
One Piece: Pirate Killers

A slightly different Luffy, met his first mate a little earlier, which is why the whole story took a slightly different course. Straw Hat Pirates - Everything in front is crying, and behind everything is burning, broken, bleeding and robbed. This is translation from russian, and I am not good at english, so there will be a lot of mistakes link to original https://ficbook.net/readfic/3357775#part_content

Moctopus_Octopus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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116 Chs

Part eight - Demons of East Blue 3/??

In turn, Johnny and Yosaku, as Luffy said, were really having a good time.

They got on the pirate ship without any problems. Luffy and Zoro, who were smashing everyone around, served as an excellent cover. Nobody even paid attention to Johnny and Yosaku who remained in the boat. The guys, taking advantage of the temporary blindness of the pirates, calmly swam up to one of the ships, and, having made holes right in its hull, climbed aboard.

- Yosaku, you'd better start with that ship, - jabbed a finger in some direction Johnny. - There are too many people here, so I'll just blow it up.

- Then I am going - Yosaku nodded.

Running along the side, the guy, with one high jump, jumped to the next ship, landing right in the center of the pirate congestion. Yosaku, who had snatched his swords from his back in flight, immediately slashed to death two pirates, and as soon as his feet touched the deck boards, the guy immediately whirled around himself a bloody whirlwind of death. Yosaku did not yet possess such killer techniques that destroye everything around like Zoro, but even without them he could quite successfully sow death and destruction around himself. Although, of course, he could not yet compare with Zoro and Johnny in this regard. And if everything is clear with the first, then Johnny ... with Johnny everything was also quite clear:

- Hadoken (Fist of the Raging Wave)!

The fireball, having pierced the deck boards right under Johnny's feet, disappeared inside the ship to explode with such force after literally two seconds, that most of the ship was simply torn to pieces, and the rest was consumed by fire. About two hundred pirates, who had gathered on the deck thanks to Luffy's "Da-danking", were thrown high into the air by the blast wave and half of them were unlucky enough to fall back onto the fire-engulfed remains of the ship. Although a significant part of the people who fell into the water, being stunned by the explosion, did not survive. However, Johnny had already jumped onto the deck of another ship by this point and:

- Hadoken (Fist of the Raging Wave)!

Johnny's second attack and its consequences turned out to be almost absolutely identical to the first, including the number of victims, and then the third attack, the fourth, the fifth followed ... Perhaps Johnny did not yet have techniques that would allow him, like Zoro, to destroy several ships at once, but on the other hand he could, almost indefinitely, throw his balls of fire.

And then the world around was flooded with bright light, after which a huge, blazing silver flame, light blue core, destroying a dozen ships on its way, exploded with a deafening roar, right in the center of the entire flotilla gathered here, literally evaporating three ships at once. Zoro, as always, showed a real master class, so in order to keep up with him, Johnny began to throw his fireballs around with even more enthusiasm. Of course, the surrounding people tried to get him with swords and bullets, but if for the first ones, with blows of his hands, completely blew off his heads, fully justifying his nickname, then the latter could not harm him at all - the bullets did not work on Johnny. Unpleasant, like gadfly bites, but after a year in the same team with Luffy and Zoro, the guy did not even pay attention to such things.

Ships were destroyed, pirates fire themselves at their opponents as if possessed, and Zoro, Luffy, Johnny and Yosaku all continued to kill and kill and kill. And at the same time comprehend one simple truth. The fact is that when there are more than ten thousand of your potential victims, the murder process, as it turned out in practice, began to get boring very quickly. The pirates could not provide any sensible resistance. No training, no skills, no basic knowledge of tactics and strategy, nothing. There are just a lot of weak people gathered in one place. When there are no difficulties, fighting becomes boring ... and then the pirates finally realized who actually attacked them.

Perhaps it was the darkness or something else, but the Straw Hats were only recognized twenty minutes later, from the start of their attack. By this time, more than half of the ships were either sunk or completely unusable - how far can you sail on a ball of fire or two halves somehow holding together? Yosaku was the only one who did not sink a single ship, but he quite successfully played King of the Mountain with local pirates. In twenty minutes Yosaku actually did not budge, but he killed so many pirates ... in general, he is the King of the Mountain. But soon Yosaku was able to start moving forward, towards the shore.

The pirates, who had previously climbed into battle without any fear, gradually began to act more and more carefully and more carefully, and soon their caution began to completely retreat under the onslaught of the feeling of fear that was gradually rolling over them. And it was quite possible to understand why. Yosaku, literally standing on the pile of corpses, did not contribute to the manifestation of enthusiasm in any way ... and the whole situation around, too. The darkness, illuminated by the glow from the numerous burning ships, screams of pain and panic, constant explosions, incessant crackling and crashing, calls for help, heard from almost all directions. Hell. It seemed that the entire assembled flotilla of Don Craig went straight to Hell. And it was then that the first frightened exclamations sounded, hysterically trying to find out who attacked them all.

The whole pattern of the "battle" changed instantly.

If at first the pirates just wanted to get rid of the people who attacked them as quickly as possible, now they began to try to understand who exactly they were fighting against. And as soon as the pirates set themselves such a goal, one of the Straw Hat Pirates was identified almost on the move. Given his fame and his very characteristic way of fighting, it was surprising that he had not been identified before:

- "Pirate Killer" !!! - at a certain moment there was a cry full of horror. - This is the "Pirate Killer" !!!

As soon as one of the pirates recognized Zoro, the others immediately identified Johnny and Yosaka:

- "The Butcher" !!! This is Yosaku "The Butcher "!!!

- The ships are blown up by Johnny !!! "Beheader" Johnny !!!

- "PIRATE SLAYERS" !!! We were attacked by "PIRATE SLAYERS" !!!

Given what exactly the Hats have been up to over the past couple of years, it's no surprise that they've managed to earn a moniker for their entire family. The way of making money and Zoro, who was considered the most important in the team of hunters to all East Blue, predetermined the nickname of the Straw Hats. And the nickname is very, very famous. Have you already talked about the panic among the pirates? Ha! As the saying goes: "Know the difference!". After the intimate "Pirate Slayer" sounded, then and only then did the real panic begin.

If earlier people strenuously broke through to the places of battle on ships, then after the cherished words, the most natural mass escape began ... or tried to start. The sticks thrown between the ships, despite their thickness and length, had very serious restrictions on weight and carrying capacity. And all these restrictions were instantly violated, when most of the pirates decided to go ashore at once, and get off immediately. Dozens of people began to fall into the water. And then there was Zoro, Johnny and Luffy, who weren't going to stop their attacks. At the same time, Yosaku, who finally got the opportunity to quickly advance further, began to enthusiastically pursue the pirates fleeing from him - at least some variety. True, there were those who, despite the panic of the others, tried to fight him, but idiots usually died even faster than those who ran away ... these first had to be caught up. And he chased them, and chopped, and again chased, and again chopped. And so it went on exactly until Yosaku, after killing another pirate, found himself standing on a wide, wooden pier, literally a stone's throw from the shore. It is quite understandable that, at some certain point, he escaped from the ship after a group of pirates, but did not even notice it. And now he was standing on the pier, right next to the shore ... the shore on which he died.

- Oh! - the guy only managed to say when he discovered that several hundred barrels were simultaneously directed at him.

- FIRE!!! - there was a loud roar from him, whom Yosaku instantly recognized as Don Craig, due to his gilded armor, which perfectly reflected light from fire.