
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 23

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 23

Cocoyasi Village.

Hood Hill got off the boat and ran all the way to Arlong's paradise.

"You are Arlong!"

Then Nami ran after Hood Hill all the way.

"I met Nami by chance on the sea. I think Nami's sailing skills are quite good. I want her to be my partner. Please also agree to Nami's withdrawal from the Arlong group."


Hood Hill said to Arlong with a smile.

"en! Nami, what's the matter with this guy!" Arlong glazed fiercely at Nami and asked.

Nami saw the fear in Arlong's eyes, and said with a strong smile: "haha, this guy is a crew member who was deceived by me. Didn't expect chased him all the way. Hill, I'm impossible. If you quit the Arlong gang, you should get out of here!"

Hood Hill shook the head said: "Really? You just cried and said"

"peng !" Nami directly took out her stick and hit Hood Hill's head with face looks sinister and shouted: "Get out of here!"

Hood Hill extend the hand and grab it. Nami's stick said: "It's Arlong! You dare not resist Arlong because of fear!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"So let me make this hateful Kill the guy! Let you be our partner!"

Hood Hill pulled out the Sun Wheel knife

"A trifling, the lower races dare to fight me! "Arlong stood up and moved towards Hood Hill and threw a fist.

Nami watched this scene nervously.

"Breath of the Sun Yizhi Wuwu!"

Hood Hill blocked Arlong's fist with a knife.

"Lower race? Just kidding Arlong, I ask you what race is Yonko Admiral? What race is Celestial Dragon? Do you dare to fight with them!"

Listen The term Celestial Dragon, Arlong recalled the past, the day when Celestial Dragon was used as a slave to oppress.

"The soul is pale! I want you to die now!" Arlong punched it again.

Hood Hill then resisted with a round dance.

In this way, Hood Hill can't beat Arlong completely.

Arlong's power was too great. Although Hood Hill was able to defend him early, he was beaten back by the impact of the power a few steps.

Hood Hill looked at Arlong and thought: What kind of power is this? I am now the breathing method of [Complete Focus·Changzhong]! Is the power still incomparable!

The breathing method can temporarily increase the strength of a person, but the basic strength of Hood Hill itself is not strong, so even if it is improved, it is still not as strong as Arlong's current strength. It's like having Super Saiyans in Dragon Ball  world. Goku's Super Saiyans are stronger than Vegeta, because Goku's normal battle strength is stronger than Vegeta.

Ah, the breathing method has this limitation. How do I remember that the introduction in the Blade of Pillar Slayer can be briefly promoted to have the power to contend with ghosts!

"System reminder: Ghosts in the Blade of Pillar Slayer are also divided into ranks. The introduction only mentions that they will be upgraded to the power that can compete with ghosts, but it does not say that they will be upgraded to the power that can compete with the miserable. And style The application is also very important. In addition, it does not mean that even if you are proficient in using breathing methods while sleeping, the host's breathing method proficiency is still deadly."

Hearing the system's prompt, Hood Hill suddenly came to Satori. But it was too late to say anything.

Hood Hill has been defeated by Arlong.

"Arlong! Can this guy give it to me? Seeing this guy who was deceived by me, I still believe me, poor clown, I can't help but want to torture him for a while!" Nami said with a smile with a weird face.

"hmph, okay, this guy will leave it to you, give me to torture him!"

At this moment, Zoro was also taken by Arlong's men. Come in.

"Hill! Nami!" Zoro looked surprised at Hood Hill who was tied up by Nami and Nami who was tying Hood Hill.

"Ah, Zoro, you are here too, I was really defeated by the gorgeous! Hood Hill moved towards Zoro said with a smile.

"Give me To shut up! "Nami stepped on Hood Hill fiercely and said.

"Oh, it's a pity, I'm not the cook, otherwise I'll be tied up by Nami-san in play and stepped on, it's simply Hood Hill. Said cheaply.

"What's the matter with you fellow!"

Nami took out the tape to prevent Hood Hill from talking and sealed Hood Hill's mouth.

"Zoro, look good, this logo, I'm the Arlong group Cadres. You are all deceived by me! You are just one of my prey. A lot of treasures have been taken from you this time. I know you are chasing me halfway, but didn't expect to chase here…"

Nami walked up to Zoro and said.

"Is this your nature?"

"Ah, yes, are you surprised?" I am a cadre of the Arlong group, I was originally a Pirate! "Nami said with a sullen face.

"hahaha…you have been cheated from start to finish! This guy can forget the death of his parents for money, she is a cold-blooded Demoness-like woman! !"

Arlong sat back in his chair laughed and said with a smile.

Nami couldn't say a word when she heard this, her face sullenly.

"so that's how it is! I know from the very beginning that you are a black-hearted woman!"

Zoro looked at Nami said with a smile, and then jumped directly into the sea.


Nami did not expect that Zoro would be tied up like this. Jumping into the sea with injuries, it is undoubtedly suicidal.

Nami panicked, took off his shoes and jumped into the sea. Vice Admiral Zoro was saved.

"You What do you want to do…" Nami asked while looking at Zoro.

"I want to ask you more! "Zoro smiled, "A nobody like you who can't help a person…Don't put on airs there!" ! !"

"Hurry up and save my idiot! I thought I was dead…"

"Don't be kidding! !"Nami punched Zoro in the chest.

"Leave this guy to me too, let me torture them all!" "Nami said to Arlong.

"Master Arlong! Lord Arlong! ! "At this time, a Fishman's subordinate ran in in a panic.

"What's the matter, compatiot?"

"Another guy with a long nose escaped! Probably fled to Cocoyasi Village."

"Cocoyasi Village…I happen to have something to go there…"

In the prison of Arlong Paradise, Nami unbind Hood Hill and Zoro.


"You run away! ! Before Arlong came back, as agreed, I had put 50% of the treasure on the Meili. You can leave in the Meili."

Hood Hill said with a smile: "This won't work, we will not sail, and I also said before, our agreement is that you send us to the Grand Line!"

"Enough is enough! Hill, you tried it too, you couldn't beat Arlong at all! The power of Arlong is not comparable to that of humans!" Nami carried Hood Hill by the collar and shouted, "You can find someone who knows how to sail in the village, and hire him to take you to the entrance of the Grand Line. Why must I? You will die if you continue like this. what! "

"Will you die?" Zoro, Luffy-what did the captain say. "Hood Hill looked towards Zoro.

Zoro laughed and said: "Luffy said must Nami you be the Navigator on his ship!"