
One Piece: Limitlessness

He will be tested to death. Luck Is not on his side. Misfortune is his second name, but the fire of survival shines deeply in his eyes. Will he survive? Will he find peace instead of unending suffering for the sake of survival? And will he persevere to become... Limitless? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me.

VQuintessence · Anime et bandes dessinées
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195 Chs

Hades, God Of Death I

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[40 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]


Chapter 111: Hades, God Of Death I


"I'll probably kill you after you tell me." This was the first time in all of Viola's life that she wished someone would just not be honest, but Yovan wasn't done just yet, "Unless... What you have something to say that may change my mind."

"You..." Viola glared at Yovan, his eyes telling her that he was serious. Her powers are simply too dangerous to be left alone, if she can actually read minds and see as much as he thinks she sees.

"You'll be making an enemy out of Doflamingo if you do so." Gone was calling Doflamingo young master, she spoke more bluntly.

"Lovely," Yovan responded with a smile, "Provided that he cares about you enough to make an enemy out of me, of course."

"I didn't read your mind," Viola said with a frown, seeming a bit fearful.

"I believe you," Yovan stated, much to her dismay.

"So why??" She questioned.

"The future," Yovan murmured, "You are a risk to my future. Your abilities sound like something that'd be used against me."

"That's... You want to kill me because of that small possibility?!" She couldn't help but say.

"It's not a small possibility," Yovan shook his head, "I'm certain my luck will make it happen, so tell me, what did you see?"

"I... I saw a fire, a golden fire burning bright... That's it." Viola said.

"That's it?" Yovan doubted.

"I can show you... I can show you a lot of things, but only if you promise me something." Viola stated with newfound determination. Instead of trying to keep her distance from him, she instead got even closer.

"Explain," Yovan ordered.

"I can show you my memories... But only if you promise me to kill him. You know who I am talking about," Viola said, trying her best to show just how sincere she was, "However, I'll have to see some of your memories in return."

"See my memories?" Yovan raised a brow, a smirk emerging on his face.

"Yes... I need to know that I can trust you. I want to know why you're really here. Otherwise, you can just kill me." Viola readied herself for certain death.

She was forced to either jump off a cliff to her death, or walk right by the edge of a cliff, and she can clearly see the abyss of death down there.

"See my memories?" Yovan couldn't help but chuckle, "My memories, huh? Haha, hahaha, Yahaha..." His laugh scared her, and she was absolutely unsure of what he was thinking.

"I hope you can handle my memories," Yovan shook his head. Normally, he wouldn't allow anyone anywhere near his mind.

In fact, he was so against anyone seeing his memories that he was really going to kill her just in case. His memories are a treasure he wants no one to even glimpse.

However, there is a way. In another world, Viola would be dead by now, but in this world, Yovan lifted his right hand high, and soon, the Seven-Star Sword rested comfortably on it.

It flew from the Colosseum in a shroud of feathers, as hiddenly as it possibly can. Yovan pulled out the blade from its sheath, showing its emerald form.

Viola's face twitched, shock emerging on her face, almost as if she knows something about the sword.

"You saw it before? With Hades? Hmm, your power is really interesting." Yovan murmured as he stroked the sword gently, "If we are to do this, you'll become mine for a while."

"A while?" That was something Viola was ready for, especially after seeing the sword. He wouldn't allow her to be free, not after seeing his memories.

"Let's say... When identity is revealed to the world." Yovan let out a chuckle as he tightly held his blade.

"Your identity?" Viola was slowly realizing that there is way more to Yovan than meets the eye. Although she would gladly become his slave if it means her Kingdom and family can become free.

"I accept, but only if you leave Dressrosa alone... Take only me, but harm no one else but those who deserve it." Viola finally relinquished to his demands.

"Sure." Yovan smiled as he let out a burst of feathers that went on to form into a crow, an Everless Crow.

The Crow flew around the duo before gently resting on Yovan's shoulder, eyeing Viola coldly with its golden eyes. The crow was special, Viola could tell.

And if that wasn't enough, Yovan bit on the hilt of his sword, using his hand to form a ball, one he continued to compress many times more.

It's the combination of his mastery over Kiryu Hasshoken and Fish-man Karate, and it stayed floating right above them, looking very stable.

"You might be wondering what I am doing. Well, there are memories I can not allow you to see... Some very precious memories. My friendly blade here will make sure you can not see them."

The Seven-Star Sword was truly Yovan's greatest treasure. It can not only possess and control individuals with relatively low willpower, it can even protect Yovan's mind.

It's the only reason Yovan would allow her to look into his memories, "You know what to do, little thing?" He asked gently and the blade responded by showing its glow.

"But just in case... If anything goes wrong. If you try to do something I won't like, my friendly crow here will act, and who knows, the ball might too. Just know that the chance of your death is very high."

Yovan was being way too careful, understandably so. His memories are very special, but the fact that she was being honest gave him a bit of peace of mind.

Such is the miraculous nature of Observation Haki. He gained such mastery over it that he can observe others' emotions, but he still left a few backup plans just in case.

Viola nodded, resignation slipping to her face. She went from being the slave of one to another. The sacrifices she had to make, and will probably have to make... It was horrible.

But alas, you have to do what you gotta do, so she started by forming circles out of her index finger and thumb and putting her hands next to her eyes, like glasses.

"Come closer," Viola said as she looked up at Yovan. He was a bit too tall for her, so he had to bend quite a bit, to get his head closer to hers.

"Peeping Mind." She murmured as she rested her head against his, and diving into his mind she did, to see as much as she was allowed to.

His mind was shrouded in green flames, flames she couldn't see through, but some memories, she could see.

She found herself in the Colosseum, amidst waves of emerald flames, Hades swinging his sword to bring upon death, confirming what she already suspected, "Yovan is Hades."

Then she found herself in the Sunflower field. There Yovan was drawing a painting, a half painting to be specific. She could feel his desire to complete it as well as his passion for the art.

And she could see what he could see, the King's plateau, the place where the king resides in flames of destruction. That seemed to be the future he sees and the goal of coming here.

She saw most of what he had done in Dressrosa, and what led up to him targetting the Kingdom, or Doflamingo to be specific... Perhaps he was truly targeting the paintings.

However, she also felt his desire to get rid of Doflamingo, and it confused her, but she was relieved to know that anyway.

She saw him with his crew, the crew that she will come to be a part of. She saw how they work, and how they interact with each other and... She was speechless.

The unfortunate thing about her ability is that she gets to truly experience what he experienced, and she can not really know what the memory is about before she delved into it.

So when she found herself delving into his memory of the fall massacre... She was blood, blood, and blood, then she saw pain.

She saw Yovan's form in the eyes of his enemies, his reflection was... Horrifying, nothing like how he looks like now. She saw a skeleton. No, a skeleton has more style than the old Yovan.

If she already thought the current healthy Yovan was scary, then what did she think of the old Yovan? She didn't. She passed out.

Yovan told her before that she may not be able to handle looking through his memories... They can be a bit too much, and that's without feeling his pain, but just looking at what he went through brought so much pain to her mind that she lost consciousness.

Yovan held her in his arms before she can fall, his eyes closed in contemplation. While she had difficulty going through his mind, Yovan didn't have any going through the memories she transferred to him.

Such was their agreement, he shows her what he came here for, and she shows him a few things about Dressrosa.

But Yovan sought to test more than what he let on, and killing her was still a possibility depending on if his theory turns out to be true or false.


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