty of 79,000,000 bellys, he was a little happy that this time Robin won't have to follow the same fate of wandering the world alone with this bounty.
Olvia seeing her face and high reward frowned a little but said nothing, her desire to learn Kidō and become stronger increased. The anteultimate poster was Saul's which was not much of a surprise since he defected from the Marine by saving Olvia, his reward was 85,000,000 bellys.
Finally, the last poster arrived and saw his wrinkled face with his long gray beard and the two scars on his forehead, crossing perpendicularly. His reward was the highest and it was 100,000,000 bellys, "Not bad" said Yamamoto as he nodded in satisfaction with his first reward.
Everyone heard Yamamoto's words and looked at him with strange faces, as it was not very common for a respected archaeologist to be happy to have such a high reward, "Hey old man why do you look so happy" said Clover to the side with a frown.
"It is none of your business, now that you have a bounty you'd better exercise those old bones or else you want some bounty hunter to rip your head off if he sees you around" Yamamoto replied in a joking tone.
"Hmph in your dreams I'll just keep studying the empty century and the poneglyphs and use you as a shield" Clover said cheekily.
*And then you question me...* thought Yamamoto, "Grandpa that's not the worst, look at this news" said Hocha interrupting them while showing a newspaper where there was a big headline.
Yamamoto took the newspaper and started to read it the more he read the more he frowned, in this newspaper they blamed all the Ohara archeologists as the evil ones, especially Yamamoto saying that he was a demon and massacred more than 100 innocent marines who only wanted to protect the world from the ancestral weapons. They even went so far as to give him a rather infamous nickname which was, [The Demon of Fire]
*These bastards sullying my noble reputation...* Yamamoto thought in annoyance at the Marine and the World Government, though his new nickname didn't entirely displease him.
"They sure are shameless, those marine dogs," commented Roche, one of the archaeologists angrily.
"It's true, they just blame everything on us and paint us as criminals, we can't leave such injustice like this" Said one of the archaeologists named Gram. He was a man who had a dark complexion and wore his hair black, long, and slightly wavy. His clothing consisted of a black t-shirt and a light blue jacket.
"For now our priority is to get all the books and research safe, then we will think about clearing our names" Yamamoto said as he calmly got up from his chair and walked out of the room in the direction of the ship's deck.
Currently, they didn't have the strength for such a thing, so it was useless to think about that, the best they could do was to hide on the island and safeguard all the books and information.