
One Piece: Kuroi Karasu

Itachi after defeating Kabuto along with Sasuke Itachi finally ends up having his final destination, but with a life full of innocent blood on his hands he wouldn't leave so easily receiving a new life and a new task.

Admiraln12 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs


After all the commotion that Roger had caused the news of the One Piece treasure spread across the seas, meanwhile Itachi hitchhiking with Garp headed towards Marineford. There was a reason for this and it was that Garp wanted to introduce the talented recruit he found to his friend Sengoku.

On the ship Itachi quickly realized that Garp didn't have the most common characteristics of a leader, he was lazy and didn't like paperwork, not to mention he was always doing what he wanted, but without a doubt he had what only great leaders have, and that was the admiration of his followers.

Itachi from the stories he heard and with his little contact with the man, Itachi already had a respect for Garp, he would respect him more if he didn't insist on training his physical conditioning. Itachi at that moment was in the bow of the ship, sweaty and with some bruises, Garp in front of him with a smile.

"Bwahahahaha!! let's go boy! is that all you've got?!?" Garp asked lightly teasing, Itachi was struggling with just his physical skills.

As much as Itachi knew that his physical talent was inferior to ninjas of the same power level as him, even more compared to ninjas like Guy or Kisame, but even so he was proud of being able to surpass his mediocre talent in this area, but now against Garp that was nothing.

Itachi again got into attack position, he didn't intend to use his Jutsu in this small confrontation, it would be compromising and suspicious, Itachi in a quick jump went towards Garp, this time his red eyes awake.

Garp threw a punch, not hard enough to seriously injure him, but it would undoubtedly stun anyone, but to his surprise, Itachi not only dodged, but also grabbed his arm and threw him over his shoulder, sending the Marine hero flying.

All the sailors around looked shocked, they couldn't imagine anyone in the world without Gold Roger able to send their Hero flying like this, they could only look on in awe and relief that this young genius wanted to be a sailor.

"Bwahahahaha!! now we're serious!!" But Garp simply spun around and landed on his feet, Itachi knew now, even if he could dodge and redirect a few blows he wouldn't be able to hurt the man in front of him.

Garp has always been competitive, and in order not to lose face with the other crew members, and to impress Itachi, Garp used one of the Marine's fighting techniques, used to increase his speed, basically hitting the ground several times with little time in between they.

Itachi who still had his Sharingan on was able to observe the technique, he could only think of how it would be useful in the ninja world, seeing Garp's figure disappearing he wasted no time, when he felt the vibrations going towards his head he used the same one technique, slightly inferior due to never having done it, but he still disappeared before Garp's fist hit him.

The older Marine was impressed, the boy just watched him use the technique and had already learned it, he had a crazy smile on his face, pulling his fist out of the hole he had made he looked at Itachi.

"Very good boy, your talent will make things a lot easier." Itachi didn't know it, but he had condemned himself to hellish training, not to mention he'd gained some fame in the navy.

When the ship arrived at Marineford Garp took Itachi's tired body to see his friend Sengoku, recently promoted to Fleet Admiral by the former owner of that position, but it was at the same time that the great age of pirates began, and that was giving pain head to Sengoku.

The man was tall, about the same height as Garo, wearing an afro and glasses, he was in his office, his desk covered with papers and documents. Sengoku has been getting more stressed lately, but he finally found some time to rest and relax.

Suddenly the wall of his office was broken, the figure of Garp holding the body of a boy interrupted his moment of peace.

"Garp!!! already told you to stop doing that!! , and who is this kid!!?" Sengoku asked as he yelled at his friend, not showing that he was happy to see his friend.

"Bwahahahaha!! only a few weeks on the job and you're already slacking off?!, well it doesn't matter because now that I want you to meet this boy." Garp said while showing Itachi's body, the young man decided to stand alone.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha, it's a pleasure to meet Fleet Admiral Sengoku, sorry for the awkward entry." Itachi was as courteous as he could.

Sengoku didn't understand for a while, first he found the young man's politeness pleasant, but then he thought about how Garp could spoil him.

"Itachi here is the newest member of the Marines, I brought him here because I believe his talent can take him far, maybe more than the two of us hahaha!!" Garp explained while laughing.

Sengoku looking at Itachi noticed his posture, it was firm and well regulated, a true military man thought Sengoku, maybe I know a longtime friend has a good eye for talent after all.

"I understand, but I still don't know why you brought him to me." Sengoku still had this doubt, Garp wasn't from the time that just came to brag, unless it was related to his son.

"Well, see, Itachi here has an absurd talent, he managed to copy one of the Marine's martial techniques just by watching me use it once, I wanted Kuzan to fight him, just to test it, do you understand?" Garp asked shyly, he knew he was too strong and wouldn't be a good sparring partner for Itachi at his current level.

Sengoku thought for a while and replied.

"You're lucky he's at the base today, I'll send you a message, wait in the courtyard, if the boy is all that then without a doubt he'll go to the special class." Sengoku said and looked deeply at Itachi, maybe there was hope in the future after all.