
One Piece : Kill Roger At the Beginning

The Battle of the Valley of the Gods ended, the Rocks Pirate disbanded and everyone thought it was over. Until, a man named Rocks·D·Will came out of Impel Down! He vowed to take revenge on every single person who led to his tragedy. Defeat Kaido and Kill Oden in Wanokuni. Kill Roger to declare the start of his journey in this world. He declared to the world that Rocks has returned and this era, is called Rocks. Watch how Will conquers the world of One Piece with the help of his On- Hook system. **PS- Roger won't literally be killed in the first chapter. The title only means that killing Roger will truly mark the beginning of his journey. ******************* Hungry for more chapters? Support me on Patreon and read 5 advance chapters along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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149 Chs

Devil Fruit Appears Unexpectedly!

The scene was a little quiet.

The Marine soldier watched as Will calmly put away his sword without saying a word but nothing happened. 

He was just smiling and looking at their two Rear Admirals and their two Rear Admirals were also just standing there like a statue. 

In the end what happened?

Because of the unknown, these soldiers became restless.

They don't know what their next fate will be.


Suddenly, a small sound came into their ears and they discovered to their horror that many cuts appeared on the bodies of Gion and Tokikake. 

Although the cuts were not very deadly, they were very dense, traces of blood seeped out from the wound and gathered together, dyeing the two of them into a bloody person in a short while.

It looked terrible.

A group of Marine soldiers felt their scalps go numb and their bodies started shivering. 

Obviously they weren't hit by anything at all, so how come they suddenly got injured out of nowhere? 

Some soldiers wanted to come forward to help. However, after walking into a certain range, those people also entered the same stunned state. 

Then, the same thing happened. Numerous cuts appeared on their bodies with blood flowing out like crazy 

A few more soldiers wanted to step forward but Will spoke at this time to warn them. 

Will smiled and said, "It's best not to try anything foolish with your strength. "


The Marine soldiers were in an uproar and backed away in horror.

"Mad Dragon, let Rear Admiral Gion and Tokikake go!"

But some soldiers still mustered up their courage to shout loudly. 

In response, Will just smiled carelessly. 




There were three consecutive sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground,

Gion, Tokikake and the Marine soldier collapsed on the deck.

"Gion Rear Admiral!"

"Tokikake Rear Admiral!"

The soldiers exclaimed one after another, ignoring Will's existence any longer, and rushed up one after another.

"Well, looks like I won the bet!"

Will chuckled lightly. 


The marine soldiers looked at him angrily. 

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Many soldiers raised their guns and stared at Will warily.

"It seems that you guys are going to stop me!"

Will shook his head helplessly, and then, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.


A terrifying aura emanated from him, rolling towards the Marine soldiers.

Like harvesting wheat, Marine soldiers fell one after another wherever the Conqueror's Haki passed.

After a few breaths, Will retracted the Conqueror's haki when there was no one standing on the entire warship except him.

Will walked over to Gion and Kake and sighed in amusement: "Ah, buy one get one free, I like this offer."

Holding Gion in one hand and Kake in the other, Will took the two of them and flew away from the marine warship back to Kaido's ship and ordered to sail. 

As for Kaido, he will come back when he has had enough fun with Akainu. 

And if he accidentally got caught, then that's even better, Will can then conveniently take over the Beasts Pirates in his name. 

At the same time, Kuzan is currently chasing after the Mafia, who also has a booklet of historical text translation.

Naturally, there were also Marines encircling and suppressing the Hapo Navy. 

Initially, when they were on the island before, these two west blue forces almost couldn't keep the translation but the appearance of Marine happened to indirectly help them.

However they couldn't be happy for long either as now Marine was specifically targeting them for that booklet.

On the other side, Sengoku, Garp, Borsalino and the others took several warships to chase after the Whitebeard pirates.

But it's not a good choice to mess with Whitebeard on sea, not when he's still mourning his son's death. 

Because if he is unhappy, he might directly send a tsunami in your direction. 

Just like now!

Whitebeard, who had faced repeated setbacks from the start of this trip to West blue, already had a backlog of anger.

Now that Thatch is dead but Sengoku and others were still pestering them, it made him even more angry.

He angrily approached the deck and after facing the sea, he sent a powerful shock wave using his full strength.

"Oops, I was careless! I should have asked Kuzan to follow us!"

Sengoku watched the huge tsunami that covered the sky and rolled in from afar.

A huge rumbling sound can be heard endlessly.

Will who was far away also felt his scalp tingle when he saw the terrifying tsunami.

Of course, it's not that he couldn't handle it. It was just that this kind of scene was too eye-catching and shocking.

This is the instinctive reaction of human beings to natural disasters.


Will looked at the direction in which the Whitebeard pirates left, with a complicated look on his face.

This man is really too strong, deserving his title as the strongest man on sea. 


A confident smile crept across Will's face.

"My growth has no end. After all, I don't have to work hard to grow stronger. May be when I see you next time, I will be stronger!"

Will said while looking at his On-Hook system. 

Meanwhile, after Gion slowly opened her eyes, she found herself in a strange room. The decor was lovely and cozy, giving a homely feeling. 

But immediately afterwards, there was unbearable pain all over her body.

"You're awake?"

A soft and immature voice came.

Turning her head with difficulty, she found that it was a child with red horns on her forehead. 

"Wait a minute, I'll call the mad dragon boss!"

Before Gion could speak, Yamato rushed out of the room. 

"Mad Dragon?"

Only then did Gion remember the bet between her and Will. 

"So I lost without even knowing how I lost?"

Bitterness appeared on Gion's face, she knew that the Will was very strong. But she always thought that she's not bad either. 

Unexpectedly, she and Tokikake together could not even stop Will's one move.

"There was absolutely no resistance at all. "

"It's just, why didn't I die? And why am I here? What happened to those soldiers? What happened to Tokikake?"

While Gion's mind was buzzing with questions, Ymato had arrived at the top lobby of the ship.

"Little girl, it's useless for you to keep this throne, can you give it to me? I'll give you something else in exchange!"

Kaido really loveed this throne.

Luxurious appearance, exquisitely decorated, and the carved patterns are also very delicate and beautiful, this is the throne worthy of someone of his stature. 

"No, Hina won't change!"

Hina stood on the throne with her arms crossed, with a proud face: "Hina is not that stupid. And also, big guy, you don't even have as much money as Hina, so what can you exchange with Hina?"

"You.... Sigh! "

The soul torture and contempt from a little girl like Hina made Kaido feel frustrated.

Seeing that Kaido stopped talking, Hina happily sat cross-legged on the throne.


Little by little, she took out the treasures on her body.

And after a while, a small pile was piled up on the throne.

Seeing this scene, Will's face on the side couldn't stop twitching.

"This girl Hina, is she greedy for money just like Thief Cat Nami ? "

However, when he saw Hina pouring out the contents of the satchel, he was stunned. 

Kaido who kept staring at Hina was also dumbfounded.

Everyone saw that in Hina's satchel, besides jewelry, there was also a fruit which was poured out along with the other things. 

It was a fruit with strange texture.

The whole body of the fruit is white, and the appearance is like a cloud-like pattern.

It's Devil Fruit!

And, reminiscent of the content on the mural, this is likely to be the ability possessed by that strong man.

Hina curiously picked up the Devil Fruit, tilting her little head, she was a little confused.

Then she licked the corner of her lips and opened her mouth to bite.


Will hurriedly uttered a sound to stop it, and came to Hina in a flash, and grabbed the Devil Fruit.

Hina looked at Will angrily, blinking her eyes anxiously.

"Will, give it back, that's Hina's!"


Will flicked her forehead with his hand, and said angrily, "Is this food safe to eat? This is a devil fruit and one person can only eat one. Else their bodies burst and they die. "

After he popularized the common sense of Devil Fruit to Hina, Will asked the important question. 

"Now tell me, where did you find it?"

Hina said with a bitter face: "I don't remember, it was too messy at the time and I just randomly picked it up in a hurry!"

Will rolled his eyes helplessly, then looked at Hina amusedly, and shook his head.

This girl is really the person who gained the most from this trip.

Meanwhile Kaido's eyes were on fire with jealousy.

Thinking about his hard work and efforts, not only did he not get anything, but he also ended up offending the Whitebeard Pirates.

On the contrary, this little girl just took pictures along the way and did nothing else.

Not to mention bringing back a bunch of jewelry, she also got a luxurious golden throne, and even picked up a Devil Fruit!

Where was the fairness in that? What about Karma - You reap what you sow? Bullshitt! 

At this time, Yamato suddenly appeared on the deck and interrupted Kaido's thoughts. 

"Boss Dragon, that person has woken up!"

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