
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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46 Chs


As Luffy's wooden mace zoomed forwards to strike Aokiji, the Admiral lifted his palm, pointing it towards his opponent. White frost started to cover his hand in moments, and ice struck from it. Ice leapt across the log of wood, completely freezing it. When Luffy realised that if he held on to the mast for much longer, he would lose his life to the iciness, he started and left the wooden column.

Raising his leg, Luffy shouted, " Gomu Gomu no…Stamp Gatling..!!!"

A series of leg thrusts appeared from behind the piece of a log, crushing it into a dozen pieces, hurling it at the Admirals. The series of stamps were fast, fast enough to be perceived falsely as a hundred legs at the same time by a normal eye.

Though it would have frightened the hearts of many, this attack did not even make the three Admirals flinch. The trio looked undaunted, each with a pair of eyes cold enough to make Aokiji's best seem like an oven.

The frozen chunks of wood hit the body of the Marines, and went through it. Wherever the wood had hit the bodies of the Admirals, remnants of light, magma and ice lay respectively.

The three of them stood as if nothing had happened, their faces as if carved from stone.

Down yonder, Whitebeard's eyes tightened, and he spoke to the Pirate King. "That recklessness…! He just like you, Roger."

Viewing Luffy, Roger asked Whitebeard, " Who's that kid? He's do got balls, I agree, for that age."

"Him? He's Garp's grandchild. And, well, technically your niece too, I guess…"

"Huh, my niece?!? I ain't got a sister or to have a niece. . .Nor does Rouge have a sibling or anything… That would mean. . . She hid the fact that she had a sister, and that sister married that kid Dragon? No, not possible."

" What nonsense. No, nothing of that sort. It's a long story, just like how you just got back from the dead. Lest just say for now that him and Ace adopted themselves to be their brothers. Not sure how that works, but I respect their relationship. Also, many people thought that Luffy, that kid rampaging, was your son at first. Well, that was a fun misconception."

Meanwhile, all around them Marines and Pirates alike began to shout out cries, against the constant clangs of the ongoing battles.

"It's Ace's little brother!"

"He managed to get through the mighty walls somehow!"

" How!!! He somehow managed to fly past?!"

Subsequently, Roger suggested Whitebeard, " Why don't you use that giant friend of yours properly, instead of letting him die in vain?"

Edward Newgate replied solemnly, his voice firm as wrought steel. " I do not use my allies, Pirate King." Yet, his voice lowered unconsciously. " Though that is what I have planned. To use him, even when he is at his last breath. I have already made the arrangements, Roger."

And with that, Whitebeard explained as short as possible the plan he had concocted and discussed with his commanders to Roger.

With the last words of explanation uttered out, Whitebeard turned his head towards the execution tower and growled, " Oars! Stay there!!! We need you…!"

Moving forwards towards his Third Division Commander, he ordered, " Jozu! It's time for our trump card,"

"Men, prepare to charge the plaza!!!" Shouted the strongest man in the world, as he swirled his great sword, cocking up his arms, twirling Murakumogiri.

As the pirates surged forward with renewed strength, Luffy resumed his fight with the power trio.

"Gear Second…!" He grunted, and his skin became pink-pale in colour, his body glistening and smoking as if he were hotter than Akainu's meteors. His legs suddenly bulged and a ball-like bubble swept across his limbs, a bubble pumping blood.

As his speed increased threefold, the rookie pirate blitzed past the Admirals, aiming for his brother. As he zoomed past, in vain did he not realise that at his current agility, nothing was possible.

Kizaru turned, a smug look sweeping across his face. " Oooh-~- You're too slow . . ."

As the words were uttered, he disappeared in a flash of light, and at the next instant, reappeared in front of Luffy, his legs recoiling for a kick.

As Luffy's thoughts slowly dawned on him about what was happening, he had already been kicked in the stomach.

A bright flash of yellow-white light sparkled at Kizaru's feet as he kicked Garp's grandson right below his chest, and Luffy went flying in the reverse direction of where he wished to go.

Ace's face darkened and Sengoku's voice firmed, and he declared. " Proceed with the execution!"

The two executioners with whetted iron lances stood steadfast and replied, " Yessir!!!"

Sudden as a sneeze, a huge roar sounded across the battlefield. " Sengoku!!! Don't you dare do it or I'll have your skin stripped from your body and hang it out to dry!"

Roger shouted with his deepest voice; his sound was so magnificent, so manly. All of them stopped in their tracks, Marines and Pirates alike.The fighting ceased, if only for a moment, though that by itself was a miracle.

Running like a drunken cheetah, Roger rushed through the enemy flanks. Simultaneously he weaved with his sword, and his movements were so fast sometimes it became blurry.

He flowed from stance to stance graciously, and paid no heed to the panicking Marines on either side of him. He was one with the sword, one with the flow.

A supreme dance.

His eyes were wide with anger, and his eyeballs trembled with rage. All his attention lay ahead, none lay at his imminent obstacles of low-ranking Marines.

As Gol. D. Roger drifted through the Marines, he let out his full Haki. A gushing torrent, it could be called a tsunami. A great tsunami, an invisible one to many, flowed out of nowhere to engulf the whole entirety of the Marine Headquarters.

All of them.

All of the Marines fell down, doubling over, mouths twitching with froth.

Thousands fell, and little more than hundreds remained.

Every Marine stumbled, staggered, and collapsed, all of them till the ranks of captains and commanders tripped over thin air. But surprisingly, none of the Marines, even the lower classed ones, collapsed near the execution tower.

They were being protected by the Haki of the Vice-Admirals and Admirals.

But still, it was not enough to fell the executioners. They were too far away from Roger to be affected by his wave of Haoshoku. Moreover, Sengoku and the three Admirals had also used their Haki to ward off the effects of Roger's overwhelming tide of mental force.

Roger's heart sank to depths unknown. Heart-stricken, he continued ravaging the ground, trying to eat the distances as quick as possible.

Then suddenly, as the twin blades were forced down upon the nape of Ace's neck, the duo of headsmen collapsed on the ground. Slowly turning, the two bodies of the two dead men tumbled out from the execution tower, and rolled down the ladder to fall into the midst of the last of the Marines. The two bodies, limp and cold as they were, were stepped upon by a blocky man, his leg stamping hard on the executioners' chests.

He was tall for a normal man, normal as in not a humongous giant of a man like Whitebeard or John. With slick oiled hair and a shiny gold hook of an arm, Sir Crocodile stood calmly with a face that held no more emotions than a rock.

His black fur coat waved back and fro in the air, while his lit cigar blackened the very air that made his coat move.

Upon seeing who did this crime of an act, the Fleet Admiral grumbled, " Crocodile…! You. . .!!! Because of the grudge you hold against him, I expected you to be the last person to assist him…"

On the battlefield, the steps of Roger and the wings of Marco faltered, mainly in immense relief of the fact that Ace had been saved— If only for the time being.

Marco sighed, and nestled himself on a small protruding wall. " Good… I didn't have to step in."

Now, Crocodile's eyebrows twitched when he heard Sengoku's wild assumptions.

"Huh? I can finish off the old geezer later. . . But seeing you scum cheerful like this is making me sick… Though you guys don't look so well yourself, eh?" Said he, a smug smile twisting across his lips. He was referring to the unconscious Marines in the area, all made to fall due to Roger's Haki attack.

As sudden as anything else, Crocodile's head flew apart from his body, sailing in the air a dozen paces before it rolled down in the ground.

" Oi Oi you damn Crocky. . .! You're gonna reject my proposal and team up with Oldie? Or is it because you think the pirates are going to win, now that the Pirate King's back? Must be that. You always were one to cower behind the one whom you thought would win, Crocodile…!"

Doflamingo, the Ruler of the grand city of Dressrosa, walked his grand walk, all the while teasing the former Warlord.

Oh, but Mr.0 was not one who could be easily messed with.

" Doflamingo! Your slithery tongue is snaky as always, but keep you retarded comments to yourself. When did I ever say I was going to team up with anyone . . ."

And with that, another great fight ensued, one between Donquixote Doflamingo and Sir Crocodile.

Doflamingo raised his thin but stronger-than-iron foot to counter against Crocodile's golden hook. As the clang shook the ground on which the remaining Marines stood, Monkey. D. Luffy's fight was ever ongoing.