
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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138 Chs

Chapter 24

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 24

Coco West Ya Village.

A villager was standing on the road and saw Arlong and a group moved towards here.

"Hey! Arlong is here in the village!"


"What's the matter..."

"I just accepted the offer!"

The villagers began to talk.

"It's probably about... discovering that I have a weapon hidden? Everyone, come in."

"Jian Sang..."

Although The villagers were all worried about Jiansang, but in the end they saw Arlong and his group hiding in the house. Only Jian Sang sat in the small pavilion outside.

"It turned out to be you! Three days ago, it was discovered that the soul of the sword is hidden."

Arlong walked up to Jian and said fiercely fiercely.

"Yes, that's right. Under your notice, don't you even allow collections? I always like to look at weapons."

"Hey, it's a headache. Weapons only Evil thoughts and violence are produced! It is the chief culprit that endangerers peace!"

In a small alley not far away.

Usopp slapped the wall almost parallel to the ground and affixed it to Qiang Qiang in horror and said: "That's Arlong!!!"

Usopp didn't expect this species to exist? !

"They are not human!! It is Fishman!"

"But…Nami doesn't seem to come…"

"She is in Arlong Paradise."

Arlong's conversation with Jiansang continues.

"We rule a total of 20 villages and towns. As managers, the insurgents are very troublesome… The rebellious port town of Housha Town is used to kill the chicken to warn the monkey!! ! Failure to pay for the offering is tantamount to rebellion !!"

"The offering? What is that?" Usop asked suspiciously as he listened to Arlong's words.

"The tribute money, we use money to buy our lives from them every month! Whether it is an adult or a child! And… as long as there is one person in the village who can't afford the sacrifice… even if there is only one person, it will be leveled like Housha Town!!!"

Usopp shouted in surprise: "Excessive!!! Just because of one person…just give it to such a big town…"


"That's the rule of Arlong... the racist guys... don't treat killing as a thing!" Nojiko frowns said solemnly.

"Listen, inferior humans!! Don't think about anything else, just work hard and pay for it!!! I need huge funds!! Your worship will become the Arlong who rules East Blue The foundation of the empire!!!"

"Arlong empire? Do those guys want to create a country…" Usop was shocked. There was someone who didn't expect, ah no, it was Fishman who had this idea.

"Akinsang!" Nojiko suddenly yelled in panic.

Usopp looked at it and it turned out that Arlong pinched his neck to lift Jian Sang up.

"Kansang!" Nojiko ran out worriedly.

Then all the villagers ran out.

"Don't come here. If you resist this time, our eight years of hard work will be in vain!"

"hahaha! All creatures are born…are unequal!!!! "Arlong pinched A Jian's head with one hand and smashed A Jian against the wall.

"Must kill Gunpowder Star!!!"

Usopp stood on the roof, put on his windshield glasses, and shot the gunpowder star on Arlong's with a slingshot. Body.

"My name is the brave display at sea!!! Captain Usopp!!! The whole world is afraid of me, and the person from Demon Realm is Usopp Great Demon King. If you run away now, Then I will let you go! ! I have eight thousand people!!"

Usopp's wave of hated of Arlong's gang directly caused Arlong to turn around and hunt Usopp, let it go. Coco West suppressed the village's life.

After Usopp escaped, Nami returned to Coco West Ya Village, but the villagers were silent and silent after seeing Nami back, and went back to each house.

Nami took a bunch of flowers to Bellmere's grave on the shore.

"It's still 10 million Beli. Right, because I'm Pirate. But, Arlong is a guy who will abide by the agreement. Money can solve everything. Anyway, I will make a full 100 million Beli, buy this village!!"

Nami smiled innocent and unaffected, until now Nami still believes in Arlong's agreement with her.

At this moment, in Arlong Paradise.

Hood Hill and Zoro defeated all the Fishman in Arlong Paradise.

"It's really troublesome, things are getting more and more complicated." Zoro complained.

"Oh, the clothes in this Arlong Paradise are all pretty good. It's a pity, Zoro will teach me how to exercise my muscles. My figure is really too ordinary."

Hood Hill looked at his abdomen, looking at Zoro's. Although Zoro is now invisible with a bandage, the shape of the abdominal muscles is still there, and Hood Hill is gone.

"Well, that's okay, but haven't you actually practiced muscles? I think Usopp has them!" Zoro was a little surprised how Hood Hill cut the steel.

"All my strength is achieved by sword skills. I used to think that I can rely on my sword skills to be invincible in the world, but after just experienced the Arlong World War I discovered that I still need to improve the basics It's okay to Improve his physical fitness. I only have sword skills. I can react and defend against the past, but I can't prevent it. My strength is a little bit worse. I can't make up for it with sword skills."

Zoro looked at Hood Hill and remembered the battle between himself and Hawk Eyes. "Yes, I feel the same way. In front of absolute power, no matter what style I use, the opponent can easily resolve it with a small bayonet. This is the difference in power. Sword skills alone cannot make up."

At this time, the two of them heard the sound of Hachi's horn calling Mou Mou to eat.

Zoro and Hood Hill came to the front of Arlong Paradise and saw Hachi roasting a whole pig.

"Are you blowing the trumpet?"

"Who are you!! Me? My name is Hachi!!!" Hachi said in a naive tone.

"Are you Fishman too?"

"Of course!! I am Octopus Fishman from beautiful and alluring!!! You should look like a person!! Is it Marine or Marine? Guest?"

"We are guests!" Hood Hill returned with a smile.

"But, the dragon is not there now? It seems that the long-nosed outsider has escaped, but I heard that two other guys have been caught, so Arlong went to Kosiah Village to catch the escaped guy!! "

"How do I get to the village?" Zoro asked.

"Come on, I'll take you there! You are the guests!"

"Yes, let's go, let Hachi send us to Coco West Village "Hood Hill patted Zoro's shoulder said.

Then jumped into the octopus pot, and then Zoro jumped in too.

Hachi took Hood Hill and Zoro to the coast of Cocoyasi Village.

"Thank you for Bachan!"

"No thanks, take care, and come again next time!"

"What a strange Fishman." Zoro waved Started to say.

"Bachan is a good person, ah, yes, he is a good Fishman." Hood Hill said to Zoro with his head tilted and a smile.