
One piece : Lucifer from hell

Lucifer travels to the world of One Piece, binds the system, and obtains the fruit of words and then he gets power of hell demons at the beginning. He gets the power of hell at the beginning. Kaido : who killed my whole army!? King : Sir..it was a demon.. Queen : No... He calls himself a devil Kaido : how dare hi.... Boommmm ........... Lucifer : Why are you running stop.... Kaido : I will never... A demon from hell comes to the world of one piece. ***** Flash, lightning, fire, ice, magma, gravity, earthquake, all powerful abilities, Lucifer can use. By beheading enemies, Lucifer earns kill points, which buy more powerful powers. Akainu: As soon as Lucifer speaks, my magma can only be used to light candles. Kizaru: As soon as Lucifer opened his mouth, my flash was slower than a turtle. Whitebeard: My Shock Fruit can't shake a rock. Kaido: My immortality has failed. Redhead: Where is my strongest Conqueror's Haki gone? Five Elders: Please, stop talking. Lucifer: I haven't done it yet, why are you so stupid? Everyone: You didn't do anything, but you did. Lucifer: A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands. From then on, a hell demon who used his mouth to attack invincible opponents all over the world was born. **** What....you're reading it but didn't give reviews...what you wants me to drop it.....whyyy. Translation : by me Author : West lake drunk I was free that's why btw I will be very busy after few days so don't expect much Warning : MC is op so don't cry hahahahahaah

Arshpreet_Dhaliwal · Anime et bandes dessinées
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66 Chs

Chapter 13 :

Over time, Adam had become trapped in a pitiful state - addicted to alcohol and boasting to his group of pirates about his past adventures and legends.

"In this life, setting sail is pointless, it's impossible," Adam muttered sadly.

"Sure, you can fight, but the New World is too dangerous. It's better to stay in paradise," he thought, his confidence completely shattered after witnessing the power of others.

However, deep down, Adam secretly longed to return to the New World, even though he was deceiving himself into thinking that his fantasy would become reality. 

The current celebration was lively, and the praise from the pirates made Adam momentarily forget his own miserable reality.

He felt strong and untouchable and thought no one would dare to challenge him.

But suddenly, a voice of panic shattered his illusion and interrupted the celebrations.

"Captain! Captain Adam! Something terrible has happened!" a frightened pirate burst through the door, stumbling and falling at Adam's feet.

"What's wrong? Why are you in such a state?" Adam's anger subsided as he realized that the fear among his subordinates was making him doubt himself as their captain.

"Captain, something awful has occurred. Renault has been killed, and the Angry Leopard Pirates have been massacred!" the pirate soldier spoke, fear evident in every word, silencing the once lively banquet hall.

"What did you say? Say it again!" Adam's face turned pale, his voice barely a whisper.

"It's true! The news has spread!" a pirate confirmed. "A stranger arrived on the island today, and he's a monster. He single-handedly destroyed the entire Angry Leopard Pirates!"

The memory of the stranger's power sent shivers down the spines of the pirates.

"What did Renault do to provoke him?" Adam asked, desperately searching for an explanation.

"No, Renault did nothing to him at all," the pirate soldiers shook their heads in agreement.

"The monster killed without reason as if he was hunting his prey," another pirate added. "Some people on the island are saying that our Bloodaxe Pirates might be his next target."

"Is he a bounty hunter?" Adam immediately thought, aware that only someone hunting pirates would possess such ruthlessness.

There are strong bounty hunters who travel in the dangerous New World.

The pirates in the building exchanged uneasy glances, their silent fear reflecting in each other's eyes.

They knew the strength of the Angry Leopard Pirates, who were even stronger than their own Bloodaxe Pirates.

If the monster could defeat the Leopard Pirates, they stood no chance against him.

If he came after them, they would surely die.

"Captain, what do we do now?"

"Yes, Captain, do you have a plan?"

"Why don't we run? Let's save our lives and not fight a monster!"

"Yes, Captain, there's no reason to fight!"

The terrified pirates considered retreating to be better than facing Lucifer.

Their dreams of conquering the New World vanished, and their true nature as weaklings was revealed.

"Your suggestions are reasonable. Let's retreat for now and come back when we are stronger," Adam addressed the pirate soldiers, his voice filled with determination.

"We are the mighty Bloodaxe Pirates! We won't be afraid."

"This retreat is a tactical decision to avoid unnecessary battles. One day, we'll reclaim our place."

"Men, pack your things. We're leaving!" Adam commanded confidently.

"Yes, Captain!" the pirate soldiers responded, starting to gather their belongings.

As Adam watched his idolizing crew, he silently acknowledged their loyalty.

As their captain, he couldn't show fear. But fighting back was out of the question.

Adam knew from his own experience in the New World that the monster who effortlessly defeated the Leopard Pirates was far beyond their abilities.

"Now you think of running away? Isn't it too late?" a voice from outside of the building echoed.

"Who's there?" Adam turned to face the door, his gaze fixed on the outside.

The pirates instinctively grabbed their weapons, preparing for battle.


A powerful shockwave erupted, forcing the pirates to their knees.

The impact also tore apart several pirates, leaving behind a gruesome scene.

Terrified, the remaining pirates scattered, while Adam raised his axe instinctively to defend himself.

Boom boom boom boom.

Lucifer entered the pub with heavy footsteps, a playful smile on his face.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

"Mind if I join the party?"

At the sight of Lucifer, the pirate who had brought the news trembled in fear.

"It's him! He's the monster who killed the Leopard Pirates!"

The pirate's scared scream sent chills down everyone's spines.

"Why are you here? Why did you come so quickly?" Adam panicked, taking a few steps back and glancing at the small door behind him - the pub's escape route.

Facing such a formidable opponent, Adam's thoughts of fighting vanished, and his instinct was to run.

But he couldn't let his enemy know about his fear.
