
One Piece: Like father like son!

A fellow weeb gets reincarnated in the world of One Piece as Portgas D. Jackson, the twin brother of Portgas D. Ace. His randomly generated cheat is letting him synchronize his battlepower and techniques over time with an anime character, which is also randomly chosen ;). I don’t own anything beside original characters Writing for fun but also trying to improve so pls leave a feedback

End_boss · Anime et bandes dessinées
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128 Chs


3rd Person POV

The navy fleet that was sent to take in Doflamingo and his subordinates halted a short distance away from Dressrosa's main port town. Admiral Akainu gave the command to take positions and ready every unit for battle, in case the incoming individual turns out to be hostile.

Vice-Admiral Garp stood next to Akainu, hoping that things don't escalate. Turning his sight to whoever was coming, he waited although not for long. A young man with blonde hair came flying. He wore comfortable white shorts, a deep blue T-shirt and modern outdoor shoes of a similar color. If there was something particular about him, it would his steel pipe, which he is holding in his right hand.


Of course Garp recognized Sabo immediately. Sabo also noticed Garp and started smiling.

"Old man? You're here as well? Crazy how meet more often now that we are pirates than back in the days."

He started chatting comfortably as soon as they met, greatly confusing the tense navy soldiers who expected a fight to break out. No! More importantly, why does the Navy's hero know this pirate?

"You brat! Why did you come out here so suddenly!"

"Eh? Why can't I?"

Akainu also noticed that these two seem to know each other. He stepped forward and cut their little chit chat short.

"Vice-Admiral Garp! Why are you acting friendly with scum of the sea? I will hear a report about this later!"

"Go and ask Sengoku if you want to know!"

Garp shot back, while picking his nose with his left pinky, clearly showing how many fucks he gives about rank and formality. Instead he turned back to Sabo to continue his chat while Akainu started boiling.

"Hey you little punk, tell me why you are here!"

"Just to warn you. Jackson doesn't care whether you take Mingo or not but ever since he sensed 'him' by chance, he seems to be annoyed. Don't know why but it's probably best to not let your Admiral run into Jackson for now."

Sabo clearly hinted at Akainu when he said him. He too, didn't know why Jackson seems to dislike this Admiral in particular so he came out here as soon as he sensed Garp to give a warning. After all once a battle breaks out, it will be too late.

Both of them suddenly turned their heads in Akainu's direction, who at this point, was practically growling at Sabo as more and more magma started to drop from his body.

"A pirate is telling me to stay clear of another pirate? Someone who does not have a fleet? Does not have an army?"

Akainu spoke slowly and with a rough tone but his voice grew louder the longer he talked until his words turned into beastly roars.

"Screw you and your Captain! I am going to eradicate every single pirate out there!"

The next moment a huge magma fist came flying into Sabo's direction. Fast, strong and deadly. Many Navy soldiers cried out in surprise. They didn't want to fight Jackson and his crew but Akainu just started a battle with their Vice-Captain!



"It's sooo HOT!!!"

The next moment agonizing cries resounded. Before Akainu's magma fist could hit Sabo, who was still flying in the air, one of the war ships was suddenly lifted and flew at break neck speed to block the attack.

The fact that even such a large war ship was so easily destroyed was proof of the 'red dog's' strength, yet it was the navy who suffered from his attack.

Sabo's devil fruit allows him to free objects he touched from gravity and somewhat control them but he took it to another level after his awakening. As long as it's an inanimated object he can control it without the need of touch, similar to psychokinesis.

"If you plan to fight no matter what, it would be better to not let you enter Dressrosa before we leave."

He came out to warn Garp on his own without telling Jackson since he didn't want to fight in Dressrosa. He still remembers when Jackson fought Kizaru on that Sky island.

Garp tried to interfere but could do little after all the ships turned their cannons at Sabo, the Vice-Admirals and Rear-Admirals readied their weapons and Akainu took a stance to fight.

Yet they didn't expect what was about to hit them. All ships started swaying while the sea became unruly. From one moment to another, huge waves started raising, effectively separating the cluster of war ships.

"You see-"


When Sabo started speaking, all ships started firing from all cannons they had but every single cannon ball stopped in it's track before it could reach Sabo. With a single flick of his wrist, every cannon ball was returned to where it came from forcing the navy to defend and think twice before they start to fire again.

Gigantic masses of magma came next, trying their hardest to obliterate Sabo, forcing him to stack multiple war ships and form a makeshift shield since water alone wouldn't suffice.

The ships were destroyed in a grand and explosive show of fire and death but the elite soldiers used geppo and fled just barely in time.

"You little rat! I'll get you no matte-"

"ENOUGH!!!! All units stop your attacks!"

Garp's voice suddenly resounded like rolling thunder. The exchange of fire that just happened was as short as it was intense so stopping it shouldn't be this easy… and it isn't.

The battle stopped because at the same time as Garp shouted a concentrated mass of conqueror's haki hit them like a tsunami. They didn't lose their consciousness but almost no one felt like continuing the fight.

Garp immediately continued which accidentally led to him taking advantage of the situation but in truth he was just angry and venting.

"Admiral Akainu acted against direct orders from the Head Quarters by initiating a fight which was not necessary. From now on I will take command over this mission."

"Garp you traitorous geezer! You dare?!"

Meanwhile Sabo completely ignored them and simply flew back.


Jackson POV

"Change of plans. Pack your things, we are getting out of here before another fight breaks out."

My crew members agreed with my decision and went to do their things. No one wished to see Dressrosa, where we spent the last 2 or 3 weeks destroyed by our own hands.

Of course that is just the worst case scenario, and we probably would be able to prevent that from happening, perhaps just by fighting on sea instead of land, but I believe it unnecessary. All that is needed to avoid fighting is us departing just a few hours earlier than planned.

A weak little tug on my shorts suddenly demanded my attention just when I was about to leave the garden as well. It was little Rebecca, looking up at me with big sad eyes. She actually came running to us when she heard about the navy arriving.

"Jackson-nii you… are you really leaving?"

'Damn it I'm weak against so much cuteness!'

Her shaky, quiet voice sounded so sad and fearful that it almost hurt my physically but It's of no use.

I reached out and patted her head for a while which she didn't resist but also didn't enjoy as she usually would.

"Sorry Rebecca. I really am but it's high time for us to leave now."

Her little eyes started to get watery despite my best attempt to sound sensible and all that. We stayed silently in the garden a little longer until Riku and Kyros arrived.

Together we went to the ship where the others and Viola were waiting. Viola actually acted too shy to look me in the eyes. She turned a little red and looked away after I arrived.

'The hell was that? Could it be that I am charming or something? No wait now is not the time!'


Riku called out to me just before I could get on the ship.

"We are very thankful for what you did and extremely ashamed to let you leave like this. If only we-…"

Feeling some kind of speech incoming I hurriedly interrupted him even though it could be considered rude. Well pirates aren't known for their manners.

'Too bad it isn't Viola who started a speech or I could have had some more fun.'

Returning from my secret thoughts I told Riku:

"No need for any of that. We did it mostly for Law. Besides seeing Rebecca and Viola smile so much was more than enough repayment."

Our two little troublemakers, Sachi and Penguin made whistling noises and cheered while the two princess shyly looked away till they noticed each other's reaction and stared strangely at each other.

"Jackson-nii! Everyone! Please come visit a lot!"(Rebecca)

Our little cutie bid us farewell on more time.

Before anything major could happen, or another powerhouse fell from the sky, we set sail and left Dressrosa, setting sail to for our next adventure.

(AN: finally they left Dressrosa! Hey everyone! I randomly read a comment stating that the person who wrote it wants another chap. I think the nick name was something with JoJo. I like JoJo and had some free time so here is another chap. Like usual, if you like the chap let me know by leaving a comment or meme or throwing powerbroker at me and such… Till next time!)

(PS: if you play the mobile game One Piece treasure cruise somewhat actively, pls join my guild. It's called Great Mugiwara Alliance. Total bounty 252.000.000 has currently 7 members and is rank A. My in game nick name is ILovePizza so just join)