
One Piece: Stormy Sea

Armdi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Chapter 17 - Disturbing Reality

The soft glow of a campfire illuminated the faces of the three boys as they sat on the outskirts of the Gray Terminal. The night was calm, with only the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore. Sabo, his blue eyes reflecting the firelight, began, "You know, Mark, ever since I was little, I've dreamt of the vast ocean, the endless horizon, and the adventures that await."

Ace nodded in agreement, his fiery spirit evident. "The sea is where true freedom lies. Not bound by any rules, not confined by any borders. Just you, your ship, and the endless expanse."

Mark, intrigued by their passion, listened intently. He had always viewed pirates through the lens of the chaos he witnessed in the Gray Terminal. But hearing Sabo and Ace speak of their dreams painted a different picture, one of hope, ambition, and the pursuit of freedom.

Sabo continued, "It's not just about treasure or fame. It's about carving our own path, living on our own terms. That's what being a pirate means to us."

Ace smirked, "And of course, the thrill of adventure, the challenges, the battles, and the stories we'll have to tell."

Mark pondered over their words. The night deepened, and the fire's glow cast long shadows, setting the stage for the revelations and challenges that lay ahead.

Ace smirked, "And of course, the thrill of adventure, the challenges, the battles, and the stories we'll have to tell."

The warmth of the fire was juxtaposed by the sudden chill in the air as Mark spoke up, "I've seen what pirates do. They loot, they plunder, and they leave destruction in their wake. How can you aspire to be like them?"

Sabo looked at Mark, understanding the root of his apprehension. "Mark, the Gray Terminal has shown you only one facet of piracy. Not all pirates are heartless marauders. Just like in any other profession, there are good and bad individuals."

Ace, ever the fiery one, jumped in, "Freedom is what drives us, not greed. The sea doesn't bind you with rules or judgments. It offers a chance to be truly free, to live without any chains."

Mark countered, "But at what cost? The freedom you speak of often comes at the expense of others. I've seen families torn apart, homes destroyed, all because of pirates."

Sabo, trying to bridge the gap, said, "We don't deny the atrocities, but you have to understand, not everyone chooses that path. Some pirates are explorers, adventurers, and even protectors. The sea is vast, and so are the stories and intentions of those who sail it."

Ace added with a smirk, "And let's be honest, the world isn't black and white. There are corrupt officials and noble pirates. It's all about the choices we make."

The debate continued, with each boy defending his perspective. As the embers of their campfire flickered, casting dancing shadows on their faces, Sabo took a deep breath and said, "Our dreams aren't just about being pirates. It's about breaking free from the chains that this island, society, and our pasts have shackled us with."

Ace nodded in agreement, pulling out a small, worn-out map from his pocket. "We've been scouting and planning. There's a boat, not the grandest, but sturdy and swift, docked at the far end of the island. But it comes with a price."

Mark looked at the map, then at his friends, realizing the depth of their determination. "How much do you need?"

Sabo sighed, "More than we currently have. We've been saving up, doing odd jobs, and yes, sometimes resorting to thievery. But the sea... it calls to us, Mark. Every wave that crashes on this shore is like a siren's song, urging us to embark on our journey."

Ace added, "We're close, but time is running out. There are others, more ruthless and desperate, who have their eyes on that boat. We need to act fast."

As dawn broke, the Gray Terminal began to stir with life. The morning sun cast a golden hue over the makeshift stalls, shanties, and the bustling crowd. Ace and Sabo, with Mark in tow, navigated the labyrinthine pathways, showcasing the Terminal's unique blend of danger and wonder.

"Over here," Sabo whispered, leading them to a concealed spot that offered a panoramic view of the Terminal. "This is where we strategize, plan our moves, and sometimes just sit and dream."

Mark observed the organized chaos below, taking in the sights and sounds. Street performers showcased their talents, merchants haggled overprices, and children ran around playing games, all against the backdrop of the looming threat of the Marines.

Ace pointed towards a distant pier. "That's where the smugglers and pirates dock. It's risky, but it's also where we get most of our intel."

As they continued their tour, Mark began to see the Gray Terminal through new eyes. It wasn't just a place of danger and deceit; it was a living, breathing entity, filled with stories, dreams, and people trying to carve out a life for themselves.

The trio made their way through hidden passages, met some of Ace and Sabo's trusted allies, and even had a close call with a Marine patrol. The day was a mix of excitement, danger, and camaraderie.

The docks were a cacophony of noise, with sailors shouting orders, merchants peddling their wares, and the occasional brawl breaking out. But amidst the chaos, there was an underlying tension, a palpable sense of unease. The presence of the Marines, with their crisp uniforms and stern expressions, only added to the atmosphere of suppressed rebellion.

Hiding behind a stack of crates, Ace signaled for Mark and Sabo to stay low. He had spotted a group of Marines, their voices hushed but animated. The boys strained their ears, trying to catch snippets of the conversation.

"...can't believe Fisher Tiger had the audacity to break into The Holy Land Mary Geoise," one Marine exclaimed.

"And freeing those slaves! The audacity!" another chimed in.

A third Marine, with a more senior insignia, interjected, "The World Nobles are furious. They've issued a decree – Fisher Tiger must be captured at all costs."

The implications of the conversation were clear. Fisher Tiger's actions had not only shaken the foundations of the World Government but had also inspired countless others to dream of freedom and rebellion.

Ace's eyes gleamed with a mix of admiration and determination. "Fisher Tiger is a legend," he whispered to Mark. "He's shown us that even in the face of overwhelming power, one can stand up and fight for what's right."

Sabo nodded in agreement, adding, "His actions have given hope to many. But we need to be careful. The Marines will be on high alert."

As the boys retreated from their hiding spot, Mark's mind raced. The tales of Fisher Tiger's bravery were inspiring, but they also underscored the dangers they faced. And somewhere in this maze of intrigue and rebellion was Black Scar, the pirate he was tasked with confronting. The stakes were high, and the path ahead uncertain.

The revelations about the Marines and the World Nobles weighed heavily on Mark's mind. He had always viewed the Marines as a beacon of justice, but the reality was far more complex and sinister. The lines between right and wrong, justice and corruption, were blurred in this world.

As they navigated their way through the bustling docks, Sabo could sense Mark's internal turmoil. "It's hard to digest, isn't it?" he remarked, glancing at Mark. "The world isn't as black and white as we'd like it to be."

Ace grunted in agreement, "Power and greed corrupt even the most noble of intentions. That's why we need to carve our own path, free from the shackles of this twisted system."

Mark nodded, processing their words. But his train of thought was interrupted when his eyes locked onto a familiar face amidst the crowd. There, surrounded by a group of menacing-looking pirates, stood Black Scar. His imposing figure, marked by a prominent scar across his face, was unmistakable.

Mark's heart raced. This was the moment he had been preparing for. But he also knew that a direct confrontation here, in the heart of the Gray Terminal, would be reckless. He needed a plan.

Sabo and Ace followed Mark's gaze and immediately understood the gravity of the situation. The three exchanged a knowing look, silently agreeing to regroup and strategize.