
One Piece: Kryptonian

Shiro, a guy who was a soldier, Mercenary and otaku at the same time. He died in a mission and half cross dimension and meet a being in a void who will reincarnate him in One piece world and give him one wish (more if u think so...). Genre: Op MC, Narcissus MC, Harem??,??? It a little bit or too slow peace or too fast sometimes. I won't promise the best Grammar or spelling errors but I will at least not make a mistake. I am writing on phone so not the best quality. I don't have much time as School is trying to KILL me so I won't promise 1 chapter a day but I will try. I don't own anything that's already owned[One Piece and Kryptonite bloodlin(Alliance bloodline), DC].

13th_Night · Anime et bandes dessinées
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In the middle of the dessert stood a little boy with dark black hair, sky blue eyes, Cute fat baby face, even though the weather is hot that you can even see steam coming out from the hot sand he doesn't look affected by the hot weather at all. The little boy is staring at something intently, that something the little boy was staring at was the little wooden log on the stone not far away from him.

"Why can't I fire a laser from my eyes?"The little boy said with a depressed face and continue. " Let's try thinking about sexy girls, so I can fire like what I saw on serial call Sm*ll V*lla or something like that ."

The little boy continues to look intently at the wooden log again. His eyes started to turn a little bit red, but they disappear the moment they appear.

"Ahh, It almost came out. Well, Let's stop here and go home or Grandpa will be angry." Shiro said as he turns around and went home.

Shiro's Pov.

I am almost two years old already. I was born in Arabasta and my new name is Asur.D.Shiro. I leave with my Grandfather from my father's side. My parents were dead according to my grandfather. I tried to train my powers, but well as you can see. Flying was a little bit easier than shooting laser or X-ray vision as I can already fly the moment I open my eyes when I was born.



Well, not the moment I open my eyes but when I was only one month old.


FINE! YOU WIN whoever you are. But I can really really fly already when I was at 6-7 months old. I won't change it even if you don't believe me, 6-7 months is decent with my unimaginable talent. I could have learned how to fly in mili second if it wasn't for this weak little body and yet still can't shoot a laser from my eyes.

I tried everything I could but still doesn't seem to work. Maybe because of my young eyes, but x-ray vision was mastered event before flying, flying was easy but I needed to grow up. I can also fell solar energy I absorb directly from the sun, so let's wait a little longer from learning heat vision.

When I reach home, I saw my grandfather sitting on the chair and reading newspaper so I greet him. "Grandpa! I am back."

"Where have you been, Brat? "Grandpa said that and I am a little bit angry because he's calling me a brat.

"I Am NOT A BRAT!! Well, I am a brat but not a brat and I was playing on the sand." I answered his questions, and well I look like a brat but my mentality is not.

"See! You're still a brat." He said it with a mocking smirk.

"Aah! I won't stop to your level of intelligence and argue with you." I said the truth.

" Isn't it hot outside? You may get sick." My Grandfather said to me.

"It isn't hot for me and I will not get sick but I will be careful," I said.

"Go wash your body. I won't help you wash anymore." Grandpa said.

"Yeah, I don't need your help anymore. I have grown up a little already." I said and went to the bathroom to bath obviously. My grandfather was Royal Guard Captain, he's retired. My previous life grandpa was also the same except he was not a retired guard but was a war veteran.

After showering, I went to the kitchen and eat with my grandfather. Today we have as always miso soup, fish and rice as dinner, as we were eating dinner my grandfather said something that I don't want to hear." Starting tomorrow I will train you a little."

" Ehh! Why? I don't like training." I said. Why you may ask, because of my previous grandpa, I hate training. Besides I don't need to train to have a strong body, my race will take care of it.

" Well, You have to become a strong man to protect yourself. This world is filled with bad pirates." My grandpa said with a little serious face.

"Okay, If it's only is a little bit of training, then I can train," I said because I don't want to argue with him. He is stubborn, he will try to convince me until I give up. If I don't he will beat me up and force me to train. I know from how scary his face look and from my previous life experience with grandpa.

"What a lazy brat you are." My grandpa said as he shakes his head.

"I am not Lazy!!" I said.

"Then, Why don't you want to train?" he asks me.

"Isn't it obvious?" I ask and look at him as I am seeing an alien.

"If you are not lazy, what is it then?" He asks me with an angry look.

"I just don't want to do it."I look at him with an innocent face and said what is obvious.

"That's called lazy. What ungrateful brat you are." He said with a red face.

"I am still a child so of course I don't want to train." I said and thought.' Maybe I am a little bit lazy but my Kryptonian race should fix my training laziness'

" You were born smart, You should accomplish something." My grandpa said.

" I also know that I am born genius. I will accomplish what someone can't do all the time I will look down on the world from space, often." I said with a little bit of conquer Haki leaking out.

" You have a great dream but somehow I am feeling dizzy," Grandpa said and massage his forehead.

'Oh! I already awaken my Conquer Haki! That Haki? It feels a little like when I was in my soul form in the Void. That what I call Unimaginable talent. Hahahaha.' I was celebrating for awakening my Conquer Haki with my Unimaginable talent but I didn't forget to apologize Grandpa dizziness in my mind. 'Sorry, It's from my Unimaginable powerful Haki probably.'

I plan on heading towards Longtown in four months on my birthday for the execution of Gol.D.Roger. The being who reincarnated me reincarnated me exactly 2 years before Pirates King's death.

"Grandpa, I won't be home on my birthday. I will be going somewhere else but I will come back. So don't worry." I said.

"Where are you going?" Grandpa ask me.

"I am going to see the start of a new era." I answered his questions.

" How long are you going out?" He asks me.

"One or two days at most," I said as If I fly at Longtown it should only be some hours.

"Well... One day or tow day going somewhere is fine but don't get lost in the desert." Grandpa said. I expect him to let two years old boy go alone like my previous grandpa. When I was 5 he sent me to another country a month to experience life.

At least he gives me money, I remember it like it was yesterday and it's in my dairy note as one of my worst test grandpa gave me. Writing my Dairy is also forced by my grandpa, if not why would a lazy guys like me would write on my own.

I expect him to say that and he really did, but I feel like something is wrong here, but who cares as long as I got to go. He may think that I am going to play, but I won't wast my times explaining him, I don't want to and I better not. 'You think I am going to play? Suit yourself.'

After eating I went outside to fly around. I flew up to the sky to look at Arabasta. We live in Erumalu, The City of Green. If I remember correctly it should be destroyed but that maybe will never happen as long as I am in this world. The sea is near so I take a flight toward the sea, after flying near the sea I saw a lot of Kung Fu Dugong. Yes, they are my friends I play with them a lot.

"Hey, Guys!" I said.

"Quee queue queue." They greet me back.

" Let's do something else today instead of training and fighting," I said as we almost always were training and what do you expect they look at me with confuses eyes.

"Look, guys. We were always fighting and I always win anyways and you guys also need to relax a little bit." I said that and they ask me." Cuvee Kqeeee...( So, what are we doing?)"

"Today, we will be doing Swimming Competition to see who is the fastest," I said as I took off my shirt. You can see a few muscles forming on my little body.

"Quee Quee Kvee!!"The Kung Fu Dugongs said as they get ready.

I also get ready and said"Ready! Steady!.... 3, 2, 1, Gooooo!"

I jump into the sea and start swimming like how I fly in the sky. After swimming for a while I stopped. When they get to where I am, they also stop and look at me with confuses eyes.


I make him narsissist and have personality of a kid because he's a kid at the moment so he has something like adult memory with kids mentality. As for narcissist, because he is a little narsissist in his past life. I will change his personality when he's grown up.

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