
One Piece: Jaeger Family

Travel through worlds? Allan experienced it. But… His family was slaughtered by Pirates. His home was burnt to the ground. Left with nothing. He had to beg for food and money. But the eyes around betrayed him. Battered and broken, he found a fruit. A Devil Fruit. Since he lost his family. He’ll build one. His hunt begins. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image by ArtTower from Pixabay. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/mzFEvqD https://www.patreon.com/siraeronnovels

SirAeron · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Chapter 13

If Ace and Luffy joined and betrayed the Marines, along with Dragon, Garp might even be pushed to a breaking point of his justice.

If Garp left the Marines, his status was enough to shake the majority of the Marines' justice.

This was not the same as Zephyr who quit being a marine and created his own Neo Marines.

Except for his direct students, almost all the bottom marines didn't know him, even when he left, none of his students left with him except for his most recent and surviving students.

Although Allan had some opinions.

He didn't want to judge the pirates who were forced to be pirates and still carry good values as well as marines who struggle with their justice to the point of compromise.

Who didn't want to be a good person?

Or who wanted to be an evil person?

Maybe some people do, but those people usually have something wrong in their heads, some, if not most evil people get pushed off the edge and give up altogether for different reasons.

And most of what Allan knew of was in the modern world, here in this world, once a country loses its status as an affiliated country, everyone in the country loses their human rights, enslaving them was fair game.

So where do these people go?

The Marines? They left long ago by the orders of the World Government.

The Pirates? As long as you have strength then this was a possibility.

Otherwise, become a member of other pirates, or be caught as a prisoner or slave.

Joining the Revolutionary Army was probably the best choice other than hiding somewhere or migrating to another country if they had the resources.

But the Revolutionary Army was a recent phenomenon so most people would end up as pirates.

Eh, why was he thinking about good and evil?

Allan suddenly paused.

He was just another poor soul in this world trying to jump off the wall.

So Allan cleared his thoughts and continued his sightseeing, he didn't go to Mt. Colubo, who knew if Garp was busy with his grandchildren.

What if he saw Allan and insisted on him being a marine, although the chances were slim, he didn't want to risk it, so he ran back to his ship Alexandria to wait for his men.

At first, he wanted to go to Party's Bar again, but he said he'd bring the others with him so he decided to wait.

It didn't take long for the others to arrive, the Gray Terminal was only so big, and taking too many might cause a commotion, so Allan said to recruit until it was half past noon.

The group returned with 20 new recruits, ranging from 15 years old to 25 years old, as for younger ones, maybe they died already which was sad but there was nothing he could've done, Allan was also half expecting Sabo or Ace to pop out, but he was a bit disappointed and relieved, logically he didn't want to mess up too much, especially the experience those three had together, but at the same time, he didn't want them to experience such things as a child.

Allan was too weak, there were nobles and a marine hero backing the other.

Allan looked around the new recruits but none of them were familiar nor did any of them stand out, but that was good enough, he planned to put them on an island to train them for a while and allow them to take care of the pelicans and become his personnel.

Get them to have a sense of belonging to their group first before giving them more jobs.

"Gin, Kaku, I have someone for you to meet!"

Allan said excitedly.

"Fossa you're in charge!"

Allan shouted before dashing off pulling Gin and Kaku behind.

Fossa shook his head before taking charge, buying clothes and supplies for the journey.

Fossa was already the secretary of the group.


Allan burst into Party's Bar which made Makino jump and Allan laugh.

"Gin! Kaku! This is Sister Makino! She will be part of our family but she wants to stay here for one more year!"

Allan declared proudly.

Gin and Kaku looked at each other.

When did Allan recruit another family member, and this time it was a pretty girl?

Makino's face reddened like an apple.

Why was this guy introducing him like this?

Shouldn't he give her time to prepare first?

Seeing Makino's shy and blushing look, Kaku elbowed Gin lightly, Gin also saw Makino and their thoughts converged.

Sister-in-law?? Isn't Al too young?!

Kaku and Gin were talking with their eyes, Makino was thinking about what to say.

Al this bastard!

Makino glared at Allan who was still proud.

"We're glad to meet you Sister Makino, please take care of us!"

Kaku and Gin said with a bow.

The other was older than them and was potentially their Sister-in-law, although Allan was a bit on the young side, he was also mature in stature and thinking so being attracted to a pretty lady after leaving Apple Island was plausible.

"Then, do take care of me too."

Makino said with a blushing face, Allan was stunned, why were these three being so polite?

It's not that Allan was oblivious, but he was just too overwhelmed at the moment, recruiting Makino and being in Windmill Village where Luffy, Ace, and Sabo were.

Kaku and Gin smiled happily, whatever the circumstances might be, the important thing was the family had further increased.

"Well then, now that we've met each other, we should probably go back, I don't want to trouble Sister Makino too much, anyways, we have to leave early."

Allan explained.

"Why are you leaving so soon?"

Makino asked with a troubled look, although Makino didn't feel that she fell in love with Allan, she still had a feeling of fondness towards the young but mature-looking guy.

"Well, I don't really want to meet the Marine Hero Garp."

Allan said with embarrassment, scratching his head shyly.

If it were some other marine, Allan could make excuses, but for a stubborn guy like Garp, Allan wasn't too confident he could handle it.

"That's true, Vice Admiral Garp is kind of stubborn."

Makino replied with a thoughtful look.

She didn't ask why Allan was so opposed to being a marine, after all, being a marine runs a counter to his dream.

"Then you should really go, Vice Admiral Garp visits irregularly so it won't be good if you meet him."

Makino suggested.

"Then, we should go! Bye Sister Makino!"

"Bye Sister Makino!"x2

Allan said goodbye followed by the other two.

Allan was really quite nervous.

If it was just him, he could try and find a way out, but if the three of them were found by Garp, Allan wasn't too sure what to do then.

Of course, Allan wasn't too sure what would happen if they really met Garp, but he and Garp were unrelated, so Garp wouldn't have similar considerations as he does with his grandchildren when dealing with them.

They couldn't run away, and telling Garp his dream would probably make Garp keep them more, a safe haven where everyone can eat and live a happy life, didn't that represent dissatisfaction towards the World Government and was basically a direct rebellion?

It was impossible to lie to a peak powerhouse like Garp.

Garp who was loyal to the Marines would compromise for his children and grandchildren, but what about total strangers, Garp was definitely not a fool, just pretending to be one with his antics.

Garp could even sit around on Ace's execution albeit with difficulty.

When Ace died, Akainu almost went with Ace to the underworld if not for Sengoku stopping Garp at the time, Allan didn't doubt that Garp could kill Akainu.

So Allan realized he didn't want to stay in Windmill Village anymore, so they soon got ready to sail.

And sail they did, Allan heaved a sigh but Wavy who disappeared for some time finally appeared walking around the ship.

No one else could see Wavy other than Allan so Wavy became more and more comfortable staying in the ship.


Wavy suddenly jumped on his favorite spot, Allan's head.

Allan was quite troubled with Wavy's behavior since his hair would look weird to others whenever Wavy sat on it, if Wavy could show itself then it might not look so ugly, but an invisible butt was sitting on his head so it looked a bit ugly.

"Hey Wavy, why don't you sit on my shoulders?"

Allan asked with a wry smile, Wavy waved his hands gesturing that it was fine.

You're fine? Then what about me?

Allan thought in frustration.

"I can only cut my hair short at this point."

Allan murmured.

"Is it Wavy again?"

Kaku suddenly asked with a knowing smile after seeing the depression on Allan's hair.

He really wanted to see Wavy but Allan told him he didn't know how he could see Wavy.

"Do you have anyone you think is notable?"

Allan asked, although he looked through the recruits and found no one stood out, he still wanted to hear Kaku's opinion.

"Not really, I'll have to see whether any of them have talent after training, but I'm not too optimistic, the youngest one is 15 years old, and most of them grew up with barely anything to eat so their foundation isn't that good."

Kaku explained.

This meant that even if there were talented people, their bodies had long been weakened by excessive malnutrition.

Different from the ten boys in Apple Island, most of them grew up properly but were orphaned after some twists and turns similar to Allan's situation.

"That's fine, we don't need them to fight, teaching them how to read and write should be good enough, are there any technical talents?"

Allan asked.

"There are five fishermen, the rest lived through scavenging food."

Kaku shook his head.

"Hmm that's better than nothing."

Although Allan wanted to provide them with everything they needed, learn how to read and write and be of help as a staff member, the five fishermen didn't mean much, if it were other talents they might be of use, at most those fishermen could serve as crew on ships but won't be engaged in combat unless they prove talented enough to train some fighting skills, of course not the Six Styles, those can only be taught inside the family and trusted subordinates, the Cipher Pol would probably find them if Allan taught every subordinate he had.

Of course, it wasn't easy to learn in the first place, but that would mean a lot of people would know how the Six Styles were taught, and it would definitely be traced back to the Jaeger Family.

Six Styles also placed a heavy burden on the body, so the physique requirements were quite high and talent was also needed, even Fossa and the other nine has yet to meet the standard after a year of eating and training.

Koby and Helmeppo were both able to learn Shave after a few months of training, in comparison to those two, the ten boys couldn't even enter the qualification for physique.

Allan really thought he was lucky, although he didn't know where his talent was placed.

His Devil Fruit helped him a lot, and Allan's body wasn't too bad.

Gin too was making huge strides with the help of his Devil Fruit, and Kaku was probably the most talented in their family so Allan was excited for Kaku to get his Devil Fruit.

As for surpassing Allan, after their first fight, he thought it didn't matter much, although he did have some confidence to use his Devil Fruit development to boost his strength, but it was not impossible for Kaku to surpass him nor would it surprise Allan.

But as the head of the family, Allan won't easily let this happen, so after a month of sailing, Allan already learned Moon Step before they arrived on Dawn Island, now he was training Paper Drawing according to Kaku's instructions.

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