
One piece : The dark era

What will happen if you lost your system just before reincarnation.. Join the adventure of such a guy in the world of one piece. English is not my first language so you may be dissatisfied with my writing quality, just give it a read if you are bored. Lastly, I don't own anything except the story and few Oc.

ImPerfectlyPerfact · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Year1442 of sea calander

Unknown island, Paradise

Within a darkened room, newborn cries are heard. On a bed in the corner of the room a young woman holds a new-born child with a tired and disgusting expression.

She tries to throw away the child, but much to her disappointment, she didn't even have enough strength to do so. The newborn starts to cry out loudly. With watery eyes and gnashed teeth, the young women takes her last breath.

A pair of haggled hands took the child from the dead mother. Looking pitifully at the pair of mother and child, Mary says,"Why must the world be cruel to the pair of mother and child". Signing deeply she leaves while carrying the infant.

Unbeknownst to her, the newborn's eyes turned from dark to crimson in colour with a red dot on them.

6 years later,

A young boy is seen running through the seashore. As a result of the lack of oxygen, his face is turing red. Pretty soon, he collapsed on the sand beach while panting heavily.

"Daymn...haah...it was close...haah...i still missed the 4km limit". Brody had been doing the set of one punch man exercises in the past few hours.

He began to exercise at the age of four. Up to now, he could only do 50 pushups, 40 jumps, 40 squats and 3-4 km of splints daily.

He has worked harder since birth. With the help of sharingan, he was able to complete his education by the age of three. If he was someplace else, he would have been a prodology as currently he is only Six.

Others may think him as a child, but right now he has the strength of a pirate around 10 million beli which is a good start.

Watching the sunshine at the top of the day, Brody walks to the orphanage.

15 minutes later,

He made it to his destination, 'Mary's Orphanage'. Currently there are 43 people residing inside this orphanage. 41 orphans including him. 2 caretakers Mary and her daughter Ava.

Looking inside, he saw 4-10 year old children playing around the orphanage garden. Looking at the happy faces of the children he shakes his head with pity. He knows what would happen to them after five more years, they would be sold to pirates and slave dealers.