
Devil Fruits

Ryu and Ane were heading towards the harbor. Ryu was enjoying the view of the town it was very peaceful. It seems like morgans terror has yet to begin.

"where is our ship?" Suddenly Ane asked Ryu as they arrived at the dock.

Ryu stood startled for a second then said: "Wait for a minute I'll see if I can get one."

Ane was troubled "How could you forget about a ship if you are going to the grand line what kind of a captain are you?"

Ane saw that Ryu was not listening so she stopped talking and started heading towards a resident of the town to ask if there was on available in the island.

Meanwhile, Ryu was talking to the system to see if can buy a ship in the system shop.

Ryu { System do you sell ships? }

[ Ship: 10,000 System points

the user can change the size of the ship at will ]

{ Great buy it }

[It's in your inventory Ryu ]

when Ryu completed buying a ship he looked around and saw Ane talking to someone.

Ryu " Ane, come on what are you doing we need to go."

Ane looked at Ryu with an annoyed expression and said: "Can't you see I'm trying to find us a way out of this island?"

Ryu "EH! Why are you doing that I already found us a ship so let's go fast we need to get to the next island and see if there is someone worth recruiting ."

Ane's face turned red from irritation "Fine let's see how you found us a ship just by standing like a doll in the middle of the road."

They proceeded near the sea and Ryu took out the ship he purchased from the system.

It was a so small that you can fit the ship in your hands.

it had a beautiful black and was painted white on the mast.

Ryu { System how do I Increase the size of this ship? }

[ Ryu just need to think about it and the ship will increase in size ]

Ryu threw the ship and thought about increasing its size.

The ship started to grow bigger until it was the size of a normal ship.

Ane who was at the side watching this had her jaw against the ground.

Many bystanders watching were shocked extremely, some even informed the marines about this bizarre incident which bought the attention of the marines on Ryu and many troubles which is a story for the future.

Ryu and Ane were about to head out to see when Jack(the captain of the ship that brought Ryu to Shell's Town."

Jack "Yo Ryu, I see you are about to head out to the sea again, be careful not to get lost mate."

"What you don't know how to navigate? How the hell did you travel all his time?"(With shark teeth imagine Nami.)

Ryu "well I learned a little about navigation but I got lost so I was drifting till I met Jack here they were coming to shells town so I implored them for a lift.

"I see you got a gentle girl their mate," said Jack sarcastically.

Ryu Looked at Ane who was boiling with rage and said: "Yea Jack see you later I think its better for everybody if you leave from here."

Jack looked at Ane who was red as a Red as a beet for a second before running off.

Ryu looked at Ane and said, "I think we should go."

Ane "where are we going next." her voice still had a little bit fanger in them.

Ryu smiled and said "Orange Town."

Ane set the course of the ship and they sat down Ryu was looking at the system as he had not looked at the features in a long time.

{ Show me the system Functions again system }

[ System functions

[ I have many functions:











SP:10,090,000 LVL:1 ]

{ System how come the level increased by 1? }

[ It's a gift for learning everything the system gave without the help of the system ]

{ Ok system what are the benefits of increasing the level of the system?}

[ As system-level increases new functions are unlocked and existing functions become better

new items will be available in the shop new skills better Quests ]

{ Wow how am I gonna increase the system level }

[ To increase system level the main Quest need to be completed ]

{ Is there a main quest right now? }

[ main Quest not available Ryu is not strong enough ]

{ Oh! great now I have to become stronger Faster. System where is the quest reward? }

[It's in the inventory. when a quest is finished reward is deposited in the inventory as not to disturb Ryu ]

{ Great should I eat it? I can eat this right system }

[ It is better if Ryu give the fruit to Ane it is much more compatible

with her ]

{ Uh great }

Ryu "Ane can you come here."

Ane who was observing the clouds heard Ryu asking her to approach him. When Ane went towards Ryu she noticed him holding a wired Green colored fruit.

When she got there Ryu gave her the fruit.

Ane "What is this?"

Ryu "Air-Air Fruit."

Ane seemed startled "A Devil fruit? I thought they were legends."

Ryu "Well legends need to come from somewhere right?"

Ane "You should eat it."

Ryu "well I already have one."

When Ryu announced this his body started changing to Ice, Half of his Body turned to ice before turning back like it never happened.

Ryu "I have a mythical Zone type Devil fruit while the one you have is a Logia type Devil fruit."

Ane "Oh How many types are there?"

Ryu "There is Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia the first one is the most common it gives people superhuman abilities.

Zoan type gives the ability to transform into an animal and acquire every trait affiliated with said animal. Oh, and the user can turn into a human-animal hybrid.

logia are the rarest it gives their users the ability to transform themselves into an element, whether it be solid elements like ice or sand, liquids like mud or water, gases like fire, smoke and poison gas, energy like lightning, or into a materialization of abstract concepts such as darkness. They are nearly invincible in the first part of the grand line.

Now eat and see what type of powers you get."

Ane "Wait what do you mean invincible on the first part of the grand line what about the second part?"

Ryu "There is this thing called Haki which allows normal people to penetrate Devil fruit defenses. Now eat the fruit"

Ane nodded her head and took a bite of the green fruit. After taking a bit she nearly strangled her self because o the taste.

And most of all she wanted to kill Ryu who was trying his best not to laugh. Ane ran towards the kitchen of the ship and drank nearly all the water there was till Ryu stooped her and gave her gave her a candy he bought from the system shop.

Ryu "So how was the taste?"

Ane nearly killed Ryu when he asked this. She kicked him Nut he dogged to he side Ane looked at Ryu and shouted "don't you know you are not supposed to doge when a lady hits you?"

Ryu "Lady where all i see is a little girl."

Ane wanted to strangle Ryu and people this is the end of this chapter

1 / 5 chapters

I never knew I could bullshit so much.

more chapters coming up

VoidZeroocreators' thoughts