
One Piece: Like father like son!

A fellow weeb gets reincarnated in the world of One Piece as Portgas D. Jackson, the twin brother of Portgas D. Ace. His randomly generated cheat is letting him synchronize his battlepower and techniques over time with an anime character, which is also randomly chosen ;). I don’t own anything beside original characters Writing for fun but also trying to improve so pls leave a feedback

End_boss · Anime et bandes dessinées
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102 Chs

Father of the year is…

The fight between Sabo and Kuina was somehow… unspectacular. First he held the shinai upside down which earned him laughter and mockery from the kids around. Especially from Zoro.

Sabo didn't bother to reply and instead waited for the match to start. Since there was no rule that stated how to hold your own shinai Koushirou just started the match. Kuina felt that she was being mocked, so while being irritated as she was, she just rushed in, probably thinking about ending the match in one quick hit.

Unsurprisingly it didn't go as planned for her. At first Kuina couldn't hit him at all. Then she couldn't hit him even after he closed his eyes!

'That brat is using her to train his observation haki!'

This went on for a while only thanks to Kuina's unusual stamina but once she became tired and was out of breath, Sabo ended the match in one hit.

Everyone but me was shocked with their mouths wide agape. Even Koushirou never thought that the gap would be so wide.

"Honestly this wasn't my best fight but it wasn't my worst either."

Sabo said that to Kuina as he held his hand out to help her up but she didn't take it and ran out as fast as she could.

Koushirou quickly congratulated us, before he ran after her.


"You did well Sabo. Maybe a bit too much but overall well."

"Thanks Jackson-nii, but that girl… she was strong. If she knew haki, she perhaps would have hit me a few times."

"So you think you would still win?."

"Of course! After all how could I, the vice-captain lose to anyone but the captain."

'Well he's got the spirit.'

The others in the dojo still couldn't realize what just happened so I left with Sabo before they woke up from their stupor.

We were walking out of the village to look for a fitting training ground for the next few days when…

"How could you say that?! How can YOU not believe in me even after I tried so hard!"


Looking over we saw Kuina running off again but this time she was crying.

'Guess the loss was harder to take than it seemed. On top of that Koushirou isn't really help with that either.'

Just as Koushirou was about to go after her again I called out to him.

"Seems like you won't get the father of the year prize this time."

"Who?!… Jackson-san? Sabo-kun?"

"What's with that face? Something's not alright?"

"Excuse me but I fear that now isn't the time for a friendly chat."

He tried to go after Kuina again but I blocked his path.

"Maybe it is. After seeing how your last conversation ended why don't you take a minute to calm down a bit. Maybe it could help if you spoke about it."

To be honest he looked perfectly normal but somehow just felt different… somehow chaotic. It's hard to explain.

'Did my observation haki somehow progress? But why would it now? No no, pull yourself together. Focus on the problem at hand.'

"This isn't something I would like to discuss with a child much less one I barely know. Please make way I want to see my daughter."

'Can't really say anything against that, can I?'

"Why? So you can tell her that she can't fulfill her dream because she was born as a girl again. I believe she heard you just fine the first time."

"… Did you spy on us."

"No and in my defense, given how 'quietly' you two talked it would be harder not to hear it."

Of course I didn't hear everything but going buy what I know from the anime this should be about right.

"*Sigh* I was just trying to make her understand before it's to late. It's anatomically proven than men have about 60 more muscle groups in their upper body than women, allowing them to exert more strength.I'm just concerned that if she holds too long or too tightly on to that dream that her spirit might get crushed later on!"

"She was strong and I won because I trained and experienced more than she did. Not because I'm born a boy! Jackson-nii why are we bothering ourselves with him?"

Sabo's right but the problem lies with her father.

"Shh now Sabo. Koushirou…-san, are you confident in defeating one of the other teachers in the dojo?"

"… What does that got to…

"Please just answer for now."

"Yes I am."

"And 2 at the same time?"

"… I would still say I could win."

"How come? They are both men so they have as much muscles as you each. When fighting them both they should have more 'strength' than you."


"Could it be that you are able to overcome that difference because you are trained better?"


"*Sigh* Talk is cheap and only actions have meaning. Why don't you ask Kuina to come and train with us starting tomorrow. We will be training here at the mountains. You may not believe in her dream, but maybe you will change your mind after seeing the progress she is capable of making!"

"This is ridiculous."


"Calm down Sabo! What is ridiculous?"

"I don't know anything about you, a selfcalled pirate. About your strength or why you always seem so confident. We met today for the first time and yet here we stand, you meddling in my family problems and giving me tips regarding my daughter with whom you have yet to exchange any words. The one time you saw her fight she was badly outmatched and yet you believe that she can reach the top? Why you, our off all people? Best of all is you expect me to nod along as if this isn't strange."

'Fair point he's making gotta give him that.'

It was hard talking with Koushirou from that point on, since he was right to be suspicious. Objectively seen we really don't have any reason to be bothered by it but after I heard Sabo say that after their match I wanted her to join my crew. Preferably with the Wado Ichimonji but one step at a time.

'Maybe it would be even better if I didn't try to mend their relationship since that would perhaps increase the chance of her running away and coming with us.'

We parted ways with Koushirou there none of us aware about the fact that a young greenhead was nearby listening in on what we said together with the girl in question.