
One Piece: Navy Traitor, I Marry the Female Emperor To Rule the Sea

Shiro Masaki travels to the world of pirates. Become the youngest and strongest Rear Admiral in Naval history! Because of dissatisfaction with the Celestial Dragon killing civilians, he killed one in anger at the beginning. Then became a Naval traitor and opened the Supreme Selection System. The World Government angrily sent two Admirals to hunt him down, but Shiro managed to escape. -------------------- +60 chapters on p@treon/tambeerg Unlock exclusive access to more fanfic chapters and support my work by joining me on Patreon! Your support helps bring your favorite stories to life!

tambeerg · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 50: It's a Pity

Navy Headquarter, Marineford!

When the enormous World Tree descended…


Fleet Admiral Sengoku the Buddha was in tears!

He couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes!

But everything actually happened.

Akainu's plan had failed.

The strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, not only avoided a sneak attack but also used the World Tree to break through the Navy's many lines of defense and reached the skies above the execution platform!

Such an unforeseen event…

Even Sengoku, as a naval Fleet Admiral, was incomparably shocked.

He found it a little unbelievable.

The enormous World Tree had suddenly appeared, instantly knocking off the pirate Squard and sending Whitebeard into the air.

Such an ability…

Whitebeard couldn't have it.

Then, it must be Shiro!

All of this is the work of that guy Shiro!?


Didn't Shiro show the power of the thunder element before?

How could he summon such a huge Tree in Marineford?

How long has it been since the worst events transpired?

In this short period of time, what happened to that kid Shiro!?

How did he become so powerful!?

Admiral Sengoku the Buddha looked at Shiro, who was now in a standoff with Kizaru, and his eyes were full of fear and regret.

If Shiro was still in the Navy at this moment...

Unfortunately, there is no "if" in this world.

Sengoku deeply understood this.

From now on, Shiro would be a great concern for both Navy Headquarter and the World Government!

Aside from Sengoku…

The first person in the Navy to react from the shock was Admiral Akainu.

He had a solid strategy in place.

It could have made the already ailing Whitebeard bow his head in defeat.

But who would have thought…

It was ruined at the last moment!

Damn Shiro!

How dare he fight against justice!?

He's courting death!

Admiral Akainu's eyes now held a clear killing intent.

Dare to oppose justice, and he will definitely kill!

Especially Shiro.

A disgraceful traitor of the Navy!


Driven by intense anger…

Admiral Akainu finally made his move. His fists clenched as he struck the air, sending countless giant magma fists blasting skyward.

Meteor Volcano!

A terrifying offensive, like a volcanic eruption, had begun!

Countless massive magma fists fell violently on the World Tree.

Under the might of the Meteor Volcano…

The giant tree was quickly destroyed.

However, Akainu did not achieve his strategic goal.

Whitebeard had already jumped down, rushing toward the execution platform!

"The strongest man in the world is here! Everyone, stop Whitebeard from approaching the execution platform!"

At this time…

Sengoku the Buddha was alarmed.

Because Whitebeard was already swinging his weapon, attacking the execution platform!

And the three Admirals of the Navy were a little too far from the platform, with the fastest, Kizaru, actually being entangled by Shiro at this moment!

That's right!


Admiral Kizaru, who possesses the speed of light, was unable to return to assist at this moment!

"Yo, Shiro, what kind of fruit did you eat? It's really scary~"

Admiral Kizaru's expression was slightly twisted, his tone a mix of shock and ridicule.

Because the power that Shiro displayed was truly terrifying.

Even Kizaru was startled by the speed of the thunder.

In a critical moment, the World Tree came to Whitebeard's rescue.

Even just now, he felt a change in the wind around him.

And it must have a lot to do with Shiro!

"Gu la la la, Ace, I'm here to save you!"

The three Admirals of the Navy could not return to assist.

Whitebeard fell unobstructed from the heights.

His powerful Haki wrapped around the supreme swift blade.

The strongest man in the world was at his peak!

At this time, rescuing Fire Fist Ace was close at hand.

Whitebeard didn't need to hold back his strength anymore.

For him…

If Ace could be rescued and the majority of his crew safely left Navy Headquarters…

That would be a victory!

As for his own life and death, it had long been cast aside.

The appearance of Shiro had undoubtedly saved him a lot of energy.

If things had gone as planned…

Getting close to the execution platform in person would have been fraught with obstructions from the Navy.

At that time, even he might have been surrounded.


Whitebeard was very clear about his decision to ally with Shiro!

That little devil, Shiro…

He's truly terrifying, but at the same time, a reliable guy!


Fire Fist Ace couldn't help but shout when he saw his father approaching the execution platform.

But now he felt an even greater responsibility.

On the one hand, he naturally hoped to be rescued.

But on the other, he was more worried about his father's safety.

After all, his father was old and still had old injuries.

"Whitebeard, you will never be allowed to rescue Fire Fist Ace!"

Sengoku the Buddha was now out of options.

He threw off his cloak of justice.

Golden light surged around his body.

Facing the incoming Emperor, Whitebeard…

He had no choice but to join the battle himself.


Just as Sengoku the Buddha was about to take action personally…

An equally old but still burly figure leaped from the ground, intercepting Whitebeard!


"Old man!"

Sengoku looked at the scene in surprise, but at the same time, he felt relieved.

If Garp chose to fight, it would save him a lot of effort!

Fire Fist Ace was more shocked.

The last thing he wanted to see was Garp being torn over his execution.

He couldn't bear to see…

Old Garp and Whitebeard fighting because of him!

"In the end, we can't stand idly by!"

"Whitebeard, if you want to save Ace, you'll have to knock me down first!"

At this time, the Navy hero, Iron Fist Garp, had a grim expression. His iron fists, wrapped in extremely powerful Armament Haki, went straight for Whitebeard!

"Hey, Garp!"

Whitebeard sneered.

Facing Garp, he couldn't help but exert a little more force.

As for the relationship between Garp and Ace…

He had some understanding, and he knew the conflict in Garp's heart at this moment.

And Garp's choice didn't surprise him.

After all…

Indeed, Garp was an old sea soldier who truly upheld the name of justice!


The clash between the Navy hero and the Emperor Whitebeard caused a massive shockwave throughout Marineford.

The entire island trembled!

Seeing this, Shiro couldn't help but click his tongue.

This was the battle between Garp and Whitebeard…

It was indeed earth-shattering.

Since Vice Admiral Garp had chosen to fight…

Then it would be impossible for Whitebeard to rescue Fire Fist Ace in one fell swoop.

After all, Sengoku the Buddha was still eyeing him.

However, Shiro never believed Whitebeard could save Ace.

The world's strongest man attracted too much attention, and he would be blocked by the top powerhouses in the Navy.

And the one who truly had the best chance to rescue Fire Fist Ace…

Was, of course, Straw Hat Luffy!

At this time, Straw Hat Luffy, along with Clown Buggy and others…

Had quietly made their appearance on the battlefield.


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