
Martial Artist

East Blue Orange Town

When Ryu and Ane, landed at Orange Town they were shocked.

The town was similar to a ghost town and no residents can be seen within.

Ryu 'I am sure Buggy's not here, hence whatever occurred in this town.'

Ryu looked at Ane and said, "let's see if any homeowners are there in this town."

Saying this Ryu went towards the nearest house. He knocked on the door and shouted: "Hello anybody home?"

when no answer came he turn towards Ane and said: "seems like no one's.."

Ryu picked up the door open and someone attacking him through his Observation Haki.

Ryu also heard Ane screaming look out And ducked out of the way merely in time to evade a club being swung towards him.

He caught the man who waved the club. Ryu locked him to the ground and asked: "Who are you and why are you attacking us?"

The man looked terrified and said "You bandits are asking why we are attacking you? you people robbed our town entirely."

Ryu "Who said that we are bandits?"

The man "You are not bandits."

Ane "Of cause not why would you think we are bandits?"

The man "Well um the bandits said if we send anyone after them they will come after them."

Ryu "And did you send someone after them."

The man "Yes it's better to fight than to die out of hunger."

Ryu "Well now that you said that I will be an asshole(children look the other way you saw nothing) to not help you guys so where is the hideout I'm itching for a fight."

Ane "Well its a good chance to test my new powers."

The man who introduced himself as Jack the mayor of this town and he who the one who got Ryu thinking why everyone he meets is named Jack told them the hideout of the bandits.

They went the way the mayor described them and soon reached a place that looked to them like a fortress.

It was heavily guarded with men holding guns patrolling the walls.

Ryu looked at Ane and indicated that she should go first.

Ane bowed showing that it's her pleasure.

She turned in to wind and blew the men patrolling blowing them off the towers while killing some and knocking out others.

Chaos began to spread around the men in the fortress.

They did not understand why the men fell off the wall.

Ane landed next to Ryu after defeating every man up the walls.

they both headed towards the big metal gate at the front of the fortress. Ryu coated his arm with Armament Haki and punched the gate so hard it flew off till it crashes into one of the walls killed nearly half of the bandits.

When they got inside what they saw was dead bodies and an 18-year-old teen tied to a cross in the middle of the fortress.

Ryu looked at Ane and said, "That must be the one that came before us, I, ll go and save him while you kick the crap out of these guys."

Ryu ran towards the boy who was tied dogging every bandit that came his was using Observation Haki.

The boy looked at the man who was dogging every attack of the bandits and thought of the bandit boss who dogged every one of his attacks as if he was taking a stroll through his garden.

The boy's name was Ruben He was a Martial Artist. He was an orphan taken in by his master and trained since he was a small little boy. He got proficient in hnd to hand combat but he hit a bottleneck so he decided to travel the world to see if he can break through.

Back to the present Ane defeated every bandit by using a new skill she thought when she was traveling to Orange town.

She used her Devil Fruit powers and created a tornado which defeated every bandit.

during her travel, she also learned how to become air itself making her invicible to attacks done by normal people.

Ryu saved the boy and was surprised to see every one of the bandits defeated he was about to praise Ane When he saw someone moving at a speed so fast he cant react attacking Ane.

she was hit and thrown backward till she hit the walls. At least he

Ryu sensed the man using his Observation Haki and found out the man was strong, in fact, he was too strong for East blue.

Ryu "Who are you?"

Man "I'm the great Frost."

Ryu "what are you doing in East Blue you should be in Grandline."

"Oh! You know the great me?" Frost said with a proud face.

Ryu "Nop never heard of you."

Frost almost dropped down to the ground.

"Why you." Frost started running towards Ryu he kicked Ryu while Ryu sidestepped and dodged the kick.

Ryu did a roundhouse kick (if that's what its called ) Right at frost'a chest who blocked it by placing his arms in a cross-motion and absorbing all the force of the kick.

Then frost coated his arms with Armament Haki and swung his arms towards Ryu who Picked up his sword, coated the sword with Armament Haki and swung it.

The two clashed sending shock waves and removing every obstacle 5 meters near them.

Ryu turned serious and went into his hybrid form.

Two ice wings started to grow from his back his arms two ice claws formed "Claws of the Ice Pheonix." yelled Ryu Frost saw this and Once again coated his arms with Armament Haki "Red Dragon Fist"

He yelled as the two powerful attacks intercepted each other

they formed shock waves which sent Ane and the young man

who was watching the the the fight with their mouths wide open stumbling back.

When the dust settled they saw a bloodied Frost unconscious on the ground.

Ryu who was breathing hard looked at Ane and said "We need to go we cause too big of a commotion anybody who say it will come here and we don't need too much attention on us right now

Ane "Okay let's go" then she turned towards the boy and asked, " And who might you be?"

Before the boy could answer Ryu answered her "Ah he is our new cremate."

Ane "Oh ok welcome to the crew."

unknown "Wait when did I say I will be your new crewmate?"

Ryu "Oh you don't have to say it I can see it in your eyes that you want to join our crew. Why don't you introduce your self?"

Unknown "Oh ok I wanted to join your crew only if you teach me and I am Ruben"

Ane "And what do you do?"

Ruben "What do you mean"

Ryu "I think what she is trying to ask is what you specialize in?"

Ruben "Oh! I am a martial artist

This is todays normal chapter not a bounce

if i can't write one ill write it tomorrow morning

lets do it again 500 spirit stones and ill release 5 bounce chapters

Spirit stones:23

VoidZeroocreators' thoughts