
One Piece: I'm Yamamoto Genryusai

Bai Ye travelled to the world of pirates. His cheat? Non-existent. So he chose to join the Marine force to survive, fishing day by day. Fast forward to today, and Summit War is around the corner and Bai Ye, who has become a veteran, was already preparing to retire. He didn't want to get into any more trouble! But it turns out that he awakening condition was he has to be 60 years old. And unexpectedly, the town where Bai Ye lived for more than 30 years was destroyed because they could not pay the Tenryubito. Following the 'Yamamoto Genryūsai' template given by the system, he chose to break his peaceful life for the first time and decided to take revenge on this chaotic world. "Since this is a world where the weak cannot survive, let me break it with my own hands." "Everything will be reduced to ashes!"

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152 Chs

Chapter 2

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002: Choose the 'Yamamoto Genryūsai' Template!

"What happened?"

Bai Ye's expression suddenly changed.

"This is the station of the Marines' North Blue G-64 branch, right across the sea from the town where I live."

No matter how rampant pirates are in North Blue, the sight of the Marine branch flag deters any reckless actions.

With forty years of service, Bai Ye had no time to think further as he ordered the branch Marines to assemble and immediately set out to destroy those 'enemies.'

However, just as the Marines of the G-64 branch were quickly assembling and preparing to depart, a commanding voice suddenly halted everyone.

"The Marines of the G-64 branch must not be dispatched without an order from headquarters!"

The voice arrived abruptly, and then a Marine, phone snail in hand, confirmed that the words had come through the device.

The listeners frowned in dismay.

"Are you kidding us?!"

"They're bombarding the town right under our noses!"

"That's right, do they expect us to let the pirates run rampant?"

Many Marines looked puzzled and clenched their teeth in frustration.

Hearing this, Bai Ye's expression grew dark.

The phone was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"I'm Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel from Naval Headquarters. Some of you may have heard of me..."


"Vice Admiral?!"

"Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral?! But why would he issue such an order..."

The Marines present were shocked.

Flying Squirrel was a Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters—a Marine Vice Admiral.

How could he deliberately issue such an order through the phone snail?

Everyone was baffled.

The voice of Flying Squirrel continued through the phone snail:

"In terms of reasons, the Marines of the G-64 branch only need to know one thing. The town that has been exterminated today faced normal sanctions for failing to pay the 'Heavenly Gold' on time. The World Government has reported to Naval Headquarters. Now, I am just in charge of delivering orders through phone snails."

As the words ended, the Marines on the scene couldn't help but widen their eyes in disbelief.

Who was attacking the innocent civilians in the town?

The World Government!

A monstrous entity that made everyone present hold their breath.

They looked towards the town, now a dead ruin after being mercilessly bombarded, and the Marines collectively chose silence.

The perpetrator was the World Government—a behemoth that has stood in this world for eight hundred years without faltering.

Even the Marines were just an appendage to the World Government.

In other words, ordinary Marines could not interject in such matters.

The atmosphere was heavy with silence when suddenly...

A voice, devoid of any scruples and filled with questioning coldness, echoed.

"Could it be that just because you are members of the World Government, you can neglect the civilians? Even if 'Heavenly Gold' is a pretext?"

Everyone looked around subconsciously.

"Mr. Bai Ye!"

Bai Ye has served in the Marines for forty years and currently commands the G-64 Marine branch.

As such, everyone present in the Marines knows this Colonel, who is on the verge of retirement.

Sensing the iciness in Bai Ye's tone, everyone understood the reason well.

The town decimated by the World Government's merciless bombardment was the very town where Colonel Bai Ye had lived for over thirty years, where even his relatives resided!

Imagine the agony of witnessing one's hometown's annihilation... the smoldering fury it must breed!

On the other end of the Den Den Mushi, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel was met with inquiring gazes.

Flying Squirrel didn't respond immediately—even though he acknowledged the veracity of Bai Ye's comments.

The gold falling from the sky... was merely a facade.

The true purpose of this cataclysmic operation was to set a precedent for the insubordinate kingdoms of the North Blue.

The World Government deliberately chose a town near a Marine branch.

The implication was crystal clear: the World Government was signaling to all North Blue forces that even if they level a town known to house only innocent civilians in front of the Marines, nothing will deter them!

The World Government's actions are brazen and imperious, with no need to justify their deeds to the powerless!

The suffocating silence persisted.

Bai Ye scanned the quiet Marines before him, his gaze coming to rest on the Den Den Mushi.

"Alright! If the Marines won't intervene..."

He removed his Marine coat embossed with the symbol of justice, revealing an immaculate white shirt.

Upon witnessing this, the expressions of the Marines shifted subtly.

Bai Ye turned to a tall, dark-complexioned Marine.

"Flying Squirrel."

"Sir! Mr. Bai Ye!"

"From today, you are the Colonel."


The tall, dark-skinned Marine was astounded.

However, there was no trace of exhilaration in Flying Squirrel's heart over his newfound rank.


His expression grew concerned.

Was Colonel Bai Ye planning to defy the direct orders of Marine Headquarters?

"Choose your words carefully, Marine!" Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, through the Den Den Mushi, interjected with a frosty tone.

"Mind my words?"

Bai Ye tossed his Marine coat to the ground.

As the town burned, powerless against the might of the North Blue, a chill crept into Bai Ye's weary eyes.

"The old man is retired now and no longer a part of the Marines. Why should he muzzle his contempt for cowardice?"

In that moment...

Bai Ye resolutely opted for the second choice.

The 'Yamamoto Genryūsai' stance!