
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Anime et bandes dessinées
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357 Chs

2. Atlas

A beam of sunlight broke through the thick clouds and shone on Logue Town, where traces of the battle still remained, as if foreshadowing the new life blooming in the midst of destruction...

Marine Base.

A handsome-looking young man was lying on the bed, his eyes closed, a slight sweat on his forehead, and an occasional look of struggle on his face.

Suddenly, the boy opened his closed eyes!

His bloodshot eyes subconsciously looked at the things around him, and his weak fists clenched reflexively.

His pupils shrank violently, showing his restless heart.

"It seems that I am not dreaming. I really... came to the world of One Piece."

Atlas now only hopes that everything he encounters so far is just a dream.

However, reality slapped him hard.

Judging from the current situation, he can't go back.

Let's make peace with what we have come...

Atlas sighed resignedly.

I started thinking about the next way out——


If you want to live freely in the world of pirates, you can only have power that is above all else.

Because he clearly understands that in this world where the jungle law of the weak and the strong is interpreted to the ultimate level, the only way to gain a foothold is to attribute great power to oneself.


He plans to join Marine.

It is true that the role played by Marine in the One Piece anime is just a lackey of the Celestial Dragons.

Moreover, there is a guy like Colonel Mouse who not only fails to protect the country and the people but also cooperates with the pirates to oppress the civilians.

But it is undeniable that Marine is the real righteous man who maintains order in the sea.

In this chaotic world, there is nothing more than comparing yourself to the worst, but Marine on the whole still has a camp that believes in justice.

As for the revolutionary army, let alone whether it is established or not, we can get a glimpse of it just from their organization and program. This is still an immature revolutionary organization.

As for the other pirate camp, Atlas has never thought about it.

As a well-off young man who grew up under the red flag(T/N: China) and received nine years of compulsory education.

Atlas really couldn't do what he did as a pirate. Even if he didn't burn, kill, and loot, he couldn't accept it psychologically. A thief... is a thief.

And Atlas is used to the modern life that is relatively more generous than the pirate world.

He really couldn't accept it if he were asked to live a homeless and precarious life at sea.

As for the disgusting Bubble Bugs(T/N: You know who -_-.), they are indeed a bit of a headache.

Based on the principle of out of sight, out of mind, just try to avoid encountering these maggots.

Let's just call it a cover-up. After all, he is just an ordinary person struggling to survive, so he doesn't need to consider this kind of behavior to save the world.

To say the least, with his current status, he probably wouldn't be qualified to meet the so-called world nobles.

Atlas thought with some self-deprecation.

Another thing is that Marine has a complete inheritance method, which can also give him appropriate protection when he is weak, allowing him enough time to grow up.

And seeking Marine's asylum in such a chaotic time was his only choice at the time; otherwise, he would have to withdraw from this world early.

"Knock, Knock..."

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted Atlas's thoughts.

"Please come in..."

Atlas was shocked. He didn't know if it was because he didn't take in enough water for a long time. His voice was a little dry and hoarse, which made him a little uncomfortable.

With a click, a beam of light squeezed in from outside the door, and a burly figure wearing a cloak of justice and a resolute face appeared in front of Atlas.

Atlas was shocked, although he could not currently understand the military rank represented by the epaulettes.

However, he knew that only officers of the rank of Lieutenant and above were qualified to wear the cloak of justice.(T/N: I Don't really know.)

So... this man is at least an Lieutenant !

Atlas thought about struggling to get up to show respect...

"Hehehe... kid, no need. After all, you are still a wounded person."

The man waved his hand, a hint of appreciation flashing in his eyes.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Marcus Wright. I am a captain at Logue Town Marine Base. You can call me Captain Wright."

Marcus Wright said with a smile.

"Yes! Captain Wright, my name is Atlas, I am an orphan, and I am determined to be a righteous Marine."

Atlas still tried his best to stand on the edge of the bed and answered Wright with his loudest voice at this stage.

"Oh? The righteous Marine..."

Marcus Wright had a look of satisfaction on his face. That damn Roger started the era of great pirates with his life, and now there are signs of chaos. Marine needs more righteous people to maintain order on this sea.

If only all teenagers were like Atlas...

Thinking of this, Marcus Wright couldn't help but feel a little gloomy.

But he immediately cheered up. It was precisely because of this that he needed to have high morale to uphold justice!

"So... boy, what do you think justice is?"

Captain Marcus Wright's face gradually became serious, and his eyes stared directly into Atlas's eyes.

"Justice... Justice, of course, means fighting crime and protecting civilians!"

A flush of excitement flashed across Atlas' pale face, and he said loudly.

Of course, he was pretending. This is in line with the passion and vitality that a young man should have.

If someone pops up and says, 'Ah, I believe in absolute justice,' then you think you are Akainu!

Therefore, his answer must be consistent with the limitations brought about by his age and experience so that Marine can better shape his justice that is in line with Marine's justice.

"Really... that's really good justice."

Captain Wright did not object or anything but gave a meaningful smile.

There are not a few Marines who uphold this kind of justice. Many young Marines think this way. Why didn't I feel the same way back then?

The thought flashed past, and Wright continued: "Atlas, I already understand your justice, but Marine will not accept a 12-year-old brat. But I can make the decision to accept you as a miscellaneous soldier in our base, and... Marine doesn't accept trash. If you don't do a good job, I will fire you. Do you understand? Atlas."

"Recruit Atlas obeys your orders, Captain!"

Atlas gave an excited military salute. Of course, he was really excited.

Because this marked his formal integration into the world and found a way to continue to become stronger.


Suddenly, a stomach growl broke the passionate atmosphere, and Atlas scratched his head in embarrassment. He had not eaten for several days, and his ability to hold on until now was attributed to the pervert per capita physique of the pirate world.

"Okay, let's go to the base canteen for a good meal later. After all, maintaining justice also requires filling your stomach."

Wright couldn't help but laugh; he was just a child after all!


Atlas shouted.

Marine Base, Colonel's Office.

Wright stood in front of his desk and reported on the situation he had just met with Atlas.

Sitting behind the desk was a middle-aged man who was chewing a cigar and puffing away smoke.

The swirling smoke made it impossible to see his face clearly, and one could only vaguely see a pair of sharp eyes, a pair of persevering eyes that had experienced blood and destruction...

"Canos Atlas was born in Shields Town, under the jurisdiction of the Marine 153 branch. He was attacked by pirates while traveling with his parents a year ago and wandered to Logue Town. He lived in Logue Town for half a year. His parents' whereabouts are unknown..."

"Were you attacked by pirates..."

"What a chaotic world."