
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

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105 Chs

Chapter 54

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Chapter 54: Blackbeard Wants to Be a Singer! The Thunder Fruit Appears!

"The strongest fruit? Which one do you mean?" asked Blackbeard, not lingering on those twenty times. He believed that if a Devil Fruit's power was truly formidable, enduring it twenty times wouldn't be impossible. He had studied the Devil Fruit book extensively and was convinced he knew every Devil Fruit by heart. Kaido's sudden urge to challenge his understanding aroused Blackbeard's curiosity, and he felt confident Kaido wouldn't deceive him. This piqued his interest in Kaido's proposal.

"The Fruit of Song," Kaido stated nonchalantly.

At the mention of the fruit, Blackbeard's pupils narrowed, and he involuntarily stood up, causing the dancers lying at his sides to slide off his thighs and fall to the floor, crying out in surprise. Blackbeard was familiar with this fruit; the book described its ability to use song to draw people's spirits into an illusion, leaving their real bodies at the mercy of the user. He recognized that, shame aside, it was a remarkably powerful fruit. For the sake of power and his own ambition, he had long abandoned any pretense of dignity.

Yet, this fruit had a significant flaw: the user's power would dissipate upon falling asleep. But to someone like him, who never sleeps, it seemed like the perfect match. He had sought the fruit for the past two years without success.

"It's indeed a powerful fruit and suits my sleepless nature well. Ha-ha-ha, but, Kaido, this isn't the strongest fruit," Blackbeard said with a laugh, acting as though Kaido had exhausted his bargaining chips with the twenty requests now resolved.

"The biggest weakness of that ability is that it becomes ineffective if others simply block their ears and cannot hear the music," Blackbeard pointed out. "Let me do you a favor once, as compensation for accidentally offending you. What do you think?"

Just once. It didn't seem like much, but with that significant drawback, Blackbeard knew Kaido had no leverage over him.

Kaido fell silent, then burst into laughter. "Oh la la~~ You really know the fruit guide well."

"I memorized the whole book. No one understands Devil Fruits better than I do!" Blackbeard boasted, feeling a sense of pride as he laughed.

However, Kaido's tone quickly turned cold. "You're foolish, Teach."

Blackbeard's smile froze as he gripped the Den Den Mushi in his hand, stunned by the insult. He dared not retort and could only ask, "What do you mean?"

"Who compiled and published the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia?" Kaido asked, his tone laced with mockery.

Blackbeard blinked and pondered. "The World Government?"

Despite various publishers releasing different editions, the original and authoritative versions must have been issued by the World Government.

"They wouldn't accurately document the traits and weaknesses of each fruit, let alone clearly identify the most powerful ones," Kaido pointed out sharply.

Blackbeard went quiet again. Kaido's words hit him like a hammer to the chest, causing a sharp pang of realization. Indeed, the World Government wouldn't do such a thing. Had he been deceived by the Devil Fruit book for all these years?

"The most powerful Devil Fruit is often hidden among those that appear ordinary..." Blackbeard murmured, embarrassed.

His crew members exchanged glances, witnessing their captain deflated by Kaido's words.

It seems a little fishy.

Even with the hidden Devil Fruit, it remains powerful; so far, I haven't done anything wrong.

Blackbeard quickly adjusted his mindset, took a deep breath, and asked again, "Is there a way to overcome the shortcomings of the fruit of the song?"

"Yes," Kaido answered his question, then paused and searched his memories before continuing, "There is a sheet music that allows a capable person to summon a powerful monster in both the spirit and the real world. One must destroy that monster in both realms to be completely free of it, otherwise, it is immortal."

Blackbeard's eyes lit up as he settled back in his seat.

"How strong is that monster?" he inquired.

"Oh lao~ it's far worse than me, but it should be enough to blow you up," Kaido said with a chuckle, unfazed by Blackbeard's darkened expression.

It seemed that the deal was nearly done.

In the future, when he came across top-tier fruits, he would grab them for Blackbeard, bolstering the strength of the Beasts Pirates once again.

As for the possibility of Blackbeard betraying him, Kaido wasn't concerned.

Should that happen, Kaido would show Teach the meaning of cruelty.

"Okay, I'll make this deal!" Blackbeard said, his eyes fixed on the phone bug, eager to get the fruit, "Where can I find the people and the sheet music?"

"Music Island, with a girl named Uta," Kaido revealed.

"The world's singer?!"

Blackbeard regretted not realizing this sooner!

His crew was just as shocked, not anticipating that what Blackbeard sought had been right before their eyes all along.

She was a beautiful female musician, famous the world over.

"Make sure my fruit is returned unharmed. Don't screw up, Teach," Kaido said, ignoring their astonishment as he issued his warning.

By getting the fruit from Virgo, there would be a chance to get the upper hand over Blackbeard.

Oblivious, Blackbeard regretted not detecting this sooner and casually agreed, "Leave it to me. I will send my men to escort it safely."

"Oh lao-la~ that's perfect," Kaido replied, pleased.

I wonder, Red Hair. Will you save Luffy? Or will you save your daughter?

Two days later, Beasts Pirates Captain and one of the Three Calamities, King, arrived at Hive Island, clutching an exhausted man draped in a big drum, his chest bare. He soared in his pterosaur form and tossed Enel straight to Blackbeard.

With a stern look, he asked, "Which route? Who's the escort? Kaido expects you to think it over."

"Ha-ha-ha~ Don't worry. In a few minutes, my fourth ship captain, will take charge of the escort. We'll take the nearest route under my flag. There won't be any issues!" Blackbeard assured.

"I'll head back to Ghost Island first. Just remember to deliver as promised," King stated, emphasizing his point once more. With a final glance, he took to the skies and vanished from sight.

Once they were alone, Blackbeard cackled and examined the unconscious man, curious to see what had Kaido so intrigued.

Suddenly, a sword pierced Enel's body, and his pale form burst into a bolt of lightning.

"Damn! The Thunder Fruit!"