
One Piece: Servants Summoner [EN]

"Hey, buddy, do you know? The title of the world's greatest swordsman has been taken away by someone else?" "What? Is that so? Who is the greatest swordsman in the world now?" "Oh, the person who replaced the previous title's owner is Miyamoto Musashi. Not only that, I have more interesting news." "The title 'The strongest creature alive' has also been taken by someone else, and that person is the queen named Scathach." "..." "Garp, the old man from another generation, has also been defeated by an old man named Li Shuwen." "So many strong people have sprung up!? Where did all those people come from?" "They all come from a group called 'Blueplanet,' by the way, Miyamoto Musashi and Scathach are my partners." "Really... no, wait! Who are you?!" "I am the leader of the Blueplanet group!" The protagonist said with a smile. This story is the story of a protagonist with a Summoner System, summoning powerful two-dimensional characters while sailing on a beautiful vast ocean. *** Advanced chapters available on; patréon.com/Mizuki77

Mizuki77 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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145 Chs

Chapter 1

In the afternoon, the sun shines on the high horizon, and the sea breeze blows, bringing bursts of waves to the beach.

On a rock near the beach, a young man with black hair and handsome stature is seen sitting on rock. In front of him was a little boy around five to six years old, wearing a straw hat with a bright smile on his face.

"...Thus, the great captain, Francis Drake successfully completed her voyage around the world and became a great pirate who was adored by all. This is the story of the greatest pirate, Francis Drake."

The young man told Luffy with enthusiasm and a bright smile as if he was showing his treasure.

That's right, the little straw hat boy is none other than the 'son of this world,' Monkey D. Luffy!

Whereas that young man is not a person of this world, he is a world jumper from our earth.

"Lies! There is only one person in this world who has circumnavigated the world, and that person is One Piece, Gol D. Roger! Vermillion, you must be lying to me!"

Luffy clearly couldn't believe it, even though he thought the story was outstanding, but for him, it was Francis Drake, the person the man said had never traveled the world.

Of course, it's a lie if we talk about traveling the world of One Piece.

"Haha, Luffy, you're still a child and don't know anything about the world. The world is huge, and that woman named Drake has literally circumnavigated the world." Vermillion smiled.

"What, Drake is a woman?! Isn't that a man's name?"


"It hurts, why did you hit my head? It hurts so much, also, why can you hurt me? I am a human rubber!" Luffy shouted in discontent while holding his swollen head.

"Who told you to say that Drake is a man, she is a beautiful, sexy and cheerful woman. But her charm and determination is not inferior to a man, she is a real super woman!"

When talking about Drake, Vermillion's smile grew wider. "Also, this fist is a love fist. Even if you are a rubber, you will not be able to escape this punch."

Even though Luffy claimed the punch was very painful, Vermillion actually hit him lightly. He wouldn't be crazy enough to hit a boy with his full strength.

After he finished speaking, Vermillion dispelled his magic.

'Looks like magic from the Type-Moon world has the same effect as Haki. This is good news for me, it should work against Logia-type Devil Fruit users.' Vermillion muttered inwardly.

"Hmph, even if Drake is a woman, she still can't circumnavigate the world. If she really managed to circumnavigate the world like you said, wouldn't she have become the Pirate King?"

"Only I can circumnavigate the world and get the One Piece Treasure!" Luffy raised his clenched fists with stars in his eyes.

"Oh, does little Luffy want to be the Pirate King? Then you have to grow up fast, otherwise One Piece will be grabbed by someone else." Vermillion ruffled Luffy's hair.

"Bastard, I'm the one who will become the Pirate King and get One Piece. Also, don't touch my head!"

"Ha ha ha!"

"You, don't laugh!"

"Luffy, time to eat; the meat is cooked." In the distance, Makino, a beautiful green-haired woman, shouted at Luffy.

"Meat?! Eat meat~ Eat meat~" As soon as Luffy heard the word meat, Luffy ignored Vermillion and ran to Makino quickly.

Makino bowed to Vermillion from a distance, then led Luffy into the bar.

"He's a really interesting kid. Isn't that right, Captain Drake?" It wasn't long after Vermillion finished his sentence. A bright woman in a pirate costume slowly appeared behind him.

Her beautiful red hair and the scars on her face showed her boundless charm. The wound did not spoil her beauty, instead adding a touch of heroism to her. That woman was none other than Francis Drake!

"Haha, that little fellow really has big ambitions at his age. As for the Pirate King, it seems that he doesn't stand a chance. After all, you will be the Pirate King yourself." Drake smiled.

"No, you're wrong, Drake. You will be the Pirate King, and I will be the Pirate King's henchman."

"Oh? Did you summon me to this world to make me a Pirate King? It's quite tempting. But being the Pirate King without traveling around the world first isn't that interesting..."

"Master, are you trying to confess to me?" Drake blinked a few times.

"Yeah, after all, you're also interested in me, right?"

"Haha, very interested. Ever since I came to this world, I can't take my eyes off your figure." After that, Drake grabbed Vermillion's head and then hugged him tightly in her two soft melons.

"Hmm, ump! I can't breathe... I'm out of breath!" Vermillion felt a sense of tightness and pleasure at the same time.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Your words earlier made me quite excited." Drake hastily let go of her arm.

"But, Master, do you really want me to be the Pirate King? I am a Servant who must serve you. Logically, I should help you become the Pirate King."

"It's okay, One Piece itself doesn't really interest me. To be honest I'd be happier if you were the Pirate King."

"Become a captain, and ride the Golden Wild Hunt like you should." Vermillion smiled.

"Then what about you, my dear Master?"

"Of course I will be your Master, as well as... your lover."

"Good, very good." After saying that, Vermillion was once again tightly hugged by Drake.

After hugging for a while, Vermillion and Drake bought the equipment needed to venture from Foosha village.

The news of Drake and Vermillion going to sea, of course, could not escape the ears of Luffy.