
Chapter 20: Loguetown

Everyone went back to Nami's place and Kai gave her back the money the marines took from them. She gave the money to the village and everyone was happy, woohoo! Everyone had a huge party but Kai was just sitting on the edge of a cliff looking out at the water. He was still in a bad mood from everything that happened.

"I finally found you." Nojiko walked up to him as he didn't say anything and kept looking at the water. "I heard about your speech earlier. Is that really true?" Kai just nodded. "You guys have no idea. Haha. This world isn't a good place. There are a lot of twisted and insane people, and a lot of them are a lot higher up than you'd think. Did you know the 'gods of this world' torture and r*pe people for fun? Guess who supports them? The world government and the marines. At any point for any reason at the push of a button from any of those bastards an admiral will come to help them do what they want. Even if no one did anything wrong the admiral has to kill them. Some of them want to kill them anyway."

"And those are the people who rule the world?" Kai just nodded absentmindedly. Nojiko was stuck in thought now she came to cheer Kai up but she was becoming hopeless instead. He wasn't wrong. That was really fucked up, and really scary. The world is in terrible hands. She sat next to Kai and the two chatted for a bit about random things. After it got late Nojiko invited him to stay at her house, obviously implying something. "Sorry, blueberry. I'm not the kinda guy who does that. You should ask the love cook instead." Nojiko giggled and shook her head. "He didn't help us like you did." Kai just nodded in understanding.

"Thanks for everything." Nojiko told him as she got up to walk away. "The world may be a dark place but because of you my world just got a lot brighter. Remember that." Kai was shocked at her words and was stunned for a second before saying. "No problem blueberry, and thanks. I'll keep that in mind." Before he turned to look at the sea again with new thoughts to fill his head.

He smiled under the mask, he finally realized that it isn't pointless. Even if he can only help one more person lead a better life it was worth it. You can't save everyone. No matter who you are, it took him a while to realize that. He turned to Nojiko who was just about to leave and asked. "Hey blueberry. Can you keep a secret?" Nojiko was curious and nodded. Kai took off his mask and said. "Kai." with a smile on his face. Nojiko clicked her tongue. "You really are hot. I can't believe I missed out." Kai laughed and said thanks. "The love cook huh. I never would have guessed."

"Wahaha. Well that IS the point. I have a little sister too. She was just like Nami."


"She's being held against her will in a kingdom. I'm finally going to get her soon. I haven't seen her in years."

"Good luck, Kai. Take care of Nami for me. A big brother would be a good thing for her."

"I will, Nojiko. And thanks, I really need to hear that." The two parted ways as Kai lit a cigarette and sighed. "I need a fuckin' drink." he got up and walked towards the party after finishing his cigarette. He put his mask back on, on the way.

The next day everyone was getting ready to get on the boat when Kai asked. "Where are you going?"


"Me too. Can I come with?" he got nods in response. Kai smiled as he was excited to meet some people at Loguetown. He suddenly thought about something and asked Luffy. "Hey Luffy. Who's your dad?" Luffy looked him dead in the eye and said "I have a dad?"

"Pfft. WAHAHA!" Kai rolled on the floor laughing, Zoro chuckled and Usopp was about to say something to Luffy when Sanji grabbed his mouth to shut him up "Don't ruin it long nose!" Sanji yelled. Kai recovered. "Thanks Love cook. We don't want to ruin that yet. Anyway, where's Tangerine?"

"Maybe she isn't coming." Zoro said. "What did you say mosshead?!" Sanji yelled. "I said she might not come for you shit cook!" The two of them started a dust brawl while you could see Nami running toward the boat from the distance. They set sail as she jumped on and Kai used the wind to pickup the speed as the townspeople chased after Nami looking for there wallets.

Kai just ignored her little quarrel with the towns people as he smiled. They were finally free. He had felt pretty guilty for not saving them all the last time he was here, but he didn't know what would happen in the future if he interfered too much. If he saved the town then Nami would have never joined the crew. This would changed everything about the future! Just imagine how fucked the straw hats would be without Nami. Then imagine how many people would die or continue to suffer if the straw hats never even made it too the grand line.

Kai had thought a lot about this in the past. He knew that there would be a happy ending if he left everything alone. One Piece was a Shonen manga after all, the good guys would always win. He wasn't dumb or selfish enough to risk the entire world's happiness in order to change everything to fit his own preferences. Especially if he knew they would be saved one day without his interference. He would change things here and there, like saving Belle-mare and helping out Vivi that one time. But all the major events he wanted to continue on as normal.

Would you risk the lives of the many to save the lives of few? It was a question with no right answer, but Kai was forced to answer it so, he made his choice and now he would stick with it. He chose the worlds collective happiness. There was only reason for him to ever change his decision. Which was if one of his friends or family were in critical danger. That was his only priority over the world's safety. He was the kind of person who would sacrifice everything for his loved ones. Not only his own life but others as well. After all what use would a better world be too him if the people he cared about weren't there with him to celebrate it?

As Kai was lost in his thoughts the crew was acting like normal. Zoro and Sanji had started another fight about being a mosshead and a shit cook, Luffy was sitting at the head of the boat using it as his seat. Nami was navigating and humming too herself as she was in a good mood and Usopp was tinkering with some things in the cabin of the boat. Kai had given him some of the seastone and he was curious as too what Usopp would come up with. Time passed just like this and the crew got closer to there destination.

When they got to Loguetown Nami offered to lend money to the crew; most of them took it and set out exploring. Nami turned to Kai "Do you need any money for this trip?" Kai looked at her and laughed. "Wahaha. Yeah, right, as if I'd make a deal with a demon. What are your interest rates? Like 100% daily compounded or something."

Nami just clicked her tongue and didn't reply. "Wait, is it actually 100% daily compounded?!" Nami just nodded and Kai's face paled. "That's insane! Do you know how compounding works!?!" Nami laughed like a demon with belli signs in her eyes. "They're so fucked." Kai muttered as Nami just giggled which terrified Kai. 'She's a demon, a real demon.' He thought with a shiver. After praying for the crew's safety he walked into Loguetown.

He passed by a certain cloaked man only to tap him on one shoulder and disappear before the man could turn around. Dragon would be on guard for the rest of the day wondering who that was, and how he didn't even catch a glimpse of them. Scary. Kai smiled at the thought and kept walking until he found Luffy.

He walked up to him and asked him if he spent any of the money Nami gave him. Luffy told him that he spend all of it on meat and Kai looked at him dead in the eyes. "It was good while it lasted brother. I'll see you in the next life."

Before Luffy could reply, he bumped into someone and apologized. He looked up at the man with two cigars in his mouth as his hat fell off when he accidently bumped into the man. Turns out they ran into Smoker!

"Hey Smokey! I'm back!" Smoker just grunted. "Hey Smokey! Nice to finally meet you! Do you know where the execution stand is?" Luffy asked before Smoker told Luffy the directions to the stand and watched him walk off. Smoker didn't recognize Luffy as he didn't have his hat on and he didn't look at the bounty picture close enough too recognize him without the hat. "Pfft." Kai let out a small laugh.

"What is it brat?"


"Yeah, really, what's so funny?"


"Whatever, more importantly, what the fuck are you doing out there? Were you on a vacation with pirates or something? Why didn't you stop them? You're just as strong as me and if you had a way to counter my logia you would probably be stronger than me! Pirates are the bad guys! You're supposed to catch them! You don't just help them out! What are you telling them where to go or something? How to avoid marines?"

"Pfft. Wahaha. So let me get this straight. I shouldn't help them at all? Tell them where to go or I don't know, like, give them directions or something?"

"Of course not! Were you giving them fuckin' directions or something? What the fuck goes on in that head of yours? Don't help them! Catch them!"

"Wahahaha. Smokey, you really should know this. Hina doesn't like hypocrites."

"What the fuck does that mean?" Smoker was confused because Kai only talked about her when he did that thing he was talking about.

"Give me a minute." Kai walked into a store and came out with a piece of paper in hand. It said 'Straw Hat Luffy' wanted dead or alive. $30,000,000 belli. On it was a picture of a boy with a straw hat smiling next to a man with a mask.

Somewhere in the New World.

A man handed another man a newspaper. This man had dark red hair and two arms, strangely enough. "Dahahah! They are finally on their way! It looks like the kid is still watching over Luffy." A large smile appeared on his face. "I'm glad you're doing well."

He looked up at the man who handed him the newspaper and asked. "Why are you so happy Mihawk?" The other man with a huge sword on his back smiled at his long time rival. "I think I just found my successor too the strongest swordsman in the world." Shanks laughed. "Oh? Is my student that strong already?"

"No" Mihawk said, his smile unfaltering. "He isn't a true swordsman, he said it himself. I'm talking about the kid on straw hats crew. The one with green hair." He pulled out a bounty poster with Zoro on it looking like a demon who crawled out from hell. $16,000,000 belli, Wanted dead or alive, Pirate hunter Zoro.

Shanks whistled. "He looks pretty good in that. I bet the brat took that one too." Shanks said as he saw the picture with both Luffy and Kai in it a second ago. "This is gonna be fun, isn't it Mihawk." The latter agreed as they had a drink together. Shanks then turned to his crew and yelled. "Hey everyone! Look at this! Those Brats are finally on their way!" Shanks showed his whole crew and they all laughed and decided to have a party.

Back to Loguetown.


"Why not? ... Anyways, you're missing the point Smokey. Look at the other guy! Don't you recognize him from somewhere?"

"Isn't that the kid you were just with?! Why didn't you say anything?!! No, why didn't you catch him!? I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

"Woah Smokey, I was just with? I think you mean WE were just with, we're partners in crime here. Also, I can't believe you would give directions to an evil pirate. You just told me not to do that! I can't believe you. You really let me down Smokey. Hina wouldn't be impressed."


"Why not? You sure are stupid sometimes Smokey." Kai shook his head like he was disappointed in Smoker. The latter felt multiple veins pop on his forehead as he grabbed Kai and dragged him towards the execution stand. "We're going to catch him right now!!" Kai sighed, he was hungry. "Can we at least get food first?" Smoker threw him to the ground before picking him back up again. "NO!"

Kai was being dragged by the collar of his shirt and had his arms crossed. "Fucking bastard. This is why Tagashi is way better than you. Hmph." He said as he pouted and turned his head to the side.


The people in Loguetown were stunned at the sight of one marine dragging another through town. They started wondering if they were really safe with marines like these taking care of them. Little did they know these were the two best marine in the East Blue, by a long shot. That's a pretty sad thought really. They were both idiots.

"I'm not an Idiot!" Kai yelled at no one, he just had a feeling someone called him an idiot. The author started sweating. How did he know that? I better stop these jokes. Ahaha.

The duo finally arrived at the execution stand and Luffy was on the execution block. Kai scanned for Dragon and found him ready to act and save Luffy so he relaxed.

"Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Mask guy. Sorry, looks like I died!" Luffy said with a smile on his face as Buggy was about to bring down a sword on his head. "Did you hear that Smokey? He said my name! I'm gonna be famous! I can be a star!" Smoker smacked him in the head and Kai thought of an idea. He yelled really loud. "OMG, Shanks is that you?!" Buggy heard this and started shaking. Frantically looking around the square for red hair.

"Shanks? Where? Oh no, everyone hide! Shanks is here!" Kai started laughing "Wahahahaha. What a guy!" Buggy was about to leave when Alveda stopped him. "Buggy! Shanks isn't here! That was just a lie!" Kai clicked his tongue. "Fucking bitch. You ruined it. That would have been hilarious." Buggy regained his composure and swung the sword down.

All of a sudden lightning struck, saving Luffy. "No way. I toootally didn't see that coming." Kai said to Smoker in a monotone voice. "You definitely did." Smoker said before turning to Kai to drag him away to go catch the straw hats but he was already gone. "Goddamn brat."

Kai found Luffy in the crowd and said "Don't wait for me." Luffy nodded with a serious look. "You better come back mystery man! You're going to join my crew!" Kai shook his head and was about to tell Luffy he wouldn't join when he realized that wasn't an option. He decided to let the kid think he was on his crew. Kai just left Luffy without saying anything causing Luffy to laugh. "Shishishi! He didn't say no! That means he's already a part of the crew!"

Kai then left to go annoy, err go talk to Dragon. He flew to the roof Dragon was on after Dragon had got Smoker to let Luffy go and landed beside them watching the straw hats get away from Smoker and leave the island. Dragon made a storm so they could sail faster. Kai whistled "Look at 'em go, they're all grown up."

Dragon looked at Kai. "You're that marine who's following a group of pirates. What's your end game?" Kai smiled at this. "Revolutionary army has pretty good information gathering huh. I bet it's that new chief of pipes, err, I mean chief of staff you got." Dragon widened his eyes in surprise before he had an idea. He punched Kai in the head and his head exploded into air.

"That's not very nice uncle Dragon. Didn't your dad teach you not to punch people? ... Actually, I take that back, he definitely didn't. Fuckin' fists of love my ass! Those things hurt!"

Dragon nodded at this as he remembered the days he would get fists of love from Garp too. Those things did hurt! Before he remembered his current situation. "*sigh* Of fucking course its you. What did I expect?"

"Wahaha. What's that supposed to mean old man?"

"You haven't changed a bit. It's uncanny really. Your friend is doing well by the way." Dragon said with a smirk. He was glad the brat was the same. He was trustworthy. He could trust that his son would be okay with a friend like Kai who not only cared a great deal about his comrades but was also very strong.

Kai started snickering and Dragon had a bad premonition before Kai asked. "Hey Dragon. Guess what I asked your son yesterday?" Dragon grunted. "What?" Kai was still stifling his laughter as he continued. "Pttf. I asked him who his dad was and Guess what he said? Pfft." Kai was really struggling to hold it in.

"What?" Dragon was curious until he remembered what this brat had told him years ago. No way, did he actually say what I'm thinking right now? Kai finally finished and let out his laugh. "I have a dad? WAHAHAHA! I fucking told you! Didn't I? I told you he didn't even know you or his mom exist! Wahaha! What a kid!"

"That fucking old man Garp! What did he teach my kid!"

"Nothing!!! WAHAHA! He didn't teach him a thing!" Dragon felt hopeless. "I need a fuckin' drink. Hey Kai, will you at least teach him the birds and the bees. I want a grandkid one day."

"Heh. Sure thing uncle...If I ever feel like it, that is." Dragon smiled "You should go soon they are getting pretty far out. I assume you don't want to use your devil fruit."

"Yeah, thanks. God it's nice to talk to a smart person for once, well at least one smart enough to know he has parents! Wahahaha!" Dragon punched him off the roof into the ground and Kai landed right infront of Smoker. He got up and rubbed his head. "Smokey? When did you get here?"

Smoker was about to answer that Kai was the one who fell out of the sky and that he was here the whole time before Kai said. "Are those the straw hats? Those bastards! I've gotta go catch them! Can't talk right now Smokey. I'm going after some big bad pirates!"

Smoker tried to stop him but before he could Kai geppo'd towards the merry. "I really need a fucking drink." Smoker said. That was how our main character made Smoker and Dragon become drinking buddies! But that was a story for another day...

Back on the ship. "I fucking told you guy's he could walk on air!" Kai landed and said. "And I already told you that it's normal." He shook his head and said. "Fuck it I need a drink too. Zoro!" he searched the ship for Zoro, I mean for booze, same thing really. Kai found Zoro and looked at his sword. "You got a cursed sword? Cool!" before he started drinking. All of a sudden he remembered. "Ah shit, I said I would do it, didn't I? I wonder what's gonna happen now? ... Hey Zoro wanna see something funny?" Zoro nodded and followed Kai who walked around the ship and gathered everyone.

When everyone was gathered Kai stood at the front of the ship with a stick in hand and a whiteboard. The rest of the crew was sitting and waiting. "Alright class, today were gonna learn about this thing called the birds and the bee's."

Everyone except Luffy groaned. Luffy asked. "What's that? Can you eat it?" Kai thought for a second before saying. "Yes. Technically you can." Nami punched him in the head while Zoro and Sanji laughed. "Cool!" Luffy said. Nami was still beating on Kai.

Kai wanted to get back at the witch, so... "Speaking of the birds and the bees. Maybe I should have taken your sister up on her offer." The air froze and Zoro fell over laughing. Usopp started shaking and hid. Luffy asked. "You ate Nami's sister?" Still not quite getting it.

Nami and Sanji both screamed ""You're dead bastard!"" As they chased him around the ship. For the next hour all you could hear was "WAHAHAHA!" and "Get back here you bastard!"

After a while Kai came back to teach Luffy about sex. Luffy understood eventually and walked back to his room as he had a lot to think about. Kai sighed and looked out at sea he could see the reverse mountain. "I guess I'll see Vivi soon."