
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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213 Chs


Garp was in a dilemma. He was standing outside of Partys Bar while staring at it. It was currently night time and Garp hasn't even thought about going to bed yet.

"Damn it all! He's my grandson! Why is it so hard to choose!? I'll teach him 'that' so he will have a better chance out there!!"



" So uh..... You're gonna train me again for a month while you're here right? " Luffy asked him. Garp grinned and nodded.

" Exactly, brat! I'm gonna train you to the ground! How many pushups can you do right now?! "

" 45!"

" Too little! I want you to be able to do 100 pushups when I leave! How much are you lifting right now?!"

" 15kg! And 20kg with that pole with the weights thing!"

" So that guy is teaching you how to do the Tobu Zangeki huh? And that's too light! I want you to be able to lift 30kg and 40kg when I leave!?"

" Alright then! What should I do first!? "

" Run with me brat! I wanna see how much stamina ya got! "

" Let's gooo!!!! "



" That was fun! " Luffy shouted while he was lying on the ground and breathing heavily.

" You're so weak, Luffy! You can only run 5 times around Dawn Island! I can run around the island 1000 times and I still won't get tired! " Garp berated. Luffy quickly stood up.

"Now you're just bragging, gramps!" Luffy accused. Garp laughed.

"Bwahahahahaha!!!! How is it bragging when it's the truth!" Garp argued. Luffy huffed, crossed his arms and looked away.

"C'mon, sit up. I'm gonna tell you something." Garp sat down and Luffy did the same.

" You read my diaries right?" He asked, to which Luffy nodded.

" Yeah I did, I'm at the point where you were learning this Rokushiki thing. You didn't say much, just the names of the techniques. " Luffy replied. Garp nodded.

" Then what are they?" Garp asked Luffy, testing his memory.

" Um.... There's Soru, Tekkai, Rankyaku. There's also, Shigan, Geppo, Kami-e and this very secret seventh one which I forgot the name of. " Luffy named out. Garp nodded.

" It's called Rokuogan, it is the ultimate attack of the Rokushiki style. Only those who have absolute mastery of the other six skills can have access to this seventh technique." Garp explained.

" So it's called Rokushiki huh.... What do those techniques do, gramps? " Luffy asked, his curiosity piqued. Garp grinned and raised up one finger.

"I'll only tell you one for now."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I said so. And my vacation only lasts for a month, brat. I can't teach you everything. So we'll just stick with one for now. Who knows, when I return again, I'll teach you the second Rokushiki technique. " Garp grinned at him. Luffy nodded.

" When you come back again, I'll master it and you'll have to tell me how you can hurt me!!" Luffy declared. Garp laughed and slapped his thighs repeatedly.

" Even if you master all of those! You're far too weak to know it! Now enough about my secrets, let me explain the technique I'm going to teach you. I'm not gonna explain it again so listen carefully!" Garp ordered. Luffy nodded and focused up.

Garp explained to him what Soru was. Soru allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power.

He revealed that the principle of this move was to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye. Luffy nodded, understanding his explanation. When it was combat related, Luffy was like Vegapunk, a super genius.

Luffy realized that he needed to be really fast to be able to kick the ground ten times in the blink of an eye.

"If Soru is about speed, I would have to increase my natural speed so that I can use this technique, right gramps?" Luffy asked. Garp nodded at his question.

"Exactly, Luffy." Garp replied. He knew that the Rokushiki techniques were a closely kept secret to the Marines, but he didn't give a shit anymore.

The person he was teaching this to was his grandson, and he'd be damned if he let Luffy die when he and his crew entered the Grand Line in the future.

'Sengoku and Sakazuki can go fuck their moms for all I care! I'm not letting my grandson get bullied out there while I sit in my office and eat rice crackers! ' Garp shouted in his mind as he was looking at Luffy who was stomping the ground as fast as he could.

"What should I do, gramps?! I can't do it!"

"Simple brat, we shall do more running!!"

"Alright!!! Shishishishishi!!!!! "




One month later, Luffy still hasn't even done the Soru move once. But his speed and physical strength did increase a lot with Garp's hellish training.

Garp had him fight wild animals in the jungle. Luffy fought giant boars, tigers, giant monkeys and the like. After a month of conquering the jungle, he is now the king of the jungle now.

After saying goodbye to Garp and thanking him for all the help, Luffy quickly went back to training.

At night, he would help Makino in serving drinks at Partys Bar. The bar had seen a large increase in customers since Luffy started working there. With the two of them, they were on their way to becoming the best bar in Dawn Island.

The days became repetitive as Luffy became stronger little by little every day. Days became months as eventually Luffy was staring at his two newly acquired skills.

[Tobu Zangeki:C-(1% completed)]

[Soru:D-(1% completed)]

Luffy laughed loudly as he finally did it after months of hard work. "Now the real fun begins! Shishishishishi!!!"

Months became years as it was May 5th again, Luffy's birthday. Makino closed the bar that day and celebrated him getting one year older. She also gave him a kiss on the cheek to which Luffy blushed a little at that.

Two years of reading the sex education book Benn gave him before he left with Shanks and Luffy finally fully understood what sex and puberty was.

He was okay with it, sex was a natural process of creating life so why should he be embarrassed about it? But he was pretty embarrassed about the physical intimacy part though.

After reading the book, he now looked at Makino differently. He respected her even more now since learning about what women had to go through every month.

He also found her more beautiful than ever. Every time he looked at her, there was this shine around her that made him stare at her for a couple of minutes before snapping out of it. Luffy didn't understand what it was and he didn't dare to ask Makino about it.

And now, a 9 year old Luffy, who was 156cm in height and very muscular for his age, was staring at the box of books Benn gave him before he left.

Luffy didn't know why, but he felt a sense of nervousness in his heart as he kept staring at the box.

He ignored it and opened the box. Throwing the cover away, he picked up a random book and read the title of it.

"Icha Icha Paradise..... what the fuck..."

Oh yeah, he also learned how to curse now. Garp taught him how when he was training an 8 year old Luffy.

To be continued...