
One Piece: Scientist Simulator

In the heart of Wanokuni, Edie, a brilliant yet enigmatic scientist, is deeply immersed in his research on Devil Fruits and advanced cloning technology as he Explores the Deepest Secrets of the One Piece World with his Scientist Simulator System.

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

Sea Circle Calendar 1502

Wanokuni, Flower Capital, Outskirts

The mountains rose in jagged, undulating peaks, their majesty tempered by the sudden shift in the weather. What had been a bright, sunny noon only moments ago was now overshadowed by ominous clouds, obscuring the sky. Among those clouds, a massive azure dragon loomed, its serpentine form weaving in and out of the mist like a ghostly specter.

Beneath the cloud cover, nestled within the rugged terrain, thousands of elite pirates lay in ambush. These were no ordinary marauders—they were the Beasts Pirates, feared across the seas. Today, they faced an opponent of legendary stature: Kozuki Oden, son of the former Shogun of Wanokuni and daimyo of the Kuri region. At his side stood his 9 loyal retainers, each a formidable warrior in their own right.

It was 1,000 pirates against 10 samurai.

The battle that would determine the future of Wanokuni's power began in an instant.

"Fire!" came the command.

Hundreds of pirates armed with AK-47s unleashed a torrent of bullets. The air filled with the deafening roar of gunfire, magazines emptying within seconds as thousands of rounds rained down upon the small band of warriors.

Yet, against this overwhelming firepower, the samurai stood resolute. With their katanas drawn, each blade gleamed with the dark sheen of Advanced Haki, a testament to the warriors' mastery. With the precision and grace honed over years of discipline, they sliced through the hail of bullets, deflecting each one as if swatting away mere flies.

"Kaidō!!" Oden's voice thundered across the battlefield as he raised his head, his eyes locked onto the dragon above.

The Azure Dragon, Kaidō, emerged from the clouds, his massive head breaking through the mist. A cruel sneer spread across his face as he responded to Oden's challenge.

"Ohohohoho... Boro Breath!" Kaidō roared, his voice filled with menace.

In an instant, a searing flame gathered in the dragon's maw, condensing into a scorching ray of fiery destruction. The beam shot downward from the heavens, its heat and power unmatched.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The explosion was cataclysmic, leveling an entire mountain in a single, devastating strike. The earth trembled as if an earthquake had erupted, and the shockwaves of the impact rippled through the ground, reaching even the distant Flower Capital.

The Flower Capital

Our protagonist, Edie, stepped out of his private research institute, only to find crowds of people already gathering in the streets. A distinct vibration pulsed beneath his feet, stirring a wave of anxiety among the citizens.

"What's happening? An earthquake?!" someone exclaimed.

"No, it's an explosion!" another voice shouted.

"Look!" a third person cried out, pointing toward the horizon.

The people of the Flower Capital turned their gaze toward the distance, where flames soared into the sky, painting the heavens a fiery red as the inferno consumed the mountains. Panic and confusion spread through the crowd; they had no idea what was unfolding before them.

But Edie knew. He knew exactly what was happening—and what was about to happen.

The Beast Pirates were clashing with Kozuki Oden and his allies.

As a reincarnated individual, Edie possessed a clear understanding of the reasons, process, and outcome of this monumental battle.

Ten years earlier, Kozuki Oden, the daimyo of Kuri, had forsaken his homeland to become a pirate, joining the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates. Five years later, he accompanied another crew, the Roger Pirates, to the Final Island, where they discovered the legendary treasure, the One Piece, before returning to Wanokuni.

However, much had changed during his absence. The supreme power in the country had shifted hands. Oden's father, the former shogun Kozuki Sukiyaki, had been assassinated, and Kurozumi Orochi had seized the throne.

Upon learning this, Kozuki Oden naturally sought to reclaim his rightful position. The father dies, and the son succeeds—this was the way of things. But when Oden confronted Kurozumi Orochi, instead of yielding the shogunate, Orochi made a devious five-year agreement, taking a hundred hostages and threatening to kill them if Oden resisted.

For five long years, Kozuki Oden endured humiliation, coming to the Shogun's Castle every day to dance naked, rain or sunshine. The agreement was that, after these five years, Wanokuni would be returned to him.

But it was all a lie—a mere ploy to buy time. Behind Kurozumi Orochi stood the Beast Pirates, bolstering their strength and preparing for the inevitable conflict. By the time the promised day arrived, the deception was unveiled, and war erupted.

The result was inevitable.

"Weakness wasn't the reason for Oden's downfall," Edie murmured as he turned his gaze away. "It was his stupidity."

Edie casually slipped his hands into the pockets of his white coat and turned toward a noodle shop across the street, seemingly indifferent to the significant events unfolding around him.

It was noon, and after spending the entire morning conducting experiments, it was time to grab something to eat.

"Dr. Edie," the noodle shop owner called out warmly as she noticed him enter.

"The usual, Miss Esaki. A bowl of ramen," Edie replied.

"Sure thing. Please have a seat; it'll be ready shortly."

Edie found a quiet corner of the shop and settled in. Before long, the steaming bowl of ramen was placed before him. As he ate, his thoughts drifted back to the past.

Two years ago, Edie had been transported to the world of One Piece, where he activated a mysterious system: the Scientific Research Simulation System.

Upon acquiring this system, Edie devised a comprehensive plan for himself. As the system's name suggested, its functions were centered around scientific research.

In this pirate-infested world, the development of science was strikingly uneven. In some places, technology was so primitive that basic inventions like aircraft were nonexistent. In others, however, advancements were astonishingly futuristic.

There were incredible achievements such as:

Artificial Devil Fruits.

Mass-produced robots, pacifistas.

The authoritative chip for robots is comparable to the stamp of thoughts.

Humanoid weapons, the Seraphims.

The island-destroying weapon, the Mother Flame.

Three ancient weapons, destroying the world.

Etc., etc.

Edie's goal was clear: he planned to create humanoid weapons that would rival or even surpass the World Government's Seraphim, establishing a formidable force of his own.

Edie named his ambitious project the "Twelve Earthly Branches Plan."

The first target for cloning was none other than Kaido himself. But to create a clone of the fearsome Yonko, Edie needed Kaido's blood—a challenge that required careful planning.

Two years ago, Edie began his collaboration with Kaido under the guise of a scientist. Kaido's ambitions in Wanokuni went beyond simply seizing control of the country; he aimed to transform it into his stronghold. After installing Kurozumi Orochi as shogun, Kaido established weapon factories across the land, driven by an insatiable need for arms.

To meet this demand, Edie developed and replicated a modern automatic rifle, naming it the notorious AK-47. But creating the weapon was only part of the challenge—he also needed to ensure Wanokuni's industry could support its production. This required advancing the region's steel smelting capabilities.

Edie played a crucial role in this, making significant contributions to the development of Wanokuni's smelting processes and factories. Additionally, he upgraded the factories with eco-friendly filtering technology to preserve the environment. Unlike in the original timeline, where Wanokuni's air and water were polluted by the war factories, this time, the nation would retain its purity and natural beauty.

It was only last month that the first batch of AK-47s were finally completed.

As part of his agreement with Kaido, Edie also gained access to critical information about the Bloodline Factor from Kaido's subordinate and fellow scientist, Queen. For the past two years, Edie had been diligently studying the Bloodline Factor, laying the groundwork for his ultimate plan.

"Today marks the first actual combat use of the AK-47..." Edie mused, though he held little hope for its effectiveness in battle. But that was of no consequence.

He had been waiting two long years for this day.

Kaido, the so-called "strongest creature in the world," blessed with the power of a Mythical Zoan fruit that transformed him into an Azure Dragon, was about to face the wrath of Kozuki Oden's blade.

The war lasted less than an hour, ending with the defeat of Kozuki Oden and his allies, just as predicted in the original plot. The defeated prisoners were swiftly escorted to the Flower Capital Prison.

Edie made his way to Orochi's Palace without delay. The guards at the gate greeted him with a salute.

"Master Edie, Master Kaido is waiting for you in the banquet hall. Please follow me."

"Lead the way," Edie responded.

Upon entering the banquet hall, Edie saw Kaido. The formidable Yonko stood tall and imposing, his black hair cascading down his shoulders, and his long horns reminiscent of a ceratopsian. Two nurses were tending to his chest injuries, their ministrations careful and precise.

Opposite Kaido was Kurozumi Orochi, the shogun of Wanokuni, whose grotesque appearance was marked by a head far too large for his body.

"Mr. Kaido, someone like you can actually get hurt?" Edie said, feigning surprise.

"Hmph," Kaido grunted, brushing aside the nurses. He seized a wine gourd and took a deep swig.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh… Edie, the weapon you developed is quite impressive. I'm very satisfied!" Kaido declared. Although the AK-47 hadn't inflicted damage on the enemy, it wasn't due to any flaw in the weapon. The Ten warriors opposing them had simply been too powerful. In other circumstances, such automatic rifles could make a significant impact on the battlefield if sold to other nations.

"As long as you're satisfied," Edie replied, nodding. Kaido's injury and satisfaction were as expected.

Kurozumi Orochi, the snake-like shogun, chuckled darkly. "Guhehehe… Dr. Edie, the gun you created is truly remarkable. If we equip the whole army with it, there'll be no need to worry about any samurai resistance!"

After a brief pause, he continued with a wild laugh, "With Kozuki Oden now a prisoner, he'll be executed in a few days. I'm planning a celebration party to mark the occasion!"

"I still have experiments to conduct and will be participating in the research on artificial Devil Fruits," Edie said tersely. He had little interest in attending the celebratory feast and preferred to focus on his work. With a few more words exchanged with Kaido, Edie exited the banquet hall.

As Edie left, Kurozumi Orochi's expression darkened. The scientist's lack of respect for his status as shogun was evident.

"Kaido, this guy…" Orochi began, his voice laced with annoyance.

Kaido's gaze turned cold as he looked at Orochi. "His research is crucial to me. Artificial Devil Fruits are more important than any celebration party."

Edie did not leave the palace immediately. Instead, he sought out the two nurses who had tended to Kaido's wounds earlier.

"Master Edie," they greeted him nervously.

"You were the ones who cleaned Kaido's wounds?" Edie asked.

"Yes," they replied, nodding.

"Give me the bloody towel," Edie demanded, his tone leaving no room for questions.

Without offering an explanation, Edie's authoritative presence made it clear that the nurses had no choice but to comply. They handed over the stained towels, their faces anxious.

Once in possession of the towels, Edie quickly returned to his private research institute. There, he spent several hours meticulously extracting samples from the blood-soaked fabric.

"Finally! Two years—exactly two years! It wasn't easy to get him injured and bleed," Edie muttered to himself, examining the small amount of blood contained in the glass tube. A satisfied grin spread across his face.

He then retrieved another tube, filled with a different type of blood. This sample came from another of Kaido's subordinates: King, the Flame Disaster. A member of the Lunarian Race—a legendary race capable of generating fire and surviving extreme environmental conditions. As far as Edie knew, King was the last of his kind.

Combining Kaido's blood factor with that of the Lunarian could result in a clone with unimaginable combat prowess.

"Let's Start Cooking," Edie said with a smirk, his excitement palpable.

He focused intently as he whispered to himself, "Scientific Research Simulation System, start!"