
One Piece: Reborn as Yamato?!

Suddenly she wakes up and realises, she was reincarnated into a baby. this baby turns out to be Kaido's daugther yamato. She has to deal with her new reality, will she embrace evil, escape or give in. Follow her on her new journey in the one piece world.

Immortal_Sakura · Anime et bandes dessinées
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#5 Lessons with Queen

Yamato who had just woken up, was quietly laying down on the Bed in her room in Onigashima.

"A Few Months had passed since I read about Roger finding the One Piece, then shortly after news came out that the Roger Pirates disbanded. After That nothing… Everything is so boring, nothing really interesting has happened ever since."

"What should I do, it's so boring, maybe I should really ask dad to train me early."

As Yamato was still speaking with herself, she heard someone knock on her door several times.

"Princess Yamato, Queen Sama asks for you to come to his laboratory."

'Great, time to study I guess.'

"I'll be ready in 10 minutes."

Yamato quickly washed up, dried herself and put on her clothes before leaving her room. As she left the door, queen's subordinate escorted her towards the laboratory.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived and the subordinate knocked on the gigantic door.

"Queen Sama, Princess Yamato is here for her lessons."

"Let her in and then stand guard outside, I don't want anyone to disturb me."

"Yes, Queen Sama"

The Subordinate then pushes on the door and slowly the door opens. He is slightly out of breath breathing a bit heavily, As Yamato walks past him into the dimly lit laboratory.

In said Laboratory a 6 something Meter tall skinny man could be seen that was half laying on his chair whilst working on a metal contraption with his hands.

Yamato walks towards the direction of said man as the door behind her shuts again making loud noises.

"Uncle Queen, I'm here for my lessons."

Hearing Yamato's cute voice, queen clumsily stood up from his awkward position inside his chair, as he then looked at Yamato and smiled.

"Ah my Most favorite smart little student, welcome."

'Gee, thanks not like I'm your only student…'

Internally Queen was quite shocked by Yamato when he first met her, the girl seemed like a monstrous genius, she could speak fluently, somehow already knew how to read and write and the more he spends time teaching here the more shocked he became. Queen wanted to teach her and make her follow his steps as a scientist else her mind would be wasted. He truly wondered how his boss Kaido could give birth to a child with such a brilliant mind. He knew Kaido wasn't a big thinker, he wasn't an idiot, but his strength lied in his body not his mind.

Queen adjusted his glasses and motioned for Yamato to come closer.

"Let's Start with some Math ,are you ready ?"

He wrote out a simple problem: (2 + 3) × (6 ÷ 2) - 4 = ?

Yamato stared at the equation for a moment, her mind working quickly.

"That's 11."

Like This queen taught Yamato for 30 Minutes, he was once again impressed that a 3-year-old could already solve such equations.

Yamato continued to often visit and study under Queen almost Daily for almost a year. During this period the pirate world was mostly dormant with no big events happening.

Today was yet another day where she would learn under Queen, today's focus was Biology. Queen had recently told her that today he had a surprise for her. As Usual Yamato arrived at the laboratory of Queen and went inside.

Queen happily Greeted her and picked her up on his shoulder. He then opened another door, one that he hadn't allowed Yamato to enter during the entire year she had been here.

'Finally, I can see what's behind that door, He's been so secretive, every time I asked about it.'

"Yamato Chan, Your Father finally allowed me to give you on hand experience."

Yamato scrunched her eyes curiously at Queen wondering what he meant.

"On Hand Experience ?"

"Exactly I specifically prepared something just for you, don't worry."

As Queen continued to walk deeper and deeper inside, Yamato was somehow put off by a rancid off-putting smell.

"Uncle Queen, what is that Smell ?"

Queen noticing her tone of voice patted Yamato on her tiny head and gently spoke to her.

"That would be Blood Yamato."

'Blood ??! Why would I smell blood here, aren't we here for a lesson?'

Yamato then decided to remain Silent not uttering another word, until eventually they got deep enough, that she started seeing cells on both sides of the corridor they were walking in.

'I don't like where this is going.'

She was quite anxious, she had never in both of her lives been in a situation like this, this deep smell of blood, rusty metal cells and occasional screams could be heard, she had goosebumps all over her body.